American Psycho excertp

Apparently Christian Bale fought tooth and nail to get this scene from the book filmed but received overwhelming pushback from producers despite support from Mary Harron, the film's director. Why was Bale so determined to get this one scene filmed?

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imagine thinking anyone is gonna read all that shit lmao

based and redpilled

hello tourist

Because it emphasizes his stomach illness, something they ignored in the film

Jesus Bateman, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

It took less than a minute to read. Is that too much effort for your tiny widdle brain?

this is incredibly based

What the fuck, milk isn't kosher? Patrick is right, what's wrong with these kikes?

They aren't allowed to mix meat and dairy.

The book was so good.

I like when he inserts a piece of cheese into a woman's vagina, insert's a rat to eat the cheese, and then cuts her fucking legs (and the rat's tail) off with a chainsaw.

As far as I know, you don't put beef in a milkshake.

This chapter and him killing the child are comically evil and hilarious chapters. Such a great book. The ending kinda sucks and definitely starts strong then fades, but those two chapters never fail to make me laugh and I go back to them frequently.

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Jews can't have meat and dairy anywhere near each other newfag

you can't eat them in one meal, the IDF MREs are just lots of canned tuna and olives in an attempt to avoid this happening

Imagine the smell

Nice dubs. Now check these

Yes, I'm a newfag for not know every intricate rules to this retarded religion where they have to mutilate their sons because they never learned how to wash their fucking dicks and can'teat pork or seafood because the retarded mothers never learned to cook properly. It's no wonder kikes are the laughing stock of the world.

for not knowing*

Yeesh... looks like someone has a case of the mondays!

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Such blatant newness.

Circumcision is not mutilation, and having a cut dick is way better than an ugly, slimy, leaky, drippy, smelly, cheesy anteater dick

I love his first instinct is to lie about having a reservation

What's the context of the scene? A New Yorker would know what Kosher is.

What's even more puzzling is Bateman's insistence on lactose despite the intestinal cramps. Not sure if just an oversight or a character statement.

Whatever helps you cope with what your parents did to you.

White people have no problem drinking and digesting milk, João

Probably in denial about it. He's not a weak man and doesn't have intestinal problems, it just hurts randomly.

Holy Jesus what a sexy!

Found the brainlet


I read it three times, then saved it for later to show my friend.


You'll know it soon. The only reason you don't is because you're a goy. A chimp doesn't know who owns the zoo, its only concern is the banana of the day.

you're a bald carbon copy of the waitress, you kike

Fuck I’d love to see this filmed in the movie. It’s so funny it’s borderline Lynchian.