Name more iconic and convincing performance on live TV. I'll wait.
Name more iconic and convincing performance on live TV. I'll wait
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That is some shitty acting
Mr. Potato Head.
>4 seconds in and she's already preparing for the moment when she "spoils" her death
>walk into the wrong bathroom in hotel late at night
>see this
what do
100% British slag
Also her voice is really annoying.
>wanna shag?
>unzips dick
wtf sophie turner was hot at some point? Who allowed her to get fat?
do you really want to hurt me?
I unironically think they would.
black is slimming and that is a shit photo in shit lighting
>Anglo DNA
I think Orcs and Goblins were invented as a representations of no other collective that the one which has even a strand of Anglo DNA polluting its genome and resulting in this unique form of ugliness commonly recognized among the Anglosphere regardless of continent and regardless of country where it may have been passed off like a disease.
>Native Briton
This trio's missing a Norman
>American comedy
Why would someone with a round face wear bangs lmao she looks like a football
how come fake wrestling gets called out so easily but the fact that late night television is 100% scripted is like a taboo subject? it's so weird that everyone basically pretends this shit is real because they want to live in the fantasy of celebrities being candid and accessible.
You're underestimating the stupidity of some people. I'm convinced that the only reason everyone knows wrestling is fake is because movies and tv shows kept making jokes about it.
I think it's because some shows aren't entirely scripted and it's very visible. Stuff like Ferguson's Late Late made it very clear how they were running without script for 9/10 interviews and the difference in quality was obvious when he had to follow script. If you realize in Wrestling they aren't really killing each other, it all becomes fake. In shows, there could still be some actual conversation going on regardless of most shows being scripted. Does that make sense?
>but the fact that late night television is 100% scripted is like a taboo subject?
Please link to a source to backup that retarded claim.
Why do I only ever see her and Sansa doing press for this final season?
maise williams accidently drops her extrachromosome. tihihihihih!
>Please link to a source to backup that retarded claim.
kek. nigger just now realizing you've been bamboozled your whole life? you think late night television ISNT scripted? you think the guests dont know the questions beforehand? you think the hosts dont know the answers beforehand? fucking brainlet.
>is like a taboo subject?
Link me to where it's a 'taboo subject', where's your source?
>calls others brainlet
The irony๐
>Link me to where it's a 'taboo subject', where's your source?
the source is me, nigger. do you need an authoritative source for every thought in your smoothbrain? OP's video is fucking proof that these kikes think they can pull off a scripted leak and everyone will believe it. they wouldn't have done it if they thought everyone would call it out as fake. learn to think and reason for yourself.
Everyone else is scared of getting typecast.
Probably busy trying to secure themselves the next gig while they still have GOT fame.
>OP's video is fucking proof that these kikes think they can pull off a scripted leak and everyone will believe it
Did you even watch the video? Holy shit, what a retard.๐
I just had a sudden realization guys.
Fuck coding.
If I have a child I will get them into drama school at age 7.
Like all these GOT faggots are just set for life from just this one gig.
Holy shit.
This fucking zoomer kid is worth $10million easily now and she's barely 20.
Yeah but think about how many cheesy Jew dicks sheโs had to suck
if you think that was a genuine accidental leak you're very naive. there's nothing spontaneous on late night television and never has been. get a clue.
>implying she wouldn't have to suck cheesy Jew dicks if she was a code monkey
It's the same shit. If you want to get ahead of the competition you have to bribe the gatekeeper with something, either sex or money.
>april fools
How many likes she got? can she skellypost?
>I didn't watch the video
They say april fools at the end, you massive cock knocker๐
Yes, you are the only person to think of this.
You are genuinely the most gullible and low IQ poster on this board, congratulations.
yea there's already tons of parents out there that do this. you basically have to be prepared pimp your kid out to make this shit happen though. so they might be set for life by 20 but suicide suicide from all the scars of their childhood.
