I would like to see a James Bond movie that is not simply another gritty action movie. Lets keep things realistic yes, but lest not put in needless action scenes to check boxes. Lets have Bond try and act like a real assassin. So he will not go around telling everyone his real name.
James Bond should change in direction after Craig
They already tried the "too hipster for action scenes and gadgets" in Skyfall. Movie was boring and dumb as fuck.
it's perfect.
That movie's story is utterly retarded.
I think that Spectre was really retarded. Quantum of Solace and Spectre were both a let down.
The photography of Quantum is terrible, the plot is okay. But Spectre is goofy. Made me remember Roger Moore's.
>dude what if we made a Bond film with no gadgets?
>what if there was no fucking Bond girl?
>what if the best M fucking dies like a putz?
>what if we made the final act a much grittier and more violent Home Alone?
Spectre and Quantum are utterly retarded too.
Spectre is a fucking masterpiece compared to Skyfall . That intro was exciting as fuck, hadn't been that hyped from an intro since Goldeneye. And all those homages to earlier films, like the fight scene on the train. Nothing wacky about it. This is undisputed fact:
Casino Royale > Spectre > Skyfall > Quantum of Suckass
>Yo dude, what if we used a flashlight in the middle of the night while running away from bad guys with guns that want to kill us!?
No, not an assassin, a spy. I want spy movies, not government killer movies.
It was really emotional.
Also they've skip the tradition of saying the movie name already multiple times.
And there was Bond girl, what are you talking about?
There's some sort of soft continuity within the series, the female M should've died so we could have the classic M.
Even though she was M in Brosnan's movies.
Come on... Blofeld piece Bond's brain with a drill... he should've had a stroke or some shit.
Also he shoots the helicopter with a single shot. It contrats too much with Casino Royale, Quantum and Skyfall.
IF and only IF there must be a black james bond, who would you want to see play the role?
i think a spy movie could have elements like that. espionage where you would have to commit acts of sabotage that would directly lead to loss of life
>black james bond,
I wouldn't.
That's not how I imagine him.
I would not watch.
video games?
James Bond is a code name you retard
No, female Bond only
Sony should buy the Bond license
a female bond wouldn't be sexy though, because producers are irrationally afraid of sexuality.
>James Bond
No... his name is really James Bond.
I hope they give us a nonbinary Bond who is their own Bond"girl".
its Yea Forums youre on the wrong board
It depends on the script/plot, though I prefer that it isn't some codename imo that's just dumb
>Disney buys it
Yeah, I think that each actor marks a soft reboot withing the series.
the events of all movies "happened" in one way or another, but the movies are soft reebooted.
james bond is a spy not assassin faglord
holy shit I'm gonna kill you faggots stop it
Its more of a Bond film than Casino Royale was.
truthpill: movies are boring
yeah, I used to think that when I was a children, but I grew a taste for it when I was older, and now I think they're boring again.
Except for some stuff that really makes you think or some action movies that turns your brain off, like some capemovies or mindless action... movies are boring in general.
wtf, I'm FBI and we just put you on a terror watch list fyi
They tried reforming JB when Moore took over. For one film, they didn't have gadgets and the Bond Girl romance was far more subdued. It didn't work. Audiences hated it. They switched back.
The JB in the movies is far more extravagant than JB in the original books.
As for the "Jason Bourne" style of James Bond, all that they're doing is following the times. Roger Moore disowned "A View to a Kill" because he thought that it was too action-oriented. However, audiences want set pieces and that's what they're getting.
For people who think that the earlier JB films weren't action-oriented, for their time, they were. It's just that as graphics improve, so too do audience demands for the action.
Mr Bond
Hello, Yea Forums.
t. Yea Forums
>only good thread on Yea Forums
>mods move it
>Mr Bald
>"Ah, mr bald. Weave been expecting you."
Sounds boring as fuck mate
pleb detected. Sam Mendes is a hack, and Spectre is proof