Co worker starts talking to me about Superhero movies

>co worker starts talking to me about Superhero movies
>"Idk man those movies are all the same to me"
>co worker actually looks shocked
Do people really love Capeshit this much?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Describe his reaction in more detail, could just be that your autism can't comprehend the feelings of other

I love capeshit. Like if you agree!

>co worker starts talking to me about Superhero movies
>immediately excuse myself, go to the parking garage and cut his brakes

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Yeah normies love that shit.

you may not know it but to them you sound like the boomer who tells his son all anime is bubbly moeshit

No, they just wanted to make small talk and forget about work for awhile you autistic fuck

t. shocked capeshitters

then he should small talk about something that isn’t for literal children you autistic manchild

SEETHING mature adult

>wife: I found this new music today
>its that dyke that is no 1 on youtube trending page for weeks now
Wow nice work detective.

literally me

>coworkers start talking

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what would you smalltalk about then Mr.Mature McNormalfag?
hardmode: no not smalltalking

You're the retard for falling for the marriage meme in the first place

What a stupid whore. I hope you beat her religiously.

my favourite asmr youtube waifu

But only a minority of delusional weebfaggots see it that way. Most anime IS some terrible slice of life/moe shit.

my recent twitch donations

I could take that if you talked about it like Patrick Bateman

And he gave his honest opinion. That guy should be happy his coworker was so straightforward with him

>marriage meme
Literally knocked her up a month after I met her.

But superhero movies are literally all written by the same guys and the same algorithm. It's so obvious when yo watch them. There's zero creativity in them.

Fucking based, I spit on my inferior capeshit coworkers. Subhumans the lot of them

Basic social tip: unless you have a really good alternative conversation to provide, shooting conversational topics out of the air is generally considered rude and will make you seem arrogant and conceited

I'd say it's 50/50
my point was you sound like an ignorant douche to them, they aren't shocked about you disliking it they are shocked about your ignorance
next time go into great detail why capeshit sucks and dont make yourself sound like a clueless boomer, that way people wont be shocked, they will rather respect your opinion and you will contribute to the talk
do it like also no shit they are the same, they are one franchise

>next time go into great detail why capeshit sucks
definitely do not do this
nobody wants to hear your fullblown autistic rant about why you hate their favourite thing and they are not going to respect you any more for having heard it either

thanks for reminding i have my bateman impersonation training session in 20 minutes

>cape fans swarming the thread trying to defend their bland tastes

Adults don't want to talk about your superhero films lol

10 fucking years.

And you pretentious cocksuckers still act like it´s a silly fad.
We had the damn things even before, but pal, seriously.
Got with the fucking times or just stay at home and post hate on Yea Forums.
Or maybe you are.

>be me, shocked capeshitter
>work a nine to five job with a pretty odd guy, always mumbling about seeds and planes
>think he might have some sort of mental illness, decide to make small talk with him in an attempt to be nice
>”hey man, you uh, hyped for the new big summer blockbuster? 20th movie in the series haha
>he looks up suddenly, glances around. shocked that somebody talked to him maybe?
>goes back to typing on his computer
What an odd guy

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why is it always the coworkers spewing capshit nonsense?

>shit made by a variety of artists, companies and localisation teams
>comparable to shit made by one company and a minority of others
It’s not comparable because despite the undeniable quantity of pandering moe shit, there’s still significant variety in anime.
Capeshit is 90% the same and largely controlled by one company

I mean, this opens up potential conversation like "What, no way! Everyone loves superhero movies! I mean I guess they're all a bit similar but you could say the same thing about most film genres/franchises. Anyway, you bring food from home or are you eating with us again?"
But OP is probably a sperg and replied with an underlying tone of "How dare you insult my superior tastes, don't ever talk to me again"

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t. Projecting Capemanchild


just like your post?

