>Yea Forums turns into reddit
>people actually like it
I have never felt so disillusioned.
Yea Forums turns into reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying there was ever a difference
Honestly they should keep it
Most people on Yea Forums wish they could get a lot of followers and likes on instagram etc they just pretend they dont because they have no friends and would get 10 followers
I kinda like the new wojak
Hilarious that you thought there was any distinction in the first place.
>muh int3rnet W@rz
Grow the fuck up. Shit's pathetic.
yeah it's been very gay
how will that penguin bro do Yea Forums fortune?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
There is a very big distinction youre just not aware of it because youre a tourist who will probably leave eventually because it's 'toxic' here
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I'm a pickle
Not him, oldfag here, just stopping by to also tell you to grow the fuck up
I've been browsing Yea Forums regularly for over a decade, you delusional faggot.
There's nothing good to be found on active boards anymore, slow boards are boring and infinite isn't really that much better
Wat do
Scorelet cope thread?
yeah im sure
Heads-Get a life
Tails-End your lifeCoin Flip: Tails
u kno it
Day of the shit post was r*ddit
>I've been here for 10 years and I can tell you it always was reddit
no you can't say that with a straight face unless you were exclusively on Yea Forums until 5 years ago and crawled out of your shithole to find the entire site infested, you cancerous faggot
There are ok threads here if you avoid the redditors. obviously the board is unusable while this like thing is up
It's the fucking same shit moron. The fact you actually buy into the "Reddit" shit is hilarious.
ITT a bunch of fagits tell you how Yea Forums is and isn't and if you disagree you're reddit.
>a bloo bloo my special club we're so different and unique not like the other internet clubs
Again, grow the fuck up
T. Reddit
It was WAY MORE "reddit" in 2008 than it's been since /r/Yea Forums redditors started flooding in acing edgy brcause that's what they thought they were asposed to do
It’s just a prank bro
Calm down incel
I'm horny for some lolis
Oh, I thought the perks would be gone by now.
Cool shyte.
please like
The fact that you can't understand what the difference is is telling
I don't remember recent acceptable threads on this board recently, hobestly
Last year I was still posting in war movies threads, but the endless parade of 'I'm 14 and here's my retarded wikipedia opinion about X' really burned me out
I'm just here for waifu threads now and they get deleted.
>Yea Forums turns into reddit
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums like it
not that user and
>exclusively on Yea Forums until 5 years ago and crawled out of that shithole to find the entire site infested
is exactly, no shit, my story
now I can't even go back to Yea Forums because it's apparently 100% porn. nothing fun, just IG/FB GAIZ
I hate zoomers
I gotta be honest bros. I feel real superior to scorelets. Is this what normies experience on social media everyday?
More like /pol/ liked it
today i will remind them
>hurr everything is sikrit klub, I'm completely oblivious to the changing board culture and the ever degrading possibility of actual discussion, because I'm a faggot choking on cocks that came from reddit originally so it rustle my jimmies when you point that out
Yeah everything was always shit and as long as there are faggots like you who eat it up regardless, this will only ever get worse
Get fucked you dumb nigger.
Hurry up and remove the likes you gooknigger so the reddits will go back.
>>people actually like it
Speak for yourself
Yea Forums Rep here. You are a faggot. Likes for everyone, forever. Most traffic we've ever gotten since the switch. Keep crying
have sex
>this mad this quick
It's a yikes from me
Yup. The only boards still propagating it heavily and unironically are the ones that have a reddit infection like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums
like me pay piggies
they genuinely dont get it because there are no downvotes here so they dont understand that nobody wants them
Everyone's OK with it because we know it's only for a day.
Just have some fun for once, here's my fortune for you
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Is anyone here mature enough to actually have a discussion without shitflinging?
Get fucked, moron.
Unfortunately, yes. Enjoy while it lasts.
i like this rare apu. 10/10, would not steal.
we need to have persistent accounts now... not saying we should use our real names, or even usernames... just persistent accounts so we can track our karma. I really like the 'likes', but without accounts it doesn't work.
>xD mad lmao
What's up with redditors and their complete inability to deal with sincerity and anger?
Why do you have to hide everything under irony, and why do you waste your time investing yourself in conversations you brag not giving a fuck about?
Are you mentally ill?
No. Also, that's "reddit".
"not a secret club" faggots are delusional tourists.
I fucking hate it that some people constantly spout "Yea Forums is not your secret club, everyone can post here". What's good about inviting and accepting every kind of retard that does not even belong here in the first place? What is the benefit of defending retards? Don't give me that different opinions explanation, there are justifiable views that may highly differ and there's retarded shit like OP's linked thread or pic related.
