>dude, white people are evil. imao. but i only exclusively fuck white bitches.
>watch my movies or youre the racist
Truly, our generations greatest director.
>dude, white people are evil. imao. but i only exclusively fuck white bitches.
>watch my movies or youre the racist
Truly, our generations greatest director.
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't he half white
Jews aren't white.
>Italian Jewess
That's why he fucked his other half.
ITT: Obsessed insecure little faggots
Jews are white
>thinking they are actually Semitic
she's jewish. Peele doesn't think whites are evil you brainlet. He actually makes redpilled anti-racemixing flix and you're too blind to notice.
That woman is hardly white.
Most nogs consider fucking white bitches as act of retribution for slavery.
It's some australian shithead
His black father abandoned his family and was raised by his mom and the local white community. Similar story with Colin Kaepernick. Biracials raised by whites, with daddy abandonment issues always turn out to be the biggest hoteps
She's a Jew, so she is without sin
And since you can't be racist against whites, antisemitism isn't real then
He did NOTHING wrong, if he only wants to hire blacks then so fucking what? The only issue I have with it is the media double standard of how they would react if a white director said he only wanted to hire whites, Peele himself is fully entitled to his position imo.
You can see he's actually good at filmmaking looking at all these cringe posts by wh*tes bashing him solely because of his skin color
>>Italian Jewess
Bit redundant, don't you think?
Isn't his mother white?
lol that woman is clearly (((not white)))
Racist shit head
I don't know If people disliked Jews for their DNA more than their behavior
>good film maker
He's more of a mediocre flick maker
He said he wouldn't cast white dudes as the LEADS in his movies.
He has no problem with whites in supporting roles
The day Yea Forums solved racism
It doesn't even matter if he meant he would only ever cast blacks, he's a private citizen not the state, he can do what he likes.
show her ass
This but unironically
Is the new film as race bait as Get Out? I’m sick of this director being so acclaimed as one of the greatest minds of all time simply because he’s picked the low-hanging race bait fruit while churning out mid-range product. Normally when this happens (Spike Lee, for example,) the individual is compartmentalized into an activist role, whereas this guy has somehow seeped into the mainstream. I don’t blame black people, though. Why is it that white people are so obsessed with glorifying anything that has some racial subtext or overarching narrative? Is it virtue-signalling, or have they just been systematically educated to give into anything that follows this narrative? As a NW, I really don’t get it.
>but i only exclusively fuck white bitches.
To be fair I doubt any black girls want to fuck him anyways.
>he's a private citizen not the state, he can do what he likes.
That's not how that works, user.
Thats exactly what everyone is calling out.
Ofc it is. The state is prohibited from displaying such bias, but a free man can do as he pleases.
Then go call out the media, not Peele. He didn't create this double standard.
No I don't. Are you a retard?
Yes...we need more of this. She's quite nice.
>thinking he's Morgan freeman
Do all blacks look alike ?? Racist
>Do all blacks look alike
Uh, yes???
Uh, yes??? You got a problem with racists, bigot?
She's not white she's jewish.
Though the general sentiment of non-white males shitting on white people and then exclusively dating white women is absolutely a thing, especially in hollywood.
Jewish people are white tho
White people are the most criticised group in America right now. Jews, on the other hand, are entirely above critique. Try saying "white people suck" and "jews suck" on the public square and note the difference. Nobody considers them white (And That's A Good Thing)
Jordan is a white man, it's my God given right to talk shit about a fellow white
>Christian people are white
>religion is based on race
then why is it considered wrong to say you'd never cast blacks in lead roles? Every possible survey and piece of evidence shows that whites are considered the most attractive and the best in the performing arts by a long mile, so why should any director ever cast blacks barring historical accuracy or exoticism?
Do you actually call yourself white? Are you that much of a mutt you have no heritage to identify with?
Is this accurate?
jews are smarter, more successful versions of whites
Extremely based and yet bluepilled
might as well say fleas are smarter more successful versions of dogs.
No, they aren't. They have skin which is more or less the same colour as white people and their phenotype is somewhat similar (though you can learn to tell them apart most of the time), but race is not merely your skin colour or your facial phenotype. Race is genetic ancestry and also (but to a far lesser extent) cultural conditioning. Jews have a significantly distinct culture from whites and have their own unique genetic ancestry that differs from whites (Europeans).
This is an arguing tactic that I've seen jews use quite a lot. When a white person starts to identify as such, they swoop in a deride that identity and say you can only identify as your specific national ethnicity e.g. german, british, irish, italian, norwegian etc.
You know this argument is in bad faith for two reasons. Firstly, an identity can be more than one 'thing' - all European ethnicities are subsumed under the umbrella term of White because they are white people. A brit is white, a german is white and so on. They are also their unique ethnicity of white, but they are ultimately white and that is what unites them.
Secondly, that argument is literally never made to any other race. Nobody would ever go to a black man saying that he's proud to be black and say "umm, excuse me, but do you have so little heritage that you have to identify as 'black'? you're actually nigerian/jamaican/ethiopian etc. not just 'black''. This is how you know the argument isn't meant as an intellectual point, but instead as an attack against white people trying to disrupt their group identity.
