Weeks before his death, Disney described Shanti from The Jungle Book as "one sexy little girl". Do you suppose Disney had any skeletons in his closet? Is it time for #WaltToo?
Weeks before his death, Disney described Shanti from The Jungle Book as "one sexy little girl"...
it's okay when they're drawn. brown lolis are sexy.
Literally our guy💛
Fun fact. Bambi was written by Felix Salten, who also (allegedly) wrote the novel Josephine Mutzenbacher. Aka, the novel that's just scene after scene of the 12 year old protagonist fucking everyone.
It sold 3 million copies.
2D is better than 3D. Walt was a man of culture.
3d that looks like 2D is better.
But you're too much of a neet
>stiff trash
>better than 2D
look at this dude
Negro, he said that in response to the animators who kept sexualizng the characters with how they kept drawing them. Stop being a retard.
What a cool looking skelly! Can you choose what he can do? Like can you pick or is it random?
It's true. All of it.🌈
based if true.
Internet age people fixate on the quote but anyone who knows Disney history knows Annette Funicello was his favorite.
So based WALT was a tit man.
>Annette Funicello was his favorite
[citation needed]
Almost ever man on this earth enjoys cunny. It's just a biological fact.
Cute as hell.
literally /our guy/
>Almost ever man on this earth enjoys cunny.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Between 25% and 30% of the global male population are attracted to little girls.
*Between 75% and 70% of the global male population are lying about this
is it a good read?
What did Lewis Carroll mean by this?
lmao, absolutely based
boipucci is absolutely haram
Reminder that the guy who founded Scouts thought boys were absolutely badass. The more naked, the more badass they were.
What's the appeal?
He was redpilled🦖
Someone post the Miyazaki pic
Baden-Powell married a 23 year old woman at the age of 50. You shut your whore mouth he was based.
Can you blame him?
we need to go back, bros
Yes, very tiny skeletons.
lolis are healthy and normal
absolutely based, didn't know anything about this
lmao, you earned a like
coincidentally 3 million jews lived in the usa at the time🏀
Sneedville formerly ChuckburgCoin Flip: Tails
like it or not, sneedposters and cunnyposters have some sort of weird connection going on
How long do you think he waited?
9 years, just barely
iirc, he waited 'till she was 13/14, which is very reasonable, desu
>ywn read the holy bible with your cunnywife
unironically wholesome as fuck
i never realized this was 1937
so short ago
>ywn use time travel to pump 7 kids into a child and shitpost on the geographic scale
>dat jawline
every day pic related gets proven more and more correct
less than a hundred years, yeah
the cunnypill is the ultimate redpill, desu
lmao, sucha glorious lifegoal, desu
Seems reasonable. As much as I can understand the attraction actually intercourse the wrong side of 13 is just wrong.
what is your reasoning for that
No because at the time he said that the only thing out of the ordinary with that statement was that she was a cartoon character.
Potential for internal damage on the receiving end.
Nit him, but that being said, cuddling and smooches are still a-ok.
They're just too small and delicate. I would feel that I was destroying something beautiful. Like stepping on a kitten just because you get a thrill out of it. Besides innocence is part of the attraction isn't it?
not even memeing, you can literally tell most cunnyposters are alpha-males
oh hey, you still around
yeah, I've always been cool with a 16 AoC, tho lately 14 or even 13 sounds reasonable, given how early girls are hitting puberty
this guy makes helluva good points here you're pretty wholesome, liinaliisbro, if you ever wanna chill with us @ 4keks, you're more than welcome to crash there if you like the vibe
Blessed thread
not him either, but sex is a very "adult" activity, imo, so it isn't just a physical thing, but very much so a mental concern as well
I would never sully my cuncun lgfs like that, and rather wait until they started showing clear sings of thotiness, or basically "wanting it", which usually happens along their teens
kekekek, saved
Based and cunny pilled.
what exactly is it
what does it look like and how does it taste like?
Sounds like slander invented by Jews so that they could subvert and destroy Disney's wholesome image and takeover the company
Like a bag of sand
dang, I was making another one of these, but got busy and haven't had chance to finish it
the one true to path to enlightenment
>laura b is 18 this summer
>you officially have 3 months left to track down and cuddle lera's cunny before it turns roastie
Or he was a pedophile, like his questionable interactions with underage females suggests.
>questionable interactions with underage females
What interactions? All anyone ever brings up is this quote.
Post bottom image without the wojak please.
Best girl.
Nah, probably the Jews considering they now own the company and it's gotten worse and more and more degenerate as it has gone on
here you go, sempai
You're the best.
>>laura b is 18 this summer
for real?
>not even memeing, you can literally tell most cunnyposters are alpha-males
I wouldn't quite call myself an alpha male but I'm a fit, well adjusted, confident guy who's never had any problems with girls and even I have recently been tempted by the sweet nectar of cunny. My boss's 12 year old daughter has a bit of a crush one and it's growing increasingly difficult to resist her.
have another one :3
made her face slightly too round but i still love the art style
Mods are too busy liking
you've got 2 months and 11 days
better get your plane ticket
Is Candyd_ll stuff considered CP in the West? Like I get it looks like taped modeling but I feel like its something the feds would V& you over.
No fucking way
i prefer her as an adult but no i don't fancy going to the ukraine.
>but I'm a fit, well adjusted, confident guy who's never had any problems with girls
sounds like you're a gladiator by modern standards, brother
I think that's why we tend to click so well as a community, desu
>My boss's 12 year old daughter has a bit of a crush one and it's growing increasingly difficult to resist her.
you have been blessed by the cunnygods, then
be wholesome, and make the best of it
yes because the line in the west is "sexualized"
Imagine the smell
Yeah figured, literally the same shit we allow in Sears catalogues but it's considered worth punishing because of angles and having girls arch their back more...
Lmao as if Disney would let any of that out in the public. They probably have the most vicious lawyers in the World.
Post more cunnykino before mods sober up
>all dem different shampoos aromas
Wait, is candydoll really illegal in the west? I could swear I've seen a few anons post some webms from CD. Not sure how they got their hands on them.
Can confirm this is true. The 'sexy' comment was taken wildly out of context. Walt was sarcastically looking at the drawing and said "sexy, isn't she?"
just converted some for /cel/ :3
Why the fuck do you hypocrites complain about racemixing then turn around and obsess over nigglolis?
>cunny on network television
Finally, the masses are being woken up
>not tanned tomboys
not on my board, at least :^)
based PA guy
how you doing
it's always been there, just in a way normies don't see it
>like his questionable interactions with underage females suggests
Don't take Yea Forums memes as fact.
Walt was the last decent american, married to a single woman his whole life, never had a mistress or baby momma or any personal scandals to speak off (unless you count the stress related mental breakdowns).
>jewish slander and propaganda
into the trash it goes