Kylo is the main character. Rey is his love interest. Story of ST is about Kylo and his destiny. Rey is a red herring.
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mind = BLOWN
So it's reverse PT.
it's obvious that the descendant of skywalkers is the protagonist
Jesus look at the difference betweeen Chadnakin and Gaylo.
Who the fuck thought casting that guy was a good idea.
Who cares? Star Wars is dead.
And Kylo is the last Jedi btw.
Well you do. Since you are still posting in SW threads.
>Rey is a red herring.
Rey is a cute
At this point what difference does it make?
Why is it Ep. 1 Obi-Wan and Padme but Ep. 3 Anakin
it's Ep. 2 Padme you dingus
Cuz it's a stupida fuckin drawing
thank you for introducing me to a new fetish, maybe i can move on from my interracial cuck fetish now.
>Star Wars
Nobody cares. It's dead.
Why is everyone in these posters fully grown except obi wan
bearded obi wan don't look too good beside liam neeson and ep.3 had the worst version of padme
because they cut out obi wan and qui gon together
Nope. They just fucked up Rey and gave her zero personality or motivation. Kylo is literally the only character who has both, and that's why he's far and away the most popular character of the new trilogy, but it doesn't mean Rey's not the protagonist
>the likes are gone so now I need to write a post to show my appreciation of something
Fuck jannies for redditising me.
Anakin was 23 in ROTS, Obi-wan 25 in TPM
>I wanna be like the cool boys too
His character arc might be central to the story but he isn't the main character. The story just isn't written that way. He's as much a deuteragonist as a villain, but Rey is still the center of the story.
I need more effort in my LARPs. Give us some plot details faggot.
WTF? I like KK now!
>Chadnakin boxoffice: ROTS $848,754,768 global boxoffice, AOTC: $649,398,328 global boxoffice, total: around 1.5B
>Gaylo boxoffice: TFA 2B global boxoffice, TLJ 1.3B global boxoffice. Total: around 3.3B
So Gaylo wins by 1.8B. Bravo KK and JJ!
Since You asked so nicely.
Movie starts with Rey trying to read the Jedi texts but couldn't and Resistance on the run from the FO.
How is JJ gonna kill Leia?
Where is the OT in that pic
Disney shit on it.
salsa por favor
hm. interesting, but could have been better. Nice CG though.
thanks user❤️