So you can link to places where people are saying it's a taboo subject to call out talk shows about being scripted? Stop samefagging, faggot.๐
>They say april fools at the end, you massive cock knocker
i didnt watch the last 20 seconds because it was obviously bullshit. so i guess they double-reverse got me.
that guy's not me, but why the fuck are you so obsessed with having a source? are you seriously not capable of coming to your own conclusions without some 23 year old girl writing an editorial about it? you're fucking brain dead m8.
>make a claim out of nowhere
>can't back it up
What a retard!๐
>post one reply in the thread
>stop samefagging
actually end your low iq life please and thank you
she cute
>avoids the main point
those comments holy shit
>tfw the brainlet audience starts to cheer when she mentions the killing of littlefinger
kill em all
But what if her character actually dies in episode two??
wanna know how I know you two fuck each other in the ass?
>smoothbrain strikes again
it's taboo because it's hardly talked about it. you're literally asking me to prove a negative. your logic circuits are nonexistent, npc nigger. cant even think without a slate article or whatever the fuck.
Because you and your father have done it since birth and you think it's normal behaviour?
>if people aren't taking about something, it must mean it's taboo!๐
Nah because you have the exact same opinions and come to each others aid like the krassenstein bros on a trump tweet
Can you imagine being a god fearing anglo manlet tending your fields when suddenly a bunch of blond giants who're nearly half a body taller than you roll up in full raiding mode?
The vikings were short manlets as well.
Shit nutrition afflicted everyone.
good for nothing barbarians, only knew how to destroy things, they didn't write anything of value most of what we know about then is because christian monks wrote about those bastards.
Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.
I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.
I am sure they were objective in their description of the vikings
>you may have six feet of the ground of England, or perhaps more seeing that he is taller than most men
Grave-dwelling lanklets BTFO
ugh.. cringe
exactly it would have been nice to know more about then from their own literture but theres almost nothing, they used to pillage monasteries around the north of europe thats why monks wrote who this creatures were, its even a miracle that we know at least something.
Your Fortune: Quasimodo & Boy George
oh and I forgot to add one important thing: theres some evidence that they came to the americas first, before the italo-spaniards, BUT THEY DID LEFT OR BUILD ANYTHING OF VALUE like the others did, theres just some artifacts here and there.
>>if people aren't taking about something, it must mean it's taboo!
honestly at this point it just seems like you're trying to defend your ego because this thread was actually a late night tv epiphany for you. in fact you're taking it so badly that i'd suggest waiting a few years before you visit any santa claus threads.
>The vikings were short manlets as well.
>Shit nutrition afflicted everyone.
Not going by historical references and the archaeological record. The Norse who went viking had some of the best nutrition of the time, because they were normally fishermen who had loads of fish to go with their crops and animals, instead of all the other people who specced into one type of nutrition.
Vikings got btfo by anyone remotely competent.
Apparently the mead they drank had antibiotics in them too which made them bigger and healthier.
There should be an extremely historically accurate Viking movie called "Vikings: The Last Niggers of Europe".
>it's a tabbo subject, honest!๐
oops mistake: they didn't left anything of value... thats what I mean.
she looks like a over the top feminist
>turn 360 degrees
>walk out
She was more convincing than Jimmy Fallon.
>Areyouokay? Areyoualright? Areyouokay? Areyoualright?
Imagine the basedboys reaction to this before it was revealed as a "joke".
what the fuck is she wearing?
she looks like she's about to be on an episode of Hookup Hotshot
it absolutely is when compared with shit like pro wrestling. you're the only person that doesnt agree and the only reason you dont agree is that i havent dug up a cnn article that specifically calls it taboo (and the fact that there are no mainstream sources is actual proof that it's the height of taboo). maybe you haven't yet googled "taboo" though.
>it's taboo because I say it is!๐
kill myself and spray aids blood all over them
>>it's not taboo because i say it's not!
except you provide zero arguments to support your position. hopefully you're learning from all this.
