Why would Kevin Smith hang out with, or allow a literal heroine junky into his life...

Why would Kevin Smith hang out with, or allow a literal heroine junky into his life? Who the fuck hangs out with people who shoot up junk?!

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New Jersey

Kevin probably pimps his daughter out to keep him clean.

I hang out with cokeheads because I like to do coke.

I don’t know user, he’s weird like that. Have you seen him wearing Jorts?

I hang out with people who smoke weed, don't be judvemental

They were friends before he was a junkie.

>anything like heroin

Sure thing, zoomer

He lets the guy walk his dog for a few bucks and crash at his house with a hard limit at four nights a month. Calm the fuck down.

the cunt is wearing a shirt with his face on it so who cares who he hangs around with

"Kevin Smith" is just his stage name, he really is Silent Bob

Nerds have never been fairweather friends.

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Because now you have a friend with lowlife connections in case you need illegal shit done, and if you're hard up for a bj, he's always there.

>Cobra shirt
that faggot is anti-American

He wrote a multiple part blog post about his history with Mewes and his history with heroin

Jason Mewes is based unlike ksmith
They are childhood friends too I'm very jealous since all mine turned into faggot gen y robots and lost contact

>Jason Mewes is based

idk man i was friends with a guy who did meth lol

And Srg. Slaughter was an Iraqi sympathizer. GI Joe is known for being deep and having shades of grey. Also, fuck Cobra and GI Joe, cause im...

>"Cobra La La La Laaaaaw!!!!"

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ITT OP doesn't understand friendship

Why would two men ever hold their faces that close to each other? That's some shit you do when you win the superbowl or something.

Mewes looks like a lesbian of the just-one-of-the-guys/gym teacher variety

He needed to find someone that has a worse career than him

Have you ever seen any of his movies? He's an idiot.

Coke sure is fun.

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or a games journalist

Attached: Jason Mewes.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Your insulin needle little man
Put that shit in my hand

Which way is the wrong way
That's the way I need
This way or that way
Make my nose bleed
You need it so bad
But it won't be free
It's gone so goddamn fast
And you still can't see

Two types of friends
the ones that want to fuck your family or your money/ thieves
The other ones that take you closer to the truth that society is machine, 1's n 0's most of us are the latter