ITT Creepy stuff in TV/film
ITT Creepy stuff in TV/film
this is pretty creepy desu
>literally fucked to death by Spielberg
Nobody cares.
Clown world
you guys might not be aware of this but a truly spooky amount of people in Hollywood are Jews
>"WheRe'S mY... stIcKy WoowOhooh...."
The creepiest thing about the girl is that. After she died, they made shoes out of her skin. Pretty well known rumor
that shit is so fake
Even creepier that drew barrymore being on crack as a child is normie as fuck knowledge (i read it for the first time on the papers, in the section devoted to movie gossip/trivia when i was like 14) and yet no one seems to be capable of putting two and two together. Spielberg could admit to fucking everything and the public wouldn't even react
the illustration of baphomet was created in 1856, while the statue of washington was commissioned in 1832.
Why did my dino dissappear
Super bowl video please❌
You don't deserve a dino
the pose is not specific to baphomet and has been used in iconography long before christ or the jews
This but unironically
she was murdered
>raped and murdered
Yeah, no, she committed suicide.
You can't rape the willing
>no rule 34 of it being made
The picture is a sinister thoughtform created by the Satanic group the Order of Nine Angles.
Supposedly, they created it in order for the image to seep through your screen and into your life.
Now that you've seen "it," you'll most likely bring "it" into existence. I would not sleep with the light off. What "it" is is a hell hound-like being from beyond.
hopefully it kills me desu
little known occultist rumor: you make the baphomet pose every time you wave to someone or hold your hand up to be called on
Good thing immunity cat protects me.
close one bro🐱
Haha got them
That's a barrel not a dog.🐶
good i don't know english very well
No single image, nor words, or even whipping of flesh shall waiver my love and devotion for Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He knows the road I've walked has left my feet blistered, but truly when I return to the house of the Lord no earthly gloom or troubles will keep me weary. My faith is stronger then your jpgs no matter how many hippies developed it.😂
it literally means as above so below which predates even Jesus Christ himself
No it literally doesn't, that's a renaissance interpretation. It denotes mastery of the heavens and the Earth, which is why it is the classic pose of Pharaohs and gods.
wtf what could that mean?
Anyone have a hi res shot of the poster?
There were 2 news choppers from competing stations that followed the O.J. Simpson chase. The pilots weren't just professional rivals, they personally despised each other. Years later, both of them became trannies and are now best friends
D'aaw, just goes to show the power of hormones :^)
tfw ywn chill with your rival pilot tranny best friend
is this a fucking anime plotline
Nope, it's real
>trannies have made anime real
Wtf I love cutting off my own cock now!
Is it true that Spielberg and others raped her butthole so much that it pretty much caused her death?⚾
The car repairs name also is "CP Car Repair"
What was he trying to tell us about things lost in the night?
That they REALLY like pizza?
Woah, so NASA faked "The Shining"? Mind = blown!
Who is that little rat kike?
died of symptoms identical to crohn;s disease....a year after she was diagnosed with crohn's disease
what are the odds?! those jews sure are magical
obsessed incel that can't say anything but jewjewjewjewjew
Cringe. Is there anything worse than a person who hates their ancestors?
Think of the thousands of men who came before you, struggling against the odds to survive and procreate, only to produce some dead end faggot who spouts "fuck white people."
get a real job goblino and stop demanding gibs from smarter/more successful people
the autism to spot these things is on a higher level than the autismthat placed the props
>posting a tranny
are you calling me a nazi?
good pupper
If Kubrick were doing Baphomet poses, he wouldn't have done a vaguely similar one.
Someone post the webm
You're someone, begging tumor.
fuck off nigger kike post the webm
thanks immunity dog
They aren't hated because they are smart and successful, they are hated because of their innate subversive nature that manifests whenever the jew has access to money and power. They seem to have some sort of genetic disposition to try and destroy any kind of "pure" or functioning culture some sort of parasite, sucking the life from it and corrupting it. Other races lack this parasitic and subversive combonation, which is why the Jew is so dangerous. Some races are smart and creative (whites), some are parasitic (Niggers) and some are subversive (chinese ant people) but no other race in the world has all 3 properties at once, which is why Jews are so loathed.
lmaoing at this niggers tiny ass teeth
The autism of The Shining fans is unrivalled.
