Are you going to attempt to sit through 59 hours of capeshit?
No I'm not a masochist. Half of these are fillers that will make you fall asleep.
Doesn’t sleep deprivation literally kill people?
>Ironman 3 followed by Thor 2
No way I'd make it through this stretch.
Isn't that a good thing though? You can get your sleep in during shit like Thor Iron Man 2.
nah i'm not a child, thanks
>Ironman 3
the real slog is right up front with hulk through thor 1
Imagine the smell
I've seen 8 and half of those movies
Would be cooler if it was in chronological order
Iron Man 3 is kino
the edward norton hulk is part of the MCU?
Yeah I'm gonna watch one film per day (except for Hulk, Black Panther and Captain Marvel) starting on the 6th April.
>not including 1 shots
>not including tv series placed at appropriate chronological places
>not including mcu comics to read between films
Holy fuck what a pleb cinema
what's the prize?
>last year we didn't get a shitty marvel flick was 2009
Will there be potty breaks or should I wear a diaper?
No I'm not a cuckold libtard numale that believes cunts and niggers are our equals, thanks.
As yet unspecified "collectibles" and you get to see Endgame an hour earlier than everyone else.
how many of these turds have you guys seen? I've seen 9 to my shame, that's nearly half. only developed taste around 2015 or so
Pretty much the same, about 9.5. I thought it was 8 and a half but I forgot I watched Civil War for some reason. Maybe to see Spider-Man which I really wasn't impressed by. The half movie was Thor.
thor fucking sucked dude, even as a pleb i thought it was trash
I couldn't sit through all of them. I doubt anyone could without being infested with hype.
Yes. Pesonally never went beyond 40h without sleep. Highly doubt they show them without major breaks somewhere inbetween.
Yeah same, I had to turn if off even at the height of my capeshittery
>Iron Man, Hulk and Guardians of the Galaxy Superhero movies fucking suck.
I'm proud to say I've seen none of these films.