ITT: characters that got unjustly axed from adaptations
still salty about them switching my boy glorfindel for fucking arwen
and don't give me that cameo bullshit, he deserved more and you know it
ITT: characters that got unjustly axed from adaptations
In Gone Girl they axed the lawyer's hot black wife and made him black instead
In No Country for Old Men they axed the cunny that travels with Moss
Finally no massive squid at the end of Watchmen
>oc donut steel haldir got screentime
>glorfindel didn't
btw Liv Tyler is on the poster of all 3 films as big as Viggo and Elijah despite being max. 15 minutes over the 3 films.
>oc donut steel haldir got screentime
Haldir wasn't an OC, he's in the book. They just expanded his role.
Aragorn/Arwen bullshit ruined two towers
>plate armor in Tolkien
>not even wearing a helmet
Based Glorfinbro
Glorfindel didn't matter to the story whatsoever, he's only significant if you know about the Silmarillion.
Tolkien obviously wanted to write a love story but realised he'd already written Beren and Luthien so why bother. At least Jackson tried to make her in to somewhat of a relevant character.
too many zombies to keep track of
that looks really nice
the only good thing to happen to a stark arc since the red wedding and dumb & dumber decide to cut it
I kind of liked the Elves being at Helm's Deep, but man they get BTFO so easily
Denethor and faramir got axed in favour of clown versions, that made me mad
could've easily swapped haldir's role in helm's deep for glorfindel
that and him being the one saving the fellowship early on, obviously
Though it was pic related from the thumbnail
Hackson would kill off Glorfindel to a random Uruk which would make it even worse
elves at the time were basically soibois from eating too much lembas and not enough animal protein
2 weakest parts of LotR are Amon-sul and Arwen. Can't really blame Peter too much.
that's a good point
I'm still salty tho
Was he suppose to be that smug guy standing next to Eldrond at the crowning?
I mean when you kill the King of the Balrogs and Melkor's chief weapon, you must get to be smug about it for at least a few Ages.
Prince of dol amroth and all the different gondorians in general.
holy shit why are the elves so powerful?
Tom Bombadil wtf fucking Hackson
I see someone indulged way to much on lembas
They're closest to the God(s). In Tolkien's Universe, power decays and the Elves are the Firstborn children of Eru. They have also seen the light of the Trees.
Galadriel's a feeder
this is what happens when you give theatrical trannies money
>They have also seen the light of the Trees
Fuck does that even mean?
Tolkien was dabbling in some serious Pagan mythology (and smoking a lot of pipeweed) when he writing the Silmarillion.
Basically there is no sun or moon, so the Gods create two luminescent to light Arda. Those who see the light are more powerful than those who don't.
>light of arda
that's the stuff that was in frodo's bottle right?
been a whiel since I read the fellowship or watched the movies
Based Quentyn in GOT
The Prince who was promised
>Have literally thousands of years of battle experience
>Get cut down in droves by some Uruk-hai born a week ago
Still pisses me off how easily supposedly battle-hardened spldiers get killed. The Gondorians were the same thing. Apparently the only way PJ could create tension was by making Orcs super powered when they really are a bunch of angry manlets who require swarm tactics to kill even a single elf or gondorian.
The Boltons taking Winterfell and Jon trying to get revenge was great but of course the hacks made it so he does that AFTER he gets stabbed.
Also Davos is gonna get Rickon from cannibal island in Winds so thats exciting.
*two luminescent trees
Yeah pretty much
And these adaptive choices are examples of how to make a movie faithful to the source material but successfully and competently its own 2 and a half hour story.
When you don't adapt well enough for the big screen you get goofy and unrememberable trash like pic related
jon con, the golden company and young griff will always bother me
I will always feel like they were cut as to not take away the spotlight from the hamburger queen
Who or what is Winds? Books ended years ago
>in Winds
oh user
putting glorfindel in his rightful place and/or haldir's place in helm's deep would'nt make it goofy or unrememberable
As time winds down so does the power level of all living beings. The Two Trees of Valinor also bestowed some kind of superpowers upon all Elves who had lived near them. Aside from making their eyes glow with an otherworldly light it also gave them superhuman (elven?) endurance and strength that put them on the same powerlevel as some of the Maiar. Glorfindel for this reason could fight and win against a Balrog. This is also the reason why Feanor could stand toe to toe with multiple balrogs and a small army of Orcs. Or why Fingolfin could wound Morgoth seven times and needed to stumble from sheer exhaustion before Morgoth was able to finally kill him.
