hey Yea Forums, check this out
Hey Yea Forums, check this out
this unironically looks better
That's a weird skull shape
I look like him in the right picture.
because the skull is bigger than the hair was - but hey, what's stopping someone getting skull augmentation? seems easier than regrowing hair. just a couple of snug plastic plates
id vote for right
He looks really cool with the beard and shaved head, someone should tweet him that picture.
you seem like you want to be turned around and fucked by a satanist. where'd you get that kind of idea freak
I cant stop balding :(
>he turns into a jew
>he turns into a socialist
So glad he keeps the solid gold comb-over to signal his capitalist virtue
which will be you, Yea Forums?
that nigga cant grow a beard literally AT ALL
that's an outcome of him using Finasteride for the last 30 years to cover the grotesque surgical scars on the top of his head.
what stage are you bro
Reversing the polarity of the infidel's faith
Does your name start with M?
Trump securing the hipster vote I see.
it would get old real quick. the gold hair is part of his brand. He doesnt care if people mock it as long as it gets him noticed. (if you agree please like I need to reach 2000 likes before it ends)
Left - what you look like to women if you just be yourself
Right - what you look like to women now
>2019th year of our lord
>untold billions of dollars spent on useless causes like Africa, Israel and foreign aid
>STILL no cure for baldness
literally buy rogaine at your closest Walmart, not to mention the thousands of different surgeries celebrities get
>Michael de Santa
I don't have millions of dollars to throw on transplants like celebs do.
Not seeing it.
Based look
he can't do that though, his scalp is fucked from botched surgeries.
This is extremely difficult for me to say but he really doesn't look like a fucking twat in the modified picture.
>the grotesque surgical scars on the top of his head.
what sort of scarring? is it from crude early hair transplant procedures?
Trump has good features for an old guy but he's fucked it up with that hair and tanning.
punished trump
Damn. People would take Trump a lot more seriously if he looked like that.
they's just call him baldy instead of cheeto
Needs an eye patch.
>balding in the front and bald patch in the back
>head shape is weird so I look gross with a buzzcut or completely smooth
>can only grow a neckbeard and shitty mustache
why not both?
looks like that little hipster twat from American Gods.
>>head shape is weird so I look gross with a buzzcut or completely smooth
Just use a cool hat 24/7
Bingo, he had laser hair removal surgery on his face years ago, his whole body is incredibly fucked up now that his age is against him
Rumors say it's botched scalp reduction. Yes, they literally stretched the parts of his scalp with hair on top of his head. He's fucked for life.
>botched scalp reduction
Why in heaven's name would he go through that??
>all the dude drumpf lmao in this thread
>mfw, he gave advice to Hitler how to solve the jewish question
>Why in heaven's name would he go through that??
Because he's one of the most shallow and vain people you'll ever come across, which is hilarious considering how terrible he actually looks considering all the work he's paid for, but that's what happens when you surround yourself with yes men for your entire life
JUST Jared
Holy fuck I want alternative reality Donald
No, they'd call him a skinhead
>>STILL no cure for baldness
Oh God I love this movie.
>tfw look like left image but poorer and not famous so no gf
just b urself
Looks like Jimmy Bullard
The professional street fighter player, and now renowned alledged wife beater, Infiltration, got an absolutely phenomenal hair transplant and other cosmetic surgery on a fighting game players money. Doesn't cost millions.
The lower pic is the more recent one.
He's literally the President...
I think it's like 5k a session. The dude who played Michael Scott probably only needed one session. This dude would have needed a lot more.
There was a local radio station in Tucson that had a plastic surgeon on. He talked about all of this shit.
like how fucking pussy faggot do you have to be to want little boy hair? Real men go bald because they are born leaders with extremely high testo and fuck all the best bitches lmao pathetic pencil dick trannies with their womanlike long hair hahaha
tfw finally gave up and buzzed my head because going bald
>Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave...with a box of scraps
literal low t kill yourself tier faggots.
i'll be joining you in 5 years user. my hairline is creeping back and my hair is thining on the top
turning 30 is going to suck balls
Go bald with a massive mustache and become the strongman you've always wanted to be
people going bald don't usually look like lemmy
truly blessed image
I had my t levels checked last year and they were 890 ngdl just shitty roll of the hair genres everyone in my family has nice hair too
>just grow it out bro
And people that shave their head usually don’t look like statham
I heard Turkish doctors are pretty adept at it and it's cheap.
