Is it the state of today filmography?
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Why does the alt-right have to lie and distort so much bros? Why can't they just have sex?
Doesn't she say this? Where is the lie?
sexiest and racist
Because they think it's the evil feminists, niggers and jooz fault that they can't have sex.
That it's somehow an insult to masculinity or whiteness when she implied that a middle aged male critic might not have anything pertinent to say about a movie in which three good fairies take a little girl on a whimsical adventure in a magical land.
I've actually seen Wrinkle in Time and I got nothing out of it either but that's because it was obviously made for little girls with sparkly unicorn posters on their bedroom walls
>mlp wasn't made for white men
Critics are supposed to be proffesionals who give unbiased opinion and judge various aspects of the movie. They're not supposed to "represent" minorities or whatever because that is irrelevant. So she's making an implication that white male critics are biased, racist or whatever which is racist
>denying it
Are MCU shills SJWs everywhere or just here?
>'I don't want to hear what a black woman has to say [...]'
You would LITERALLY be writhing on the floor and screaming.
It seems Hollywood cares more about its sjw snowflake feminazi agenda than actually entertain people.🦖
Good meme, fukn saved.
But dude, nobody even cares anymore about this bitch and her shitflic.
Not even their own leftie NPCs.
It's true. She's blown her chances to be popular with the 4Chins crowd.
She'll just have to take the billion as a consolation prize.
>Ben's fw he will never star in a billion dollar flick.
Y'all had like 2 years to mentally prepare yourselves for this shit and you didn't.
Captain Marvel is the Brexit of Yea Forums
>SJW propaganda flick gets fake box office numbers and still loses to aquachad
>I don't care what critics think of battle angel, I only care about what fellow incels think of the film.
You are what you hate.
haven't watched it but im sure that if i do you all gonna look like incel/havesex.
>the film itself is benign on this front so I have to use an actor quote
Billion with B. Cry more.
>the film itself is benign on this front
Easily the most on the nose feminazi propaganda ever made. I saw the Jude Law being the bad guy twist coming just because he was the only white guy in the entire thing lmao. Tldr shill harder
>the white guy being bad is propaganda
Dry your eyes and tell us more.
He's the only white guy in the entire thing, the other one is a shapeshifter who's also the bad guy for 3 quarters of the movie. Tell your bosses to make better propaganda flicks if you want to shill here buddy
So we've gone from 1 to 2 and we haven't even gotten to Coulsen yet. That tear-blurred wikipedia summary is failing you, crybaby.
>cry cry cry cry cry
so this... is the power... of tranny arguments...
Have sex
how is your sex life tranny?
Who? The niggress who makes the "ur da fiercest* gurl evah sistah" speach. I thought the cringe was going to kill me so I had to take a break after that. You need to be subtle with the propaganda shill, this and black panther were overkills
* They use this word in the movie I swear to god
>u cryin lol
>hav sex
Do shills know they stick out like a sore thumb if they use the same script all the time?
>cry more when someone points out your bawling
The absolute state.
this is powerful