Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Quality OP edition
Wholesome post.
For the lord.
Panzer Bride?
>knock knock
Alita? More like A-Shit-a
I can't stand this uncanny valley shit
screenshot of Peaches' replies. Heartwarming content inbound.
so when Fallen Angel is announced are the /faithful/ putting Martian eye-markings on prior to going to see the movie?
>uncanny valley
This refers to things that try to look like human and fail to do so. Alita's CG is there to emphasize her non-human features and therefore doesn't fall in the uncanny valley.
>mfw Grewishka
did we say we cared about your opinion
I'm confused
if you don't like Alita maybe you'll like her actor.
I know I will
Serious question. What the FUCK does Blade Runner 2049 have to do with Alita?!
It's uncanny valley, just anime version. It's perverse and offputting🐸
I'm ready to do it, even if I'm the only guy in the theater doing it. I really don't give a shit.
cute hat, alita
They're both movies we like.
I'm definitely doing that and I don't even care how cringy it will look.
then why are you still here
>both are future dystopias
>both feature human but still not human leads
>self discovery
>one is hopeful and optimistic, one is bleak and stoic.
They are opposing ends of the same ideas. It's little wonder here that many Alitabros liked BR2049.
>mfw extended for another week in my city
fuck the haters
Anyone have a cut out of Vector's glasses? Want it for an OC.
Does each character fall in love with Alita except the Fourth died?
Although Chaos survived.
honestly who cares? People do way lamer shit for movies that don't matter. Who cares if some random theater employees think its goofy?
It's amusing you dorks are so endatuated with this lame piece of crap🏀
Who's ready to get comfy?
You do realize you're on the Alita thread and not a Captain Marvel thread, right?
post your top 10 movies list
Alita and Blade Runner 2049 how nasty it is to be a human.
It hurts, bitterly, inevitably, and all that we have.
Because if you are not a person, then you only have the road of a soulless demon.
I'm ready for sleeps
Thank you frien
me. I wish I could stay up but I have work in the morning. Stay comfy anons.
I'll do it.
Start the thread of the movie that you like.
I'm sure he has hundreds of fans.
Time to sleep.
In your country ten o'clock in the morning.
>you can now purchase 30 round magazine in California
The healing is so powerful even my state is getting uncucked
But I've still got three hours of work left so I guess it'll just have wait.
What happened to all the big natty chads? They were in abundance 20 years ago but now you'd be hard pressed to find one that isn't over 40.
They got fat and/or lazy.
You know what happened.
will do it if there is another /alita/ meetup
Expendables 1
Expendables 2
Expendables 3
Fast and the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Crank 2: High Voltage
Top Secret
The Naked Gun
Last one
There's some good stuff there but
>Expendables 2/3
>deadly confetti
Alita run!
night frens
stay comfy
Sleep well fren
back home
didn't kill self yet
I'm in a lot of despair and rotten to the core with shame, I'm a humiliating person to be, just trash, human trash and I wear it on my sleeve
I'm already in Hell
I'm seriously gonna be so bummed when Alita leaves theaters, like I'm unhealthily attached to this film and I know it'll lose much of its glory on the small screen
it's 2 hours of reprieve from knowing who I am and just living for Alita
relief from knowing I'm a genuinely evil and worthless man who deserves his pain
thank you for saving me Alita
oh god
ily guys
Could he pull it off?
that list is missing demolition man
so you pretty much don't like this movie because of the romance right? or maybe you just didn't see it.
action sequences are on par with some of the movies you listed, but yeah the first half is going to bore you if you will ever watch it
just give it a try, the uncanny valley goes away pretty fast
I actually cannot stand the anime look of her face.
