The CGI and color balance in the lastest Avengers War Moive was good
Good Cineamtophergraphy thread
sum more
Falcon in the background is nice touch
nigger nigger *FART*
hard to believe in real life this guy had a mouthstache
Reminder that the first Avengers is the only one with decent coloring
cow'a'bunga dude!
looks like a day time sitcom faggot
oh no a girl with a gun the aliens are fucked
Yuk those costumes. This made me realize how much better the first movie looked compared to literally all of the other avengers movies that came after
its so easy on the eyes
I love a good ps2 cutscene
whats he thinking?
So breathtaking and beautiful
why are the trucks cgi?
Watch some real movies you faggots
Thanos was awesome. Honestly, I forgot he was CGI at some point
Congratulating himself for doing all the hard work laying the foundations for IW
Colors are definitely important. I like my capeshit movies the way I like cartoons and comics: colorful as fuck. I love strong colors.
>pic related I hate the left one
I unironically love the look of new spidey
What does cinematography even mean
>The CGI and color balance in the lastest Avengers War Moive was good
Oh, now I get it, it's a bizarro universe thread!
Op is not a faggot!
snyder is so shit lmao
it's the art of photography and camerawork in film-making
Snyder coloring is ok for Batman, Daredevil and that kind of characters, the problem is that he did that in Man of Steel, and the worst things in his movies are the scripts, no the cinematography
Utterly wrong. Man of Steel was an ugly film. Its so dark even in bright daylight, its lazy and cheap.
I hate how bad that film looks. I can agree the script is hot garbage too. What a load of fucking shit
>Snyder lowered contrast and compensated it with increased exposure
>this absolute retard just inserted a neutral LUT and pushed saturation to the max
The saddest part is imbeciles like you actually thinking it looks better.
Go fuk yourself nigga. Instead of shittin of these films
The cinematography is shit. This looks like an opening video game cutscene where the player sees all the boss fights he's going to have to do. Terrible.
As far as color goes, it was polite of them to color each setting differently so that the audience had a chance of telling what was happening where in this clusterfuck of a movie.
Stfu retarded moron
Lol delusional retard, guys like you fangirl Marvel then shit on net
Agree dude! Infinity war is the pinnacle of cgi. It had its messups, but nonetheless its vfx is unparalleled
purple is a cymbal for when Thanos is on screen you retard
you didnt get the movie
Everything is.
>Good Cinematography
The absolute state of Zoomers
post 1 better example from any movie in the last 5 years then...?
didn't think so
wow omg btfo, capeshit is truly the pinnacle of the film medium
>Implying you watch movies outside Marvel
You are falling for bait.
>Haha guys I was only joking!
>t. retard
Wasn't me who posted any of the ironic praise.
Gonna kill you boomer
>good cineamtophergraphy
Just close this board already.
Superheo films really are the pinnacle of modern filmmaking and will continue to rise to the greatest heights!
Unironically the greatest cinematic achievement of the last two decades.
The only good shot there is the one with the Valkeries. Everything else is unironica shit.
Yes you are. And keep the
>no u
to yourself. It won't save you.
But that's exactly what he said you fucking retard. Retards like you need special colors to know what exactly is happening in the movie
Yeah, those are good. It´s a pity that every other aspect of Marvel flicks is a steaming pile of shit.
This wan't even in the movie.
I won't say that the snyder is what it should be, but aquaman was truly horrible in everything related to visuals including the image in your pic. That suit look like plastic and light is as fake as it can be.
What a pathetic MCUck thread, had some real kinomatography.
If you are at least a bit honest, and you have a bit of criteria in the matter, you should be able to say that marvel films are not really gems of cinema. They are enjoyable anyway.
Cinematography means nothing now since you can have a shot filmed in green screen and have it comprised entirely with CGI shit
This is Yea Forums.
>they are enjoyable anyway
They were up to a certain point. Then they took a deep dive in quality and critics began treating them like some sort of nobility, giving good ratings to almost anything as long as the brand name fits. Then they started to politicize the flicks, while also taking another nose dive in terms of production quality. It's gotten worse and worse and with over 20 of those shitty movies, nothing has been achieved aside from slamming the Box Office.
looks like kino, what did that come from?
It looks shit.
You didn't even try to hide the fact that you pushed the vibrance up on PhotoShop. Hell, you probably just used some free photo edit app which would explain the filenames.
>Star Shit
big yikes and oof
Faust (1926)
What a disgusting fucking thread.
seething marvel cuck
lurk more before you start baiting zoomer
What the fuck are these nigger posts even saying
you better be joking pal🦅
this is a good bait thread
wow now I totally get it.
get a real fucking degree you dumb fuck
the shadows under the feet are comical
mother of god i hope this is real. which one is this from... fucking kino
this one is unironically fucking lit. stevekino.
