Hey user put your hand on my shoulder so we'll get past no singles policy

hey user put your hand on my shoulder so we'll get past no singles policy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1542306981376/

thanks but i'd rather not

Robert's gonna know

does Yea Forums really like us? unlike the rest of Yea Forums...

I'm sorry I only have 2 pairs of gloves on.

I'd rather put my face in your tits

Only if I can rest my head on those titties during the movie.

you mean black girls?

Attached: jungle fever pepe.png (270x344, 52K)

oww my feelings
first and foremost yes but also black people in general

its only ironic, lad. don't let it get to you.

idk i feel like i can be myself around them, they dont make me nervous😂


I'd marry a black girl no homo

Wouldn't hang around black men though

Why can't this be me
Why aren't there sweet nerdy Christian black women where I live

Sweet nerdy Christian women don't exist anymore let alone black ones.

There are only a select few of based black men like Denzel Washington or Keith David but Yea Forums loves cute black girls.

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>no singles policy
there is no such thing, right?

damn baby we gon fuck or wat

so american black churches actually have whole lot of singing, like in some movies? because that sounds kinda fun

>its only ironic
No it isn't you fucking newfag

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Big titty "cute enough" black girls? Fuck yes.

absolutely based🙁

ayy bitch gib me dat succ

dubs and we all get qt negress gfs

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delicious brown girls are kino

fucking disgusting. Never get how people like fake asses

You fucked up

>da fuck you just say to my girl white boy?

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Tfw no bubbly black gf to call the N word in bed

Nope. Don't let the janitor babysitting this thread trick you into thinking we do either.

Everyone's in on the joke but you, dumbo.

fake hair
fake nails
fake tits
fake ass
fake eyelashes
Oh yea total winner

step off nigga im packin heat yo

I thought freakshows died out in the Edwardian era.

How come when white guys date negresses they’re almost always 9/10’s, but a negro will drop any negress for a dumpy 3/10 white roastie?

Skin tone notwithstanding those curves are disgusting. Disproportionate as fuck. You'd want normal proportions, she's the male equivalent of some faggot with synthol biceps.

k here's a real black womyn

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>Hey white boi, if you take me out to dinner I'll let you smack these tits around

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I think black girls have lower physical standards for white men because they know they're going to be safer and better treated.

Damn I love Maserati

you know even /pol/ has black girl threads right?
Attraction isn't based on politics, even racists know black girls are best.

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anything for mommy darkest

same shit just fatter

Ok, but later on I'm gonna make you squirt.

Black People

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I'd swirl my vanilla in her chocolate so bad
I'd make zebra babies with her any day
She's the remedy for my jungle fever

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No way she wipes properly

you mean those threads spammed with the same images you spam here?
also weird how one days it's asian women then the next blacks
never at the same time though hmmm

And you know they got big dark chocolate areolas.

Putting my hand on your ass would make for a much more convincing show, don't you think?

I wish i was the one who got to impregnate her.

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he cute

Ludacris, James Brown, Prince and Chris Brown


>Wouldn't hang around black men though
Would that include her male relatives.

asians and black are two camps.
asians are for boys, blacks are for men.

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>she hasn't done are pregnant hardcore video

I like the light skinned one

Look at they fucking joy on his face. That cold bitch Hitomi would never let fans do this, and never react so positively to it happening.


how do I know which black girls fuck white guys?

And yet never at the same time
almost as if you're in some sort of chat group planning these spam threads

probably not.
I only like black girls so I obviously have to be cool with my girlfriend's dad and brothers.
They seem fine but they expect me to know anything about black people stuff.
I don't listen to rap, follow pop culture and sometimes I don't even understand what they're saying so it makes it awkward.

So just to warn you guys, weeb girls generally don't have weeb families.

Cry about it, bitchfaggot :^)

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to what end?
I just post my folder whenever I see a thread.

They’re probably in prison anyway, so no worries there.

i've got jungle fever

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>tfw no afro gf🙁

I have jungle cancer, there is no cure.

