Name a worst botching of a beloved franchize?

Name a worst botching of a beloved franchize?

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star wars: the force awakens


Legend of Korra

i dont think this one is anywhere near as bad as STD.

Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, then

this one yes

The twilight zone

Hmmm a pattern is forming...

ghostbusters 2 wasn't that bad

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Neither that post nor OP says "sequel", retard

Galactica 1980
>The program was poorly received during its run and was cancelled after only ten episodes [...] but the series was cancelled during production of episode 11[...] which remained unfinished

>tfw I kinda like it
Full disclosure, never seen Star Trek before besides the JJ movies. And you know what? It's a nice little show, season 2 is especially good with a lot of interesting things going on, I wish more people liked it.

It's just a shame that it apparently shits on the show's legacy or something so core fans hate it.
I wish it wasn't shit for people who like star trek, then we'd all get to share it.
But while it isn't cancelled I'll enjoy the show as the new target audience they sacrificed everything to get.

Hope you guys like the Picard show.
(Also how good is Old Trek? Thinking of picking up after Discovery's inevitable cancellation. What's the best one to start?)

I get that it gets preachy but the content is just as solid as any other Star Trek show. What exactly is being botched about the content? Klingons?

The main actress is godawful and since everything revolves around her and her boring ass character, the entire show is dragged into the dumpster.

the recent Reboot film.

>that poster

*giggles like a little girl* tihihihih!

i hate how the show stops dead every ten minutes or so why she emotes at one character or another for another ten. wtf nobody gives a shit about your imagined childhood trauma, bitch, stf and get on with the story. she seems unnecessarily entitled for a traitor who defied her captain's orders and got sent to prison. "wah wah i know the Section 31 computer is about to become a galaxy-ending Skynet but wah you have to let me go outside and find my kitten"

The entire show revolves around Mary Sue Burnham without whom the Discovery would've been destroyed long ago because the rest of the crew are retards. It was the same reason people hated Wesley. Only Michael is the main character whereas Wesley was only one annoying character surrounded by a cast of great characters. And that's the second problem. The cast isn't great. It's almost Voyager level mediocre. Especially Tilly who is a blatant attempt to pander to quirky millennial nerds who have 'anxiety issues'. Saru and Pike are the only good characters and Pike will be gone after this season. Lorca was good too, but again, he didn't stay on.
There are also the Canon issues, which I don't give as much of a shit about as other things, but it still matters.

Dont bother. If you think STD is good then you won't like proper Star Trek

>tfw the gay romance is done more tactfully than the writing of the main character

The Pussy Suck Zone

I keep hatewatching STD. I hate every episode, almost all of the characters, the pandering and wokeness. I am so desperate for some actual Star Trek that somehow deep down I am hoping it suddenly starts resembling an actual Star Trek show.
Orville isn't enough. I need more space shows goddamnit aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA!!! Fucking insane american PC culture is ruining the potential of everything even mildly entertaining.

>I keep hatewatching STD
Same here, I don't even know why

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The visuals are really good and there are some interesting concepts. That's about all I enjoy about it.

I still watch it, even though everything about it annoys me. All the major things, and also tiny little trivial things, like this device that has been used a few times for various things.. This device annoys me. Burnham's hair annoys me. Spock's wolfman beard annoys me.

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Say what you will, but season one was okay and three was great. No excuse for two and four tho

I've been hatewatching since the first episode dropped and its gotten to the point where I can't even look at the show. Everything about it so just so completely awful that it's getting to the point where it isn't even funny or entertaining to despise.

its somehow star trek fanfiction written by people who never watched or liked star trek.

Start with Next Generation. Voyager is an ok follow up. The original series is ok but is a product of its time there's some great episodes though. I've never seen deep space nine but heard it picks up after the first season.

Evangelion rebuilds.

>S3 was great
hello mr. shit taste

Pretty much this. It would be difficult to tick more Mary Sue boxes than Burnham manages, right down to being related to major canon character Spock (who mysteriously has never mentioned her before.)