This is what killed Yea Forums (among certain other things of course), nowadays the board is filled with so many faggots who literally use "nerd" and "virgin" unironically as an insultare disgusted by some minor stuff and actually feel offended and of course casuals that have never watched anything besides imdbcore for example. The thing is when you tell them to leave they just keep saying shit like "umad?" "stop trying to fit in" or the famous "not a secret club" thing and similar shit. They won't get the concept that they are the ones that are not wanted rather than the people who complain about them. No one should ever simply accept idiots who come here and want to change things about the board which have been established before they even came along.
This is what I like about Yea Forums and a few other certain boards, they're not hesitant to tell somebody to leave. There always needs to be some hostility towards these kind of people or otherwise they will take over the board and that's exactly what happened to Yea Forums as I said already. Jesus Christ, Yea Forums now have daily threads here because of this "accept everything" mentality. It's not in the interest of anyone to let this ever be.
This will be stripped away from us soon. If it's anything like /fur/, we'll be banned from here because our posting skills were TOO good.
If it happens, and it seems like it is due to this clear elongation of April Fools, just remember that we were skeletons. We earned this. We worked hard, and it pissed off losers.
cmon man
No you fucking nigger, memeing posts into oblivion, not addressing their main point and perpetually deflecting everything to avoid having to make an actual point and exposing your actual opinion is reddit.
Go fuck yourself.
Ok user, I'll make a note to do my best to take your impotent rage a little more seriously in the future
you're right but they'll just reply with their meaningless bullshit
>he thinks people are going to read this
there’s a world of difference between reddit and a good old chan spam brigade. and if this is the first time you’ve seen us behaving like animals then you must be a newfag.
Yea Forums turned into reddit 5 years ago.
Likes are the best thing to happen to this place in a long time. shows hiroshimoot-sama knows what he's doing.
this is why you "reddit space."
refusing to put spaces between paragraphs make essays just look like annoying walls of text.
They're just copying the people they look up to on twitter who affect a constant aloofness. It makes them look like retards when they do it in arguments they specifically sought out on a Yea Forums board, but that's what failed normals are, they dont fit in with anyone
Nope. I have lots of friends and value actual accomplishments over any of that trash. Sorry to break your delusion.
>an image you should have saved from here but have saved from knowyourmeme instead
No I don't actually. You're the type of outsider I'm talking about
i agri
It's real. We reddit now.
imagine getting mad over an april fools joke
Yea Forums is for ME
>No swear words
>No bullying
>No sneed
I don't save every reaction from a board everytime i see it frend. DRINK BLEACH and be happy you oldfag roleplayer
>haha xD did I mention u mad lmao
>xD that means I don't have to say anything else aside from pointing that out
>I'm so clever and enlightened, god I love raising the bar of debate thank god I'm here to tell everyone that they're angry incels who should have sex, this board is so much better with my posts :)
Make a note to go fuck yourself, ape.
People like change over repetitive monotone predictable shit.
It's why some voted for Trump.
>not like us real outcasts
>we get genuinely super fucking mad about every interaction we have on the internet, that's how you know you're really cool
haha yea dude that's mad phresh insert hyper ironic self aware meaningless filler sentiment
Rolled 1 (1d6)
To know the difference you would need to visit reddit pretty often...
when you put it that way, it is a distinctly ‘4chanesque’ thing to do
Haha u mad lmao
I'm so clever
Got you again xD
That's probably one of the oldest ones you can have saved with many versions yet you saved yours from knowyourmeme. Why weren't you part of this site or even board before 2018?
I’m all for fucking about every so often when the occasion calls for it, but this has been the most pitiful April fool that actually had effort put into it I’ve seen for years
>tfw started posting when the "ahh fuck, i can't believe you've done this" video was spammed all over Yea Forums
hmm..how long ago was that?
>haha you're less intelligent than me even though I am a fucking moron incapable of writing a fucking argument without pointing out that u mad lmao
Anger is sincere, something that's valued and at the core of anonymous posting
Something you will never understand because you're an insecure moron who only seeks outside validation when he expresses his retarded opinions, hence why you seek (you) and see no problem in this place becoming every day more like the site that you came from
post score or stfu
Not him but fuck off you turboincel. You're even more cancerous than this reddit april fools.
I mean it was a genius way to get people to post as much as possible, just like last year. Who knows if the numbers were accurate then, they definitely were now.
Posts skyrocket, people posting nonsense just to get points they KNOW they can get, site looks way more popular. Next round of advertisers can see those numbers.
These events are always to generate more traffic to the site, no question. Same as Yea Forums's birthday.
/fur/ was 14 years ago. The site is obviously far more financially demanding now than then. Way way more people. I'll admit it's unlikely what I said before, about being banned for "earning points" these days. Clearly it was to show the reddit comparison and rip on it.
But why hasn't it gone away?