Do you guys think its better if an adaptation omits certain elements of a story, or changes them?
I personally prefer when things are omitted entirely. Tom Bombadil for instance.
Very context dependent. Giving Arwen more screentime at the expense of Glorfindel makes sense for an film going audience who needs to be somewhat invested in Aragorn's lover.
Omitting Tom and the Scouring of the Shire also make sense, but changing Faramir and Denethor made the story substantially weaker.
The Light of two Trees exist now only in the Silmarils, and one of them is eternally carried around the sky as a star by Eärendil on his flying ship. The phial of Galadriel is supposedly filled with some portion of that starlight. So to answer your question, Yes.
I too think omitting is better
besides, even if I loved Bombadil in the book, I think he would be way too weird for jackson's adaptation
Tolkein didn't originally intend for it to be the same guy, he just forgot he used the name Glorfindel before. When people pointed out he was a retard he just claimed he planned it all along, no explanation of tax policy whatsoever. Fucking hack.
He was the one who saved Frodo from the ringwraith, and he would close up a plothole for those who havent read the book about sending hobbits. Ie that it truly was a stealth mission and not a brute force one.
Glorfy could have held the bridge solo. He's basically the greatest active elven warrior alive.
he doesn't even explain how aragorn maintain his armies? are they levied or professional? also doesn't self insert into sexual acts
what a fucking hack indeed
Thanks friend
Some mistakes work out well in the end though. He had probed the possibility of Elven reincarnation before and Glorfindel became the perfect example.
I imagine he's being severely power limited by the Valar after being sent back, like the Istari. Gotta give Sauron a chance.
What is this?
Question: Could peak Numenor destroy the First Age Elves?
It's literally mentioned how Gondor and its army works in the books. Gondor is a feudal kingdom and every region has its own levies. But many fiefdoms hold their levies back since Sauron has sent Corsairs to harass their territory, hence why there are so few defending Minas Tirith until Aragorn lifts the siege of the coastal cities with the army of the dead and then brings them as reinforcements to Pelennor fields. There are also small professional forces like the Ithilien Rangers and the Fountain Guard and most likely the soldiers of the royal demesne.
>Elves can be sent back from the Halls of Mandos
>Send some faggot that died fighting ONE balrog
>mfw LotR could have had based Feanor and been 3 pages long
No mention of it. And doubtfull, since the power is entirely his own. He's not an agent of god just a really fucking strong elf. Obviously he can't just walk into Mordor and solo Sauron but he certainly can fuck over the ringeraiths ez pz
hey look it's jaime lannister
Feanor would be wearing the ring and trying to conquer Middle Earth within the first 5 pages. Especially Lindon, Teleri fucking shits.
Why do modern marxist "fantasy" authors and trannies hate Tolkien so much?
Why do they feel the need to castrate and subvert things that are good and simple?
and bombadil could've danced into mordor, shoved the one ring up sauron's asshole, thrown them both into the volcano and be back in time to eat supper made by his hot blond wife
if only he gave a fuck
Tough question. There are non-canon writings that heavily imply that the Numenoreans invents some sort of steam ship. Their use of solid steel longbows that can propel arrows for miles, is canon though IIRC, which requires a truly immense amount of body strength. But the first age elves are still young in soul and body and are superior to any non-divine creature in the world at the time. To be honest, I don't really know. The Numenoreans could probably take on the Elves who never went to Valinor since they wouldn't be powered up by the two trees. But the on the Noldor exiles though? I doubt it.