The problem with the Burnham character is her enormously complex backstory that ends up being entirely inconsequential. In other words, the writers keep trying to make her interesting but can't carry it through in a meaningful way. She's an orphan! This could, in theory, give her trust issues and give her a core vulnerability ... but no, she just comes across as cold and bitchy. She was raised by Vulcans! This could have made her interestingly and hilariously detached from human culture but ... no, she's perfectly socially adept in any situation and has no problems ordering around crewmembers and butting heads with the top brass. She betrays a direct order, starts a war, is stripped of her rank and becomes a prisoner! Wow, this affects her self confidence for ... about three minutes, then she's back on God Mode Mary Sue.

The punchline? Despite this, I keep watching. You can't fault the goddamn production values of this show. It's like watching a new prequel era Star Wars movie every week.

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DC Universe
>Batman, Superman and Flash actors all gone after 2 movies

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The Last Jedi.

This and buck rogers season 2 are abominations to mankind

The show has good stories. Michael is the only problem. It's not even heavily SJW'd. Every problem leads back to Michael and just Michael.

Oh and Tilly a bit as well

every single western based franchise on all media platforms

voyager had seven, tuvok, the doctor and even janeway had her moments
On the other hand all STD characters in season 1 beside Lorca and that alien were complete utter fuckin disgusting garbage. Everysingle one. Even the no-line extras had more charisma and appeal than the main cast.

Its nice to know someone who isn’t Trek fan is actually watching.

Worst ones are forgotten first.

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>a nice little show
it's the most expensive show ever made

Michael can be annoying, but they are kind of aware of this. Spock has told her as much to stop making everything about her every time.

And how is this different from the way in which everything centred around Kirk in the original series?

Most of the haters haven't actually seen a full episode, they read recaps. Just watch this
1. Why did spock kill all those people in the hospital
2. Why did burnham start the klingon war
3. Why is burnham the key to the second season

Answer if you watched full episodes and hate it

>Linking to an unironic nazi

MCU Phase Three

Kirk deferred to the rest of the crew often. Also, Kirk was the captain--a natural focal point of interest in a hierarchical military command structure. He was charismatic and had a commanding presence and knew how to blow up thinking machines but good...

Michael Burnham is none of these things.

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I like STD too. It's a good sci fi show and a lot of the hate is because it doesn't follow the "everything's back to normal" formula that old tv shows used to have.

The original Star trek series are for the most part godawful. there are some great episodes for sure (inner light from TNG for example), but if you are enjoying STD, you should check out Babylon 5 instead which holds up very well for a 90s sci fi show. The first series of Lexx is also a cult classic and very underrated.

Wait so this guy is triggered because an Avatar adaptation won't all be white people?

why are polcels so pathetic?

TOS is an autistic romp around space feat. Captain Misogynist making women all over the galaxy moist.
its fucking sick

that's mila kunis, mom

Yeah, it's close but I would go with Force Awakens too.

way to misunderstand what was being said AND out yourself as a fucking pleb for not thinking GB2 was awful.

>TFW you realize Wonder Woman and Aquaman didn't get recast is because their movies were already being made before Justice League.

If WB could've, they would've recast the whole Snyderverse, but now we're in this awkward situation that half of the League are different actors.

They should've carried on with the Snyderverse desu the way they're developing their movies now is much more messy. At least he had a plan for the sequels

>(who mysteriously has never mentioned her before.)
That isn't exactly a problem, since it's well established that Spock doesn't talk about his family--Kirk is surprised when Sarek visits the Enterprise to finally learn that Spock even has a family, then it happens again with Sybok. To me the real problem is that, oh and I have this other sibling I never mentioned before, is pretty redundant at this point.

burnham won't be spock's adopted sister by that time.

Because they'll have to undo the entirety of STD to avoid the question of why Section 31 hasn't had a time machine all along, such that Michael's parents are never killed and she's never adopted by Sarek?

Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: Universe
Stargate : Origins

>Name a worst botching of a beloved franchize?
Star Wars
the 2nd season of Westworld
the conclusion of LOST
the ending of ALIAS

By absolute coincidence Jar-Jar Abrams has his mitts on all of these

2nd season of Wayward Pines. The way they obviously changed the ending of the first season at the last minute so they could film a second one is so obvious and baffling.

>voyager cast
post discarded