Watching Cardi B on TV and I am just wondering how this whore even got famous ?
Watching Cardi B on TV and I am just wondering how this whore even got famous ?
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Mainly she had connections, her boyfriend is a popular rapper.
She's a wacky slut with big tits
Too poor to afford a real soundbar?
> Google reverse image search 0 results
>not liking Cardi B
whats up with your legs bro?
I bet you get everything on credit and have no real possessions
HAHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOUR LEGS BRO? Are you a fucked up escapee of a fucked up science expirience gone wrong? Lol!!! Post your selfie bro. Holy shit you look like an abomination, hahahaha bro.
My boyfriend wont let me go to sound bars without him
Ratchet girls love her because she "keeps it real"
I didn't know the ice man posted in Yea Forums
I'm not sure exactly what you did, but I'm not falling for this obvious bait.
bro you're going to want to use some lotion on your legs.
those tits are as fake as they get
cut your right big toenail you lazy freak
Can I get a timestamp, just wondering how close the zombie apocalypse actually is and if I have time to prepare myself.
what happened to you are other toes?
Those bitches get away with everything
Jesus, what an ugly bitch
real as in personality for instance with regards to her tits, she has come out about getting fake tits and a fake ass unlike other celebrities who tend to deny that they've gotten plastic surgery
Nigga, you ashy as fuck
Yeah, they are also fun to watch
I'm thinking about picking up a Vision soundbar with my son at Walmart.
lmao you ashy as fuq nigga get some coconut butter
Who here /OKURRRRR/???
>has a """"soundbar""""
>calls others poor
lmaoing at speakerlets
Please stop posting and delete your pic
this thread reminds me of old Yea Forums
not him but my mexican neighbors start banging on the walls if I turn up the bass too loud so I just use the soundbar and leave off the rear speakers and woofer :'(
>when you post so much spooky, you turn into one
>real soundbar'
bitch looks like the wojak npc
damn, didn't know Brie posted on Yea Forums
bro wtf happened to your legs
Its from some black guys Instagram who was burnt in a fire.
damn that sucks🙁
That doesn't mean shit you fucking mong.
This reminds me of this thread
Want to know a secret?
I am the OP, I wrote that comment, and I never even did a Google reverse image search
He is pretty inspirational desu
i cant let this stand, briebros get in here
ebin :^) include me in the screenshot on reddit :DD😃
Sucks, but he seems like a cool guy.
One time this dude got a picture of me right when I was coughing so I looked like that. He sent it to the girl I liked and they laughed at me.
Guys this is most likely a serial killer showing off his kill. There is no way those are living human legs.