Are you going to watch the new terminator film

are you going to watch the new terminator film

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MORE like SPERMinator

Only if Daddario shows tits.

I'll wait for the webm where the shebot9000 malfunctions and goes on a mission to suck off every boy in the nearest theater. Killing any gfs who are unhappy with her initial offer.

alexandra could easily pull off a terminator

I think its the eyes

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More like Menstruator.

the new terminator look like it has some kind of skin cancer

I would if Daddario was actually in it. I'm paying 15 bucks to watch some dyke.

I would sooner watch whatever my neighbours were watching on tv through their window.

yify sure

I liked the guy on the left when he was Eric on True Blood.

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Going from this, to that. WTF, when is Hollywood going to start paying for their crimes?

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When people start paying attention.

who on right?


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>reboot from the reboot

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thanks lad, thought it was. Got my hopes up she was actually in it

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no, dykes aren't hot

This. I didn't know Mommario is going to be in this. I'd only seen the Dylan Roof and cool wine aunt promo pic.


She will lower the movie's score even more for being too pretty.

No, it's clear that it should have ended after 2, which was a fucking plothole anyway as only the OG Teminator and Reece were said to be sent back.

Nope. Why can't they do something on the basis of Sarah Conner Chronicles? Didn't even the hardcore fans of the Terminator like that one?


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women who pretend to be manly just look like 13 years old guys.
its just funny.
yesterday I saw an obv lesbian with short hair that tried her best to look grimmy.
She was about 5'1 and I'm 6'4
I just looked her in the eyes and she was scared
love it

haha grrrr

Guy on left is pretty buff and the chick on right is pretty cute, are they love interests?

based skelly

What the fuck were they thinking!

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why did John Connor mark himself up with white chalk like that? is that a thing now?

>What the fuck were they thinking!

(Cash register sound)

this may be the last skelly post I ever see

Hi two tickets for daddario's new movie please

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What is this movie gonna be about? Dylann Roof killing nigger terminators?

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It's The Last Jedi of Terminator movies

she could easily pull me off too

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Isnt this after the deadline? How?

The world is slowly realizing that Daddario's perfect role is of a sexbot. She is so beautiful it's almost like she was designed in a lab. The scientists couldn't help but make her an 11/10 in everything so she looks almost inhuman/uncanny valley.

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jesus christ i wouldn't even be able to leave the bed with that next to me

That boy on the left needs cleaning up.

One ticket for Terminaddario, please.

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Is that Alias in the background? Looks like Jennifer Garner or a young Jennifer Love Hewitt (or whatever her name is).

Explain Debicki then

Her eyes are too close together.

Not posting the superior version

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They look bigger from the back.

>superior version

Attached: The best daddarrios.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

This I never really understood either. So did Skynet send the 800 and 1000 one after the other, and then Reece and reprogrammed 800 after that? Weird. It also breaks the paradox.

Thanks user now I have it

yep, shame

Feminist propaganda

too close for what?

shes a fucking succubus

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No, looks like an SJW shitfest filled with muh macho lesbo shit.

Are you for real legally blind?


I think its turk's wife from Scrubs but I'm not 100%

>two consecutive shots solely focused on her tits with her face not even in it
Based and titpilled.

Yes, he is literally unironically blind and has me describing images to him and post what he says in his place. Are you mad?

Dark Fate? More like Down Rate, amirite?

seriously, is that supposed to be a guy, or what?

human, come with me if you want to live

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Sure, the movie isn't looking it's going to be good, but ask yourself this : Has Cameron ever done a bad movie ? Avatar wasn't great, sure, but it was far from being a bad movie, and the rest were genre defining

yes she's boobs.


Even the Lesbian they hired looks done on the poster

> cum with me if you want to live.

Makes sense.

im sure they will have the classic naked terminator scene.

Only if daddario makes me, haha

so if i can't get her to cum at the same time she will suck my soul out?

Only if female terminator gonna get DYKED in it

she's not in it

well the last few aliens films and terminator films weren't so hot were they and he gave them all his blessing and said they were great

I don't know if he's directing this one personally or not, but all signs point towards him having gone all geriatric and washed up

if you start to cum before her she kills you mid-cum

I haven't seen a Terminator film since the 3rd
options work longer for Pass users.


I see where you're coming from but I wouldn't put the movies he only produced or praise (for obvious PR) in the same bag as the ones he actually made himself.

T1, T2, The Abyss, Aliens, Titanic, Avatar.

These are the only ones that matter IMO.

cant be real, looks too bad.

also meme actresses in shitty photoshop work prolly done by one of (you). try harder next time

You heard the man! Try harder and we may win this discerning mans approval!

He will surely bless us with a tip of his fedora on that day, and not a moment before!

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oh, absolutely

i'll tip you

No. A 5/10 white girl isnt enough to make me interested.

True Lies

We got us one a them there homer-seckshulls, heah.

kek I have the exact same eyes as her

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well hello there

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too close together?

too close together for what?

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appearing normal


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“brings your baby to term”inator

That's funny

Some great milkers

>cum in me if you want to live

>cum in me if you want to live

lol no I didn't even watch the last one

Its okay shes not a real girl

she could pull of the red eyes easily

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flick at best


why the fuck are they making more terminator movies? just let it fucking die already. movie franchises were a mistake.

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>ywn have a wet, soapy mammario gf waiting for you when you get home from a hard days work

It's always sad to see movie franchises fall down this spiral of ever increasing shitty movies with b list actors. Terminator almost recovered after 3, but now I think it's done for good.


is that pic on the right real? it looks fucking terrible


yeah its a real picture

This happened naturally.
You can never recreate it with out coming off as derivative or cheesy.

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Even 3 was a fucking travesty. Arnold's dyejob is unacceptable.

Nope and is not even for the SJW crap.
terminator is one of those dead horse series that they keep kicking it that is just sad.

>alexandra could easily pull off a terminator
She could easily pull off anyone she wanted

Fuckin based


>Daddario is the terminator
>they do the tit expansion thing like in T3

How much bigger can they get lads?

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>they'd probably do the opposite and shrink her tits with CGI
>or obviously gay cop pulls her over and she grows a bulge