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huh, guess my social understanding is still shit
i tried, still wishing good luck

>all these reddit manbabbies

head back to Yea Forums faggots

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Good one

>coworker starts a chit chat about marvel crap
>tell him spiderman 3 was pretty good
>he stares blankly
>I wink and disappear behind a moving vehicle

t.butt-ravaged OP😂

>coworker wants to talk about Captain Marvel movie
>toss him a stack of paper
>it’s all photocopies of Brie Larson’s feet closeups
>yell “ur waifu is shit” at him before running to the bathroom and locking myself in

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I haven't read any of the comics, I haven't seen the film; i did see the Wolverine film with a deadpool-shaped thing in it, and it seemed harmless, because its mouth was sealed shut.

one of my co-workers, who i suspect may be on the Asperger's spectrum (somewhere near the non-functioning end) was seriously offended when I apparently got this proto-deadpool's origin story wrong, as if i give a shit. he angrily recited the CORRECT version, ending it with "... and that's a FACT."

"No, Nathan," I said, "it's a bit of made-up lore from a comic book, made into a film. It's not a 'fact'."

he was furious. if our supervisor hadn't been there, i'm pretty sure he would have tried to hit me.

I also work with plebs. Console game playing capeshit plebs.

Wanna know who doesn't get invited to the office party?


t. Capeshit loving faggots

>all anime is bubbly moeshit
yes thats right

it just werks

Dhe Master And Natalia

>Marvel History X

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wow man you shouldn't have shown your power level like this in public

Yes some people genuinely adore them and think they're amazing films. Seriously, I'm not joking. My sister really likes the Harry Potter films, she's 23.

Yeah, just like you using Pepe pictures, other people often gravitate towards easily recognizable franchises and imagery in order to socialize.

>one of my friends loves superhero movies so much
>so much that he named his dog Marv as short for "Marvel"

I don't have the heart to tell him how awful those movies are


whats wrong with liking things?

it's worse to be a married cuck because you wasted money on rings and ceremonies

>hey man you see that superhero movie?
nah I dont watch capeshit
>uh what? capeshit?
capeshit. terrible cgi superhero movies that are all the same
>lol that's dumb dude/what movies do you like/change subject

not that hard to assert an opinion in a colloquially polite/informal manner and not be a douche about it. just use a cool tone and dont be betaweird about it

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The weather
Current events

but that is correct about modern animu

>implying people say 'lol' out loud
it's called laughing, retarded worst emma poster
fucks sake

>having a job

jesus christ what happened to this board?

based and simpleminded pilled

>also no shit they are the same, they are one franchise

Movies are supposed to be directed by directors who put their mark in them. Not by a fucking AI.

they genuinely are all the same though
Superhero chases after mcguffin for an hour or two, quips, fights some villian in a cgi shitfest for 20mins at the end.
Honestly once you've seen one capeshit film you've seen them all.

yeah fuck anime too

Being a jaded cynic doesn't make you look cool user.

You did good user. Fuck capeshit and fuck anime.

so movies like lotr, oceans and starwars are also AI because they dont differ yet they are seperate?
The fuck are you even talking about , franchise movies tend to be similar

>Co-worker mentions Infinity war to boomer who hasn't seen it
>Immediately starts reeling off the entire fucking plot to the guy, despite his obvious disinterest
And they call me autistic haha

actual hobbies/interests that aren't sitting on your ass watching tv or playing vidya.

Based Nathan

>coworker starts talking to me about capeshit
>lol what are you, 7?
>try to steer conversation toward NCAA or politics or marriage
>he can’t relate because manchild
>suggest his Star Wars tee and unbuttoned plaid overshirt might not adhere to company dress code
>he scowls and leaves
>start rumor he’s been stealing people’s lunches from the break room fridge

i'd say around 90% of anime is bubbly moeshit

>look at me

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battle of the normalfags

Do you still like footie pajamas and sitting on Santa’s lap? People naturally outgrow childhood distractions unless they are maldeveloped.