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asians can't compete

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>to what end?
You tell us, shill
Do you think you're fooling anyone with these planned threads?

me in the back left

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isn't this just another Robert thread?

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Hitomi looks like a chestlet her. It's like when anyone goes against Velba.

>everyone else is braining rules, why can't I?
VERY non-white of you.

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rolling for feminine ebony peepee

Your fortune: Outlook good

Why are you so scared of answering the question?

I shamefully paid $300 for a black girl to do IRL asmr for me where she whispered into my ears and told me a bed time story.
When I woke up from the nap my PS4, phone and box of krispy kremes were all gone.

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why does he protect negro threads

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Yes, on your shoulder. That's totally where I was going to place my hand.

>tfw no big tiddy black gf

Next time you do this, you go to a hotel and put your shit in the safe except what you're going to pay her with. How was the ASMR? Think you'll do nursing handjob next time?

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mega kino

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what must be going through his mind.

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>illegal beast content
Now this will be a good addition to show hiro. FIRE SAFETY SQUAD 2.0

It's a sign of fertility. Of course a soiboy wouldn't get it.

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she could offer to give you head in the alley no strings attached and you say no because...

If you see them on a dirty city street corner with a couple other black girls in scantily clad clothing eyeing down cars, those ones.

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Bump shill. you're dumping all the same images again yet claim to be different people

woolly black girl hair is amazing


I like dick

Going on a date with a black girl next week, how don’t I fuck this up?

liked and subscribed💯

JAV number?

Since we are on the subject of tv and anything movie related absolutely not! You know how "your kind" behave at movie theaters.


>when the temptation is too much

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thanks senpai . is her ass real?how is an asian shaped like this?

She looks like she fucks white guys

>how don’t I fuck this up?

Be white

wtf is a no singles policy?


Blessed post


we [no one] mind you IF you stay in your own shithole

Of course not, you're still here.

thanks user!

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All very obviously mixed.



Why is the shill still dumping images, but not answering the question about how he spams this shit one day and asians the next?

do black feet taste any different from regular feet?

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>t. fridge/fatty

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Shieeeeeet future written, gonna try my hardest to get a black qt gf

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"if the ass don't fit, you must acquit!"

I don't remember son. have a like instead.

Why do blacks have puffy belly buttons?

Name? Source?

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Name? Reverse image search gives me nothing

You didn't actually touch any of that popcorn did you?

if shes attending college and constantly posts anti white comments on the internet, then yes, she lusts for BWC

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No one likes black people.

Ew no, I can already feel myself getting STDs by looking at you, whore.

triangle > pear > hourglass

the rest can kill themselves

Because he's a racemixing propaganda pusher, he's been at this for months now.
He tends to get really angry when he starts replying to posts, so he tries to avoid them because he'll otherwise expose himself as he always does.
Report the OP, mods do delete these threads.

since we are in a black woman thread theres gotta be some peeps in here that like twerking

i cant get off on twerking unless i can see their face first, am i the only one?

what if the ebony qt is both black AND a desert ninja?

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okay, the mods are now officially EPIC

Gross no thanks I don't want AIDS

post more you lazy cucks

Reminder that, for some reason, the guy who makes these threads gets REALLY mad when someone says they don't want to racemix and would rather have kids with a white girl.
Reminder that this guy will try to imply that, because you want this, you are inbreeding.

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Any links to his other threads?

>first it was the discord trannies
>now it's some random race mixing faggot
I wonder what it'll be next month? You faggots are pathetic.

But it's true, these threads have been posted for a couple of months now on a daily basis, with one guy dumping pics without text, and then, when he runs out of pics, he will start agressively replying to you and getting really angry if you say you don't want to racemix.

I feel bad for black girls. My second favorite part of a girl is her hair, and blacks often don't have pretty hair.🏀

He can't stop what's coming. He's left up pedo threads to protect this one and now there's tons of proof

are you aware threads like this have been going on for longer than just a few months now?

might as well say cunny and sneed threads arent Yea Forums

Here's one, for example.