Isn't the left image from a sequel
I can see the humour, but it's not quite funny.
Sick numbers though.
god i hope so
I don't get it
as above so below comes from the emerald tablet which was made in around 300AD
Schizophrenia is one hell of a delusion user.
These people see patterns and are obsessed about everything, genuinely convinced of their delusions. Just ignore them.
good boy
The joke is that both are essentially right but the blacks think jews are white.
It just look like he's got a blister, desu.
What is this from?
based pupper
The joke is dumb cause its clearly made by a lefty who doesnt know what theyre talking aboot
Holy fucking based dogger
good boy!
Whoa he's wearing shoulder pads. Truly spooky
Best boy.
In the second photo the contrast of Jack's hair has been corrected to match the overall photo.
good boi
based and Christpilled
thanks dog
Anyone got insanity dog?
If I ever see this "thoughform" in real life I am going to rape the shit out of it and make it wish it never came to this dimension
Heres better shot
man's best friend indeed.
She reportedly had:
1) Giardiasis (intestinal parasite)
2) stenosis (physical narrowing of bowel)
3) Crohn's (intestinal inflammatory illness)
All three conditions are virtually entirely unrelated, and all three relate to bowels/intestines and result in anal bleeding in some way.
Strikes me as a liiiiiittle suspicious, no?
>/x/ tier shit
Thanks immunity dog
dang that movie is older than i thought
The poster is of a literal football player. Whats the big fucking deal?
no, fuck off reddit
>thinking anything in a Kubrick film is an accident
You're on the wrong board.
the 1988 super bowl was played in january 22 1989
Jews acquire success through nepotism. Whites work for theirs.
based doggo
they're all textbook differential diagnosis, tho
fuck that ugly ass nigger
k Steven
lmao they're definitely not.
they're, open any gastroenterology & surgery textbook
You're a retard. Crohn's disease causes #2. I've never heard about the parasite sounds made up.
They're not.
Her stenosis was congenital. Try again.
t. nigger crying about whites
Why does The Shining evoke so much autism?
So the Jews also gave her a congenital disease? Wow they sure have magic powers
>Can't see shit from the thumbnail
It's a good thing I read posts before clicking on images.
I hate how low IQ /pol/ is. All of this is crohn's disease.
This makes me think it's just some 'no smoking in our studios films' bullshit now that someone fucked up
Absolute unit
thanks doggo pupper dogger🐶
Because it predicts the day , year, and city of the girl's death. Can't you read?
>parasite is Crohn's disease
>congenital stenosis is Crohn's disease
k fren
And stop obsessing over /pol/, it's not healthy.
open a book m8
So the Jews gave her crohn's disease, a parasite, and a congenital disease? How the fuck do you fake all this and not have anybody notice?
based dogger
But I'm jewish?
Where does it say anything about Giardiasis being associated with Crohn's?
Or how a parasitic infection during life is associated with congenital stenosis?
>So the Jews gave her
1) why are you talking about "the Jews"?
2) miss the point harder, I dare you.
cheers doggo
Someone describe the picture, I'm not clicking it
thanks lil guy
>tfw diagnosed with crohns when i was 11
>in remission until 2017
>been in a serious flare for 2 years
>docs say no meds are helping might have to remove my intestines
>poop bag for the rest of my life
im only 27 bros, this sucks
Thanks good doggo
Thank you for your service, sir dog.
I’m sorry bro. Better get a gf now
That's rough bro, get second opinions.