I’d rather look like this than being shaved bald when I start loosing it in my late 30s
its almost like there are no good options when you go bald?
I’ve seen a few and read review they don’t usually put in the right amount of grafts and do it properly and you wed to go back a few times it’s best to use a well known one those Turkish ones are also not approved but the good ones cost money
Based schitzo ghetto iphone tranny
how about get something more important in your life to care about
how old is this fella... might be killing myself tonight depending on the answer
True it sucks but you can work with what you’ve got and focus on things you can change but shaving it is the biggest cope there is, even a little hair is better than none
you just have awful taste because that looks atrocious. just go get one of those glued on hairpieces
I’ll be there soon, m8. any kinos for this feel?
Lol no those hairpieces look like shit and people can tell nothing worse than shaving it off
I'm 21 and a lot of my life I've had my head shaved to a grade 3-5 because my hair grows naturally really long and is straight and i also have two crows and basically it's just a long mess of shaggy hair so i just shave it. I don't care about my hair and only see hairlets crying about balding on Yea Forums
wrong, i know a guy who has one and i didn't know until he told me. most people can't tell, you're full of shit
yeahh I no longer am in danger
No they can you’re just naive hwy never so the hairlines right
Shaving it off isn't owning it. It's desperately trying to hide it. And everyone knows.
Did you think it was you?
looks like Martin Sheen
>mfw I'm balding and always have used long hair
>mfw my belly is growing and nothing I do seems to make it better
>mfw I can see my prime might be behind me
>mfw still 6 years to reach 30
what do
>tfw 33 and tick and lustrous jet black hair
Sucks to be you hairlets
very correct, this hair clearly slays pussy
No one who wouldn't already know like a gf or wife would pay that much attention to your hair. I wouldn't do it because it sounds like a pain in the ass
True jelly but gotta go with what happens I could be a Manley too and ugly
No but it would be worse if he shaved it off you need a certain face and head most men don’t have
This style is great. I unironically think it's hot as hell when a guy is balding like this but just owns it. Looks like a slavic poet.
you obviously dont get out much. a lot of guys have those hairpieces and you really can't tell
Looks like Sekiro
You're literally in your prime user. Take care of your body, workout, start eating right.
Funnily enough, a lot of these ugly nerd streamers and poker players get attractive "girlfriends". Even if they're gold diggers, it's better than being alone.
eat and drink less
exercise more
I work in one of the largest American cities in finance you can tell
>No but it would be worse if he shaved it off you need a certain face and head most men don’t have
he looks ugly as shit either way, you're just a thining hairlet coping by keeping it. go put your minoxidil on
for you
Because no one really cares about another person's hair. By age 35, 2/3rds of men will have some kind of hair loss. It's not rare or anything.
He looks ugly either way, but in only one of those options makes him looks like he's trying to hide the fact that he's balding.
this is like Trump from the mirror universe in Star Trek.
just eat less? no specific diet?
I’m neither friend I just know that if he shaves he will look much much worse than with his hair despite it being shitty >not being Tolstoy pilled
Yeah. It's not hard fatty.
Diets vary from person to person. If you care at all, do some research. If not, then just wallow in internet and self pity.
he's hiding the fact that he's balding by....being bald. wow you're a genius, the memes have done one hell of a number on your brain
Jesus Christ didn’t your parents or friends teach you about diet and nutrition?
You did the right thing. Don't listen to these spastics telling you to 'own' your balding hair. Doing that makes you look like a retarded math teacher with no sense of style whatsoever. Bald/shaven head people can look good. Half hair faggots NEVER look good.
you keep posting people that would obviously look better with a shaved head
He said buzzing. The quickest, cheapest haircut there is. It doesn't hide anything, and is more practical than any other option.
except when people ask me why i shaved i own up to it and say i was going bald. i look 10x better than if I didn't shave and I have the confidence to own up to it
so im better looking and more confident than you are
That's because you have never looked good or dressed nice in your life. You probably have autism. Not even joking.
