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Supernatural Tuesday Pig N A Poke edition
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I dreamt that they finally have SMG, Dusku, Anthony Stewart Head and Alexis Denisof to guest star in Supernatural and it was a full-on crossover with one of the hunters needing to sacrifice his memories and skill to "re-activate" Faith and the entire slayer line somehow. I even dreamt freaking out and spazzing and my fiancee looking at me funny and then I woke up. Sad.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
and of course the obligatory Heat of the Moment webm
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Time to face the fortune your nephilim boy Jack saw, anons
Mr. Grimm, Dean told me that yesterday was April Fools' Day. You seriously did not believe your fortune did you? Here is your real one
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
No take backs! promised me good luck!! Can’t dim the Grimm
it's over buddy
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
so if anybody here is still watching the Order, season 2 is confirmed for 2020, just when Supernatural is about to end💢
will we see Jo or Anna for the final season?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>even Rowena is a bad fortune teller
is she a good tickler?
crowleyfags BTFO, he is not returning
thankfully CHARLIE isn't either
Ah checked but fuck I already got a hint from how things are building up but spoilering it would be nice
castiel is already looking for God in next week's episode
I really hope shit hits the fan in this season's finale and final season will be season 11 tier good🐸
that scene is destiel canon for many tumblr uggos
dean says something like blow my ass to cas
But I hope the ending is Swan Song good. Based on Jensen’s statements they intend to go big next season. I just hope they don’t have wire fights. Amara being hoisted as she gets “swarmed” by demons is fine, and alt-Michael descending down the bunker was fine, cool even but oh boy. They better not give us another of the Alt-Michael vs Lucifer
peek a boo
they're delusional more news at 11
Seeing the Thing episode really reminds and frustrates me how they could have expanded their mythology further with the alternate dimensions
Ah the last ep of AmGods is so good
I hope the finale is a three parter
>first part
Gathering of armies. We see old friends, hunters, witches, the Judah Initiative, splinter MoLs, and they seek weaponsand shit
>second part
The huge battle. Blow up the bunker. Have a car chase scene/escape with Baby. Many characters die
>third part
An emotional heavyweight like Swan Song. Focused on Sam and Dean.
Epilogue for the next generation
There it ticks off all the necessary crap for a grand finale.
>tfw cockblocking the enteringthisthread user
so is it just me and my home wi-fi, the different wi-fis I detected on the way to work, and my 2 work wi-fis in here
I really long for a new show that will capture at least half of the atmosphere Supernatural has
me trying to find a new occult fantasy show that has decent lore, a lot of seasons, expansive scale and scope, multiple creatures, at least one apocalyptic plot, and tolerable/relatable characters
Watch Grimm
already am, it's too uneven in quality and gripping my attention
You’re uneven in quality
Nah. Like I said in previous threads, Grimm has the potential, the structure, the dynamic is there. Grimm has good MOTWs and good monsters, but it also has more than a fair share of weak episodes and disappointing monsters. The main character Nick has interesting powers but his lack of charisma and lack of personality means he is outshined by his supporting cast. Nick is a generic "action hero" without anything to differentiate him from the others characters of the same archetype. He relies too much on others for research (which works when he was a newly minted Grimm) but 3 seasons in and he's barely shown any progress in tracking or hunting monsters. It's still the standard detective work and then the inevitable confrontation. Innovation in dealing with threats come mostly from his ensemble, mainly Rosalee in her concoctions, and Juliette's experience as a veterinarian.
The interesting monsters almost only show up once, and the mytharc about the coins and the keys are underdeveloped. The political intrigue is just that--intrigue. So far, we aren't given enough ideas about the organizations and how and why they came to power and why they are struggling against each other. You have meetings with the resistance or what have yous without knowing what their motivations are. It's all very vague.
The horror and occult themes are very forced sometimes. Like they were slapped on to complete a checklist of what the show needs.