Then you have mental health issues, I hope you get the help you need.
remember that many of the pics you see are from the first trailer however that's sad, you are missing out.
give it a chance if you see it on tv or netflix or whatever
feels like it'll easily be one of those movies you can have on repeat in the background. we're all expecting a renaissance when the BD drops
I'm genuinely and unironically enchanted by her perfect face and how she could rip my turgid cock off and paint her face with the wet end if only I could claw my way through the reality barrier
I love how the most intense emotion that face can convey is pure smugness
she can see how pathetic I am
please beat me to death Alita I deserve it
Nobody can.
We are crushed by her perfection.
>have on repeat in the background
I'm gonna do this until the neighbors call for a wellness check
Good night folks. Wish me dreams of Alita.
>I could write eight pages a day if it wasn't for work.
Night fren.
get some sleep user. dream cozy
shit this is really cozy stuff👌
I weep over her departure
just 2 more days in the whole city
Wish I could post them now, but I got to go to sleep. I'll tune up my video(s) and pics and post them tomorrow. Hope you all have a good night!
Good night, everyone. I love you.
Goodnight fren
Check out my new shirt anons
Will you wear it in public this summer?
Literally wore it today for the final showing of Alita in my area and the ticket girl said it was cute
Not bad but would have been better if Alita was cut out.
It also helped that I was a little bit shitfaced and all smiles (cried at the end of the movie)
I agree
I’m going to wait for the Blu-ray release so I can screencap a bunch of cute Alitas and give the t shirt printing guy a lot of business
fuckin based
based and alitapilled
Get healed or get the fuck out
Thank you anons
Alita is my first waifu and I’m diving right into the deep end
I’m going to get a lot of custom shirts made and wear them in public. zero fucks given
excellent work user
Maybe all those redbulls weren't such a good idea cufriend.
Yeah, so offputting
Alright evening crew where we at? Let's make some more quality OC like last night.
rapunzel is by far the best disney waifu you can't change my mind
Keeping myself distracted at work by writing down alita lyrics, she's just in my head all the time, and i love it.
you the aus songbro?
glad there's more than one of us keeping this place runnning
Just decided to start watching Soldier. Holy shit I was not expecting them to execute a child in the first five minutes.
Based night shift aussies.
Why would I? You're not wrong.
We always keep the place cozy in the quiet hours.
It was a different time
It's so... strangely slow?
So that's why Jim can do so much. I wouldn't fuck with that director.
I like both.🐱
Alita is CUTE
They're going to stay.💢
>wanting this metal fridge as a girlfriend
Yikes. Imagine having sex with THAT thing.
please no
I imagine it every day, user.💙
Well, shit, it looks like Alita has its last week here in Norway (unless they add a wild Saturday screening) but there are still five seats open for this last 3D screening.
Goddamn Kurt Russel is huge in this what the hell
still better than having sex with you lol
It’s like cybering through the Internet - she might as well be in a different continent.
are you going to go?
Watch out goose, the role of Kaos will be mine... I've been deeply method for weeks perfecting my craft....
Your fortune: Good Luck
>not knowing that her nanobod can do everything a regular girl can
He's been method-acting a split personality?
wouldn't surprise me
>her synthetic vagina has a build in lubricator and vibrator function
I can't stand it anymore bros. Fembots need to be a thing in the coming decade or I'll babyrage.
>five seats open
What's it like to go through life so ignorant?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>Good Luck
The imaginos body can, but we don't know yet if the berserker is that far out there in capabilities, or if it's limited to just reconfiguring itself.
If it was fully imaginos, they could have reconfigured themselves into devices which threaded into the mooring cable, and they would have no need to run up it. They could also just have reconfigured themselves into flying wings when the defense ring came down.
Since they didn't do anything like that, I'm not so sure that the berserker is an imaginos body.
> he doesn’t know about sex dolls yet
Not quite as advanced yet, but customisable to your liking
I wish I could get the Alita statue from the premier. I wouldn't even be lewd with it.
Definitely, yes. Will probably be my last time in the theater.
Quite impressed with the attendance, even for a university town full of nerds.
sure you wouldnt you sicko nah i believe you user
I wonder if Nova will give her Imaginos, think of the story turn around if he turns out "good" so to speak by the 3rd movie.