Kill Switch
shit clearance, but It's only way i can upload most of images.
Underrated. Noah was excellent.
if only there was R rated cut of Spider-Verse....
I unironically believe Man of Steel still holds the highest regard for cinematography as a modern cape film, it also lends its scenery and tone with sci-fi more so than its contemporaries.
outta my way capeshits
>reddit the movie
listen pal... first of all... rude
capeshitters will call this movie "pretentious" or "reddit"
ZERO cinematography here. It's called rendering. Whole scene together with this purple guy is nothing but a CGI rendering.
>your average capeshitter
>capeshitters will call this movie "pretentious" or "reddit"
Kek. It's reddit and it's boring. It's a shitshow of diarrhea for lowbrow pseuds. Fuck it. And fuck capeshit.
i bet you watched this movie expecting a commentary on capitalism. only people who don't get the movie think it's for pseuds because you think that everyone who enjoys the movie does so because of "muh symbolism". piss off 90iq fag.
You’re a fucking retard if you actually think Infinity War is a good example of compelling cinematography
>zero substance post
People can criticize a movie if they want you fucking smooth brain. Learn how to articulate your thoughts like an actual human being.
is it real cinematography if it gets corrected in post or composed on a computer where all variables are accounted for?
That's literally what he said you mong.
user the bottom one looks like an instagram post. Original looks miles better.
The Snyder suit looks much better. Shame we only got a glimpse of it in the theatrical cut.
Did you intentionally choose the worst MCU movies or...?
>if Channel Awesome had a $2 million budget
The creation scene was A+. The rest of the movie was a B.
Zack Snyder blew it. He fucking blew it. Get over it. James Wan made something happen and got over a billion worldwide. Snyder shit pants running the bases.
more like dishonest cinematography
Why isn't this a more common reaction image?
I still like Snyder's cinematography, wish he would make future films instead of letting the hate get to him.
The level he gets is unreal.
I liked almost all of it. The ecofanatic part was a little heavy, but other than that it was great. I even liked Watson in her role.
Now that the memeing is done, I'll start posting actual cinematography so you capekiddies can maybe stop with your pathetic manchild sensibilities one day
The b&w meme doesn't even work here as good as with TDKR
are perks not gone?🐸
glorified filtering
not unimportant though
Why are you spewing bullshit when you clearly don't know what you're talking about?
I forced myself to watch this cringe fest, i was plastered by the time this scene hit and I had to turn th television off. DC has a hard time with making quality films.
A director directs the actors
The cinematographer directs the camera
Nope. They actually did it great at the beginning. Man of Steel was great and so was Batman v Superman. Studio fucked up the release cutting out 30 minutes but they had two quality movies. Due to the underperformance of BvS (which was part studio interference, part pleb filtering) they panicked. They ruined Ayer's Suicide Squad (which still performed exceptionally) and ruined Justice League (which ruined the concept of a connected storyline altogether). Wonder Woman was a smash hit (despite being only mediocre) and Aquaman was even more so (better than Wonder Woman too). Shazam will pull in great numbers and for once the shills seem to eat it up, can't judge its quality as of now. DC had a great approach in hiring competent directors (other than Marvel) and telling a straight story (Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League 1,2 & 3), without taking 10(!) years for it.
The cinematographer directs the entire lighting department along with the camera.
The lighting is his main job actually
of course, i was trying to be pithy
Relax shill
underrated post
I love BvS and MoS. Those movies are great. Wonder Woman did nothing for me and Aquaman was good, the best parts were the villains. Suicide Squad gave me terminal cancer. I think Shazam will be fun, but all of these movies post BvS are put together in a way where they feel rushed and are a major letdown. The execs do not care and it shows. This is why I hope they bomb in the box office, low profits.
Fucking beautiful.
First Man ? More like Kino Man !
>that trailer
holy molly
Can someone make one of these kino screenshot edits using caps from Ang Lee's Hulk?
Genuinely beautiful. Watch it in 4k if you have the means.
Dear capeshitters: this is what colorful Sci fi looks like
God this movie is fucking amazing.
>t. OP
best fuckin ironman suit by a mile
Lol no, Director directs every aspect of the movie, including every department lead, and every stage of the project. Director can also direct cinematographer about framing, lighting and other elements he want in his movie.
>r*ddit cinematography
>patrician cinematography
Storytelling through camera placement, movement and shot blocking
This. Only a few of the MCU movies are actually good-great movies. But all of them are at least entertaining in some respect.
>Two of the little flying dudes look like they are naruto- running
AHAHAHA the state of capeshit
You happen to have an imgur link with all these collages? I like me some kino and want to add some movies to my backlog
No they're not
Only a few of the MCU movies are entertaining in some respect. None of them are great, and most of them are outright bad.
Nah, haven't. Check this out though.
if you care.