And stay positive, there's a huge impact you can make by envisioning a healthy outcome.
ive tried. but i think they secretly in a lot of pain daily and i have to spend 15-20 in bathroom at a time and need handicap/single use bathrooms which makes being out together anywhere very difficult. damned either way. ive been on 4 different medications that work for like 70% of crohns patients yet somehow im superimmune
The Post (2017)
More like a spooky doggo that licks you through your phone made by Are We Cool Yet?
Yea Forums decoded this months ago though
those "dead soldiers" outfits were common during Nixon era anti-war demonstrations
I bet you're a goy.
i want a dog🐸
I believe it was concluded that this is actually a real thing, it was people who dressed up as ghosts to commemorate the war dead so the film did it for historical accuracy
Everyone knows it can't happen here. Look how they slandered Jimmy Saville. So fake.
how could a mailbox that doesn't have graffiti, later have graffiti???/? spooky shit
probably edited for some british rule against showing cigarettes in film
Thanks doggo
I'm not being a smartass here, but have you tried weed or CBD? I've heard it's done wonders fro Crohns.
goodest boy
Dumbass brainwashed normie.
THank you based doggo I feel safer now
Good boy!
wait is this saying a bad thing will happen if you view the image at the top? Am i fucked or is it if you view a different version im scared as shit help
good boy
>clown world
oh sorry it's not good enough for you bud, despite the fact that it's best it's been in human history
thank you
Cringe. Is there anything worse than a person who has nothing to be proud about other than their ancestors?
Think of the thousands of men sharing this Earth with you who have no achievements, no claims to fame, no success, only to cling onto genetics as their sole saving grace. Pathetic.
Based Spielberg destroying roasties
Guys please answer im spooked
>/pol/ btfo /pol/ btfo /pol/ btfo
thanks boi
you get more retarded than you actually are if you look at the pic
No it isn't.
I would believe this but if it were the boy
Fuck is this true
Jews aren't white
thanks pupper
if you look at the image, you're going to die in approx. 60 years after a long and fulfilling life
But it said after a few days or something got too spooked and didnt finish and dont want to look at it again, are you saying nothing will happen?
>Legendary gif deployed
top laff
Just don't worry about it user. Probably nothing will happen. Probably.
please just kill me already
i want OFF this clown fucking world
Cope. Every race has said the same about Whotes for centuries.
Gonna go jerk to those digits.
quite based
Summary can be found in this image, just open it up real quick
so fuckin based.
pure soul
extra blessed
ive tried CBD tincture oil to mixed effect. im not sure what strength to get but ive tried 3000mg. it expensive and some companies dont use true cbd. i should just apply for a MM card
the girl is from the poltergeist you ultra shit
Both photos are in the film
Praise be
Phew! Thanks immunity dog, you're a good boy.
Did you read the rest of the thread
good doggo
the real mvp
i have colitis, got it when i was 29, it totally sucks. i've been having an infusion every every weeks for the past seven years now.
>Human Visual System
jerked it to this not gonna lie
Based dog, thank you!
Thank yoyou, doggy
Best time period on human history was the caveman era when you could ride mammoths and score free stinky cunny
This fucking guy right here
>ywn save her
Thanks Pupper
*pats head*
good pup
absolute unit
>images, colloquially called "basilisks", which crash the human mind by triggering thoughts that the mind is physically or logically incapable of thinking.
Conspiratards pls go back
There's so much good shit in this movie like that
I-is this the real one?
Holly shit, are you serious?
Good buddy!
It's so blatant the costume store owner was pimpinf out his daughter and the orgy had pictures of kids everywhere in the mansion
absolute cringe
She got a sticky. Fucking newfags cant remember Yea Forums back in the late 80s...
thanks dog
Based and red piled
>Asking for proof is "normie" according to /pol/cels
so basically
>roko's basilisk: the image
Wait the other one wasn't real? Well, I deliberately didn't look at this one, am I not fucked?
If you open the imagine you will get a screamer that pop up sometime during the next hour
good boy!
they're smarter versions of whites
Thanks doggo
cheers bud
Okay, but about that bird image thing. Will something bad happen o me?