Cool froggo. Keep trolling capeshitters epic style pls. You did a good thing today.

Well not in here that is for sure.

people get really offended when you dont like superhero movies, best to just avoid the topic

actually thinking that's what I literally meant

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>coworker starts talking to me about capeshit
>indulge him with things i have gleamed from previews and Yea Forums
>get invited and agree to go to his 3rd viewing of latest release
>never show up and while he is there fuck his gf while wearing his toy infinity hand

>like capeshit
>co-workers talk to me about it
>still couldnt bother and make smalltalk

How do I not sound like a pretentious prick after my friends and I see Endgame? Knowing I will almost certainly think it’s shit and they are going to ask me what I thought

>there are adult human beings who are heavily invested in children's super hero movies

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since when do you set the standards for what is childish, incel?

And then everyone clapped

why are you even going, are you that much of a desperate tool?
just say no from the get-go

>He hides his opinions from """friends"""
Whats wrong with sounding like a pretentious prick? Among friends it should be pretty accepted.

wow your hiking trip in colorado is so interesting, between that and your softball league I can’t contain my excitement please continue when do we get to another anecdote about you drinking too much with your college buddies and peeing on a park bench? 10/10 epic saga

>what's wrong with liking bad things?

>worst emma

kill your self you stupid no taste having faggot

>calling him seven
>berating his clothes
>starting rumors
>”hey man why don’t we talk about MARRAIGE instead???”
Imagine thinking this sounded cool

>b-but you are sooo childish for liking colorful thing, be more down-to-earth bro
fuck off normalfag?

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Because I have nothing better to do and like being with people in a social setting.
I’ve told them before that I thought a lot of the other marvel movies were shit, they don’t really seem to care too much. I just don’t want to lay it on too thick

>20 capeshit movies in 10 years
>2 movies a year
>a total of 5-6 hours of movie watching a year
Yeah, what a bunch of losers, they should spend all day posting on Yea Forums instead
Ok, if you’re to continue to use outliers as an example of the norm, feel free to go have sex

just mention a few things you liked about the movie after telling them why you didn't like it. even if you hated the movie overall, most films have something to appreciate.


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>unbuttoned plaid overshirt
hey listen

back the fuck off

you didn't actually answer me.

I don't think they have brakes you can cut anymore. I'm pretty sure they did away with that in the 80s.

Holy shit this level of capcel cope.

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BvS is good though

it is all bubbly shit
dragon ball z isnt anime

No your brakes still operate off hydraulic fluid.

>surely didliking (popular thing) with my only arguments being that it's "childish and dumb" will make me look intelligent and superior, the Yea Forums ghost in my head told me it's based

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this was me after being dragged along to captain marvel with uni friend group and girlfriend. They all loved it and the only thing i could say without sounding like a bitter cunt and bringing down the mood was "it was okay"


>tv is full of that one guy's who always seem like they have no opinion whatsoever because they are afraid of rejection
just be honest for christ sake you betas, I refused a go to cpt. marvel


>wanting to have ebin big brained essays with a small talking coworker

Based neet
Have sex

MCU bad


When your female co-workers actively talk about hooking up and partying with random people knowing full well you can hear them, does that make them see me not even as a potential mate? I hear that women treat men they aren’t attracted to like inanimate objects.

This however if you're going to make conversation at work you should avoid those kind of topics. At work I don't want to talk about video games and capeshit.

me in the background of this story (cubicle 4)

Boomer is right.

>act like it´s a silly fad
But that's the problem, it's like the flu. It won't go away. I'd be happy if I hadn't have to hear about it every 5 seconds.

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lol i know you were trying to shit on him, but i fucking love weird guys like that.
make me feel strong and superior.

You forgot the comic logos in your fedora

>Do you still like footie pajamas and sitting on Santa’s lap?
Uh... yes?