Because on a surface level Tolkien seems to be 'problematic', but the more you read in to it, the more you realise a lot of Tolkien is actually 'progressive' in many ways. He's against demagogues and power-hoarding, against racial discrimination, anti-imperialist and writes strong female characters. However they can't also resolve this with his strong Catholic and moralist influence.
Feanor got effectively sentenced to life imprisonment within the Halls of Mandos for his crimes. He will only be paroled when the world ends so he can break the Silmarils.
>shoved the one ring up sauron's asshole
He would have enjoyed it
There use to be 200+ post debates about this on early Tolkien forums. Hard to say though, the reason Numenor becomes so powerful is that it is isolated from the wars in Middle Earth so can build up in peace.
I'd say they were more powerful than the Elves at any one point, but Elves united would definitely edge it.
They should've explicitly been the grey company desu. Have Glorfindel instead of Arwen during Fellowship, then have him show up at Helms Deep with some mounted grey-wearing rivendell elves. Glorfindel can give Aragorn his reforged sword and banner, and he can talk about the path of the dead after the battle too. A bit closer to the books without changing much. Cuts out Arwen and Elrond's screentime tho.
And then just fix the army of the dead. You'd need to set up the lack of reinforcements from south gondor and then have them show up with Aragorn. Take that scene from the book where Pippin is at Minas Tirith's gate watching the reinforcements come into the city, "too few" Gandalf could say. You could keep the scenes where the army of the dead attacks the corsairs. And then at the pelennor battle, it's men of gondor who come off the ships.
And it all becomes a 10/10 instead of a 9.5/10.
Despite making up 25% of the Elf population, the Noldor make up 100% of Elves in prison
those must have been comfy
wish I got into lotr sooner
Kek, I laughed more than I should have.
what were his crimes exactly?
man, I should really read he silmarillion
Instead of:
>'ByElberethandLúthien the Fair,' said Frodo with a last effort, lifting up his sword, 'you shall have neither the Ring nor me!'
we got:
>If you want him, come and claim him!
Ar-Pharazon has the greatest army ever assembled, powerful enough for the Valar not to want a direct confrontation so they call Daddy for help. They probably would have won, but would fuck up Aman like Beleriand or worse if they did.
Individually Noldor are the strongest, though Turin is a superchad and kills Morgoth in the final battle in a non-canon Tolkein story.
Nothing like an internet nerd fight than a debate on 'Feanor did nothing wrong' from 2004
Too much autism
>Ayyyo gimme dem ships
>N-no t-they're ours
>Motherfucker did I ask you? Now give up dem ships
>"Kills everyone because they defended their property"
Guess Manwe shouldn't have outlawed longswords. Now only the Noldor have them.
>Ar-Pharazon has the greatest army ever assembled, powerful enough for the Valar not to want a direct confrontation so they call Daddy for help
I just yesterday finished a song about this theme, I've always found it a very inspiring part of the Akallabêth story. Plan to make the whole saga as a soundtrack type of songs.
Making the first weapons in Valinor. Holding a sword to his half-brother's throat. Refusing to give up the Silmarils so the Valar could resurrect the two trees. Making an impossible vow that dragged his entire family and much of his people into ruin. Kinslaying. Abandoning half of his people to die in a frozen waste to spite the same brother he had already threatened with death.
Maybe I'm a fucking nerd but they really should have just skipped Dorne if they weren't willing to commit a whole season.
In a perfect world they would have a season dedicated to them entirely. You only see Jon for like a half an episode being Lord Commander.
Giving Dorne their own season also would have let Tyrion have his adventures on the shy maid/young grif.
>Grand theft auto
>Robbing jewels
>Killing their own people
>Quick to rage & violence
Are the Noldor the blacks of Middle Earth?
>But the light belonged not to Fëanor and his kin alone, but all the elves of Aman. He chose to forget that, thinking the Silmaríls his creation and possession alone
What kind of commie writes shit like this? Lol it doesn't belong to you. Even Aule thought the rest of the Valar were being dicks to Feanor.
grrm confirmed not having read the books
Based and musicpilled. Keep going!