Extremely based dog.
Unironically how have you not an heroed yet? I took Accutane, and I told my mom that If I get Crohn's I'm gonna kill myself. At the very least I would NEET for a few years and then kill myself.
Based I finally get the death I've been hoping for.
yes dude, haven't you read the image?
Thanks friend
i don't know I was too scared to read it
But wait how did the guy who made the image not get the same thing happening to him? Also why didn't the text go above the image if it's so malicious? Why wouldn't it aleady be deleted because of it's maliciousness? Is it just bullshit?
1. he had his eyes closed when he made it
2. captions usually go under an image, it looks nicer
3. because mods are asleep
4. no
When the fuck did every board turn to reddit? Every post now is brain dead. Every thing that was inherent, like Spielberg being a pedo kike, was known. Now 25 year olds are browsing each board, acting like faggy know it alls expecting up boats for "fighting the ebil racists"
Die you stupid fucking niggers. You stupid fucking jews. Every single time you fag fuckers open your nigger loving mouths, you make it all the more obvious how fucking low IQ and inbred you sad little cut dick (if you're a woman, then you're obviously a whore) fag fuckers are.
here's your (You)
Thanks pal!
Thank you doggo
>he had his eyes closed when he made it
That's silly, why even release it to the public anyways?
Are you trying to scare me?
Y he so fat
Why would someone do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
Thank you immunity dog
A poor man's Immunity Dog tbqh.
So are you saying it's fake? Prove it's fake.
does april fag still work
where the FUCK is the architect
Man's best friend.
it's the hairy neanderthal
i cant an hero. id die alone with out a gf to carry on the family name. i keep myself happy with my hobbies (electronic repair, models, DIY construction, photography, etc) to take my mind off the inevitable poop bag
I used to be indifferent to Jews but then twitter came along and I realised they’re incredibly spiteful and racist and make things like that image without a hint of irony
>afraid of dogs
muzzies get out please
Based doggo
I knew a cute girl with a poop bag she was pretty open about it there’s probably a girl you can meet through a poop bag users meet or something don’t give up hope like some loser
based immunity dog
>both of us have poop bags
probably even worse, we dont need two inferior genes to pass on
guys i hear something coming up the stairs...
Infinitely based. Blessed doggo
He looks like his name is Douglas.
Hello Douglas!
Didn't Dan the man shitcan this guy because he didn't want the competition?
Spielberg admitted to being a spy for Israel a couple years back and that never got any traction.
These fucking NPCs won't react unless the media tells them to.
Based Immunity Dog
thank you immunity dog
sounds based desu
Thanks doggo
It's fake, user. You'd need some special kind of hypnosis video to give someone the effects that image says.
many thank dog
Fantastic nu-Twilight Zone episode
:^) appreciate it doggo
This scene was laughably bad. Merryl Steep fucking sucks. Spielberg can fuck off and die too.
Thanks doggo
Thanks doggo
wtf the superbowl LITERALLY kills children confirmed
the post that saved Yea Forums
Sounds like psuedo-science.
Thank doggo
>be hellhound from beyond
>contractually obligated to visit people who read dumb text
>give goodbye kiss to hellhound wife and say good bye to hellhound son everyday before work
>visit user
>get raped
>boss won't do anything because "dude this is hell lmao"
>become a joke to friends and colleagues
>wife leaves you and takes kid with her
>can't kys
how can we protect his smile bros?
I love you dog friend, and God loves you.
thanks immunity dog
Nice doggy
Thank you good pupper
Hella based
Always blows my mind that there are people here who unironically believe there isn't an agenda getting pushed.
>they're smarter versions of whites
every jew i've met was a weasely cunt and got BTFO'd by life, with schizophrenia, dietary issues, had to wear glasses, etc. They try to make up for this lack of bodily health with "muh mind improvement" total losers
oi cunt, you've got a spook license?
Good dog thank you