holy shit. this blew my mind. everyone on Yea Forums must take off their post-irony hat and view this.
Holy shit. this blew my mind. everyone on Yea Forums must take off their post-irony hat and view this
reminder this is the lefts new intellectual
im not going to watch some faggot soiboy say random bullshit for 15 minutes
god i hate the british
I'm not fucking watching that shit but I can tell you he's a fucking retard. Please like, thank you.
the absolute state of the left
Not watching❤️
>posting this on a site popularized by an american
or you could watch something that will help you.
these videos are so embarrassing, end up outdated in a few months when the next new meme comes around
we live in a society
Our culture is freedom and still some of y'all moths fucks beg for structure. Brb bout to got to a ramen shop in Texas with a doorag on and a plug up my butt.
black pilling gets more and more popular but it's just truth in an age when the truth is punished. It's only embarrassing because you can't handle it lol
Literally a man.🐸
Didn't Fantano btfo'd him before? Two fucking years ago?
>also ya'll are plebs
>normie who went backpacking with roasties in order to get laid
>trying to tlak about the blackpill
american culture ended in 2012
prove me wrong
No, it ended when your mom gave birth to you.
If you unironically watch this shit you should reconsider your life because you have fallen for the lowest low
Is that FAS Jenny?
Culture was always bad and gay
There's no such thing as the West or the Western culture.
>Michael Jackson almost certainly a pedo
good goy
oh yeah, that narcissistic weirdo who compares his life to Hitler is certainly the truth
>at the coffee shop
>an ADOREBLE gurl wolks in
>my PEENUS becomes stiff and I staht tah feel like BILL CLINTON
>SUPAH MALE VTAHLUHTY kicks in so I get the cohrage tah tolk tah her
>can't fink of sumthing tah say
>"OI! DIJEW know NOINTY FOH percent of peepol don't trust tha MAYNE-STREAM MEATIER?"
>she looks confused so I tolk moar loudly
>IMAJUN MY SHOCK when she stahts to roon away
>that fill when no gee-eff
>implying americans have culture
Didn't even watch the video and I could tell this was a guy😂
No thanks.💔
You should be concerned that so many men can make the comparison.
tfw paul got to stick his PEENUS in birdys VAJOINUH
We refuse to see in it anything else but the darkest living evidence of that which the Hindus have characterised from time immemorial as “Kali Yuga” — the “Dark Age”; the Era of Gloom; the last (and, fortunately, the shortest) subdivision of the present Cycle of history. There is no hope of “putting things right,” in such an age. It is, essentially, the age so forcefully though laconically described in the Book of books — the Bhagavad-Gita — as that in which “out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes, the loss memory; out of loss of memory the lack of understanding; and out of this, all evils”;2 the age in which falsehood is termed “truth” and truth persecuted as falsehood or mocked as insanity; in which the exponents of truth, the divinely inspired leaders, the real friends of their race and of all the living, — the god-like men, — are defeated, and their followers humbled and their memory slandered, while the masters of lies are hailed as “saviours”; the age in which every man and woman is in the wrong place, and the world dominated by inferior individuals, bastardised races and vicious doctrines, all part and parcel of an order of inherent ugliness far worse than complete anarchy.
it's just mental illness, doesn't mean much
>is an alt right shill
Let's burn it all done, live off the land like our ancestors used to. Humanity has weakened. Let's start over.
>BTFO of anyone but himself
that was in 2012 tho
>"I wish I had female parts"
>"Working on it."
Hitler's early life is actually very relatable if you know anything about it. Actually, so is George Lincoln Rockwell's. Both documented their, to use the parlance of our times, "redpill process". Both started out extremely hesitant to believe any sort or sense of a "Jewish conspiracy" and dismissed it as nonsense. Both eventually moved beyond that outlook to look under every filthy rock, in every terrible societal abscess, and see the filth for what it was, squirming beneath and within, so to speak.
It is mental illness. I agree. But it's growing. Eventually your generation will have to deal with millions of mentally ill men that you created.
So enjoy the calm before the storm.
>music bad because culture decline
>not because over saturated marked due to capitalism sending them the way to make rehashed garbage because thats what people buy
Can even most of you even wash your own clothes and cook your own food?
isn't this the guy who does the gay orgy stuff
He's made a complete 180 politically. He's now pretty much in line with the rest of the left because he got accused of being alt-right but he doesn't want to lose his career, so he now toes the line.
I'd listen to Buffalo Bill give life advice. I'd fuck me so hard.
Looking at this abominable deformed man pretending to be a female, one tends to agree. If there ever was culture in Racimixing States of Jewmerica, it's long dead and rotten.
ultimately people are responsible for their own mental health, if people want to sit in their rooms ranting about how unfair the universe is until they go crazy that's their own problem
How can anyone listen to his voice and not want to close the video. It's painful.
that entire picture isn't true anymore senpai
I love how all the yt comments are his fans talking about wanting to fuck this mentally ill dude.
yeah that's just stupid. Mental health is really complex and not only isn't it not adequately researched, neither are the medications. This country shut down all the mental hospitals in the 90s and people just wander the streets.
It's not about an unfair universe, it's about nurture and nature going wrong and chemical wiring. it's very much close to home.
Liberals blame guns. They blame whites men. They blame masculinity. They don't even talk about the problem.. (shocker but it's feminism)
And they won't just be in their rooms. They will take advantage when the socialist order falls in on itself. Much like it did in Russia about 30 years ago.
