What films capture the essence of depression?

what films capture the essence of depression?

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>boogie had sex and you didnt

I don’t know, Requium for a Dream? If that’s how you spell it.


Taxi Driver

>implying I’m single

I fucked Boogie

maybe he shouldn't have lost weight

There's this film called "showscore" that does it perfectly.

but what did it cost?

Implying there wasn't a layer fat covering his dick when he was at his most obese.


could he even fuck his wife? I imagine she was able to jerk him off under his fat stomach and thats it

Is boogie low on money again? Why is he baiting so hard like this?

lmfao this is actually fuckin hilarious

I actually did💢

Pathetic display


this isn't /r9k/ most Yea Forums posters have normal sex lives

>put on the nice guy facade to fool people into feeling bad about him
>karma ends up catching up

Fat people aren't human. They eat more than their share and deserve to be ostracized.

Everyone dies alone. What's the problem?


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Just go back to sugar daddies .com and buy another girl to abuse


No he really didn't.

top kek, good one user

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Is this true🐸

It seems I was trolled into believing he died.

His wife was slim and trim, and he has always been rotund, it's obvious there wasn't sex involved, she must have somekind of feeder fetish🦆

he did die, it's just that he has accumulated so much mass over the years that, through osmosis another boogie was made, which then also got as fat as the previous.🐋

she was obviously waiting for the life insurance then he took the lap band or whatever and that was that

>feeder fetish
You rang?

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His wife was fat as fuck you liar


Yea Forums btfo

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Reminder that boogies ex wife has already moved on and is engaged

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You realize Boogie literally has groupies that he has orgies with, right? This is all a sad begging for more groupies.

kek what?

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Imaginary cunny isn't sex user

Fence sitter