You need to hide your powerlevel and treat your co-workers like the simple minded shit heels that they are.

>Imagine thinking this sounded cool
It sounded and it was.

like the pros or up your nose kiddo

haha fuck capeshit haha i'm only 17 but im very mature! can i be based now guys? please call me based!! i'm very smart i only watch kinos!! popular thing bad!!

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>feel free to go have sex
You act as if I have a choice in the matter.

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imagine being so banal and devoid of any IQ at all that you think superhero movies is a worthy topic of discussion

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haha i did it guys i posted the crying feels guy face!! he has a beard and glasses because of the based KEK memes, you know the one haha this guy probably post reddit, he's probably a normie!! but im not, i'm very based and deep



My coworkers don't talk about capeshit.
However, my friends went to see TLJ and I came along despite the fact that I hated TFA. Plus they are my friends so how bad can a movie with friends really be?
It was a mistake. It was like they sucked our very souls out of our bodies. If a movie was bad we'd laugh about it and still have a good time but this movie was so mediocre it was just emptiness. I honestly still don't get why they liked TFA so much they wanted to see TLJ.

>some people here actually have jobs
oh no no no NO NO

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Superhero movies are the Sci-Fi of our era, the MCU is the hype equivalent of Star Wars movies back then.

People that shit on sh movies because "they are all the same" or "I know whats going to happen" don't get the point of watching one of them, it's just for the fun not the plot or the discussion.

And people who shit on others for liking the fun of watching a SH movie are "I am too smart for this" edgelords.

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It's called growing up manchild

It's literally the only good cape movie of the last 12 years

>being this ravaged others don’t wanna waste time on kids movies

based, i voted for trump to troll the libtards epic style

>could just be that your autism can't comprehend the feelings of other

Eh, it was the co worker who liked superhero movies, not user. Clearly the autistic one is the co worker.


But it is. Especially Cowboy Bebop. It's one of the most jarringly moeshit animes ever made yet Yea Forums refuses to acknowledge it as such

>speaking to coworkers

Fuck off reddit

this but unironically

Fuck capecucks

>the latest book you read
>the latest movie you watched that wasn't made for children/by disney (unless you have kids and took them)
>work place shit
>hobbies (inb4 normies don't have hobbies, that's a whole nother issue)
>anecdotes that happened to you when you went out into public

>there are "people" who ACTUALLY watch capeshit into their adult years and feel the need to defend it

>unless you have a really good alternative conversation to provide

I objectively do

These are the people that defend superhero movies. Don't forget about it when you discuss it with them.

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He might be shocked that he works with a literal retard

>funko pop collectors ITT mad that not everyone likes their movies for children

Not all things are likeable, and what people like can be subjective. What people like can say a lot about their personality, someone who likes capeshit a lot makes you associate certain undesirable personal qualities with them.

How based Trump is

That's not even the worst of the boomer logics.

>What? You watch anime? That's just animated shows featuring underage girls. Fucking gross.
>What do you mean you haven't seen Frozen, its awesome!

Most modern anime is.

Except for jojo. Jojo is based.

>I didn't like it, I knew I wouldn't like it, all capeshit sucks, but you guys are worth it

>there are "people" who ACTUALLY waste time talking about movies they don't even watch and feels personally attacked if someone likes something they don't

is this satire?

the old submissive jew is the hulk, the white woman is black panther because she said she was native but then DNA revealed she wasn't, The old (lovable??) pedophile is the creator

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that's like saying someone who shows disdain towards someone who eats feces feels personally attacked if someone likes something they don't

>Superhero movies are the Sci-Fi of our era, the MCU is the hype equivalent of Star Wars movies back then.
>implying starshit is any better

well yeah, fuck capeshit and fuck modern anime

You're comparing watching a movie to eating shit. Yes i think you're taking this a little personal. i know it's hard, people enjoy different things, but you'll get over it when you turn 18.