>I wouldn't even be lewd with it.
Watching soldier just makes me want to watch Alita again what the fuck.
Honestly, I'd probably give it to my niece. She loves Alita.
you're the guy who's got his niece as the close family member yeah? i remember you mentioning that you didn't get along much with the rest of you family. you sound like a considerate person
Alita coming to terms with her losses and her back story, curing her own bloodlust and even healing Nova - sounds like a really strong arc.
I'm still not 100% sure if she's Christ or your typical Hollywood Satan in the movie. Any ideas?
Neither, she's Alita.
During the bar fight, when Ido comes to the Kansas bar, we see 3 guys fly out of the door. Who threw them? When Ido goes in, there's no one and the distance is atleast 10 metres from the stairs :D
Wow, i think I made one post about that. It's amazing how some things stick with you I guess. All my nieces and nephews have followed the same pattern, I'm the coolest guy in the world, until they get to be about 10, then I'm the biggest loser in the world. The youngest though, she still likes me and she loves Alita. I want to get her the best special edition blu-ray when they come out, and I'd love to find some other Alita merch too.
I need to get my shit together and learn how to draw.
that's sick
Fuck i'm so used to seeing her with a fucked up face it looks really weird as normal now🐸
It's not a direct Biblical allegory, here, because Alita is on a sort of redemption quest. So she incorporates a bit of Christ and a bit of fallen angel into one. Then you have Ido and Chiren as the more flawed fallen angels, and Nova as more of a Lucifer figure. It remains to be seen if Nova will be expelled from Zalem, or if he'll be a composite character a bit like Grewishka is a composite of Makaku and somebody else.
The tempo and style of this reminds me of that hentai music video webm of the big naked fat guy with a sword fighting the female knight, defeating and then raping her.
Ido seems to behave more like a benevolent god.
Bringing people back to life and giving out second chances.
Post your cutest Alitas!!!!
i've been in these threads since /abag/ and read most all of the posts. a lot of compassion and caring has come of this film. just remember that it's not you that's changing, its the nieces and nephews themselves. even as they go through the hard years of pre teen and then teenage years they will for sure remember the good experiences they've had with you. whatever positivity and joy you bring to their lives will effect them even if they don't know it yet. i went through the same thing with my younger sister- shes only now starting to reach out and rebuild the relationship we had after some really rough teen years. you're doing a good thing user.
The Japanese and asians in general don't fully grasp the concepts and themes of Chrisianity and western spirituality. That's why even though their media might use Christian images, they never quite feel right.
>Fast and the Furious franchise, Crank
...hoo boy.
I'm glad you are reconnecting with your sister. I hope that it keeps getting better for you.
People say these are shill threads. Who the hell would shill for a movie that's almost out of theaters? These are real fans, who have been touched by Alita's story and connected with it.
things very much are getting better. are you going to get it for her birthday or christmas or something?
there aren't any actual shills here. just people who love the film and want to create somethign special in the community
It's kinda like how western people fuck up everything that relates to Buddhism or Taoism. Nobody can be bothered to learn the other culture's norms so they just do surface-level shit.
Unlike something like Evangelion - where the Christian and Kabbalahistic imagery is just surface level dressing - Alita: Battle Angel uses these Christian and classical themes in a more competent manner, I would say. While it never becomes allegorical like Narnia, it uses the archetypal themes in a pretty played-straight and effective manner.
It's perhaps unfair to Evangelion to say it like that, but it's pretty clear that the underlying themes in Evangelion are inspired by Jung (and to a lesser degree Freud), and the only reason for all the Christian symbols is that the bad guys (both the human and alien ones) seem to be massive Bible memers and Kabbalah memers.
to be fair evangelion is a fucking mess. there are parts that are great but it's still a clusterfuck.
OC from the oven frens
Couldn't sleep. Hopefully I get at least two hours before work.
Enjoy, because I'm dying.