So you are watching?
yeah I got nothing else to watch atm
they've had that same cooler the entire series. i don't think i could drink beers out something that's had numerous monster heads in it
REMINDER that nothing gets discussed in Gerald and lead to the end of all real discussion. Forcing a topic 24/7 on Yea Forums always, without fail, leads to the utter and complete destruction of that topic.
Generals are inhabited by scum. The worst fucking posters imaginable. Waifu fags, redditers, and discord using sub humans delight in setting up camp in these fucking shit holes.
All generals should be banned from Yea Forums
Man up. I’m sure Sam disinfects it rigorously
>being a mass replier
Not our fault we get anons who are trying to catch up on the series' 14+ seasons, giving us plenty to talk about. Stay mad faggot. Here's your (You)
Anybody else watching something else?
Cool. You’ll like it eventually
Shame Constantine was canned before season 1 could finish
>summons tentacle rape in your path
Just started watching White Collar.
Mark Sheppard (Crowley) played a bad guy in it and the guy the played Agent Hendrickson is another bad guy.
What’s it about?
God after all the slogging through I better
Notorious art thief that gets caught and sent to prison but breaks out with only a few months left of his sentence because his waifu is leaving him. Ends up agreeing to work with the FBI under heavy restrictions, being monitored at all times, cause he knows how other thieves minds work cause he was one of the best when he was an art thief.
It's nothing like Supernatural or Buffy and Angel if you're looking for that but a decent little pallette cleanser type show.
Who’s the thief?
>that episode when someone dies
Im surprised they havent made an episode about that yet. Drinking infect beer.
How will it all end? I havent seen any of the 14th yet so i dont know anything recent. But will it have to end on happily ever after to have a satisfying ending? They cant kill off all evil. They might solve the heaven hell crisis but there will always be lesser demons and monsters. Can they really just retire? Or will it just fade out and imply theyre still the family business?
Imagine if they had kids(dean already had a daughter). How awesome would the cousins be?
Shojo in Party On, Garth is close?
You’ve seen up to the 13th? And here is what I want
Yea i finished everything on netflix. Running through them again. on 11 now.
Blow up the bunker? Also how come they never drive any of those sweet ass cars they got down there?
Kripke blew up the roadhouse because he didn’t want the boys rooted in one place for too long. He wanted them to be on the road and focus on baby. The bunker was introduced in season 8 and that’s half of the show. It’s comfy but it overstayed it’s welcome. Not to mention so many entities have broken into it, that it’s claim as “warded against all evil” is losing credibility fast. Seeing it destroyed will be nostalgic too so it makes sense.
I have other webms, but nice try.
Hello boys.
Carry on my wayward son
They'll be peace when you are done.
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
Why was Sam having no soul such a big deal in season 6? Didn't they allude to Dean having no soul in the previous seasons?
Ooh this is a new one. I like this
At least tell me you got an error before realizing why
Did they they? When?
You think something like that works on something like me?
I feel its good for them to have a place to call home. Not to mention all the lore and research books they have there. And most of the enemies ive seen break into it are humans. The Frankensteins the British men of letters. I just watched the one where sams imaginary friend snuck in there so i knda get your point. But arent there more bunkers scattered around the country? What if they blew up Baby?
Damn. Never thought about it but an Angel Supernatural cross over would be sick as fuck.
I wanna fuck rowenna reeeee
Supernatural ending has got me thinking about the comfy of days gone by.
I would hate fuck her. Easily one of the most annoying female characters next to walter whites wife.
"We help the helpless, you know, the family business"
Their lores are incompatible but the characters interacting would be interesting.
i can't even think about it - i've been seriously depressed and demoralized after hearing that next season will be the last; but at least they seem to be ending it on their terms and it didn't just get capriciously canned by network
Dude we’ve been talking about how kino it would be
>snark contest among Dean, Buffy and Spike
>sulk contest among Sam, Angel and Faith
>ginger turbo witch discussions between Rowena and Willow
>sexy thief team up between Bela and Gwen
>L O R E discussion among Bobby, Giles and Wesley
>debate about humanity among Castiel, Anya and Illyria
>lores are incompatible
user both franchise have portal and dimension hopping. It can work through some freak inter dimensional shift or some shit
It's a loss but remember how it felt when Person of Interest ended. Something new will come along. Supernatural earned its place and never wore out its welcome. We should be grateful.
i should have known I saved my old crappier version instead of the new one made by the webmizer
Better luck next time.
