Okay, give it to me straight, Yea Forums, who will control the Iron Throne in the end?

Okay, give it to me straight, Yea Forums, who will control the Iron Throne in the end?

Attached: black KING.jpg (1166x1244, 314K)

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the character with the most likes

My mommy


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who cares?

Just glad it's not that Mary sue stannis

No one. The iron throne is melted down as democracy is instated by Dany and Snow's kid.
>Power and unity for all people
Or some sappy shit like that.

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>Mary Sue


It will end with Jon and The Dragon Roastie having a child (probably female) who will sit on the throne and who will bring eternal peace to the lands because all the moronic fans who like those two bland and dull characters are also the ones who dont get what GoT is supposed to be.

Bran Stark. Everyone else will be killed by the Night King, who walks into the Red Keep and sees this little dwerp on the throne.
>You must be the King of Westeros
>No, I just can't stand up

ur mum lmao

The Iron Bank will still control anyone who sits on the Iron Throne.

Who cares. Not enough skeletons, shows a 0/10

Literally has everything handed to him

>first time a "fpbp" was attributed to me

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Too bad its wasted on a scorelet

*dabs in your path*

Hopefully a woman so they can finally get some representation as rulers in the media and this can hopefully inspire young girls to break out of their oppression

>T-that score! How does he do it!?!?

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He’s gonna turn into a tree mate he’s not gonna be a king he already knows how it ends basically lmao

Don't really give a fuck at this stage, it's lost all meaning

but there's plenty of skeletons in GoT

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undead bobby b

No one, the throne exists because of the power targs had through dragons, even if all 3 of dany's dragons survive/dont get warged by bran they aren't enough to maintain control over all 7 kingdoms


Pickle posting in a game of thrones thread?! Man, i wish reddit didnt close the onions subreddits for the day.

Kek. Based. Thanks for having my back spoopy bro

Why would it end with him impregnating his aunt you giant sperglord? Your little sister is going to tell what you did one day you know.

Not enough

Back for more, roastie?

Yeah well I’m about to step it up from pickleposting to pic related

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Never even spoops.

Some old "leak" said that Jon and Danny will both die, but they will have a daughter that Tyrion will raise. The feudal society of Westeros will cease to exist and democracy will be introduced with Tyrion as its first leader.

gay as fuck

Just like you lmao🌈


Have sex

Maario Naharis

Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x318, 52K)


>americans walk around with bullet proof vests on

There won't be an Iron Throne at the end.


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>giving democracy to a bunch of retarded, easily misled peasants
This would be horrible

Jaqen H’ghar

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

>democracy is instated
>it's first leader is part of the former establishment and most corrupt noble House that is known for it's underhanded tricks and bribery
Is it pottery?

Captain Maario Naharis

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Azor Jon

just like in the real world. horrible.

i thought he got killed, i haven't seen the past couple seasons


the boar

Based Maario Naharis poster

probably yaaas dragon queen

Tyrion , not because the story demands it but because it will make a statement " the game of thrones "

A solitary petal of Spring blossom.

I hope the show ends with a faceless man sitting in the iron throne

Victarion Greyjoy.

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Euron Greyjoy

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>coolest looking by the books description
>shittiest looking in the show

But Victarion isn't in the show.

Also I'd say show Aeron is even more of a disappointment.

I'm talking about the Greyjoys in general

if it's not him I'll declare holocaust 2.0

Sneed of House Feed

Kelly C. It's been obvi from day one♨️

No one, the surviving houses will be autonomous.

Cause they can't have babies without targarian seed
The witch told her she can't get preggers but the witch didn't know about jon

>Best case scenario
Little Finger rused everyone and ends up on the throne
>Second best scenario
White walkers straight up win and humanity gets cleansed from westeros
>Third best scenario
The white walkers get defeated but westeros descends in a civil war with an open end where no one is determined to be the winner.

All other outcomes are trash at this point and the chance of any of this happening is almost 0.

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>(((The Iron Bank)))
Only correct answer in the thread

The whole plot was based on pic related.

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anything without littlefinger ruse and clegane bowl happening would be shit

Robert Strong in the books isn't the mountain. It's a resurrected Robert's head stuck on the mountain's body.

The Night kinds win and sits on Iron throne. Cut himself by sharp piece. It is peace of Obsidian sword. Night king melts.

>implying there was a holocaust

bottom left

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Why not just socialism? This show is a fanservice already. Just go all the way.

Knowing the far fuck this is defiently something he'd do, just remeber 'muh tax policy'

>dormamu I have cove to bargain

Nobody. John, Cersei, and daenarys will die and Tyrion will found Parliament.

inb4 Sneed (though probably already said)