Should we lower the voting age to 16?

Some Western nations are playing with the idea

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Should we raise the posting age to 25? So you faggot Zoomers stop shitting up my board with shitcunt posts like this.

Only if we lower the age of consent to 12, without restrictions.

She looks like a fucking drug addict

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30 for the voting age
25 for the age of consent

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property owners only or get the fuck out of my face

Lowering the voting age is a naked attempted by the minority women lgbt pozzed faction in the us to powergrab. They are trying their best to steal the country from white people as hard and fast as they can. The jews responsible for this must pay.

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Allow everyone to vote.
If you can hold a pen to make a legible mark that counts then why not?

Subtract ten from both and you're completely right

>allowing children with no responsibility to make decisions for the rest of society


>lower the voting age to 9 years before brain fully develops


Kids today have life too easy. They don't learn anything. Raise the voting age to 95 and bring back dinosaurs. If you can live to 95 in dinosaur land you deserve to vote. If not, you die.

>indoctrinate children into the leftist ideologies and then allow them to vote
The perfect plan

This girl sounds literally retarded when you hear speak about things.
Only people that served in the military should be able to vote.

>listening to young people
Lol, no. The only thing they should lower the age for is buying guns so these hormonal shitheads will kill each other faster.

why is this retarded shit spammed on this board?

What's her rationale for saying this?

>dying for israel like a fag

let ONLY 20 - 50 year olds vote

probably how kids are "woke" on non issues


Rashy what? She's a liberal. Ain't gotta explain shit.

>this girl sounds retarded
>Only people that served in the military should be able to vote.
you're LITERALLY retarded

Oh Jesus Christ. Yeah, let's just let the dumbest members of our population who are fucked up with PTSD make all the decisions.

Well she's a teenager

Tax payers are the only people who should be allowed. If you don't have to worry about electing assholes who want more of your money then you need to shut the hell up.

I didn't know shit about politics when I was 16. I just did what the adults around me told me to.

Has OP ever posted anything about her actually saying fucking SIXTEEN? 18 year olds can already vote but OP might be retarded and not understand that TEENagers is thirTEEN to nineTEEN

I think that's a bit far, 14 would be just fine ;)👌

They think that not having enough niggers in an apple commercial is a serious political issue. They are totally lost, their minds have been completely jewed. Most irreversibly so. Sad.

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this is also where someone will say

How do we solve the zoomer question?

I agree with this. Taxpayers should be the only ones allowed to vote.