Most of them are actually shitskins from this facebook group. All those /x/ tier post years ago when this board started going downhill instantly for some reason we're true
spic meme groups have been sending their own here for years
>Anger is sincere, something that's valued and at the core of anonymous posting
HaHA holy shit you're such a faggot lmfao
>tfw lost my points when my IP changed
Hold me skelly bros. I was once like you💢
Where do you think you are
Quality bait.
Here. Have a like spoopy bro
There is no point replying to them they're like bots, they will never make a post of any value. It's just a kneejerk reaction for them to try to appear cool on a fucking Yea Forums board
y-you too
Are you even able to articulate why, you fucking ape ?
>xD lmao making fun of everything is the shit, gangweeders unite xD
it's still april first for 41 more minutes bruddah
Fuck off, mutt faggot. You're unworthy of my time.
Why does calling out the aprilfools tourists make them so upset? It's exactly like when reddit was first invading Yea Forums and calling them out made them sperg all over
I like to think this is just the same person arguing with themselves
>Yea Forums isn't reddit
It's been still april first for 41 more minutes for almost 6 hours now.
Go annoy the waifufags, you aren't welcome here.
This shit definitely started at like 10pm my local time. It's 3am and I'm still shitposting with no repercussion. Didn't know this was a 31 hour day today.
I'll try but if that guy is right you're close to fucked. Get shitposting and liking like CRAZY.
>reddit isn't Yea Forums
Ok serious question
What are you doing here, what are you looking for and why do you think you are bringing anything of value here?
Do you derive fun from acting like mongoloid? Have some satisfaction when you think you managed to make someone vaguely pissed at your retardation?
Is there dopamin released when you post a two words empty meme post?
Why do you waste time making shitty unfunny short posts? What's the point, where's the fun?
The guy calling mindless bots has a point.
>you can't even explain to me in DETAIL why I'm a faggot
hard kek
Boggles the mind don't it?
Before today, I used to think all you guys were scum... but you were my scum. And reddit was the enemy.
But now, i realize we're not on the same team. Everyone here is a bunch of phoneys and posers. It fucking disgusts me that I ever gave any of the benefit of the doubt.
u dum
Are you just putting words you've read somewhere on this board one after the other to keep posting?
You mean the waifufags that were removed when reddit cried on /q/? Or these new ones that are reddit and advertiser approved?
literally been banned from typing
for years and only now does he realize why
There's no need for details, three words should be enough if you're not a complete illiterate retard, but who am I kidding
This was known years ago when Hiro removed (You)s temporarily and everyone threw a shitfit.
You're officially on mainstream internet right now
You didn't even have a giggle making that post, am I wrong?
Non-whites are unworthy of my time. This response alone indebted you terribly.
>no CIA
good little forum users⚽
>non-whites are unworthy
I smell a dirty Italian thinking they're white
>am I wrong?
I bet most of the time desu
I'm with ya, don't hate me. Lemme know if there's a discord where the "Last of The Yea Forums Alphas" congregate.
In the meantime, I suggest the meme: 'Go back to redit' be retired forever. Yea Forums is no longer allowed to use this. Banned!
Who laughs at they're own post anyways t b h
Ayy Achmed stfu
>my "same team" has some fun on what is supposed to be one day a year
>I get pissy and don't indulge in what is supposed to be one day of mockery
You're insufferable and pathetic. Get BONED.
If you don't think the name of the site alone is still enough to scare off most people comparable to you, don't worry, it is.
to be frank user, I'm seeing a couple o the ole grammatical mistakes in your post here
We used to meme about this shit and now it's real. First it was the Yea Forums gold account now this.
Welcome to meta threads, where 14 years old redditors get angry that they're considered cancerous cunts so they try to ruin the discussion and expose their make believe that there's no difference whatsoever between reddit and mainstream boards.
Funny how it's the same nebulous arguments than a liberal talking about immigration
'but it doesn't change anything'
>gets debunked
'but it's inevitable anyway'
>gets debunked
'but it was always like this'
>gets debunked
'but it was reddit even 10 years ago'
>gets debunked
'but you're a racist/angry incel'
>to be frank let me be a deflective faggot once more and escape having any kind of meaningful content to my post
Phew I was worried for a second that you might actually make some kind of point but who am I kidding again
Not only they like it, but they pretend they like it ironically.
Maybe I just spent too much time growing up in pre-social media internet, but I never developed the habit of pressing "like" anywhere. The amount of content I like vs the amount of content where I actually pressed a like button is probably single digit percentage of the typical social media addict of today.
Let’s be honest, most of Yea Forums loves reddit tier movies, this board is filled with midwits. If you looked at a mass list of Yea Forumss and r/movies best films they’d look exactly identical.
