Was it kino?

Was it kino?
Best movie I saw in a theatre this year I think.

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Yes. Yea Forums is full of haters and faggots.

The absolute state of Yea Forums.

It's aight I guess. Jordan Peele still needs to work on being more subtle, and people are jerking him off like he's the next Stanley Kubrick or something, but I mean it's interesting.

Creepy, really well acted, not much plot to it (but then it's a horror movie).

Direction is outstanding and really interesting.

Definitely great, nowhere near as good as Get Out though


Is it better than Git Out?

It's a generic doppelganger movie that is not particularly smart, funny or scary.

>Best movie I saw in a theatre this year I think.

So you didn't go to the theatre to watch Captain Marvel?

The production and acting were nice, the plot didn't really make sense

True kino passing through

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How were they cloned?
Why were they abandoned?
Why did they have to kill the Original?
When were the Tethered created?
How did they live on raw rabbit only?

What happens after the Tethered join Hands Across America?

Oh Skelly

I really enjoyed it but I think it could have done with a bit more of a hook too it to make the finale more tense. Maybe just make it ambiguous which of the women won the fight at the end

This movie was probably the worst thing I’ve paid to see.

>Didnt see Captain Flatass😃

>How were they cloned?
Left deliberately ambiguous
>Why were they abandoned?
Red said that the experiment failed. As you can see, the doubles were imperfect recreations of the originals
>Why did they have to kill the Original?
Red saw them as suffering for the originals life and forgotten by all. Feeling hard done by, Red leads them to the surface for their day in the sun
>When were the Tethered created?
Again, deliberately ambiguous to hide the potential scale of the event
>How did they live on raw rabbit only?
They're a lot hardier than the originals. Presumably they had been designed to take more punishment and go without feeding so they could survive copying the originals actions

As for Hands across america, it was just meant to be a sign to show the world they exist, and that was the biggest thing red could think of. She probably didnt plan more than that, she wasnt the sanest person

Camera work is good but the movie itself is kinda boring. 11/20


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No one on Yea Forums watched that

Thanks fella🐶

t. hasn'thadsex/10

I think the hands across America thing was a cheeky way of saying that most demonstrations for charity like that don’t change anything. Red’s “clone” (the one who we thought was real) says to her son that “It’s all over, everything is okay now”. It’s the same mentality that surrounds demonstrations like Hands Across America; the people do the thing, everyone gives themselves a pat on the back and goes on with their lives thinking that they’ve solved the problem. That’s obviously not the case because there’s still millions of homeless and starving kids in America. So while the tethered got out and completed the hands across America chain, realistically nothing will change. Another country will come in and eradicate the tethered and save the remaining originals


Wait is this actually a real movie and not a racist stunt like I've been led to believe?

This movie convinced me that Lupita is attractive.

>Another country will come in and eradicate the tethered and save the remaining originals
>mfw no Tethered Uprising sequel

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>thick dark chocolate woman

Your fortune: Outlook good

did you guys like the final fight scene with the music?

>Was it kino?

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I once jumped out of a moving bus. It was the first and last time I did that in my life.

Think I'll pass on the nigger movie.

Yes, please try to not fall too hard for memes next time

Didn't think of that, that's a good one

Best symbolism in the film however is that all the doubles wear red jumpsuits and a single glove because they're dressing as MJ from the Thriller video, which the Tshirt Red had of it was idolised by the doubles

baste thread

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I thought it was going to be a lot better than it was. It was good, but it could have been kino. Get out was better.

It was decent, but was in need of a more subtle touch, and I wish it kept the tension it managed to create at the beginning instead of going easy on the audience with relief jokes at almost every scary encounter. That tunnel blurb at the beginning was a mistake, so was making the switcharoo twist so obvious.

>Red parrying Adelaide's swings and just casually slicing her calf


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Does she count as dfc?

looks like jumpscare autism or is it just the trailer?

It was alright. I just wish it was creepier/had more tension. Once I realized the whole family had plot armor, I just found myself tapping my foot waiting to see where it was all gonna go.

My final opinion is that Jordan Peele can write a functioning script but he’s so obsessed with metaphors, symbolism, and allegory he sacrifices the story. We get it man we all took English 101. But when the story is full of plot holes, that’s the sign of a lazy writer. How do clones survive on rabbit without succumbing to protein poisoning? Why did the little girl not simply WALK OUT like her clone did after being unchained? Where did they get water? How did two clones make the same exact offspring? And why would the government leave 300 million people within tunnels? A lot of idiots are saying to “ignore” this and focus on the metaphors, symbolism, allegory, but a movie isn’t a POEM, and shouldn’t be praised for it. It is a visual medium.
I’ve written stories where I’ve run into the trap of having some super deep bullshit but it fucks with the entire storyline so I just get rid of it.
The first rule as a writer is “kill your darlings”, and Peele hasn’t realized that. He wants his cake and to eat it too. He wants his commentary on race/class relations but also wants to make a horror movie, and his commentary superimposes the medium here.
The golden rule of storytelling is that it comes from character, and if you didn’t care about the characters or their arc, but are obsessed with Easter eggs and references, go ahead, but if this was our metric of value Ender’s Game would be in the Criterion. Literary TOOLS are just that, tools to help us understand the characters, it should not supersede good character.
In Breaking Bad, each character wears a color associated with their persona. Walter wears red when angry, in his Heisenberg state. The director deliberately did this, but no one praises Breaking Bad because of the color palette of what the characters are wearing do they?
Tl;dr It’s a nice to try and make your movie three layers deep, but if the first layer isn’t worth my time, why should I be concerned with the others?

That's not saying much.