Tolkien goes into great detail about the socio-economic structures of the Shire. Never underestimate Tolkien autism, the two things holding him back were time and publishers
does he spend 10 pages describing food though?
guessed not, fucking hack status confirmed
nice user, cheers
>tfw no darkstar
>I am of the knight
Don't even care if I'm not a 16 year old edge lord l. This line will always be cool. Also
>implying Darkstar cut Marcellas
Well that´s a fucking understatement. The Dark Tower movie has barely anything in common with the books. I wanted to convince someone to read the books but after he saw the movie he hard passed. And he is a fucking King fan. That´s how off putting this movie was.
I understand how you feel but movie adaptations need to focus for several reasons. For starters because the runtime to invest the audience on the main characters is limited but there are also budget reasons and stuff. Cache aside, if one introduces a character that character will need a subplot and the subplot would need development in scenes (which is tons of money) and if the subplot is not important enough to the main plot it will be cut in post. (like the healing houses at the end of ROTK that develop the Faramir/ Eowyn relationship).
I do understand what you feel though because some times are these subplots what explain certain attitudes of the main characters but it´s understandable that they skip them sometimes.
Jackson´s LOTR is not perfect but it´s a pretty damn good adaptation all things considered. More so if we take into account the butchering adaptations usually go through... like The Dark Tower.
God I hope the Amazon series include the Akallabeth.
>Thus the fleets of the Númenóreans moved against the menace of the West; and there was little wind, but they had many oars and many strong slaves to row beneath the lash. The sun went down, and there came a great silence. Darkness fell upon the land, and the sea was still, while the world waited for what should betide. Slowly the fleets passed out of the sight of the watchers in the havens, and their lights faded, and night took them; and in the morning they were gone. For a wind arose in the east and it wafted them away; and they broke the Ban of the Valar, and sailed into forbidden seas, going up with war against the Deathless, to wrest from them everlasting life within the Circles of the World.
>In an hour unlooked for by Men this doom befell, on the nine and thirtieth day since the passing of the fleets. Then suddenly fire burst from the Meneltarma, and there came a mighty wind and a tumult of the earth, and the sky reeled, and the hills slid, and Númenor went down into the sea, with all its children and its wives and its maidens and its ladies proud; and all its gardens and its balls and its towers, its tombs and its riches, and its jewels and its webs and its things painted and carven, and its lore: they vanished for ever.
I really hope they don't fuck it up, this could be one of the great kinos of our time
No he couldn't. It's explained in Elrond's council that even if somehow Bombadil had agreed to safeguard the ring for them, once Sauron located the ring he would do away with him and get the ring back anyway.
who did then?
>Haldir OC
Wikifag exposed
this is fucking awesome, thank you for posting user. keep at it!
Is there anything out there about what the show will be? I think I read that it's set in the second age, but do we know if it's an adaptation of Tolkien's work or will it be an original story set in middle earth? I wouldnt put it past amazon to come up with their own story, in which case i will be extremely disappointed.
We don't know anything other than 2nd Age, Amazon are being secretive as shit. No leaks or anything yet.
I'm still pissed they completely removed Victarion. Aegon would've been cool to see just to hear normies react but it feels like the entire Greyjoy family besides Asha got royally fucked and neutered in the HBO series.
>Maybe I'm a fucking nerd but they really should have just skipped Dorne if they weren't willing to commit a whole season.
agreed, id rather it all be offscreened or cut entirely thant the shitshow we got
any timeframe on release?
>Elves are always backstabbing faggots
>except for the one fucking time when it would be best for the entire Middle Earth
>case in point
Elves need to be raped and butchered. That is the only correct way to deal with their mental retardation.
Nothing so far. They tweeted something out about reading the appendices, so I assume they're gonna attempt to stay somewhat true to the lore.
We know that Doran had one or more moles in Ariannes company. My theory is that he ordered them to do it to
A. Get Arianne back in line and show that her actions have consequences or
B. It was a plot to get rid of Darkstar. Maybe cause a rift between House Dayne and the Martells.
Either way there's some weird shit going on in those chapters and I patiently wait for GRRM to release Winds.