Thanks for constantly proving this point over and over though, I love 'debates ' where I don't have to do anything because detractors are so retarded they destroy themselves.
what a kneeslapper
People have been saying that this is the worst April's Fools in years.
if you're not a skelechad you may as well kys
Who gives a shit what movies someone likes, what matters is what he has to say about them
Tastes will never define personality, for an invidivudual or for an entire forum.
And even though there are mainly fuckwits who have nothing to say about movies here, there is a very tiny minority of great posters with sincere developped unorthodox, not-sugarcoated opinions that you will never, ever find on reddit, because muh likes.
don't sign your posts😂
I could make the same post again, but you get the point.
As much as I dislike Yea Forums on April Fools day, it's just 1 day a year so let people have their fun instead of being a party pooper.
everyone post skeletons
I don't like how you stagger your sentences. Afraid of loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong sentences?
it's April 2nd
why is this shit still here
redditers like it
I don't like how you deflect everything and are unable to make a point, afraid of exposing your actual opinions and get bullied for it?
You people make me sick. NO FUN ALLOWED. Fucking queers.
You thought today's Yea Forums was cancer? You are like a little baby.
we all got it dw
It's not fun, it's fucking cancerous
Last year was probably even worse tbqh
Last good April fool here was the mixed boards, simple idea but great and actually real shitposting (and great fun)
>autist continues to ramble on about the necessity of "making points"
wew lad
There is nothing Reddit about achieving skelly mode.
Cool, so now either make your own point in response or stfu.
>there is a very tiny minority of great posters with sincere developped unorthodox, not-sugarcoated opinions
are you one of them?
>autist continues making nonsensical points and not having any opinion on anything but literally can't stop posting anyway
wew lad
lmao ()
Stop it, you're giving the Chinese bot more attention
No, I only post in waifu threads and argue with morons on meta threads when I run out of feet pics to post
I enjoy reading them though
every loser who has nutted a zoomer into existence should get publicly executed.
I literally just jumped into the thread and saw your clusterfuck of shitty posts, consistently taking the weakest bait ever. Is it your first day or something?
Every other day out of the year this board is filled with nothing but smart posts and intellectual humor. "Soi" wasn't filtered for being a stupid fucking nonsense shut down of an argument, no it was because it was TOO smart. It ended arguments and discussions so fast because of how fucking smart and intellectual it was, that we needed it gone so we could talk like RETARDS again.
If you think reddit flocked here today, that today was some special lucrative investment-if-you're-reddit day, you're a fucking moron. They already have a site and it doesn't even fucking function like how today did. Today was facebook, you tech dwarf fucktards.
One day of fun and everyone comes crawling out to see who reigns as autist supreme. Kill yourselves.
I haven't posted here since yesterday and I know several people who passed on 4ch for what was happening.
I don't get it
pretty funny though
>muh bait
It's not bait when the people making them are literally too retarded to even understand the concept
Just like you seem to be.
A bait is supposed to be somewhat fun, able to lead to some form of trolling or another. Making random posts with the occasional lmao u mad isn't trolling, it's just trying to do so and coming out as a retard. Is it your first day here?
Maybe if this post wasn't so obviously full of autistic fury you'd pull it off. As it stands, go take a walk or something. Wew.
>reddit is always there so it doesn't matter if you point it out, actually nothing at all matters except fun, I am very smart
Taste develops pantheons and canons and basically decides the chemical makeup of the waters in your head in our era of the dominance of pop culture and importance in the selection of the intake of media. Since our world is virtual and you have access to almost all films and knowledge, taste becomes the ultimate gate keeper, because you’re just picking and choosing the catalysts for forming the foundations of your thoughts on random whims.
lotta discord trannies itt
>did I mention u mad lmao? bcoz u mad lmao
upvoted xD Xd
Bitnit was filtered because one of the mods got upset when people made fun of his meme keyboard on /g/
Alrighty user. Good chat.
>taste becomes the ultimate gate keeper
No, the ability to argue about it is the ultimate gate keeper
There's nothing easier than getting a wannabe gatekeeper to shit the fuck up if he has no clue what he's talking about
>says the guy literally unable to write anything else than 'u mad lmao'
The lack of self awareness and the levels of hypocritical shit itt are fucking off the charts
h-hello fellow skellys haha
I adblocked the scored and the like button and the emojis and everything.
Its been the normal Yea Forums for me.
You weren't here before 2014 were you?
repoted for hax
Apart from the redditors spamming?
Oh sorry Lord Dumbass, did you feel like you spotted your monster under the bed a few more times today? Participating in stupid emoji fun for a day? Did it get you riled up to see a rise in stupid shitposting which happens every fucking year? On THIS day?
You're the mega-giga-oldfag, obviously. Been here since day 1. How do YOU propose we get rid of your boogeyman? Say "nigger" more?