Oh Trust me I will have better luck next time
No, you won't.
Yes I will
Really, you can't fight fate.
I dont know how far theyre going to drag out the Preacher series but that wouldn't be a bad fallback after we lose the boys.
That fucking xfiles one is badass. I want it on a shirt or hoody.
I have the Order season 2 on 2020 once Supernatural ends
Yea ill start it tonight i think its on netflix.
This chicks got some sweet boobs.
Checked and confirmed. Season 11 is one of the best PEAKS of the show post-Kripke
Another soul for the future Order generals
But what about Grimm?
One time they alluded to it was in the episode where Cas started to drink and eat like a madman and so did the normal people.
The Famine episode? That was because he was "dead inside" and didn't want anything. Although if you watch the episode carefully he's actually craving human connection.
The April Fools alliance is over. This is an ORDER thread
Ya this. Dean was defeated, not soulless
I dunno, the way dean described it was pretty on point. He said when he wants to eat he eats when he wants some pussy he fucks. His needs are met. But that craving human connection thing is deep.
Nah man. Sam let his brother get bit by a vampire. As well as a whole list of other fucked up shit. Speaking of Soulless Sammy. I need a hypothetical mini series of Soulless Sam and Demon Dean causing havoc.
What do guys think about Cass becoming an archangel?
You can’t do this I have more seasons than you!
mite be cool but whatever. I remember when people thought Rowena unbound was an avatar or the goddess of magic but that just petered out
Being Human UK
The preacher is very preachy
And yet it is happening.
That'd be neat but I'd say the odds of Cas surviving are virtually nil.
I dont even want to know what you mean by that. I havent seen any of 14. Cass will be fine. He always is.
About what?
>He doesn't know
Yikes. Sorry you had to find out like this
politics and religion
it's made by Seth Rogan
what are the chances I'll be like Dean
>being this assblasted
Fuuuuuuck my desktop still had the perks function why didn’t it show REEEEEEEEE
Religion yea sort of (its called preacher so what do you expect) but politics not so much. At least nothing overly obnoxious that i noticed. First season was really good.
I'm watching this episode right now.
Man, that shifter was /ourguy/ to the max
>Misha Collins recently shared an assuring message with fans regarding Supernatural’s 15th and final season. He claimed that after the series’ hiatus between seasons, they would return to give fans the “incredible season” that everyone deserves. He also said that an ending is a "beginning in disguise." What does it all mean? A spinoff? Five spinoffs?
>Beginning in disguise
Looks like spinoffs are back on the menu, boys
I’m probably one of the biggest whiners for wanting a spinoff here but I won’t read too much into these cliched statements
That's your problem user, you have no faith.
It takes a dump on religion and is full of epic r/atheism tier arguments.
You really didn't find the muh trump wink wink stuff annoying? also they ruined the Hitler storyline because some loud group of idiots thought they were humanizing him too much.
I liked the show overall but it's barely good and it's full of roll your eyes moments, it could be good if they just went with the edgeyness instead flip-flopping all the time.
I'll have to rewatch the second season.
I watched it high and I tend to much more analytical when I watch tv shows high, so maybe I saw the flaws easier.
I remember thinking about the Hitler arc, shit Seth has balls to give fair context about the why Hitler rose to power and how ballz it was to make him relatable instead of some monster then they build up their relationship with butthole face and then ruin it.
I don't mind a bit of political subversion but at least do it classy and subtle way.
well the x-files had a few movies, but that was a more popular show/brand at the time. there's endless possibilities for supernatural films i guess at least in terms of source material. but who are we kidding, the show is gonna end and that's it. fuck this gay earth
Video game
Men of letters prequel
Sons of the Winchesters spinoff
Have hope buddy.