>his wife is the sister of the co founder of buzzfeed
Holy shit
And was raised by a white family in a white community. Dude has serious Freudian daddy/acceptance issues.🏳️
Do fleas have documented higher IQ than dogs? If so it'd be an accurate statement, like iot's accurate to say jews are smarter than whites due to IQ
Yeah, but in truth jews are still white. They just know they don't mean their subgroup, and that the nepotism network will still work for them no matter how powerful the anti-white rhetoric gets.
Lmao I'm Welsh I don't give a fuck about Germans, Engl*sh, Slavs, south Koreans or anyone else who might have the same skin tone as me
>Impose one drop rules where anybody with any black ancestry is classed as 'black'
>Get upset when mixed race people identify as black not white
Retarded Americans are finally realising that centuries of white supremacy is going to fuck their country up.🖤
white males are evil even white women know this and want shitty white males extinct
there's no contradiction in his actions except for stupid mayoboys with their false equivalences
Good for you mate, I believe you.
can i stop hiring blacks in my place of business? can i stop blacks from being managers in my place of business?
furthermore, can i announce this publicly?
>muh nepotism
>ignoring IQ scores
literally a nigger
based nog cleaning the white race from thots. that whore will never pass her genes to white children.
I really am for bringing blacks from africa, that way competition will be higher and white males will be selected much more harshly and all the soiboys and weaklings will die childless.
>average IQ of Israel: 94
>less than the majority of european countries
Nice try Schlomo
Israel is 30% Arab so they bring it down
It's hilarious that you turn into niggers when confronted with Jewish IQ tho
>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world
Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites
>in b4 more nigger arguments about how math is rayciss
IQ obviously helps, but come on. Don't be blind.
How much do you think merit has to do with positions of power and privilege vs connections? A spearhead of very high IQ Jews might genuinely deserve it, but past that first step things start to get messy. There are plenty of genius non-jewish whites based on numbers alone. The big difference, non-jewish whites don't help each other out tribally or even have a unified identity.
> I only fuck (((white))) bitches
thats a tranny, right?
If jews were dumb they wouldn't represent existential treat to white people. It's now the IQ which makes them evil, it's their culture of pure evil.
>muh privilege
t. nigger. You're using the same arguments against jews that blacks use against whites. I guess white privilege is real too
who did the (((documenting))), moshie?
Jared Taylor, Richard Lynn, James Watson...The same people who say white IQ is higher than black IQ and are worshiped on /pol/
he provided proof. youre just pulling shit out of your ass/buzzfeed
and white privilege is real too apparently. Blacks are only doing worse because of evil white nepotism
Imagine getting to flatiron that ass EVERY SINGLE NIGHT
You can hate Peele all you want. He's won. He doesnt care. While thousands of people seethe about some bullshit he spouted, he gets to come home every night and mount THIS.
I only used the word privilege to distinguish jobs that might need connections but are dubiously powerful. Like journalist or Star Wars actor.
I figured it would trigger, but not this much. Jesus.
White male virgin here I am confused by the first episode of twilight zone
Nigga you're from the same island, at least the celts have some argument
You do know celts where there first before moving to ireland?
and peeles 3/4 white
I figured you wouldn't sound like a nigger so much
>Half White
>Father left him
>Never experienced actual hardship
>Marries a white jew
>constantly pretends he's a brotha of color
>Makes everything about race
Typical rich white guy behavior
Take this to /pol/ bro. All people are equal !
You don't get any bonuses for being white
If you watched his movies you'd realize it's race bait and he doesn't actually take a hard stance on any issues. Based as fuck, tricking niggers in to thinking his movies are a "cause" and reaping the benefits
>mulatto marries a kike to get ahead in Hollywood
>this is the average Yea Forums poster that you share a board with
He's fucking Gina?
Shouldn't the white guy fap to the black guy fucking the white girl?
My point was that living within the same small continent means more than likely "welsh" and "english" genetically mixed; the celts, living on an island, were more isolated and differential, i.e. pale skin, green eyes, and red hair
I'm not even constantly talking about jews and laugh at the dropped posters once they find out an actor's ethnicity however boy does she have a hook on her or what? She could take your eye out with that thing if she isn't careful
she shows her butt on Kroll Show
why do lightskin black dudes always hate whitey more than non-mixed blacks
it's cuz she's italian
Italians, French, Arabs, Caucasians (as in from Caucauses), Germans, and Romanians all have bigger schnozes than Jews tbhfam
I think that's the reason he is obsessed with race, desu.
Because despite all that he probably experiences a lot of racism.
So he knows better than anyone that racism is still a huge deal, even amongst polite company.
And all because he looks more black than white.
He could have a brother that looks more white and suddenly the brother gets no racism.
isnt he a jew as well then?
dont u need to convert in order to marry a jewish person?
Get some standards, Chelsea Peretti is fucking disgusting.
>italian She-Jew?
truth desu baka
Because blacks hate them and whites don’t care. It causes self hate and projection
But the ass is fat
Jim Norton used to fuck her and have her peg and shit on him. He dated her briefly.
That's the most obvious kike I've ever laid eyes on.
>And in reality
>tfw attracted mostly to women with large noses
Shes a Jew user, they're both minorities.
>white genocide isn't real
wtf thanks /pol/!
Jews are just another ehtnicity of white just like russians, irish, italian etc. They are white no matter how much arab land they steal and prance around the desert larping as middle easterners
>fuck white bitches
user, I...
Okay, rabbi.