>make a claim
>can't back it up in any way
>get called out
After she dropped the "spoiler" I actually thought her acting was fairly convincing, she was good at looking concerned/acting all awkward.
The spoiler drop itself though wasn't convincing at all
*newest of newfags
i already said OP's video is proof. if it was widely believed that late night tv was scripted then a prank like this would never be possible. however, many people are retards and actually believe late night television is unscripted and spontaneous. why did they say "april fools" at the end? to prevent anyone from actually believing them. who would actually believe them? people that believe late night television is real.
and i cant be "seething" when you're so obviously wrong. you're actually contributing to my superiority complex here.
>if I keep replying, I'm right!
buttblasted and SEETHING๐
>buttblasted and SEETHING
need source on this. i dont believe you unless you source me now.....
>being this mad over being asked to backup something you claimed
You'll go really far in life.๐
I wanna fuck her legs
>can't even back up your own claims with msm source
opinion rejected, obvious nigger.
>everyone starts applauding when she mentions /our guy/'s death
Really? I can't think of a more anticlimactic death than that one.
also, im 19 with my whole life ahead of me. what about you, boomer?
I'm 74 and have lived more than you ever will
>whole life ahead of me
>can't even work out how to backup a claim๐
>laughing emoji
That's how you know these dudes are absolutely buttblasted kek
>everyone in the comments saying she's a great actor
It was so fucking obvious she was acting. Are they bots or are they unironically retarded?
all me๐
what kind of mental illness is this? Transgender?
>>can't even work out how to backup a claim
i backed up my claim multiple times. the audacity of OP's video is all the proof you need.
>what kind of mental illness is this?
it's sudden realization that a piece of his worldview has collapsed.
It's called clicking You on every reply on 4chanX and screenshotting it so it looks like you are the poster
>Also her voice is really annoying.
This, and I say this as a Britbong.
>it's sudden realization that a piece of his worldview has collapsed
I was watching it live and I gasped at first then when they dragged it on I was like oh it's an April Fools' joke.
and then blow them the fuck out
Why is Maisie so ugly? Why do people even entertain the notion that she has grace or beauty? Even her voice is hideous.
so like, what is your actual position on this? is it that everyone knows late night television shows are scripted and it's a topic that is frequently and openly discussed?
Were they compensating with "long" bows?
Man, she's so cute.
> she was with the hound for a long time
Do you think they boned?
That creature there is 100% pure NORF
A hound never shares his bone with a bitch.
Why do you post in every single Maisie thread if you think she's so ugly?
You're an idiot.
You go full asian/indian parent and lock them in their room until they become a doctor.
You literally lie to them and tell them your family is ethnically indian, call anyone who questions it racist. That way, your child genuinely identifies with the pressure of that culture.
holy fuck americans get super butthurt and defensive when you simply point out their culture is a farce. Christ what a pathetic society of bootlicking proles.
anglos, saxons and normans are all cousins. The native inhabitants of the isles were picts, celts and romans when the germanic anglo-saxons took over. a few hundred years of fighting the danes (germanics) they were over taken by the normans (2nd-4th gen germanic/celt). By this time the anglos were also heavily mixed with the celts. However the ruling class/freemen were always the germanics in england proper and parts of scotland and the isles. The anglo saxon leadership was reletaded by blood to the duke of normandy, and both races most likely looked very similar. The anglo and saxon tribes lived in denmark before being invited to do mercenary work in briton after the fall of the WRE who stayed on and conquered the place. The malnourished farmers/indentured servants/slaves were the native britons.
this. but if you're white just tell your kids that you're jewish instead of asian or indian. make them become doctors and tell them they can pursue the arts if they want to after they have become doctors.
All my early years in drawing were hell because I thought I draw the heads too round and it's unrealistic ... All those years training to get better fucking wasted, because here is this cunt (whom I love BTW) with a more round head than any abomination I've ever drew ...
it was done with energy weapons retard
Wot you on about?
Post disregarded
She was so good that I thought there was a 10% chance it was real