There are 2 genders
Iq is genetic
13% of the population
This is anti-semetic. Is she saying Jews aren't white?
Holy mother of based
delete this
Tranny commit suicides moreso than any other groups
Posting twitter screencaps should be a bannable offense.
Hate facts thread?
>Climate change is a threat
Stop importing thirdworlders who breed like rats then.
90% of the crime✔️
>master plan
thats right goy, stop having white children to save the planet❤️
>legal killings of babies saves lives
What did she mean by this?
A border wall is feasible. Clinate change is not a threat. We don't need more nukes. Legal abortions kill babies. Obama's birth certificate is questionable.
The UN should be struck by an asteroid. As should the EU. There are 2 genders. Blacks commit more crime per capita. Snark is not a valid form of argumentation.
a country's posterity shouldn't deliberately be diminished or destroyed.
I agree with all except for the UN being important.
Whoa! Here’s some cool facts!
I got some NUMBERS for this CLOWN WORLD.
what constitutes 51% of the global population yet has contributed towards 0.01 percent of all human advancement.
That's right user! Females have not purposefully contributed anything positive to humanity! *honk honk*🏴
Rain isn’t wet, it makes things wet but isn’t wet itself.
>legal abortion saves lives
It also ends lives
I agree. I love abortions! (For brown people)
t. brainlet (unironically)
all liquid is wet
t. knower