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wtf bowie is great. ben is a jew

Okay, now this is based



I will crush his skull with my hands one day.

There was a lot of terrible shit in the 70's culturally, Bowie was not one of them.

Use my Like as a "Fuck Kikes" button🏀

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I guess Shapiro really didn't like The Thin White Duke

name three

Not if he crushes you with his brain first

70s was way funner than these past three decades

Did Bowie hurt lil' Benny's feelings?

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Literally who


I guess Ben really does hate faggots. Shapiro for pres

Ben is not smart he just talks fast.

self promoting kike

Bowie spent a year living in LA, and when he came back to Britain he was a Nazi.

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Fucking Ben Shapiro, sniveling Jew rat.

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Spics will do that to you.



>Ben "The Semitic Saboteur" Shapiro

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post his sister or get out

I'd stomach those shit opinions if it means I get to fuck his sister.

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imagine is he took on this queen, would be a manlet massacre

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This is a straw man though...

sanborn is an absolute stud on that track


looks liek the hacker from the core


Subtly based.

how white was America in the 70's? I'm willing to bet it was way better than it is now.

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he got more dick than shapiro will ever get pussy and a million times more pussy.


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I actually had a slight respect for ben, but him shit talking Bowie seals the deal. If you can't appreciate Bowie then there's a part of you that's missing, malformed, or dead.

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>kike rat
>completely unable to understand the talented, beautiful, or sublime
It checks out.

But his farts travel faster than the speed of light. He shits on einstein every time he eats indian food.


oh my god more


America isn't a white nationalist country, so identity politics is useless HERE, but not in Israel. There's no hypocrisy in what ben says.

t. Shapiro

>desTINY vs ben "tall as a sharpie" shapiro
Anyone reading my post, use my like as a "I want both of these idiots thrown into the fire" button

I feel that all this politicized group of idiots (shapiro, molyneux, southern, etc. etc.) is the only thing that cured my addiction to the internet by turning it into a shithole

Lmao, shitibs are upset at the only thing Shapiro says right, forget his zionist views or that he wants to genocide all of the Palestinians muh trannies are more important.

Bowie made great melodies, but was not a great person. He was subversive to the core, and supported by jews.
Ben is also jewish, and does not support any kind of degeneracy.
>open borders and miscegenation
-open borders is not inherently degenerate
-he doesn't support miscegenation
-neither of these are comparable to bowie's sexual confusion, drug addiction, and social marxism

Bowie literally got into trouble for years because he advocated for enstatement of fascism
The fuck you on

>you're criticizing a person i also dislike for a reason that doesn't fit into my top 3 reasons for disliking said person

do you guys look for things to get upset about? can only imagine how sheltered and easy your life must be

>the fuck you on
You didn't negate what I said. I can tell you know this because you're trying to push it with the f-word but it's not working.

No one is upset, I made it clear that I found it amusing how both of them are complete shit tier talking heads and this is one of the few times where Shapiro was actually right, which is uncommon. I think you are the upset one here.


Ok but a "trans" person isn't going to think hey "I'm a man in a woman's body but meh I don't care"
How is a person trans they have no inclination to be the opposite gender?

>manlets opinions
manlet genocide when?

there's already a manlet genocide. Most women don't want to fuck them, they will be breed out of the gene pool

It's a figure of speech.

>really basic stuff. 2 different things
no bitch you're mentally ill case closed

Bowie is a hack, he literally just copied what ever was popular at the time.

This post is baste.

The fuck is wrong with Bowie now?💢

Based retard youtube.com/watch?v=2o3pkoZyYRA

>criticizing a dead man that inspired more people than your tiny mind could even comprehend

I don't know who that faggot is but I hope he gets hit by a train, and then the conductor puts the train in reverse and runs over his corpse repeatedly until it's nothing but blood and dust.

Bowie's pretty good.

>shilling your garbage channel

Do the needful sirs and provide with sauce plox

>getting completely BTFO

Huh, this is the first thing Shapiro has ever said that got a rise out of me.
Fuck you Bowie was a king.

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>America isn't a white nationalist country
It was supposed to be.

Tone down the worship, cuck.

