Thanks for the laughs today Yea Forums I've been having a terrible two weeks and today was the first day I've laughed...

Thanks for the laughs today Yea Forums I've been having a terrible two weeks and today was the first day I've laughed in awhile.

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yeah uh....... sneed

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day ruined too spoopin

Hang in there kiddo🌈

why this has been terrible, way worse than usual, so fucking boring

Here's some tips for you to get better:
>Take a shower
>Go to the gym
>Gain height
>Have sex

You're welcome fren. :)

>has proven that Yea Forums is full of redditors
>today was the first day I've laughed in awhile


tfw every day is great when you have a waifu

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You're welcome

Happy for you too bros

love you, bud

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just remember hard ti es are there to motivate you to do better, lad. When its stuff that's out of your control, remember that it will probably get better. no one should ever have to revel in hedonism at all times, same as how nobody should endure pure pain

This but unironically

OP here. Thanks everyone.

why is kstew drinking her pee

feel better user🌈




glad we could help OP