Come on moron, don't bullshit yourself.
Being bald =/= losing your hair. Losing your hair is what makes you a hairlet, a genetic failure. Trying to make it appear like you have any choice in the matter makes you pathetic. Cope harder baldy.
You literally see bald and balding men everywhere, or you would if you left the house.
yea i dont really care what people are saying, i look better buzzed than with shitty thin hair that wisps around with a slight gust of wind.
I actually have thou I need to for my job you’re retarded to think that at the first sign you need to shave it off Frasier looks much better with this hair
>tfw 30 and hair is thick as a rug but rapidly turning silver
please please please have sex incel holy shit😂
Yeah I do? How does that have any bearing on how WOMEN perceive bald men? No one "gives a shit" when they see the deformed walking down the street, but we're not talking about that.
this level of cope is astoundin. just shave your ugly balding you permaweeb
have sex for the first time you sad incel
God life would be so easier with hair. fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
He's trolling. Balding is a sign of high test. There's a reason why bodybuilders who inject extra test speeds up their balding.
how he done funny face?
>how WOMEN perceive bald men?
>virgin ties his self worth to what women think.
Now we're to the heart of the issue. Women don't know what they want user. That's why you see girls say things like "eww, I hate guys with big beards." then they'll be with a guy with a huge beard and laugh about it. They need to be told what they want.
you have a lot of anger towards guys with shaved heads. did you get molested by one as a child?
I’m. It guy but that’s not true it’s due to dht sensitivity not amount of test
Being a silver-fox is hot as fuck though. Look at Clooney.
>having a beard
holy shit i'd unironically vote for right one in 2020
No being an attractive silver fox is attractive just like being an attractive bald man is attractive
So? It makes you look wiser and women will be all over your dick because of all their daddy issues
Unironically my dad looks a lot like the right.
m8, cut that stanking hedgehog that's hanging off the back of your head ffs. It looks like it stinks.
Best thread 2019
Your dad is hot lol
its ok if you were molested, it would explain a lot
Hello Jed Bartlet glad to have you back in the white house
Baldlets and haircels bith getting mad lel
>tfw Targaryen colored beard
I get a nice stubble look going after about a month but it's a bitch to shave off
hahahaha get back to me when a woman loves you and let’s you have sex with her hahaha but it’ll probably be years from now hahahaha😃
So bodybuilders who inject extra test and grow bald are dht sensitive? How would that be affected by the increased test?
Doesn't work. The hairdo still looks so fucking stupid.
you sure told 'em, chief
except infiltration never beat his wife and it was spread by her and her friends on forums to ruin his career. some women are bat shit insane
Dht sensitivity is just in your genes some bodybuilders I’ve known run massive cycles and still have perfect hair it just depends on your genes
Why do roasties find this guy attractive?
He just looks like an average white guy.
stop watching porn.
Holy shit he looks like that guy from west wing. Tiger blood's dad.
Why does everybody always pretend that hairplugs are that unaffordable? got mine done in Turkey for 1500 euro and the kebabs did a bang up job
Flights to turkey would run me about 1700 without factoring in a room or other expenses. Just not worth it.
Because he was in the notebook
Not all of us have the income to fly to turkey and pay for that
Back to idiot
niggers btfo
le epic funnyface
how old was Ryan Reynolds in blade 3?
Right but its sped up by increasing your test. So you can be dht sensitive with low test and have your hair
>stretched scalp op
Jesus H Christ
and now everyone you ever knew whilst balding knows about it.
To quote the chinks, You get what you paid for. If I'm getting hair transplant there better be 0% chance of my scalp going necrotic
I am a euro so it was like 50 euro. Dont Americans do these things in Mexico or whatever?
So? I look objectively better now. Its a pretty normal thing nowadays.
