It's like a middle school kid who just learned about slavery decided to make a "western".
The only funny part was the German being the cuck.

Attached: django.jpg (300x168, 12K)

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I agree.❤️


Attached: will-smith.jpg (1920x1088, 304K)

It isnt even a cool middle school kid because anyone with s 6th grade education knows Colorado is pretty god damned far from plantations. Which start around Houston.

The whole movie is a ridiculous set up to the ending ridiculous set up. And I hate Tarantino and think this is his second worse movie. But you can't really hate Tarantino for not being a realist.

The movie is funny as fuck. The "say goodnight to miss whathever" and the shot that send's her 5 meters away always makes me crack really hard.

Django is blaxplotation kino and one of tarantinos better movies.

it sucks mandingo dick

Django>>>>>>>>>Hateful 8

You don't want to suck his big black dingus?

you clearly can't comprehend kino

Attached: ColdKlutzyCommabutterfly-size_restricted.gif (500x288, 1.1M)

Django (1966) is better. Unchained is great but then it goes on for a half hour too long which really kills the film imo.


It's not a great Western but I'm not sure that's the correct genre to be assessing it within.

Using the theme from They Call Me Trinity as a closer was the final nail in the coffin for me. I love the song but it sure as hell doesn't fit with this movie.

Pleb detected

It's absolutely a Western.

H8ing H8
That's a paddling

Will Smith is an absolute cuck for not being in this.

Its 70s blaxploitation but you're too much of an sjw to get it

Hateful 8 is a fucking disaster with no payoff.

Rolled 55 (1d100)

IMDb score of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'

please have sex

SEETHING roastie detected

Absolutely this, I re-watched it recently and ddidn't remember it was such kino

>t. never watches westerns

I think it was alright until the last part when it completely ruins the slow paced mood it built up.

how is it not a western you faggot?

based neil cicierega poster

This was the first Tarantino movie after his longtime editor died. It seemed to me like it was very unorganized. Some scenes dragged on too long (traveling to Candyland). Some scenes were too brief and cut away too rapidly (the winter scenes). It was an okay movie but it didn't feel like the polished Tarantino movies of old.

>shot from diagonally above with a small caliber revolver
>flies straight back into the adjacent room as if punched by a giant
Agreed. I laughed tears when that happened.

Django Unchained is the only quentin tarantino movie I did not really enjoy and lacked interest by the end of.

This is coming from someone who LOVES Death proof

It is fucking not you absolute fucking moron. Are you trying to b8? First of all its not set in western era, and they are not in THE FUCKING WEST. The large plantations were in the SOUTH dumbuck.

Sure user, that poster is def a women. Also, what you are doing right now is the definition of seething, not that you would know that bcs its definitely your first week on 4channel.