If heads, Hugo would be alive in the sequel.Coin Flip: Tails
lol saved
One of the problems is that they had budget issues. They were doing a psychological deconstruction of the super robot genre, and one of the episodes go a bit too brutal and controversial for the network; and the audiences who expected a played-straight robot-fightan anime.
It's more like if you took audiences in to watch Flash Gordon and gave them 2001 or Interstellar.
For Evangelion to work as a deconstruction, the audience needs to be familiar with the tropes of the super robot genre in the first place. So it becomes a bit disjointed when it's the first super robot show you watch. Like, a fresh audience will be hung up on things like "why are high school kids piloting robots"? But for the original audience, that was just a normal thing. And then Evangelion makes the point that it's all kinds of fucked up to force untrained teenagers to do this kind of thing, and that they'll break down psychologically. Rather than always rise to the occasion and kick reason to the curb like in Gurren Lagann. I like both shows, but Gurren Lagann is like a distilled version of the kind of show that Evangelion deconstructs.
Get some sleep you absolute madman. Always a pleasure to see how the story develops.
If tails, sequel by 2022Coin Flip: Heads
let's do it againCoin Flip: Tails
>Flipped; sequel wheneverCoin Flip: Heads
I order.
I call Alita in your dreams.
Forgot to add a critical line at the end. HA! Well, updated, try again, enjoy good night, thanks for the support have a like, etc....
>How I am I getting hyper by running out of Red Bull? I'll never know.♠️
It means sequel before 2022!
Nice line I can see why you like it.
Soldier was good if overly willing to throw shitty slow mo in scenes that didn't need it. The best part by far was Kurt Russel predaroting around the invasion force.
Can we just directly crowdfund the sequel on kickstarter?
sure why not
thanks for everything Alita
Quick user, get inside the blanket fort!
we comfy posting now. I missed most of the April Fool's Day shenanigans, but I'm glad y'all had fun.
for everyone who's here now, remember the quiet times when the posts pick up in june/july. you get to be a part of the /alita/ old guard
Reminder: Success, sequel/s incoming
I don't care about being the old guard or liking it before it was cool so long as it eventually catches on. I've liked things before they were cool, my whole life has been an endless series of it but it's a hollow feeling in the end, the worst feeling is when that thing you like never becomes cool and withers away in obscurity.
Nova was fucking amazing in the original manga.
>when gally asks for flaun
In the movie he loses a dimension by being the traditional moustache twirling vilian.
I think we'll get to see a lot more of his sillier side in the sequel. For now they wanted to hide it to keep the film a reasonable standalone.
We still do not know what he is in the film.
In the manga, he really only appears in the arch of Zapan.
And it seems even the Secret of Zalem has not yet been invented.
nova so goofy
We need a trendy Nova.
based frogposter
I really relate to Tiegel.
Movie Nova is the ruler of Zalem and 300 years old, manga Nova is exiled and on the run, completely different character
>2021 sequel
>Alita experience is cramming mega fans into a small bus that will be part of Tiegel.
>manga Nova is fun, has hairy shins has a sexy assistant and eats flan
>movie Nova is boring, has shaved shins, has no assistant and doesn't eat flan
I hate Cameron and Rodriguez.
Why is Tiegel's head so big?
- Today we are all Tiegel.
you are a retard
We need to start using captain marvel scenes to meme Alita. Just rub it into the mouse.
The movie is indefensible.
Your mom's vagina is indefensible.
i actually imagine ed norton to have pretty hairy shins desu
Austin TX - Mckinney falls state Park.
Who is going to visit these stones?
I just wanted to insult the anonymous user in this thread.
I have decades of experience.
I have already briefly described his life and mental state.
But could not send post.
I wondered what it would look like in this thread?
And if I really insult him?
I erased the post.
What's wrong with me, the anons?
I've never stopped before, it's fun.
Is it safe to jump in? Might be our mecca now that Iron City is shutting down.
>And it seems even the Secret of Zalem has not yet been invented.