I won't care as long as the new hair looks good
Kevin? Is that you? It's me James, you were in my Math class in high school. You always used to try and look up my girl Amy's skirt. If I ever see you on these boards again I'll fuck you up
Zyklon B awaits you
the problem isn't even that bad
What you should do is shave your head and facial hair and eyebrows. Get a barcode tatted on the back of your head. this style is TIMELESS
Lowkey could see some absolute hench monster getting away with this
that's good, silver hair never falls
I'm 23 and my hairline has already almost completely receded halfway up my scalp
Some people win in life some others loose
an hero and hope for a better roll
He has money and is white
>tfw started balding at fifteen. 25 now and somehow doesn’t look too much different
You’re saying women just like white guys for being white? Despite if they hav either flaws
shoulda taken more biotin bro
Just depends on the person it just stops sometimes
wtf he's breathing
lol seething
>on biotin, min, and fin
>still a norwood v
>looks a bit like Martin Sheen.
Would be great to see Trump finally do away with the hair some people keep giving him crap for.
whats min?
Though so too. Martin Sheen.
>all those chemicals
yikes enjoy dying early
They pulled out his hair for this to make him seem for middle age. He didn't want to keep doing it.
everyone has to carry their share of suffering
biotin slows down or stops hair loss, it doesnt regrow it
minoxidil does regrow hair but not past the crown of your head, so you'll always look like you're balding but at least you won't go fully bald
dont use fin, the risks outway the reward
Who is the bottom right clean shaven man?
Probably more difficult for you than decline dick up the ass
You need to be really handsome and at least be 6' to pull it off
>minimize hair slider
>augment beard slider
kek wtf
>tfw girls always say i have nice hair
>tfw too autistic to talk to women
>tfw the girl i like always compliments me but im retarded
oh boo hoo what a tragedy look at mr. fallen chad over here
And people mock him.
>Ugly woman at the gym told me to smile more
>Got pissed off and told her I'd look like a retard smiling while lifting weights
>She told her friends I'm weird
Shit I only get one sideburn but that’s pretty fucked up, sorry bro
Are you sure that it's beard growth and not just moss, because you're lying on a park bench all day, you dirty hobo?
>tfw can talk fine to males but cant say a word to women
How can anyone claim god exists when something as absurd as male pattern baldness exists
Alain Delon, french actor
because the fact it persists to this very day mwans that women do not care as much about hair as they do about power, connections and capability to protect in a man. You don't even have to have a great personality as long as you can beat up other suitors and can provide shelter.
>Don’t make the common mistake of thinking that biotin is for preventing hair loss–unlike other supplements that are supposed to prevent hairs from falling out, there is no evidence yet that biotin does that.
there's no escape.
He's painfully average, if not outright plain.
I would vote for 2020 Lex Luthur
seething hapas
>people thinking some chemicals can stop gene predisposition
Of course there's not
He can't grow a beard, senpai.
His only saving grace are his blue eyes. It's literally cheat codes irl. Any blue eyed person you just can't help but be hipnotised by their eyes.
I started shaving instantly when I noticed my hairline receeding. I like it, I hated doing anything to my hair so I like how easy it is.
>some women are bat shit insane
Just like relax friend. Hair loss is caused by stress.
I'm lucky because my grandpa on my mom's side had a full head of the hair on his head till his kidney fucking exploded. Greasy, but there.
Great minds think alike my friend
the chad embrace is for someone who's about to star in Con Air or something
>Hair loss is caused by stress
False, it's due to DHT
I just see him as boring and bland af tbqhwy💔
I refuse to believe this. I had a hearty laugh though.
White """genes"""
>all these people complaining about starting to go bald at 30
>this was my hairline at 19 (nineteen) years old
pics or gtfo
Damn sorry user. That’s a tough break. I’m 26 and mine is slowly creeping back. My dad had decent hair until he was 40 so I’m hoping I maintain that long as well.
>dad still has all his hair
>both grandfathers still have their hair
Feels good to know that I'm never going bald
>my dad
check your mother's side.
You have a jaw of an absolute chad
Just shave it off and hit the gym you will be a chad in no time
I wish I was making it up.
His skull is giving me a predator boner
I think the problem is the underlying assumption that we'd understand how a supreme entity thinks to begin with. I mean chances are if there is a species made in its image it's not here. Probably half way arcoss the universe. If exogenisis is real we could literally be all saying WE WUZ GODZ IN SHIEET globally and it turns out it was just a different species that passed on teachings.
