what emotion was this scene trying to convey?
What emotion was this scene trying to convey?
what's going on here?
He took the trap pill. Based!
Jesus fuck
What would you do if you were the father ?
Kill yourself ? The son and then yourself ?
Holy shit, poor man.
>Dr.Phil goes in for a handshake
why not hug or kiss?
Who else /kill myself and/or my tranny child/ here?
They saved that for the green room
based and observationpilled
I did 5 captchas to let you know.
fucking degenerates
Your fortune: Godly Luck
What the fuck is wrong with white people? This shit ain't normal, man.
a trick question because transphobic virgins on Yea Forums will never have children
>What the fuck is wrong with white people?
jewish influence
LGBTism more prevalent among blacks and latinos than whites, hombre
This is so fucked up.
WTF is happening to Yea Forums? I fell like every time I go away for a few weeks and then come back here, the average poster's age has dropped by another few months.
this dude looks like miles obrien from star trek if miles ate nothing but onions lmao
>le 40% face
Good thing I avoid all three
That's a lot of wasted effort, I'd just let nature take it's course. Divorce the wife who probably push for this shit in the first place, and garner that sweet sympathy pussy.
thats a parallel universe version of him if he didn't have the guts to kill some spoonheads
unironically would
Good question. To be honest I would just leave, disappear from the family picture and never return. Become a mountain man, live in the wilderness, away from all the degenerates.
transphobe incels not welcome on this board
That mom, do.
>black tranny looks more masculine than white m*n
>tfw no qt trans latinx communist gf
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
What's the point in being a tranny if you can't reach this level?
cute rack on that D1 linebacker eh toobs?
at least she actually looks like a fucking man now
Gamers BTFO
Why are tranny's always relatively big guys?
>transgender parent