Yeah and I don't know how they will handle it actually since we see Chiren's brain despite the fact she comes from Zalem. But the secret of Zalem is fundamental in the story, especially in the later arcs, so I don't know.
>$1000: A smooch on the cheek from Rosa
>$5000: Get to smooch Rosa on the cheek
>$10,000: 5 minute cuddle with Rosa
>$100,000: JC gives you 15 minutes with ALL of the extra footage of Kate Winslet's tits from Titanic (you know he didn't get that shit in 1 take...)
Could well be that there are mixed people in Zalem and the ones who are exiled are not chipped? Might be an interesting take on it.
Honestly you could crowndfund the last one and then sell it for WAY more at that point it's an investment.
Looks safe.
Well I know where I'm taking my next vacation.
Because we're human being who are wholeheartedly sharing a love of something. Much of this site is a burning tire fire. That's not a problem I think. There's a time and place to fling shit at people. But if all you do is insult, and tear down, and break things it starts to lose meaning. Like, if you call everyone shit then how can you differentiate them? This thread is special because it provides that perspective which is so rare on this site. Go out there and insult whoever you want, but if you bring it to this thread it's you who loses out, not us. I think you already know that though. Somewhere you already feel it.
Yeah, but then it excludes all the later arc of Ido going insane and erasing his memories, since he was exiled too. It's kinda important in Alita's development so I don't know if the story can work the same without it.
Man I totally guessed that there would be a beachy area somewhere in the cove feels good to be right.
Yeah but I think they've changed Ido enough already that it won't feel too different in the movie canon. Idk it's been a while since I read the manga.
That place looks amazing. Why is 'murica so full of natural wonders?
You know what else is offputting?
Short hair on FUCKING RAPUNZEL of all people
Fuck Disney for ruining her and Mulan, I'm so glad I started hating this company before people realised how shitty it is
i like girls with short hair dont hate me user
Better quality and with sound.
>$125,000 Date night with Jon Landau
Probably because of the latitude + going largely undeveloped for so long.
excellent kek
Thanks for making me better.
I didn't make you better. Alita did. The whole community did. You did. Together we learn, and grow, and share in the beauty of the film we love, and the people we've come to care about. Take care now friend. We're always here for a chat when you want.
Find out the time and place of the Disney shareholders meeting.
Put a pair of high-explosive anti-tank missiles into the room.
$175k and it's guaranteed hand stuff
I would hope he'd turn the rights over to someone who would handle the property well and not just use it as a quick cash grab.
>Alright you cocksuckhas! You got ONE chance to make the right choice heah. Betta be quick
Looks like Jerome learned a new word, that´s good.
At least he´s learning something.
Let´s cram.
Left, realistic proportions except eye ball itself - deep in uncanny-valley.
Right, exaggerated proportions - jumpes out of valley.
softer face, better light balance, smaller mouth, bigger iris/pupils
JC you absolute genius
>now that Iron City is shutting down
>tfw you never had a chance to experience the experience
Let industry never ruin such magnificence.
>night with Jon Landau
left remind me of olivia wilde
About Jim, I'm not worried.
He will not sell Alita for four billion, or four hundred gorillions.
Are James Cameron and Robert Zemeckis the last Hollywood titans who do not bend under the corporate money bags?
If Jim waited 20 years to get this right, he can wait another 5 to see how much money the Avatar sequels get to use for the next films.
>sit there under the trees and watch Alita under the sound of water
>the (((corporate money bags)))
Looks like it and it makes me worry for them both.
Question: Let's say there was no motion capture technology, would you still cast Rosa as Alita. If not, who else would you have in mind?
I'd get a Japanese actress
Dub her over if I have to
She doesn't need the eyes to play the role, obviously.
I feel bad because the worst story I wrote actually involves a trip here so if you don't mind a poorly edited mess you can have a look.
I actually think Rosa was kinda perfect for the role and its hard imaging anyone else playing her now.