Also anybody else notice how dean eats alot in this show. Like actually eats his food.
we had a spinoff that literally just needed the "go" signal. It was 99% a reality and it all fell apart. You can't blame me for being cynical
have sex
Just did with Pamela
>have sex
using that meme term
What are you up to?
if the CW was really intent on having a Supernatural spinoff we would have one already. They run the risk on shows with lower ratings and viewership but are more stringent on their biggest cashcow. It simply doesn't make sense at all and frustrates me to no end
Yea but now that it's done, CW might change their mind to retain the fanbase
watching American Gods new ep
Yes everyone noticed, It always makes me happy when actors do this, adds a lot to the atmosphere, you have to wonder if he just skips all regular meals when filming an ep so he can fit all those burgers
yeah i have noticed that. it's funny, if you watch tbbt almost every other scene involves them with a meal, but they never eat. and that's common in all tv and movies. characters constantly just sit in front of a plate and maybe will push some food around, but no one eats or every acts hungry. dean chows the fuck down. it's so awesome. one of the many cool quirks of the show.
Yea where are you at with being human? I haven't seen the new AG episode yet watching it later today
Uhhh.. Huh. What? What are you talking about? What spinoff?
The blys from season 1
Apparently he has a technique to look like he’s taking a huge bite but in reality he barely eats. He shared that technique to misha because otherwise he’d be bloated after several takes but yeah he does eat with gusto
The boys from season 14. Theyve grown so much.
They became invisible?
Forgot the pic.
I bet that's just what he tells his wife
>No honey I am eating healthy it's just a show
>No I have this technique where it just looks like I'm eating
>Dinner? No I'm good
Finally watching Don't Go In the Woods. This feels like X Files and the monster looks cool as shit. I'm digging it.
yeah I liked it a lot. Makes you wonder why season 14 second half is so much stronger than the first half
the dude doesn't even hit the desk LMAO
huh? arch angels are totally different creatures. it's canon that God can easily put an angel like Cas back together, but not an arch angel like Michael in the pit. God said it would take eons (or some very long time) to fix him (why i don't know because he wasn't physically harmed) - same with the raphael and gabriel. on the other hand, God rebuilt Cas in a matter of minutes.
ever since I got hooked on Supernatural, I've had the ink, put on some 10-15 lbs of muscle and soldiered it out and kept fighting through lows in life and started learning to be content with what you have and roll along with it to the best you can. Dean Winchester inspired me to be better and I will forever be rewatching this stupid show
God could still level him up if he wanted, clearly he doesn't, he didn't even give them their wings back also
>Metatron: maybe I can be an angel again
>Chuck: no, no thats never happening
>metatron: Oh probably a good idea
>Chuck: yea I think so
Do they ever show monsters in this show or just people with black eyes.
see webm related
Absolutely fucking based.
Theres an anime (voiced by jensen and jared) that actually shows the monsters.
I'm so frustrated with Grimm why does it always fall short why is there another relationship arc out of nowhere why can't they just get back to the coins and the key why is Nick so boring despite having the making of a really cool warrior why did they kill this redhead qt so soon REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
he's very convincing. i think a lot of actors don't put much effort into eating scenes because they think it makes them look less cool or whatever, but not jensen. he should get an emmy for his acting eating skills. and it fits his character so well. dean is hard charging, hard fighting, hard fucking, hard name it. it only makes sense he's eats with gusto. dean also doesn't strike me as a snacker, like he waits until he's starving to eat. sam probably has a pocket full of protein bars to get by between meals, but dean only eats when he's really hungry
>hard fucking
not when somebody last thread pointed out he's not as aggressive as Sam was with Ruby, but maybe more prolific yeah
>dean also doesn't strike me as a snacker
meh, he had M&Ms in wendigo, and he always asked Sam if he wanted "lunch" and showed up chips and candy bars instead. Dean loved halloween candies too, and had that donut from Donna. He just eats whenever and whatever
Poor Xander
did Techno Boy really die already? That sucks where was Mr. World's tribute to Odin?