OP has no interest in the topic and little fodder to keep a conversation going? Is he supposed to listen to his coworker ramble about the newest avengers? I don't get it. Maybe OP was a bit prickly but there's nothing wrong with saying you don't like a certain type of movie lmao you fag

I never understood the emotional investment these ADULTS have in these movies. When I was a kid I loved Star Wars- but Star Wars had an amazing score and was full of imaginative places and creatures. It had amazing technology and interesting concepts.

Capeshit is literally just people with superpowers punching aliens or robots or whatever. No one can remember the scores to these flicks, no one remembers any great scenes or engaging moments. Its all bland and repetitive.

Capeshit is metaphorically shit though.

The irony and defending capeshit and then claiming the attacker is the one who's underage, for not liking childrens picture books. It's impressive.

"Capeshit is for children" is not an argument
"Capeshit is shit" is literally an opinion

Escapism. Same reason why nu males are obsessed with Harry Potter and include them as part of their personality.

But user all anime is bubbly moeshit...🙈

>"Capeshit is shit" is literally an opinion

Nope, objective fact. Compare it to great works of literature and entertainment, it can't hold up. The personal preference of capeshit is an opinion. It's quality is fact.

>co worker starts talking to me about Superhero movies
>walk off

My dad introduced me to anime u uncultured shit
We loved sailor moon and neeted up 90s Saturday morning cartoons

Sonic X > Capeshit

Based and sonicpilled

the latest american mass shooting

middle management RULES
finance cucks can go fuck themselves

Basedbased and Sonicsonicpilled

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based office Brad

>when you realize it wasn't Jones who was stealing the lunches but the Office Gremlin


Pretty much invented the concept of crossovers, which you see on TV a lot nowadays

Star wars has 10 movies for over 40 years, capeshit is the inverse.

Same thing happened to me except it was multiple coworkers trying to "shame" me for not liking superhero movies or the band Queen.

>all anime is bubbly moeshit
this is also true

>Eh I'm not a huge fan
Why are present day adults so infantile?


the jewish question

I hope you're ashamed of yourself because that's not something to brag about and only lonely virgins would be impressed.

t.capeshit loving faggots

it's all the same bull shit.


Damn this shit is cartoony fake garbage bologna. Actual men watched this and were enthralled? If this is what western men watch, maybe we all deserve to die. This trash should be to men what swanky porn in dilapidated porn theaters was to men in the past. So fucking embarrassing. Grown men watched this shit alone. It wasn't for children or woman, actual men. Men who, if circumstances require, join a fuckin militia and wield a gun. God damn GOD DAMN.

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Capekino just happens to be a great medium through which many themes can be developed by using extraordinary elements in stories. The popularity of capekino is the natural result of first-worlders growing up in a time when both the need for escapism and the deconstruction of dogmas are taking place. Since Iron Man I, kinoisseurs who were then children have grown up along with a vast range of characters who each perform their own deconstruction of morality and human values. Capekino may be for children but it is also for all humans. All ages can get value from watching the physical manifestations of ideas taken to a surreal degree. The removal of subtly also gets rid of any pretense of indigestible ambiguity.

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>co worker starts talking to me about Superhero movies
>ask me if I've seen Infinity War
The truth is that I haven't been to the movies in over six years.
>what'd you think bro
>I thought it was too long for a kid's movie

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>pajeet tries to write in proper english


This but unsarcastically

Perhaps the die was cast when incels could not get a date to go watch capekino.

Why do people get so wrapped up in the lore/history of these made up worlds (not just marvel, but GoT is also a prime example) as if they were fact, like Nathan, but then they show no interest to actual real world history?
In the time it takes them to learn the full lore/history of their fantasy world they could have learned a lot about ancient history, either world war, colonial times or whatever else.
The battles that occurred then are often more interesting than anything shown in hollywood, let alone capeshit.

doesn't care, still comes here to make a thread.

Nice b8 m8

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