Jim was going to cast Jessica Alba back in 2006 when he was planning it before doing Avatar instead so he could perfect the technology for Alita and I cringe at imagining her in the role.
Like even without the performance capture I still think Rosa was and is the best choice for Alita.
JC is too old and too rich for the hollywood elites to have any chance of really touching him
The Cosplay avalanche is coming, prepare yourself.
Damn, Alba is a fucking horrible actress. So glad he waited.
Still Rosa. Whether or not we physically saw her on the screen, it was her performance that brought Alita to life. I already can't imagine anyone else in the role.
thanks man
That is fucking adorable.
Thos contacts make her eyes look HUGE... dafuq
This is a great read, I love it! Your style really pulls me in but they always end before I know it. Maybe it's better that way so I don't conpletely lose touch with reality..
Thank you friend. They're made to be read and enjoyed. I'm actually gonna go back now and cut out some of the unnecessary lines now so I can add it to my main story list. One day I might do a properly long one but don't hold me to that.
>200k: slow dance with James Cameron to the tune of the Titanic theme
Alita wants a long story, do it for her.
>And what kind of story would Alita want to be a part of? Something cute and cozy perhaps.
$500,000: You can mock James Cameron for his king of the world speech at the Oscars and he won't defend himself at all, just hang his head in shame and nod knowingly.
We're just doing JC's work for him now
>he waited until the technology was matured before doing Alita
>produced Avatar just to advance CGI far enough so it would be perfect
9/11 production skills, Cameron. Well played
> had a dream about training Panzer Kunst with Alita
> she kicks me so hard I wake up
> wake up at exactly 5am, find out Avengers tickets are on sale rn
> secure them before they sell out
> thank you Alita
> in return, I also purchase the deluxe manga and a figurine because she’s sill my girl capeshit or not
You'd be endatuated with her too if you'd seen it.
Rosa has huge eyes and that sweet but crazy strong, animated personality
Rosa is what RDJ is to iron man
Rosa IS Alita
Party hat Alita, best Alita
>Disney calls you and says, "We'll fund Alita 2... but all you have to do is agree to let us cast Brie Larson as Alita and fire Rosa.
What do?
Something with action, you know she can't ignore conflict. Maybe some adventure/exploring but ultimately comfy in nature.
>Alita getting riled up over board games.
Kill myself
How long did they last? I've previously had to endure sleepless nights just to be awake when some tickets go on sale, because they get sold out in less than an hour.
They’re still on sale right now but pretty much in about 20 minutes or so, before the hour mark, all internet sites are going to crash
>board game? what is that?
thanks alita
Sequal never, it is then
Dare she enter my magical realm?
Kill the Mouse.
No deal
Crying Alita is cutest Alita
Alita finds a litter of stray kittens. She wants to find homes for them but fears no one will want them unless they are trained to do a bunch of neat tricks. So she begins to rigorously train the kittens, or at least tries, because they are kittens, and all they want to do is play and sleep. Realizing it is next to impossible, she gives up on the training. But to her surprise, she is able to find homes for the kittens anyway because people love them anyway. Alita learns that sometimes just being yourself is good enough and you shouldn't have to change who you are just to impress someone else.
Nobody else can do it user
Rosa is Alita
She brought something special to the character. She gave it her all. She gave us her heart
I once went to a show where the tickets were sold out literally within 5 minutes. It was a pretty important one because it was a band with a huge cult following that came to my backwater of a country for the first time, into a small club too. The feeling in the venue was absolutely intense because most of the people there were dedicated fans. You could almost cut it with a knife.
I can see something appearing through the strands of ideas here...
That sounds like a pure singularity of cute. I'm gonna sleep on these ideas friends and I'll see what I can cook up. Sleep well everyone.
what what?
Fuck this sounds cute.
what what what?
the filename
based boat man still going strong years later
New bread
These still work? \/🐸
who makes these?
are they recent fan art from the movie or the manga?
I'm probably going to kill myself there.