From what I’ve read balding doesn’t come strictly from your mothers side. I wish it did though, almost every male on my moms side hit old age with a decently full head of hair
it comes from both
Dang not even Collins
>realizing it's not the hair or the beard
It's all about bodyfat my dudes. You can shave your head, you can have a full head of hair, you can be clean shaven or wear a homeless looking beard, none of it matters if you have those chunky cheeks. Be skinny, be bald, be fit, but don't allow yourself to be skinnyfat.
I’m Arab :(
No don’t shave it Keep it and just cut the sides looks alright for balding desu
>shit tier genetics
>so much body hair I don't have to visit my embassy when I'm abroad and in danger, I can just take off my shirt and I'm on the endangered species list
>He hasn't grown a mustache yet
>chucklefuck humour
you have to go back
thats my harline now but my chin looks like this
Would you trade a shittier hairline for a nice jaw/chin combo?
>it's another insecure faggot randomly justifying not being able to grow a nice beard with cherrypicked basedboy pictures - episode
That was 2 years ago user, the top is super thin now so I have to keep it shaved or it looks like dogshit
if it makes you feel better the reason i scribbled over my face is not because i care about my identity, but my face looks like it was attacked by a sack of bricks
Well you look like a handsome guy hopefully you’re fit too
dubs and everyone in this thread gets a gf regardless of your alphaness level (being bald)
>he can't do that though, his scalp is fucked from botched surgeries.
Does trump really look like a guy doing face surgeries?
He didnt even get hair implants, you think he will go under a scalpel instead?
trig gurd
Keep coping.
of course these chads could rock clean shaven easily.
>tfw balding
>tfw loving gf who treats my hair with natural oils and balsams whenever we shower together
>tfw good genes overall
>still insecure about my hair
I'm only 22 my hairline sucks and there's tons of patches of missing hair
the worst part is that I can't even grow a decent beard to compensate for it. I can't even grow sideburns
It's like mental torture
>tfw cant grow a beard but have godtier non-balding asian hair genes
are my chin pubes kino?
>getting grey hairs at 25
At least I'm not going bald... yet.
If rather have asian hair+no beard than be a baldy bearded numale
>very correct, this hair clearly slays pussy
How about now?
Does he slay pussy now?
it's called being dolichocephalic you pleb, actually the only thing that fits into his phenotypic traits is the long skull he has. Nordic skull. But he's still ugly at face.
no, a nigger or a shitskinned turk could have that trait, but not the skin.
his long caucasoid head is attractive for the women.
>all these hairlets itt
you have a great jaw
shave it off and grow a stubble
Another Swede
he's half shitalian half swede.
so he's half arab half somali
no facial hair except a goatee and sideburns
President of what?
Even the most advanced techniques leave scarring, both at the donor site and the transplant site. ANY time the skin is broken deep enough it will scar. even with the advanced hair technique you will have thousands of scars in the donor and transplant site because you need to make thousands of tiny holes or a huge scar to take the hair and thousands of holes to plant the hair.
The reason I didn’t get the surgery is that I wanna be able to shave my head if I feel like it, even if bald isn’t the best look.
Am I doomed?
why dont you just go buzzcut + beard?
I like Fraiser-core
He's the quintessential charismatic charming metropolitan white guy whose association with the character he played in The Notebook makes him very well-liked, he's also a young family man who keeps his private life private, creating a mysterious but nevertheless reassuring persona as a provider figure.
>tfw bald manlet by 20 but still fucked a lot in my early twenties because I have muscle definition and a decent face
>tfw cock approaches eight inches at full mast
>despite all of this I am now a jaded 27 year old doomer because I've been nerd baited by literal virgins on Yea Forums
Fuck you guys.
>He just looks like an average white guy.
Thats what girls want
You gotta let go man, that's not a widows peak anymore, that's a subcontinent of india
he could be way worse on the flaw department
biotin has no effect on male pattern baldness
minoxodil can work anywhere on the scalp
I know man, trust me I know
Bitch shut up you wont do shit jackass not my fault "your girl" is a tramp
Same, but 31
Post a pic bro
seething tiny dicked black guys or just lowt faggots in general
dude you look killer, operate with high energy + exercise
Get rid of the chin pube. Mine was fuller but I got rid of it since it's a failure of facial hair and makes me look like a shady guy.