What day did reddit show up? Was it last year? Were they all team Mini? Or was it that merging the year before that?
What the FUCK do you think you're accomplishing? Who are you stopping from coming here? How do you not realize you've said the exact same shit for years with ZERO results?
Yes I'm mad. And you're a pathetic brainlet asshole.
I don't cum on keyboards or use linux so I don't go to /g/ but glad to know they're as autistic and simplistic there as here.
Projecting your shitskin on the German flag is disgusting and you deserve the rope for it, Ahmed.
seething scorelets
I was, but I'm sure you have a good reason to tell me that I wasn't? Because already in 2009, thete was nothing easier than making a wannabe gatekeeper shut the fuck up because he still had no idea what he was talking about.
A bit like how this conversation is going to be over in a few posts once you hit a rhetorical question that you won't answer
sub 1k rangeban when
>People having fun making stupid posts on international joke day
Pick one😃
Clearly since you’re a no fun faggot who can’t handle global events. You can’t let go of your contrarian elitist tough guy act for 1 day?
Do redditors actually think this low IQ shit was fun? Ina few weeks when their memeshow starts and the mods get their cheque from HBO will they make nostalgic posts about their second april fools on Yea Forums?
>I am mad and crying because you point out that shitposting day is retarded when it's all about FUN
I have nothing against a good April fool's day, but this shit was just cancerous as fuck.
I'm not crying about redditors shitting up everything for everyone else just today, I do it pretty much anytime I'm on Yea Forums catching a meta thread. Because years ago this was my main board, and now I'm just here to post feets despite still watching at least one movie a week because it's unironically the best, both most fun and most interesting discussion that you can have in this shithole. And has been for a while. And yet, jannies won't let me post feets for too long, while retarded shit about capeshit, politics and anything else but movies really, is up for hours or days. Yea Forums is the worst board after Yea Forums, because both the staff and the audience want it this way. But as long as I can post feets, I will also complain about everything else in meta threads because I miss good movie discussion, a void that feets will never fill. You are the pathetic brainlet, fuck you.
I agree with the general sentiment of your post but your insecurity, causing you to end your every sentence with a question mark, makes me physically cringe.
came here to post this
>every day is shitposting day to the point that nothing else is now possible
>cancerous event is cancerous and makes that even worse
The only-fun-allowed brigade is probably even worse than the no-fun-allowed one
>taking the b8
Mad and crying isn't the same thing, dumbass. I'm mad we have total dumbasses like yourself whining and ruining threads because apparently it didn't go the way they imagined.
>I'm just here to post about feets
Well I can see I went up against a juggernaut of the mind when this was his MAIN board.
This can't be who I was responding to, far too easy. If you said "cunnies" it would be WAY too obvious but this seems super obvious as well.
Regardless, you're a stupid cunt and I hope you die and leave this board.
I agree with the general sentiment of your post, but your insecurity, making you point out any retarded detail to get internet cred points and be considered smarter than the post you answer to, makes me cringe. Not physically though, because I'm not that much of a faggot.
Cope harder. The flag will never be yours, even if the retards in chief hand over the land.
Can you expand more? How is the ability to argue about taste more of a gatekeeper than the randomness of an individuals taste in itself?
>How do YOU propose we get rid of your boogeyman?
Bring back old Yea Forums.
Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where they could say nigger, smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.
Not me, I can't wait for this boring cancer to end. Probably the lamest April Fools we've ever had on Yea Forums
>waaah, people ruin meta threads by complaining about the board HOW DARE THEY
Talk about some intellectual juggernaut.... Get fucked you actual, unironic moron.
Kek. I got what I wanted. Your seething makes this only sweeter.
they both sucks dildos
Based spookster
It's over
kek m8, i live in switzerland, i don't have these problems :^)
Because saying 'if you don't like X you can' t belong here' or 'if you like Y you don't belong here' or both of their opposite can be overridden with a successful good post about X or Y. It doesn't matter what you like, what matters is why.
>Tourists losing their mind over April's fool shenanigans
Based Hiro trolling retards epic style
>The only-fun-allowed brigade
That's a group of roaming shitposters. Before being forced to Yea Forums they were on Yea Forums, and now they have nowhere else to go since all the other boards have locked down.
The difference is that we can be sincere at times. If we want to be evil, we are evil. If we want to be good, we are good. Reddit doesn't 'want' things or 'will' things. They just merge with the flow.
>hahaha U mad I win
No, you only expose yourself as a petty and retarded 14 years old.
What about the extreme centrist everyone-is-dumb-but-me brigade?
You're only marginally better off than we are. Gonna be the majority of your neighbors soon enough. Just saw a black guy with your cross on his red shirt the other minute.
>reddit this
>reddit that
>reddit tier movies
when will this meme end?
