I have purchased 12 tickets so far for my family and friends.
How many have you purchased?
I have purchased 12 tickets so far for my family and friends.
How many have you purchased?
>buying tickets
None, I don't like capeshit. Enjoy yourself tho my man.
I'm waiting until Tuesday. Just gotta avoid...everyone.
superhero movies are the fucking BEST!!
superhero movies fuckn RULE
Why do people lap this shit up it's all the same old garbage
Because it's kino
Why the need to meme?
Everyone wants and will see Endgame (just like Infinity War). There's literally zero fear of it doing bad in theaters. So just save your breath DCfag.
is this still a movie or already a feature long video game cutscene? to be honest this doesn't even feel like a movie anymore
>posts on Yea Forums
>doesn't like Capekino
You need to head back to R*ddit asap champ.
Fucking richfag
Are you from Winnipeg?
Stop trying to be cool you pathetic piece of shit. I hate most capeshit too but the MCU is the only thing worth going out of your way to see in the cinema.
>it's superman vs spiderman on greenscreen episode
CGI artists should get more praise than "actors" starring in these flicks.
The MCU is samey and predictable, even by capeshit standards.
Dude. Why?
the theaters near me are dine ins does Yea Forums have any experience w/ these?
Cineplex sold tickets early lol. All the normies are gonna wake up to find all the showing opening weekend are sold out.
Winnipeg gang gang
No one actually pre orders tickets do they?
This shit here, this literally never happens ever. If I didn't for starwars it's not going to for capeshit.