Why aren't there more Roman movies?

Why aren't there more Roman movies?

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requires a high budget

Pic unrelated.

Correct, that's a mediocre video game.

I’m glad there aren’t. They always fuck it up with terrible costumes

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Gladiator ruined it for everyone by being to good.
I dont know about anyone else, but I dont even give any other movies a chance (bar 300) because gladiator was just so good to me.

what do you mean there's been hundreds, now byzantine movies on the other hand you can count them with one hand

same with jurassic park with dinos or save private ryan with ww2, sometimes movies are so good that they kill entire genres

>go home velite girl!

Is that snoop dogg on the right?

Why do all Romans speak in a British accent?

Because making actors learn Latin isn't a priority among filmmakers. Sad, I know.

fuck romans, only white people care about this dogshit civilization

too male literally patriarchal, too imperialistic and political no matter the era, too expensive to film regarding battle scenes (see HBO's rome).

The genre also became stale after the 50s/60s were oversatured with it's italian version of spaghetti westerns among others. Same thing is happening now in China with all the historical epics, half of which take place during the 5 dynasties and 10 kingdoms era.

They didn't have the equipment to make movies.

HBO got the costumes right.

Because we´re in the middle of the Fall of Rome and (((they))) don´t want the NPCs to notice.

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Kikes despises Romans and Italians more than they despise the Anglo, the Germshit and the Slav.

I wonder when are people going to be tired of nordic mythology and go back to roman and greek

Well, they got the Romans right. Everyone else looked like they came out of an Asterix and Obelix panel.

I only remember the Egyptians who admittedly were gaudy looking.

a "well made" one would be yet another closeted pro-authority faggot b8 movie for in/tv/cels

Would you watch a romantic comedy set in imperial Rome?

low IQ and luke warm take

A Gala Placidia biopic would be interesting

Damn, years later and this is still one of if not the most graphically impressive games this generation.

Really makes you think.

Depends who makes it. American romcoms are some awful shit.


What about Greekshit? Iliad show when?

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Jews run Hollywood and Jews hate the Romans.

They need to let grudges go, it's been 2,00P years.

>The genre also became stale after the 50s/60s were oversatured with it's italian version of spaghetti westerns
Jesus Christ there is so much wrong with this sentence. SHUT THE FUCK UP if you have LITERALLY NO IDEA what you are talking about you fucking piece of dog shit

Jews don't let go of grudges. They pass them on to their children.

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Gladiator was directed by a jew. So was Ben-Hur. HBO Rome was also created by Jews

Seems they make p good Rome kino

you will pass on your virginity to your (siblings) offspring

correct, they never got over pic related

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Got to sue the Jews for being exposed to the retelling of Hitler, Holocaust and World War II all throughout my childhood, youth and adulthood, via school and every media to the point of tired exasperation.

tl;dr STFU you whinging little shit.

>romans were mooning them in their temple
>fast foward 2000 years, incels are memeing in their basement
simply epic, millennials

>and the ensuing stampede resulted in the death of ten thousand Jews

10 at most

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why don't you have sex you goblin, you'll stop being so butthurt


incels are just obsessed

why would anyone make a movie about some dudes that collapsed

its not the jews fault you never had any friends in school m8

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Nah. You will just have to fuck yourself.

>When JIDF doesn't recognise the guy posting next to him's posts

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>*reasonable argument*

>incel screeching noises

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Brown people and blacks are lame dude

romans raped my ancestors i wan't reparations from italians