Reeeee don't change my precious little basket weaving website. Fuck you OP, you should suck less cock and finally have sex
Your fortune: Average Luck
This guy unironically gets it.
Too bad this thread is full of yards who will strawman and misread this post.
I got you to write proper sentences. A lesson you bitch should have had way earlier.
lel, keep on dreaming my man. Papa Blocher kept us out of the EU and that's really all that matters :^)
Why do you post like you're not "part" of this site
>over a decade
The day retards start discussing shit instead of putting labels on it and calling it a day.
But that also goes for redditors and their endless list of such labels. So basically, never.
that sucks user. gif skelly gang unite
Sadly, i am. But at least I'm not crying about some aprilfools joke like op the faggot. Heads and I'll leave foreverCoin Flip: Heads
I'm not the guy who wrote the original post you answered to, only the one who picked on your completely hypocritical and self-unaware post.
that's because calling each other "redditor" is bait
the mentality of retards addicted to (you)s that don't care what is actually being said as long as it gets someone to reply to their post
it's the same mentality that leads to them enjoying this April fools
no one actually believes that "redditors", "resetera", "discord", "twitter" etc shouldn't be posting here
that's because everyone is, themselves, also using some or all of those sites/platforms
if you intentionally avoid all sites but Yea Forums you are mentally ill
Oh, you think those were valid criticisms?
Literally leave. Nobody wants a fucking moron like you here posting feet for no reason. Masturbate somewhere else with your degeneracy. This is 4channel, your feet are porn, freak fuck.
Nobody had banned waifuists. I pathetically post about them often. Feet were always weird. Literally always. If you think it wasn't contained, you're insane. Pedos were generally contained and frequently being banned. Scripts still try and you can easily argue that's numoot protecting the integrity of the site he has to run and subsequently split in two. Besides the popular pedo stars are now all overage. Think JoJo is still 13? RyRy? Lost in time pal.
>Movie discussion? Ignored
Flat out lie and you know it. I mean it's just stupid to say this in earnest. It's rare, but it was rare when idiots worshiped feet and cunnies in threads. Sorry this isn't the same site was it was in LOST days. Or even The Leftovers. But if you think some insane drastic change has happened, you're wrong and you know it. There's the same amount of shitposting and same amount of actual conversation, it's just happening slightly differently, and I guess that scares you.
If you think some guy posting on reddit can't wait to come here and say "NIGGER", where are those threads? The ones that open with "NIGGER" and get continued into more threads, those ones? Oh, the people you're SAYING get banned?
You make no sense in your post and I'd bet upon real reflection, you'd notice. It sounds like schizophrenic rambling.
Leave if you hate this. Nobody will miss you.
Heads and you stayCoin Flip: Tails
So then why do you post like you're not
>There's the same amount of shitposting and same amount of actual conversation,
I dont use any of those sites because I just dont like them. It's not some Yea Forums purism thing, I browse other sites, i just dont like reddit and twitter, and have never evne been on the other two you mentioned
>here let me make this all about fetish shit because I am a literal moron, everything was always bad, nothing changed at all and reddit is absolutely not to blame despite sending waves and waves of retarded mongoloids here
How can anyone even argue such fucking utter retardation?
>It sounds like schizophrenic rambling.
Did you even read your own post? You've aligned a bunch of unrelated points and examples in a basically unreadable mixture that sincerely makes me doubt your mental health.
Liked and subscribed dear sir!
Don't get me wrong, I like your country. Don't think the continuous mass immigration at an already high breeding rate among immigrants will leave you unscathed.
such an original post, here's your (you)
Honestly I only like the skelly gang thing, other stuff can be done away with.
>Proving you're a new fag
Oh I get it, we finally that discussion and you get mad when someone refutes you, you win by not reading. Genius, damn, outplayed.
So when /got/ leaves, this site will be what you want? Then what's your complaint? Cause it aired in 2011 by the way.
>no u
Can't refute a single thing huh? This site was a brick of gold, talking about feet and underage chicks and REAL talk about shows before that Cthulhu monster reddit showed up?
Dumbass. Unbelievable.
Hey, hate this? Leave. Good riddance.
Then lurk more. The gatekeeper in question always writes that way, which is hypocritical in itself. My post was free of such thing as hypocrisy however.
>implying we have high immigration
I can tell just by how you type that you don't belong here
>Pedos were generally contained and frequently being banned.
The biggest lie in this post besides the waifufags weren't bring banned left and right when this was all happening. The leaks from when moot got hacked even talk about the pedo problem this board had and how almost no one was reporting them.
No, you did exactly the same thing as he did, and at this moment you were euphoric
they are better than the other two, but i prefer the i-want-to-make-everyone-smile brigade
That doesn't mean anything and even a brainlet like you knows it. Want me to praise feet? Praise pedos? Been here forever, not leaving. Sorry fuckhead.