You can notice it by his dumping of text-less racemixing positive pics.

Time flies, man. Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday when it was before the Age of the Shill.

who cares man, you honestly can't win the outcome is inevitable, ethnostates are over and the only outcome of the human race is a complete merging of all races into one color

Forgot link

thats perfectly fine

WWIII will happen before any significant demographic changes.
And humanity will then get exactly what it deserves.

Interesting archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/108834662/#108835271

You’ve never been to /int/ have you?♨️

How about I put my dick in your ass?


Looks like is right
All the other images have spam hits like this too

I'd burn every last one of you.

I want a Jewish gf

>watching someone going full barneyfag


No way fag🏴

so *that's* what he means by fuck niggers

singles and we all get qt asian gfs.

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>he watches you every week with your beautiful ebony kween
>while he comes home daily to his nagging wh*te wife
he hands you your popcorn as he holds back tears

h-h-heres your usual sir, extra salt

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I assume you'll be taking serious action against this poster considering the amount of irrefutable evidence you have here?

No, I have a white girlfriend.
Im not a racemixing weirdo.

I have plenty of this girl but I forgot to make webms of the source file.

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ho boy I love this woman but she ain't posting more bikini stuff.🙁

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You have shit taste in women, and your children will look like pasty white lemmings =)

I just like big tits

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why arent black women as willing to do butt stuff than white roasties?

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>this site

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Nah, they'll be pretty, last thing I want is for them to look black. Blacks are really ugly, and most of them are really fat.

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He's editing images now so they don't have any results
holy shit he really is a shill

>don't have any results
Including on boards hosted outside of 4plebs mind you

how do i get a qt choco gf??

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Because people prefer their own race, but when they mix, (American) blacks are the least liked by other races (per data on interracial marriages and dating sites), and prefer to mix less than other races. Only the top, in either intellect or looks, score above middling white partners, it seems.
Whites are considered exotic and desirable in other countries, maybe because of their likelihood of being successful (especially if they're traveling), or maybe because of qualities naturally still associated with nobility, like paler skin (which used to be a thing in Europe, too, but not anymore).

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based mods

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When you find out let me know

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boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1542306981376/

would honestly be scared of a black guy getting triggered and beating my face in. also having a kid that looks nothing like me would be a bit of a drag.

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it isnt ur skin people hate
or ur african background

it is the violent ghetto culture, the violent tendencies, the crime of black men

but the women look amazing. sexual machines

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>this new to saving images

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The only people who do are fat white Americans that no white girl would touch.
The rest of the world sees you in a condescending way or straight up hates you.


ok but i am a 38 years old virgin, is that ok ,?

>that hairstyle
Why can't black people into combing.


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so the answer is no, you wont be doing a single thing about it, dumb underaged faggot.

she has

Well, thread's dead.
Job done.

Be a white male

You can't hide from me Yea Forumsoomer


FUCK black women

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Are there more pictures of her?

yes user. you. YOU are correct. we are nothing but mossad agents trying to propagandise the destruction of the wh*te race

yes, its not YOU who are crazy, its everyone else. YOU are perfectly normal and display no obsessive behavior. YOU have found and exposed us.

She keeps her natural Afro hair


show us your big black areolas you filthy milk queen
she is at most 1/4 black

>3 posts made by a frog poster


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pls be in london

Spammer and ban evading.


Why are the dark ones so hot?

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fuck you cunt asshole

>in hospital
>black nurse lets me touch her afro and gives me her number.

But what does it all mean?


skelly is out of my reach
still gonna share some more goddesses since this is what the thread turned into

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ask her if the carpet matched the drapes

But I wasn't calling him a shill. Why are you so upset about being called shills if you're not shills? Very strange

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Remember back in the early days of this site when if you got caught raiding or spamming Yea Forums, your ass would have been grass? Hacked, Doxxed, Raided, death threats, etc. etc. Nu-/pol/ just dosent have the balls or the brains for this shit, they couldn't even handle a hand full of trannies on a fucking discord server.