wayward sisters
Yes and Mr.Moneys place
that's back when sammy was on the demon blood user. he was a totally different guy back then. sam has always been more passive around bitches when he's not on the devil juice
they're diluting Mr. World's presence, he was supposed to be the "Big Bad". His entrance in the precinct in season 1 was great but now he's in every episode, his aura is diluted. Where are Mr. Stone, Mr. Town etc to do the lackey work? And yeah I know about Mr. World. I read the book
alright time for my strength training lads and im feeling extra sleepy tonight i might turn in earlier than usual
go hard then sleep it off lad gn
Well don’t let the thread die
it was a great monster
I thought this show was dead and gone? Episodes are still airing?
The silhouette scene was kino
huntin' monsters and eatin' pie
slayin' demons just my bro and I
yes, we really need to get webmizer onto this scene
I know what you mean, they need mr town and mr road as the point men, tech boy as backup and almost never even hear much less see mr world, ya know like its suppose to be
it was a good monster and i liked the effects, but it felt it sort of wasted. the whole episode was just meh for the most part. i actually found the bathroom scene more unnerving than the monster reveal
Don't see how, it was a motw ep, not everything has to be mytharc
The brilliant part is it also works as a great parallel for Jack when you consider it part of the mytharc but it also stands well as a MOTW
yea I really liked it, could've done without Jack it was fine but if the entire ep had just concentrated on the boys and the monster it would've been the best motw ep they've done in a long time
you're the best dude thanks
these look new or at least i've never seen them before
once again you are the best
Three (one hour) episode miniseries when?
Damn thats some season one shit.
if you get time, all hell breaks loose, dean and john kill yellow eyes in HD would make a good one, if you want
>the pie man
>free willy
idk, I'm not a wwe fan
shorter but better quality.
i only watch it on netflix but if i can find the scene somewhere else i think i can do it. dont know about any of this HD shenanigans.
NF should be at least 720p so it'll do, its All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2, season 2 finale in the last 5mins or so
good name
I'm watching this ep right now, Death may be the GOAT horseman, but famine is one creepy fucker
Death>>chuck sized power gap>>Famine>War>Pestilence
you are the best m8, accept no substitutes
i don't care if she's a horrible person or whatever kind of person she is. all i know is that she was a stunning beauty back in the day. pure 10/10
if Jack "kills" e.g. sends God on vacation i'm going to be really annoyed
>oh what's that Dean? You want to ruffle my feathers? Well aren't you a forward young man ;)
Nope. Not even once. Always been mr. Skeletal.
was that an original?
regardless, i just have say that i truly love you anons that keep these threads going. it wasn't always like after season 9. very few people stayed. but i did. i kept this series alive through the 8 and 9 seasons - we still had live threads every week. in fact, supernatural (thanks to the new generation) is still rocking the longest continual live thread on Yea Forums. so i think you guys should give yourselves a big hand. i mean, when i post on hear from work, it's a form of therapy that helps keep me sane.
and all the in between live threads...i thank all the user that have joined because it was sure sparse for time.
i love all anons and you truly have no idea how important it is to my mental health to have a place to talk about my favorite fictional world. ...back to reading lore:)
dude I'm always here always have been, and kudos to webmizer, who just went nuts with a whole bunch of new ones
I thought from the thumbnail that his leg was a laser gun he was holding
all these years later and I still kinda hate her
lol, even Jody was young once
time to eat
If i can find a place to get full episodes I'd make so many webms. I tried taking small clips from netflix but it only records adiuo with a black screen. Any way around this? Aside from torrents.
Starting season 2 of Buffy
I don't understand how it is so easy for you to do one and not the other
Randy Giles and his gf will be there soon, you won't understand that reference for a long time
Do you mean the techno pagan? had no idea Quark from DS9 was the principle.
lol, and yes he's the principle for a long time
I'm hooked it has a very comfy mood
>yes he's the principle for a long time
have fun
Ugh. Since i dont have full episodes i have to find the scenes i want from youtube. So yea possible and either way works. But if i can get the full episode i know its good quality and i know id have the scenes i want/need to make one.
so get them, the internet has everything and something like supernatural in full HD with subs etc, is not difficult to find
this thread is going bye bye
next time
Thread is still alive wow good morning lads
Hey new webms. Nice. Thank you webmizwer! And i think there is another one making them as well? I gotta get back to making them as well but I don’t have HD copies
Hey same here user. It’s a constant and an achor for my turbulent life.