I've seen and even talked with the losers who consistently posted pedo shit, they were a bizarrely proud but rightfully scared bunch many years ago. Oh no god forbid it got a bit worse for them.
Can ANYONE say how that was a bad thing without sound retarded and breaking some law?
>can't refute a single thing
well yeah, your main point from which all other come from, if you knew how to read
It's bullshit that this site was always shit, it wasn't
Even if it was, it's bullshit to say that reddit had absolutely no effect on it, it had
It's bullshit to complain about waifuism and degeneracy while ignoring the changing demographics of this site's population
You're just trying to shift the blame because you're a fucking ex repented redditor who can't deal with the fact that his culture is the cancer killing this site.
>he likes the mountain jew country
>So when /got/ leaves, this site will be what you want? Then what's your complaint? Cause it aired in 2011 by the way.
Strange how I didn't say a thing about /GoT/. Is that where you're "from"/why you're on Yea Forums, as it would explain everything else about you
yeah like Yea Forums doesn't stamp out dissenting opinions with spam
>we hunezt at least
lol youre basically admitting that you've been ruining the board for years
Of course it fucking does, and thank fuck for that
If you're not able to properly argue your dissenting opinion by making every single one of your critics shut the fuck up and drop the debate, you don't deserve to have a dissenting opinion.
Yea Forums respects and values honesty and intellectual integrity at the end of the day, you can have bunch of illiterate morons pile up on your shit, but if you know how to fend them off you'll find as many retards ready to defend you not even because they agree with you, but just because you're sincere.
You didn't know Yea Forums is all it pretends to hate? Nothing new you bluepilled redditor
>if you knew how to read
Read... what?
I didn't doubt shifts. I didn't doubt influxes. I'm saying if you think there was some great harm done to this site, this board, some horrible travesty, you don't make a lot of sense. The ONLY thing is /got/ which was started here and was infested later. ( ANY time reddit is accused of infesting this site that's what it is, don't play coy, stupid).
>It's bullshit to complain about waifuism and degeneracy while ignoring the changing demographics of this site's population
So explain yourself. What's happening to the site? If you're going to be a major moron and blame an entire OTHER website invading in taking everything from you, you sound delusional. Are you saying it's a bad thing people stopped supporting pedo threads? That new mod teams placed in smarter crackdowns of threads that didn't belong on SFW boards? Of trying to be more advertiser friendly? Because that's what you should be talking about rather than people who came here to talk about Game of Thrones so everything had to change because of it.
Also the simple fact that people leave. Other people replace them. They're not necessarily all from the big bad reddit. As if a similar group that left can't flock here.
And you kept it pure by giving (You)s to footfags? Eat shit.
At least Allen Dulles ended up insane for getting his retribution by someone spiking his drink with high doses of lsd.
>I've seen and even talked with the losers who consistently posted pedo shit, they were a bizarrely proud but rightfully scared bunch many years ago
But which ones would that be? The leaks date 2010 to 2013/2014 which talk about aidz and all those others who would just post underage actresses. Why would they be scared if what they're posting isn't technically illegal(same with the current bot spammerman)
unless you're talking about the ones from way before that would post actual cp, which also stopped being a problem well before the hack/irc leaks. Get your story straight before you pump out a reply this time
So we are no longer anonymous because people can identify you from your number of likes?
>I have never felt so disillusioned.
I'm impressed you've managed to lead such a sheltered life.
>Why would they be scared if what they're posting isn't technically illegal
Ah yes when they professed their nonsexual love for underage women. When it was totally cool and embraced. They weren't in ANY way being sexual with children, because they said so!
"Get my story straight". Get your head out of your ass.
Please give me some Yea Forums gold brehs
we should go to a site without these pedos friends
>Let me conflate everything in one issue so that it makes arguing anything impossible
Your posts are a fucking disgrace
Explain to me how the huge influx of visitors to the site in the last 7 years was not mostly comprised of redditors
explain to me what the fuck is your obsession with pedo shit when it was always a fucking marginal shit or an inside joke
Explain to me the fucking link between said pedo shit and the influx of reditors
Explain to me what the fuck your point is about moderation, and how it is linked to the main question at hand being 'reddit came in and killed all possible discussion'
Explain to me what the fuck you're on about with game of thrones because I literally don't understand your rambling about that.
In short, make a fucking point instead of this unreadable soup of words.
Yes, not every moron here comes from reddit, congratulation for this advanced sociological observation. But how is it possible to deny the influx of redditors coming here and changing board culture by their sheer numbers and their refusal to lurk? You make all this big speech about reddit being the big bad boogeyman, they replicate the exact same reasoning with people you dont' like, you hypocritical piece of shit.