Euron Greyjoy. In the sense he got a major downgrade from being arguably one of the most evil people in the entire setting to what he is in the show.
Gondor is byzantium?
>hfw they saw through the ruse
Euron is being suppressed because his entire existence as a character and a proper leader by all definitions takes a shit on all the pro-Feminist glorification in the story.
Very similar, though Tolkien was fond of comparing it to Ancient Egypt.
same with most of the cut characters I believe
e.g.:victarion, jon con (and the golden company), also the neutering of the entire dorne storyline in favor of the femen snakes
Arwen being an action hero didn't matter to the story either. It actually weakens it when she becomes a prize for Aragorn and Eowyn starts her women strong arc later on.
Tolkien's elves were all about hunting and feasting and getting drunk. PJ's effeminate robot version is weird.
It's sad, isn't it. Instead of showing Frodo and others be heroic everything got rolled into one superhero who basically disappears for the rest of the trilogy.
Arwen is way more powerful than book Glorfindel based on what we're shown.
It doesn't matter at all to the story, but the casual audience can at least think 'That's Arwen, she is powerful and strong, so it makes sense why this really important character loves her so much'. Arwen is a weak point in the LotR books any way, they're basically Beren and Luthien reborn, which is satisfying for Silmarillion readers but nobody else.
I hate how every fantasy tends to suck elf cock into oblivion.Humanity stronk.
It's hard for me to get my head around this since it had been polluted by years of WHFB, where in the fluff the Elves are actually superhuman, full of grace and whose warriors are deathly.
First Age elves are still superhuman, above even Numenoreans. Even Melkor has to rely on dark magics and demons to defeat them. Often the orcs would not fight at all rather than face the Noldor in battle.
numenoreans are chads
They're as good as humans get in LotR.
>dat feel when your name will never be a warcry
Half-elves are the real superchads, Elros lived 500 years, then you have the flying ship dude. If the elves were smart then they would breed loads of edain slags to create an army of middle earth mutts.
Also how come Sauronman can create a superior race of Orcs in a couple of hundred years with limited resources when Morgoth and Sauron do jack shit for thousands of years.
Except Tolkien always writes it as Elves getting MAN'D. Are there any Elf male/human female couples?
I also believe that Sauron does breed a better strain of orc and troll, but I think most of the force he musters are wild orcs that he summons down from the mountains.
Anyone who read the books can tell Ilúvatar preferred men over elves.
>incels would prefer another random dick in a 99% male cast instead of eye candy pic related
if they weren't incels they wouldn't be discussing lotr to begin with
you can be a random loser, incel-loser combo is possible and common, but not necessary
She's way hotter without all the weird effects the movies put over her
>thousands of years of battle experience
Just because they lived that long does not mean they spent all that time in battle or indeed honing their martial skills. The Mirkwood elves for instance (who never saw the light of Valinor) were just cheery folk who wanted to make merry in the forests and party as often as they could. They were weak and although they had 'natural' talent with the bow their battle skills lay in hit and run distance tactics not outright swords and shields CQC confrontation. Of even the Elves who went to the light, the shipbuilders for instance (who were pillaged and had their craft stolen by the Noldor to cross the sea and pursue Morgoth) were relatively weak combat wise as they put all their efforts into ship building.
>not mad at the best character getting the shaft
Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!
Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow! Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!
Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow! Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow!
Learn the guitar, don't play it for 20 years, then play it again and tell us how well you do. Elves fought a few major battles thousands of years ago then spent the next millenia sniping at orcs and brigands in their forests. Of course they'd get blown the fuck out by professional warriors who spent their recent history training for war. If we're talking semi realistically those elves probably wouldnt even have been able to wear their ancient armor. They don't do anything most daze except lounge around singing. They should have no musculature
As great as old Tom is, i think it made sense to leave him out. He would have seemed a little out there in the movie's setting I think.
Jackson removed just enough to keep the plot understandable to a newcomer but kept just enough references to please book readers.