Your fortune: Good Luck
I don't particularly care, and neither does anyone else, you're responsible for your own well being
I know it's hard to believe a beta cuck looking guy like that is a bernie bro liberal but it's true
nic digits
you could just say you lost the argument and go along your way. You'll care when you have no other option. And fundamentally I do agree that people are responsible.. in a sane society. But we've marched over that line.
WTF is that
That's contrapoint? Currently watching zir's video essay about the West.
>There's no such thing as the West or the Western culture.
Did you even watch the video?
The tranny isn't denying that there's no such thing as "Western Culture" but rather the concept of it is ambiguous or rather as Xhir puts it, an authoritarian state that has resulted "is the ugliest crime civilization is capable of". It is a typical lefty rhetoric that only shows the ugly side of the West and the video puts only philosophical perspective and not historical ones such as Medieval Europe (which Xhir claim is a rather newer concept) and the cultures of each individual countries.
Of course Xhir argues of people trying to uphold "Western Values" have not done research on the degeneracy of the West prior to the rise of Protestantism (which Xhir hint in its language as the ancient-SJW for challenging Catholicism old guards), the video's narrative is about mostly about anti-discrimination and prejudice towards minority and trying to dissect that "Western Values" are either about degeneracy itself or authoritarian where everyone but Whites, suffer and pay the price.
came here to post this
isn't that the basedboy who sells basedboy tablets to retard alex jones fanboys?
this pretty kino desu
Is this fucking ironic? The last time I watched one of his retarded videos, he railed against contemporary art (calling it modern art, what a brainlet) and was heavily in favour of old ass art.
This guy is the biggest ruse man that monetises the gullible people who see themselves as conservatives or right when in reality, they are just fat slobs with no power over anything but their keyboard.
Modern/contemporary art doesn't require any skill, just shit on a canvas, call yourself a non-binary unicorn and you're done.
Someone add Chloe's face to that.
this dudes for idiots lol wtf
Have you only just discovered PrisonBasement, you fucking underage faggot? He's been a well known by both sides as an idiot for years
You fell for these demagogues completely. Right now you are just parroting brainlet phrases from /pol/ and these youtube faggots.
Check: Gerhard Richter, Polly Braden, Kim Cogan, Brett Amory, Neo Rauch and others for contemporary art.
Next time, educate yourself before responding or parroting blue pills from pol.
why does he cut every other sentence and mid sentence
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
Strong women scare you, huh?
Fantano? They guy who think niggers with tattoos on their faces is a great attribution to the western culture? Lol. The only stinkpiece in this debate is himself.
Thanks for proving my point, poor examples you given :)
t. faggot
Yeah jazz is for fags and moonkoi bois
I find it very hard that culture had hit a dead end. As long as there are people doing things there will always be culture to some degree. Family culture, friends culture, work culture, internet culture, national and taditional culture, etc. People come together all the time to share ideas and either create, or change existing culture.
The only way for culture to truly stagnate is if humanity dies altogether or we're taken over by such an opressive regime that it's literally impossible to express yourself.
Black pill isnt something new. You fucks just know about each other now because of social media
If leftists could just drop the tranny shit I'd agree with them
Is this image supposed to be anti fantano?
All of those things are great.
Poo poo pee pee
why? their economic ideology is the equivalent of slavery
how this faggot calls anyone a soiboy is beyond me when he looks like a major bitch
grotesque things scare me
Can't hear you of me dancing hard
this post is based and deserves likes
>ever not embarrassing himself
remember how hard he was sucking kanye off leading up to ye, right until he started shitposting about Trump and Fantano had to backpedal hard
he's a joke
I support anyone that aligns with my right wing political views even if they are slightly cringy.
>tfw no TERF gf
>conquering is just the way of life
>muslims conquering is bad
pick one. alt-righters are tards.
>shouting red pilled unironically
fuck fantano
I hate the trend of modern YouTube to cut out every pause in between phrases. It just looks like bad editing
>alt right
Whoa, beating that strawman again are we?
he was never right leaning retard
>that pic
Why would any of that be surprising? The guy quite literally started on Yea Forums
sounds like a left leaning thing to say, was this supposed to prove me wrong?
its so true
at least japan is still making good stuff
>buying music
Paul Joseph Watson is a schizophrenic homosexual.
it's the trannies and not fuck all white people that was your breaking point?
>taking Paul Joseph Watson serious
muh cultural marxism (formerly cultural bolshevism)
muh anti-white racism (formerly white supremacism)
muh western values (formerly normalized racism)
muh "the left is ruining the world" (strawman)
muh freedom of speech (ironic bigotry)
muh free market (licking billionaires balls)
The right-wing retards have shaped their reality through memes, but hey, your edgy memes are funny right?
This guy is still around? Why does he look so feminine now
What fucking shit argument when the term wageslave perfectly describes half the people ITT's situations. Capitalism is legal slavery
That's a dumb stance. Why? Because either someone rants to themselves about something or they do something about it , those are the only two options.
You're basically saying they should all pick up arms and rise up.
Why does he have he have such perfect DSL? I want to link his videos to more of my friends and family but he looks and talks like such a fucking faggot. Same with Milo, can some of these men actually LOOK LIKE MEN?
Don't reply to this post. He's trolling.
You know that. I know that. He knows that. Stop replying to this post you fucking idiots.
These are today's philosophers. We're reaching peak Weimar.