Never been a fan of Jarmusch's films but this looks fun and it has a great cast. I'm in!!!FACT!!!

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No need to !!!
Only Lovers Left Alive had emo vampires, and it was mediocre


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I hate how every zombie movie has to be comedic now. Like can noone make a scary zombie movie?

85% of the comments are about Adam Driver. Wtf

Papa Snyder coming to the rescue. Just wait a little more, user, and your wish will be fulfilled.

Was something announced?

I hope Bill Murray eats shit and dies this year. I'm sick and tired of this unfunny old cock sucker


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>Jim Jarmusch
>Wu Tang clan
>Five-Percent Nation
>castrate myself

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T. Chevy "medium talent" Chase

Would he also be OK with casting David Duke?


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I hope this will be the stopping point for the whole zombie genre for a while.

Zombieland: Double tap is coming out soon though

Looks fun.

Army of the Dead, for Netflix.

The name makes it sound like its going to be schlock, but I like snyders movies.

Hope its good



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RZA is a black nationalist who believes in black superiority, he's a five percenter, it's a spin off from The Nation of Islam and basically black sionism


why the fuck do trailers have that 5 seconds preview for the trailer

Adam Driver's character looks similar to his another role in Logan Lucky

Really? I thought he was a massive weeb.

is that the blowjob lady?

>tom waits and iggy pop
the fuck

>Jarmusch movie
>Not sad people drinking coffee or smoking in total silence for 10 minutes
What happened

Apparently you haven't seen very many of them.

Looks like a poor man's Shaun od the dead desu

>all these plebs lacking faith in Based Jarmusch

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YouTube ads are 5 secs long

>Permanent Vacation (1980)
>Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
>Mystery Train (1989)
>Night on Earth (1991)
>Dead Man (1995)
>Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai >(1999)
>Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)
>Broken Flowers (2005)
>The Limits of Control (2009)
I think I’ve seen enough

Then act like it and stop talking bullshit.

I bet you’ve seen only Paterson and that vampire flick or you just too stupid to get the joke.

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>hasn't even seen his magnum opus Paterson

Christ, it's Reddit the movie

I've never personally seen women get more wet over anyone else in my life. That's including the chad looking actors too, none of it comes close.

>Iggy Pop doing a Dale Cooper
I'm in

Someone hasn't seen Coffee & Cigarettes

You haven't seen enough, watch Only Lovers Left Alive

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because adam driver is a big guy despite of his look

Ugh the weird creepy ginger dude from twin peaks is in this

looks like shit

You do know he directed the Dawn of the Dead remake, right?

i don't mean that broseph i mean the start of the video itself at 0:00

All the comedy beats in the trailer were really unfunny and lame. And I agree with that shit's annoying.
But Iggy Pop and Tom Waits...

>Be in a couple shitty star wars movies
>Get cast in fucking everything afterwards

At least it's not Daisey Ridley, thank god

I'll see this for Selena Gomez

I wonder about that as well, it's pretty retarded. Maybe it's like bait for ADHD kids.

lmao all these snyderfags using le onions memay

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Shaun of the Dead is a poor mans Brain Dead.


IT'S 2008 AGAIN!!!!!!

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More like 2004.

If anyone's going to come out nu-Wars unscathed it's going to be Adam Driver. Boyega has tried repeatedly to do shit outside Star Wars, and everything has flopped.

Dude watch Ghost Dog, literally has one of his songs in there that says WE WUZ KANGZ

More like 1968

You forgot
>Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
Since last time it was vampires, zombies makes sense I guess.

Iggy Pop was in the fucking Rugrats movie so this isn't even the weirdest thing he's been in

Good use of 7&7 is. That was a song built for movie trailers.

it's like 15 years too late for a zombie movie. what retard decided this was a good idea? the adam driver line was funny but there's no fucking way i could sit through 90 minutes of this shit.

The fact is that Driver was an established actor before Star Wars. Boyega had maybe one movie, and I genuinely didn't know Daisy before she appeared.
And also Driver continued to do other movies beside SW, that got him more cred than the other two.
>Inb4 muh Orient Express

I'm gonna see it only for Tilda and there's nothing you can do to stop me😃