Why doesn't Jordan Peele cast Jim Norton?

Why doesn't Jordan Peele cast Jim Norton?

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>ywn have a chelsea peretti wife

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Why doesn't he cast his fucking buddy Key? lmao guy is probably filing for food stamps by now

He should cast chip chipperson

no i'm not, he was in the zillow ad

i mean h&r block

>no i'm not

Are u on mushrooms,key?

Nex thing you know this coon'll be castin Ryan Gosling in his next joint

He should cast Jay and Mike.

i'm not him, i just forgot what commercial it was because maybe he has been auditioning for a lot of them...

If Goose is a total horny & lonely loser who gets cucked and starts screaming, I'll make sure Peele gets an Oscar.



Cos Worm pissed and shat all over Peele's then future wife in his futile quest for satisfaction.

>Read an interview where Peele says he listened to her on Comedy Bang Bang and liked her so he sent her a Twitter DM
>YWN be a millionare that can just casually text women you wanna fuck on Twitter and have them jump on your dick


he was definitely not a millionaire when they got together lol

He was in The Predator, the blockbuster hit of last summer

he's had a hit tv show since 2012 m8

I hope you, i mean he, gets them all! ;D

>hit tv show
he had a hit youtube clip maker, not a lot of people actually tuned in to watch the show, I doubt he was making that much money off of it.

That's the power of the BBC.
White men unironically will NEVER be able to compete.

He's high yeller

She ate Jim Norton's ass and let him piss and shit on her.

post her ass

>biglipped nigga
>hooknosed jewish wife
This is America

Numbers day hes evil

Why doesn't he cast Keegan?

Yea, it started out as a nice, White ethnostate too. Almost worked. We'll get it next time.

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