What’s Reddit like? I’ve never been there.
What’s Reddit like? I’ve never been there
The legal advice page is schadenfreude kino.
So much human suffering.
I tried going there once but the navigation confused the hell out of me.
imagine going to a shithole like haiti
thats reddit
It's okay if you stick to certain subs and stay away from cringey stuff like the_donald
Edit: thanks for the likes kind anons
I've seen enough screencaps to know it's full to the brim with faggots. So full many of them are spilling out to here.
like yesterday
seriously i had to leave this fucking place you guys are all redditors
It's the most ugly designed website in existence, I don't know how redditors can put up with that shit.
what causes that website and its users to be so annoying? is it the voting system?
Like Yea Forums but without the cool likes and perks😃
No, the voting system is a symptom. Normies lust for social acceptance and mold their personality around this. Who they are is whatever garners the most upvotes.
I think it's the lack of self awareness. Everyone on Yea Forums knows they're a loser for posting here, the same can't be said for redditors.
moving to fullchainz you guys suck
Show us your score, fag
>reddit is normies
lmao no
reddit is the complete antithesis of normies
>Everyone on Yea Forums knows they're a loser for posting here
>the same can't be said for redditors
Neuro-typical, they have a healthy self image, they don't think about trivial non-question on whether they are losers or not, they just be
>Yea Forums
Neuro-atypical, they have an extremely unhealthy self-image, they know they are complete losers but this is all a sort of mental disorder, in fact the average 4channer is capable of critical thinking and informed opinions
They know that Internet points are not important and everything is ephemeral
Neuro-atypical with unwaranted self-importance personality disorted, they think they are intellectuals and this delusions is fueled by the voting karma system and the reddit/subreddit bubble
This, even the Yea Forums (you)s cause a dopamine kick
Just imagine how bad the reddit upvote, downvote system is
I have studied "normies" (I see them in bus and in university library and classes) and they don't care about likes in social media
The other day 2 girls were in from of me in the bus and they were talking loudly
One of the girls was liking instagram photos without even looking at her phone
Or sending hearts in a conversation while having a completely different conversation going on, her face not even twiching
Normies don't care about likes, comments, etc, redditors do
head over to and you'll find out
it's exactly like here but everyone is a namefag
almost nothing on pol is allowed to be said on Reddit
here redditor wannabe
if you like upvotes so much you should move there
Nah, redditors are 100% normies. The key defining characteristics of normies is the desire for social approval, normies want to be approved, they want to be part of a group. redditors are just normies that use the internet a lot. They're basically geekier normies. There's only a tiny tiny percentage of independent thinkers on reddit but they're confined to specific obscure subs.
4channers on the other hand are social outcasts by nature, they care little about conforming to some group but biology still prevails and they desire human company like everyone else hence why they still come here to shit post. They're still independent thinkers though unlike redditors. Not conforming to society can be bad if you have very little awareness, so one can rapidly descend into despair and depression. However if you work on being understanding the nature of reality, society etc you can be the God of your own reality which is something normies (non independent thinkers) can't even conceive of.
Compare the average /Pol/ack to the Donald /ptg/ refugee.
the boards are way too slow over there, you'll miss us. see ya tomorrow🦖
that's a funny april fools joke
Well put good sir, i tip my fedora to you. Upvoted.💯
Cheeky admin.
virtue signalling SJWs
Just look around.
Wtf, you couldn't find shit this funny on TV now. Based Reddit clowns.
>someone posts a comment others don't like
>it's downvoted to hell and removed
Imagine Yea Forums without images. Basically just that.
It depends on the subreddit, there are some that are pretty much /pol/ colonies in disguise that favour free speech but most the them are totalitarian hellholes that are run by 400lb jannies who have never had any power in their lives so they try to make the subreddit into their own lefty utopia.
First post I ever saw there from a link in /ck/
You know how antifa go around beating people up for no reason
It's a cross between that and a onions cuck hugbox.
Huge hypocrisy.
It's like Yea Forums since yesterday
The majority is more reddity than the reddit satire you see here.
Ive been banned for:
>saying getting pegged in the ass is gay
>14 year olds with DD tits exist and are attractive
>No reason. Anyone can look at your post history so if they see anything they dont like: banned
showscore smiley😃
showscore coinflipCoin Flip: Tails
Fantastic for browsing while having a lunch break or while travelling on public transport
Yea Forums is better when home
Why the fuck do you have a reddit profile?
That screenshot sums up reddit well -- sanctimonious authoritarian faggotry.
Just sort by controversial for a better experience.