>everyone is controlled by the jew

Putting musicians on pedestals is fine, virgin

what music does shapiro consider good


He complains about anti-semitism every fucking episode and uses it as a scapegoat when people criticize Israel. He's full on identity politics.

Bowie was basically the Gilgamesh of modern music you fucking plebeian.

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>facts don't care about your feelings
>but I think MJ was a child rapist based on nothing but an emotionally manipulative documentary
Okay, this is epic

Your fortune: Average Luck

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>uses it as a scapegoat when people criticize Israel

But he's explicitly said that criticism of Israel actions and policies is not anti-semitism multiply times.

Space Oddity is such a good song, How autistic do you have to be to not like it

And yet he still spergs out and screams antisemitism when people criticize Israel. He contradicts himself heavily.

Why do people even like David Bowie? He was a fucking pedophile

can you provide some examples?

fuck ben and fuck jannie. btw pls like my post i need to feed my family.

He's been on Omar's ass a lot recently.

I'll scroll through his shit at work tomorrow and post some. I didn't bookmark them.

Lazer Lloyd

>three arrows
Imagine actually being a science hating leftist and being brainwashed by this fucking guy lmao

if bowie is so great why is he dead?


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What sort of motherless piece of shit doesn't like David Bowie?

Not an argument slimeball.

I think it's a joke.

Remember when Tiny got completely btfo by althype?
Remember when Tiny got completely btfo by Vincent James?


Three dildos never has an argument either, he just calls everything racist like a manchild and goes on to defend socialism like a good little bootlicker.

Libtards btfo

why are leftists and jews so dishonest?

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>July 12 2011

This shit was almost 9 years ago.
Why do you guys care?

>that accent
>48 minutes

>ad hom instead of addressing the linked video
Disingenuous fucking rat.

That's right cuck, walk away.

I don't care about the linked video, he's probably right.
It's his other videos and his main political ideology which is absolute garbage and so are you for liking him.

lel no one cares, fuck off to lefty/pol/ or some libshit subplebbit


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you're the faggot that watches 3 arrows
imagine actually being an antifa supporting socialist piece of shit

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>i-if you call me out for parroting lies you're one of my bogeymen!
Pathetic. Grow some skin you fucking moron.

haha just imagine

It's alright user no need to bark, just keep walking with tail between your legs like the bitch you are.

What the fuck?

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>Yes, I hate niggers,jews and trannies. What about it?

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>s-stop making fun of my cringe tier leftist youtubers

>still desperately trying to divert from the linked video
Inverted SJW through and through.

Watch out, we got an internet tough guy over here.

I hate jews!

Leftist youtubers refuse to debate right wing youtubers like althype etc because they know they will lose.
really makes you think

>social marxism
Bowie and Roger Waters from Pink Floyd got in some hot water after they said some thing about certain big nosed people. I think it was about how they have a stupid amount of power in the music industry.


You do realize how ironic that post is seeing what you're currently also doing right?

At least they were white

Cut this niggers face off.

Reminder he's literally a paid Koch shill.
Reminder he's literally a paid Russian shill.
Reminder he laughs privately about how much he hates his followers.

I'm the guy that said he's probably right about the kalgeri thing but the rest of his videos and his ideology are garbage.
and so are you

>Roger Waters
he sucks now, he's extremely far left
he got booed at a concert in brazil when he dissed bolsonaro

Lmao you know this does not work
>i am gonna bait right wingers XD
like I said you can go back to lefty/pol/ to brag to your buddies how you "BTFO" ebil racists with facts and logics

That is a quad man

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You're admitting it isn't then. And that hypocrisy isn't your problem with ben shapiro, because he isn't a hypocrite.

That doesn't negate what I said. Any of it.

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>70s radio

Why does he badmouth Diane Keaton?

Lol, based Ben fucking putting people in danger due to their doctor being sleep deprived.

>Reminder he laughs privately about how much he hates his followers.
Why would he do that? I thought someone narcissistic like Ben would love the praise and unchallenged agreement he gets from his fans.

>not believing in evolution
Yeah, nah fuck leftists.

Tavistock wrote all of Bowies music you blue pilled normie.
Just because you say the word jew does not mean you even know what the jew does

Turns out Ben Shapiro is based after all.