In prison he can experience it from the kid's perspective. Other prisoners will rape him.
Bunch of mentally ill tards in this thread. Most people on this board use Reddit. We just pretend to hate it as a joke.
Jordyn Jones is 18 maybe go to her twitter account and never come back here faggot.
i'd feel gross about digging up her corpse, speaking of does anyone have those electricretard comics about how to fuck dogs and necrophilia?
04 damn near originalfag here. stfu and lurk moar. There has always been a stark distinction between reddit and Yea Forums. Biggest being actual freedom of speech. Reddit you can get silenced with downvotes for not towing the line. Here, you just get called a faggot. The only way to get silenced here is to post something illegal or completely off topic.
>Let me make up a greentext so I can strawman you
Hey whoops did that also look at me I'm smart.
I admitted /got/ was an influx and probably infested with redditors. They're probably going to attempt to branch but then what? They send emails? DOWNVOTES? They taste the reality that you want them to and they leave. Right? Or stay in their safespace of /got/ or god forbid /reylo/.
>explain to me what the fuck is your obsession with pedo shit when it was always a fucking marginal shit or an inside joke
My obsession with pedo shit sounds a lot like your obsession with it leaving. Drastically. Maybe ask yourself why you wanted those pics showing up constantly (and still do, lucky you).
>Explain to me the fucking link between said pedo shit and the influx of reditors
I don't get it. Are you asking if I think maybe redditors reported pedo pics more? I'll say maybe. And again, I'll ask you why that makes you so furious?
>Explain to me what the fuck your point is about moderation, and how it is linked to the main question at hand being 'reddit came in and killed all possible discussion'
This was something I asked you to answer not ask me again. Answer it yourself, please. I also never said your quote you did and that was the question fucking moron (LOL)
>Explain to me what the fuck you're on about with game of thrones because I literally don't understand your rambling about that.
Simple, if you don't know that /got/ has been the accused thread of bringing of the reddit influx, maybe we should stop talking and you should fucking leave. Idiot.
>Yes, not every moron here comes from reddit, congratulation for this advanced sociological observation. But how is it possible to deny the influx of redditors coming here and changing board culture by their sheer numbers and their refusal to lurk?
Redditors don't hit every board, dumbass. You think they fly in /o/? Why? It's like 3 boards max.
Your post sucks. You suck. You can't think. And you are SCARED of a website. Leave.
Reddit killed this site. Back when ironic >le reddit >le mon key face posting started to be rampart is when the post quality took a nosedive and has been tanking ever since.
Western Europe has. Your little bastion can't last forever.
There is literally nothing understandable in this post. Why do you act like I'm defending pedo shit, why do you accuse /got/ of bringing in redditors when it's an obvious entire culture shift on both websites and retarded crap like r/Yea Forums that are far more responsible?
Why do almost none of your sentences make sense, why do you keep strawmanning everything then accuse people of doing, why are you rambling on being scared about a website when the only feeling it invokes is disgust, why are you seemingly insane?
So many questions which will sadly never be answered because your next post will surely be as incomprehensible as this one
Not arguing further. You sound so fucking stupid I love how obvious it is. Going to bed. Pulled my contacts out and think you're a total fucking loser who misses his CP.
I'll like your last comment. Sound fair? Faggot.
Oh it will. You forget that the jews hide their money here :^) (Bank Of International Settlements)
>making excuses for being illiterate
takes a few seconds to read that shit
this is true, but in all fairness there's nothing you can do about it. traffic regulates the culture, high traffic = shit board
Most of us are just waiting for it to end, op. Why is it still going?
There's only so much you can do about legal immigration. No advertising sure means you'll last a little longer but ultimately you are bound to share Europe's future.
-1 for wanting some normalfag cancer
>insane fuck says more insane shit and is still unable to read
Ok cool
keep on projecting Hans
I always say that Yea Forums is full of mainstream, social media using retards. After all, lots of people here like Thor Ragnarok and Captain Marvel so did you ever doubt that the retards here are anything but pathetic pop culture dimwits?
No one should care about global events if they are actually funny
>Thor Ragnarok and Captain Marvel
i refuse to believe there is A LOT of people here liking that garbage, it's mostly (You)s addicted junkies baiting
I've never been banned from any sub for wrongthink (except on the few occasions that Yea Forums had reddit mods).
There are and we don't make them disappear by crying about it.
what the fuck the skellys are permanent I thought it was just for april fools
what do you suggest then?
Every fucking year the April Fool's joke goes on for a bit past the first. Enjoy it while it lasts for the next 12 hours or so.
It's not at all like Reddit. Just a 24 hour friendly competition.
it's getting a little more than 24 hours i'm afraid
Stop acting like you know what's going to happen, faggot.⚾
good thread OP
i'm sorry you feel homeless