It's amazing how fucked up the Hobbit was really
>best character
Only faggots say that
think she was also quite younger
anyway yeah she's top quality
But elves are swole as fuck though. Noldor like smithing, Finrod burst his bonds simply by flexing and then wrestled a werewolf to death. Anyone who uses bows would be ripped, if movies were realistic then Robin Hood would look like peak Arnie. They might not be actively fighting for thousands of years, but I bet they lifted all the time.
exactly, tolkien describes legolas as an absolute buff daddy not some skinny twink
post his description
>Sunset found Legolas squatting in the grass, groaning
do elves shit tho
She's a political gamepiece manoeuvred into Aragorn's path by Elrond and Gandalf to tie him to their faction in the coming war (so gaining them access to the armies of Gondor).
it may have come to me in a dream, can't remember for sure
she looked horrible in the films, though. Really unsuitable makeup and costuming bringing out her horse face during slow mo crying closeups.
PJ's wife and mistress sabotaged her for sure.
The script for Fellowship is so different from the book I'd wager good money it was 99% finished before the got the rights. Change the names of people and places and they'd have got away with it.
It could have been worse
>He is also lithe and slender, with bright, keen eyes and ears, and is fair of face, as all Elves are
you motherfuckers lied, he's a fucking twink
>Look Peter, you're busting my balls here. This piece of shit book has no women at all in it, we need the female demographic! Just make it work okay
he's the twink to gimli's bear
He's built twink
hot interracial high fantasy gay sex
he's otter mode at best
He's otter mode
That's why he said "if only he gave a fuck"
You seem to enjoy reading. Maybe try and read the comments you reply to.
If Tom Bombadil and the Eagles had an apathy battle, who would lose interest first?
Eagles were bound to Manwë's will and he's always watching so probably Bombadil.
The Eagles are basically a fucking taxi service anyway, those birds have been putting in some work since the First Age.
they shit on the spot and magic it away
What does Bombadil giving a fuck have anything to do with Sauron's potential to overpower him? It doesn't matter whether Bombadil cares or not, it is said in Elrond's council that Sauron is too great a foe for even Tom to withstand him anyway
>Could that power be defied by Bombadil alone? I think not. I think that in the end, if all else is conquered, Bombadil will fall, Last as he was First
You should read more. Gandalf says bombadil wouldn't destroy the ring because he doesn't care what happens outside his realm. If all the free people of middle earth asked him to, he might take it and hide it, but he'd quickly forget about it because he doesn't care.
>What does Bombadil giving a fuck have anything
The person being replied to was talking about Bombadil taking the ring to mordor. It has everything to do with that.
nah she's just a shite actress m8
What Bombadil was supposed to represent? The indifferent character of nature or that Eru doesn't actually give a fuck?
If you read Tolkien's letters, it's pretty clear that "indifferent character of nature or that Eru doesn't actually give a fuck" is not even close.
>It seems that he has a power even over the Ring.' 'No, I should not put it so,' said Gandalf. `Say rather that the Ring has no power over him. He is his own master. But he cannot alter the Ring itself, nor break its power over others.
he "cannot" not he "wont", the earlier quote also says that Sauron would eventually overpower Bombadil, regardless of how many fucks he gives
He refers to Eru literally shoving Gollum into Mt. Doom while hes doing his celebratory dance
This is a good thing. The book version is objectively worse than the film version.
I guess we're trying to communicate with a retard here
>‘And even if we could, soon or late the Lord of the Rings would learn of its hiding place and would bend all his power towards it. Could that power be defied by Bombadil alone? I think not. I think that in the end, if all else is conquered, Bombadil will fall, Last as he was First; and then Night will come.'
In this line, it is said in a pretty straightforward way that Sauron would subdue Tom even in Tom's own territory. Don't you think that Tom Bombadil walking INTO MORDOR itself would get him torn to pieces?
What does that have to do with Bombadil?
he was too overpowered, the bitch could probably go toe to toe with sauron
>What Bombadil was supposed to represent?
