What is your opinion on Adaptation?
What is your opinion on Adaptation?
I love it, a top 5 film for me, easily the best film made after the year 2000
funny, innovative, engaging, educative, dramatic, romantic, exciting, interesting
Nicolas Cage performing better than Streep, Cooper getting an oscar
it is to me an incredible achievement (or combo by jonze&kaufman) that doesn't get appreciated enough, probably because the general audience aren't interested in it
It stinks. And I say that as a Kaufman fan.
10/10, I had to read the fucking new yorker book at some point and this film does perfect justice to unadaptable film adaptations.
cause he's a brainlet and didn't get it
I love Judy Greer's tiny kino nipples
>tfw everyone forgot OSCAR WINNER Nic Cage is a great actor and everyone thinks he's a joke now
Meryl Streep is one hot tamale
that poster equals groundhog day in awkwardness
too many people judges books by the covers these days
hurr durr, I made a boring movie that went nowhere because it's meta. Fuck you.
He's a retard, user. Don't feed the retard
I like it but I haven't seen it since it was released.
The twin brother writing the horrible nonsensical script and finding huge success is so damn funny. Pretty much steals the show.
I remember in high school we had an assignment to write a short story. I had a friend who wrote a story about a boy who couldn't think of anything to write about for a school assignment.
No one was impressed.
This guy gets it. Charlie Kaufman is a hack!
Dogshit. Fell asleep halfway through it and missed nothing.
It's kinda funny that the basic plot turned into two films just a few years after:
See also
>Identity (2003), a film starring John Cusack whose twist ending bears a distinct resemblance to the twist ending of The 3, the fictional script by Donald Kaufman's character.[36]
>Thr3e (2006), a film (based on Ted Dekker's eponymous novel), that bears a distinct resemblance to the plot of The 3, the fictional script by Donald Kaufman's character.[37]
please explain
To me there's a difference between writing a short story and writing a screenplay based on a book about orchids.
Also, a film based on a great yet "unoriginal" idea is not great only because of the idea, but it's great because of the end result.
what kind of films do you like then and why?
maybe the best screenplay ever written but far from being my favorite film
I remember in high school we had to write a romance story and the teacher said "Don't make them die, that's so cliche; death isn't romantic" so I wrote like 20 pages of incredibly verbose necrophilia that actually was a favorite of the judges at Columbia. Too bad I had incredibly shitty grades bc I didn't try in school and never had a chance at anything other than community college
nice blog
You don't like Jonze's inteperetstation of Kaufmans script?
hi twitter
i like the film i just don't like it as much as the quality of the screenplay and the direction would warrant.
telle me more
I've seen it 4 times and it has only been better the more times I've seen it. Is the same not true for you?
Yeah, it's sad that meme gets so much traction. It's pretty clear even from watching a few of his most well-received movies he's great. And as for his crazy stuff: you have to be talented to pull that off. He's been in bad movies, but they were never bad because of him.
wasn't cage nepotisted into acting, like he only makes it cuz he is the brother of Lynch or scorsese or whoever it was?
yeah, his uncle is Francis Ford Coppola who did cast him in a couple of his movies (but not every one he auditioned for). After his first few roles he changed his name (from Nicolas Coppola), but people in the industry obviously still knew who he was. Imo, regardless of how he got his start, it's clear he's talented enough to do the work, he's not dead weight that's only getting roles because he's a Coppola.
very kino
It's great to watch "Being John Malcovitch" and then this the next night.