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so go tell the janny you cocksucking faggot

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you know, if you spend less effort making rants and more in applying for janny position maybe

juuust maybe youll get the powertrip youre looking for, but until then youre just a powerless rando screaming at the clouds

Imagine if she asked you to wipe her haha!

>5,11 vs 6,1

Poor Manlet.

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not really.
i just like to shitpost.
and since the blackedposters get genuinely mad if i do, it's worth it desu
real black women are ugly as shit and only desperate incels settle for them and still get cucked.

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Im a fairly decent white guy, tall and have a big dick. How hard would it be to land a black girl?

Black chicks have the most INSANE bodies, but also the most jacked up faces.

There is balance in the universe.

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Well? Is right?

go to tinder, thats it

you gotta be ripped or you won't get a goddess.

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Butter face coming through

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Every single black girl in America is a butterface

has sarah banks dethroned diamnd jackson as queen of all ebonies?

I love these threads

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>porn stars
tatyana ali will always be my ebony queen, and she is only usurped by keke palmer

>mad over disliking black women
sure Tyrone, sure...

>black women bad!
>everybody who disagrees with me is a shill

hijabs are basically fetish wear now

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Bump again. Very strange how what he wrote actually happened too


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do black girls like asian guys

this bitch looks 100% like a filthy crackwhore

i guarantee you she's given that ragged pussy up for some rocks on at least a few occasions

Abso-fuckin-lutely NOT bro

Black chicks hate beta men and Asians are all beta men. It's more common to see a black chick beating up an Asian guy than dating one.

b-built for below average white cock!

I reached skelly
thanks fellow black lovers

I love Thicc nigger mutts they qt

do i get asian or african goddess

yeugh, no fuckin thanks⚽

Your fortune: Outlook good

If you could project any harder your eyes would light up and you would cast a happy merchant on the wall.

Not really true? A lot of black girls who racemix want a partner who would not try to beat them up, be nice to them, actually be able to hold a job...
But asians are just not really that attractive, they usually go for whites.
Also muh beta vs muh alfa. Are nigger gangbangers "alfa"?

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fortune, is this year of the ebony gf?

Your fortune: Outlook good

>A lot of black girls who racemix want a partner who would not try to beat them up, be nice to them, actually be able to hold a job...
So....you've never had any meaningful contact whatsoever with the black community, have you?

>tfw no ebony goddess to worship until the day I die
why is life so unfair?

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honestly black girls being turned out is one of my favorite porn genres, and its somewhat easy to find shit that looks legit

your greasy dumb hairdo

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i remember posting black girls a decade ago and i'm kinda upset that it's gotten so widespread now

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Anything else is cringepilled not for the race thing but for the concept of putting importance on romantic relationships rather than improvement of the self

Who is us?

There is actually no way in hell she isn’t photoshopped.
I understand screen shorting this means nothing but just to hyperbole I’ll shoot my own balls if this woman looks like this normally sans filters, photoshop and angles.

>he cute

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-152613_YouTube.jpg (985x1350, 414K)

as beautiful as these girls are,
i could never fully trust them. their blackness means they will always yearn black men.

all these girls seem like cheaters. all of them

you seem to have deep seeded issues user, care to talk about it?

Nah, man.
That's what white women do. Always trying to get a black man, and acting like ghetto trash.


prepare to cut your balls stupid fucking asshole


>their blackness means they will always yearn black men
Why would they yearn something worse?

Would fuck the two in the middle
would fuck

you always desire ur own. its science. im not joking

i grew up in atlanta, every single black person i knew cheated, both male or female

black americans have highest rates of aids and stds
55% of all blacks have aids and other stds.

black girls have the most accidental pregnancy, highest abortions...

sorry :/

what kinos would black women like?


>you always desire ur own
maybe you should move from atlanta to alabama

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>you always desire ur own
YOU do, I don't. Plus that doesn't explain the hundreds of mutts/mixed raced people in general.

i live in texas now

blacks still cheat the most

>You were warned
This gives me the seal of approval that my post is on topic with the discussion from swaglord.
They are.

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