[Spoiler] faggotry [/spoiler]
>or that Eru doesn't actually give a fuck
where im from apparently someone stood up in the kinoplex and yelled something like WHERE IS PAGE XX and then left
I get that but it doesn't reveal anything about Bombadil's motives or personality. Was he supposed to be just a random enigma? Or faggotry as said?
Random enigma AND faggotry
It's the gayest character in all literature and all without sucking a single dick
He isn't completely indifferent, he gives the hobbits the barrow blades, but his power is very vague, it's hard to understand from a modern perspective because we are used to defined "power levels" that are easily measured by some sort of scale, but the power Tom Bombadil wields is incomparable to the power the maiar wields for example
And this is why TFA and TLJ are superior films
I havent read any extended lore books, I don't know if he's mentioned outside of the LoTR books, but from them I interpret him to be the spirit of Arda/Earth itself.
>The Chad Elf vs. The Virgin Balrog
>Considered for the Fellowship
>Rejected for being too OP for a stealth mission
What a fucking boss.
I'm fine with that decision.
>so angry about orcs you're the only elf who actually goes back to ME to kill more
Absolute chad
>the dwarf breaths so loud we could shoot him in the dark
Says the guy with sleep apnea
Azor beric
What tier is he? Gotta be pretty high even taking into account the "Can't die" thing.
Feanor was in essence the first school shooter. He got real butt hurt and not only made the first weapons, but promptly slaughtered a shitload of trichromosomal Teleri.
>The Vala "Sauron's not that bad of a guy" Aule
>The Vala "one bad day away from being the next big bad guy" Aule
>The Vala "Some day Eru's gonna pay" Aule
Donut steel tier
This is the correct answer
shit fanfic cash grab tier
Not Worth Tiering-Tier.
Him riding over the river and blowing the wraiths the fuck out would have made me cum in my pants right then and there in the cinema
That's called a twunk
original story donutsteel with black woman in major roles. thanks based amazon.
also, imagine this scene with Glorfindel going all t'is but a ruse
The Amazon series is going to literally be just fanfiction. They only have the rights to the world and characters, not to any existing stories. They have announced that the series will be set between the Hobbit and LotR and be about young Aragorn.
Nah he was this.
>I think I read that it's set in the second age
You read wrong. It's a prequel about young Aragorn.
lol are you shitting
useless then. the diversity casting wont help either.
Frodo was a fucking chad in the books.
>Tells the nazgul to fuck off
>Tells Gollum he'll command him to choke himself to death if he acts up like a bitch
Amongst others. They really made him a weak ass in the films.
Oh I 100% expect we'll get at least
>a "fuck you dad" -female elf who leaves home to explore the world and prove that girls can be warriors too
>a black dude playing a Gondorian who becomes the elf girl's love interest and/or is shown rebelling against his evil elf hating captain (white)
>Harad/Rhûn dindu nuffin
>Harad/Rhûn refugees who get separated from their families and/or killed and it's clearly Gondor's fault
>bonus: new rings of power or wizards
i wish i had never grown up
You know Tolkien wrote a whole history about young Aragorn, right?
And they can't use that.
Remember that time Feanor throw a temper tantrum instead of helping the Valar restore the light of the entire world?
Glorfindel didn’t kill Gothmog, that was Ecthelion. Glorfindel just killed one that ambushed the survivors of Gondolin on a mountain pass.
*dies offscreen death 5 minutes into s8e1*
oh no
Tom Bombadil. On a related note, my cousin said she pictures Tom as a young, thin, elf-like man with jet black hair and bright blue eyes. Is she retarded? I always pictured him as a fat jolly old man.
Your cousin is a stupid bitch
i want to fuck your retarded cousin
Feanor is borderline evil so why bother. Glorfindel was not OP, probably wanted to return to Middle Earth (which I assume is highly unusual) and probably had genuine good intentions so he was one of the few or only one to go back.
Made me consider, are there criminal elves? I assume the higher tiers of elves dont do crimes unless for reasons like OATHS and by accident. However, the lower tiers like the wood elves even have prisons and they clearly are a rougher sort with tendencies to drunkeness and so on. I assume there might be some incarcarated thug elves in Mirkwood. Thoughts?