Hello lad I got someone into Supernatural the other day
Doing Chuck’s work
Yea Famine is underrated. His line about hunger coming not just from the body but also from the soul hits hard
Nice. I remember watching Buffy the first time because Supernatural 8 was taking forever to start. Good times.
Based Spike.
Say did Bestoni ever continue watching Buffy 3?
I can hear "Guitar Man"'s opening rifts here. Damn "Baby" is such a good episode and also because Guitar Man is the ONE Bread song I actually listen to. Even the MIA song when the valet steals baby was a song my sisters will play loud when we have road trips so even that disjoint music spoke to me. Good times.
I know what's going on but without context it looks so dumb kek
Can’t wait for new episode lads but also don’t want our last few episodes to run out
feel that way right now with my re-watch, closing in on swan song, but I know their is plenty more seasons after, and their always will be, the amount of material is more the anyone could have asked for
Yeah i stopped watching the anime a little over midway so i have stuff to watch after live action Supernatural ends
>tfw thinking about what legacy sam and dean and the actual show supernatural will leave behind
Will it be referenced by other shows lads? I know a couple shows have but in the future? Will it be cited as an influence?
It must be. It's been as influencing as Buffy or Angel
“Superstition” has referenced Sam and Dean in the Impala in their pilot. Do you know of any other references from other shows?
Mad TV did skits on Supernatural and I think there are comic references too but those were written by former writers for Supernatural.
I’m also reading up more on it but I really think Supernatural is the first western live action to be adapted to anime by the Japanese becuause Batman, Marvel and Blade were technically comics first before being live action TV
Do black people really watch /our/ show?
I think a handful do. We don't have data based on racial demographic but Supernatural is evenly split among dems and conservatives, and Pedowtiz mentioned the most recent seasons have almost even viewership among males and females so I suppose you'll get a few black people here and there
Lads, I’ve accepted it but I think I’m cycling back to depression
Hello Sam. Hello Dean.
I think she aged more visibly than the other characters but then again she was here for almost a decade
time for comfy fishing, son
I just started season 13, what am I in for?
Portal hopping shenanigans, KFC, Scoobynatural and a finale that will leave you at the end of your rope
>a finale that will leave me at the end of my rope
In... a good way?
How much do you like, cheesy, this was all we had left remaining in the budget type endings?
I hope for your sake kek I was laughing at it
why can’t I read fortunes anymore. Was I a bad kid?
Yes your fortunes suck
Did they ever explain why the show is ending? Was there ever a reason given, or are the actors just ready to do other things? I mean the show could have gone on for a few more seasons. There is still a ton of lore they could still draw upon for more stories.
Checked. The boys probably want to quit
I hope they saved their money because I don't think they will get any other opportunity like this again. Getting a long running show like Supernatural is like capturing lightning in a bottle. The main cast is probably set for life (Sam, Dean, Castiel, and maybe Crowley?).
But the rest of them, I wish them the best of luck.
Jensen just had a brewery established recently. He’s set. Not sure about Jared.
Quads have spoken, Jared is fucked when the show ends
Jensen will save him anyways. Jensen is an irl bro to Jared, helped him out of depression
>mfw dead thread
A Brewery seems like a vanity project and wont pay off right away. Unless he gets Supernatural fans to buy his beer. That said how much did he invest in it? A million?
>Jared Padalecki net worth and salary: Jared Padalecki is an American actor who has a net worth of $12 million.
>Married to: Genevieve Cortese: Net worth $2 million
He'll be fine.
Want to bring it back?
Giv soul
They just put up the anime series on the CW app. They better continue for another 2 seasons
Yup. My oldest brother introduced me to it and my other brother and i watched it religiously up until season 12. I was at the train station and this black chick had a supernatural shirt on.... Really should have hit on her.
Somebody post the webm of Dean and Cassie from Route 666
have sex
That episode gave me jungle fever. I'm still amazed someone was able to conceive of the hilarity that is the /pol/truck
Wow, Dean is canonically a coal burner and a literal cuckold. What did they mean by this?
WMBF term is oil driller
Dean is a COLONIZER confirmed
WTF I like negroes now
Any compilations of bad guys getting stabbed/heads cut off from behind when theyre choking/trying to stab Sam/Dean? It happens at least once every two episodes.
Sounds like a job for the WEBMIZER
Thread is up for almost 36 hours
One day you’ll also watch my show
hope we get lots of brotherly banter next season. they also haven't called each other bitch/jerk in a looong time
Here's to 36 more
But will it ever be as epic? The boys would out hunt girm anyday of the week. Same goes with buffy and they would decapitate angel. And whats that one show with the two witches? Charmed. Yea, theyd gank those bitches too
I dunno about him but apparently in its last season Grimm also does biblical shit, like the Satan of all the monsters. Frankly, I’m only slogging through to reach that arc. So far I’m not feeling it though, switches too frequently between being a chore and being mildly interesting
Well it’s just trying to be its own show
Ok heres something ive always wondered
When they get healed by Cass or other angels or come back from hell are their bodies completely healed? But lets focus on Castiel healing them. Does he only heal an intended or specific wound or fix their whole body. When Dean got turned into his younger self he made a joke about having a virgin liver. And i was like doesnt he get one of those every time hes touched by Cass?
How does a virgin liver differ from a chad liver?
Yea their cholesterol problems get fixed probably as well
Virgin liver IS chad liver. Nobody wants a sickly fat liver.
Is that why dean can get away with all those burgers?
Who's idea was this
Ya pretty much
deAN of course
He also watches hentai and loves busty asians. Is he /ourguy/?
Always been /ourguy/
The thread is still up after my 12 hour nap noice,
btw lads when is the new episode out?
2 AM on Friday in CEST time
thought it was today or yesterday anyways at least I have Buffy to watch
>at least I have Buffy to watch
lucky you i'm stuck with Grimm right now. At least I'm not yet Shadowcunters nor Legashit tier
Feels weird talking about Buffy here
Going to watch the Season 2 Episode 3 of Buffy the one which introduces Spike
Any good new stuff of tv these days? I can't find out about new shows anymore because I haven't watched normal telly in ages or read a tv mag.
Does anyone know any good site which talk about such stuff? I used to use tvmuse
>Feels weird talking about Buffy here
there's a bit of overlap in here, we used to have merged threads when it's a slow day and we all talk about crossover potential and who beats who or who is the best villain or how will each team survive in the other universe
looks like it's just us 2
Uh how the fuck did Juliette just learn martial arts and kick the ass of the domestic abuser wesen? I mean that was cool but where the hell did that come from? Grimmfags help me out here
For now probably but no we got a few other people watching both shows
Yeah you niggas talk about it so much I might give it a look some day.
tons of similarities user, thematically, structually, among cast and writers, and Kripke has cited the show a couple times as an inspiration. besides, I'd gladly soak up any material that approaches Supernatural tier. webm is a spoiler but whatever
I want to thank the WEBMIZER for all the deliveries in this thread. We have a new episode in less than 24 hours, something new to talk about
well I guess I'm alone now, might as well max this out
Wake up threads still up...and it's done, ah well next time lads
you broke my streak of based lads being based REEEEEEEEEEEE
Whos going to make the new thread
There's always next thread chum
I'm here for another 3 hours or so if you want a new thread but I don't know if it will stay up or if we should just wait for the new episode thread?
I can't post much today, your call more posters usually show up in the next hour or so, or I'll see you all for the live thread
Going to be watching Buffy all night
ah what the hell, let's give it a try starting with digits