Where would you like the James Bond series to go after Craigs next movie?

I would personally like to more espionage stuff done by Bond. Rather than putting in action scenes just to justify it being an action movie, Id rather see a really good James Bond story that focuses on the craft of being a spy. Of course action would be in it when necessary, but I wouldn't want action scenes in just to entertain the popcorn moviegoers.

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I wouldn’t mind a new direction to be entirely honest, but the biggest problem is that espionage has changed from being dedicated men making dead drops and killing each other to pasty computer nerds sitting at a computer so the focus needs to be shifted.

Make Bond the MI:6 veraion of a CIA ground branch spook and have him do some shit in Afghanistan. Make the supporting character an American spook, and have the villain be a Saudi prince. Don’t even bother with a Bond girl or some convoluted plot, M:I are better Bond films than the bond films so just go in another direction.

Reboot the franchise, do new adaptations of the Fleming novels and keep them accurate to the Cold War setting as period espionage thrillers

The modern Bond movies are generic actions movies, all boring and forgettable

What does CIA ground branch do? Are they like Delta force or something?

Idris elba

This would be the best way forward, but I doubt they want to go back in time to the Cold War. Everything has to be modern today, its a shame.

Idris has already said he doesnt want to do it. Im not sure why people keep bringing him up.

They have a group like Delta, ya, but ground branch just refers to any CIA agent on the ground. I’m more talking about the spooks that spend their time occasionally fighting with American aligned groups, gathering intelligence, providing support, ect. The type of guys who were the mysteriously white Mujahid during the Soviet-afghan war and that sort of shit.

I would prefer it if they did honestly, but I doubt they will.

I dont like the idea of having them make James Bond lead arab fighters. That sounds kinda lame in my opinion.

If only they would just stick to time period James Bond movies. He is a cold war hero, hes not a modern spy. It gets ludicrous with having James Bond go all around the world where everywhere he goes has cameras. It would be possible for him to be a spy like that.

we need more retarded characters like jaws and oddjob and mayday

They don’t lead them, they work with the people who actually lead them, and sometimes fighting alongside them. It is more about building relationships and getting workable intelligence than anything else.

It’s not entirely outside the realm of possibility. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy did okay and so did Atomic Blonde, but I get the feeling that won’t fix any of the problems with the movies.

Bond setting up his room in Dr. No so he can tell if someone had been there(putting the hair over the closet and shit like that) I always thought was a lot cooler than "big shootout with car chase"

yes, having jws in everything or nothing was awesome

it still sounds lame in my opinion
Too bad you arent in the majority. The Chinese audience like big action with little dialogue.

Probably shouldn't say "always" because when I was a kid I thought the Connery films were boring as shit, wasn't until recent years my appreciation of them grew.

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Make it more comedy-oriented like the Roger Moore flicks

It doesn’t need to be the only solution, it was just an idea. I think the point still stands though. Right now James Bond sucks. It doesn’t have the charm of the old films, and while it was fine to start taking itself seriously, they kept the big action set pieces and convoluted villain plots of the Brosnan era, then crawled up its own ass in terms of how serious they wanted to be, and got lapped by Mission Impossible. They just need to do something different.

Why bro

Please don't tell me that is who I think it is.

Reboot it back to the 50s/60s where it belongs.

Always overrated

Women age like milk btw

I liked how generally low key casino royale was. Dangerous people in close proximity, a card game, an attempted poisoning, a car chase, then some hostage shit. Fin.

Not everything needs to be save the world. Unless that's the plot, and even then, it should never be stated, it should be felt. Goldeneye was perfect int his regard, the other Brosnan bonds not so much.

Goldeneye is a perfect movie.

The craig movies really are too much flash. He cuts a sharp figure--hes all model poses--but it gets tiring when that's all there is. Quantum of Solace was solid, a bit underwhelming, but a solid movie, also low key, but they dropped the ball afterward.

hammy bond + model bond is just too boring

Wouldn't mind this

I agree. Id really like them to stick with the Goldeneye formula if they can.

wow someone in a bond thread who isn't a complete fucking pleb, agree on pretty much all of these points

casino royale and quantum of solace are well made and make a nice little two-piece, after that the quality drops off hard

THey are totally lost with the Craig movies. Bond needs to be super cool, a pro operative and spy, and a ladies man. Not everything needs to be super serious because the idea of James Bond is not super serious. Xenia Onnatop is a dumb character but shes great in James Bond. Craigs Bond films would never have someone like Xenia, even though characters like Sylva are super dumb, but they take them seriously. None of the scenes in the Craig films come anywhere close to the intro scene of Goldeneye. The Nightfire and Everything or Nothing game are also better than the Craig films. They should stick to that formula of what James Bond should be

>biggest problem is that espionage has changed from men making dead drops and killing to pasty computer nerds
Hey Mr Half Empty? What about Ethan Hunt. Did you see FallOut? C'mon mf'r.

>How to do Bond post-Craig
Before Craig leaves, I'd unironically do a Bond x Mission:Impossible crossover film, US vs UK. And let McQuarrie direct. It'd gross $1 billion easily.

Bond has become too hermetic, and that's the producers' fault. And partly Craig's because he doesn't act in anything else, he's spoiled. Sadly due to this people attribute Bond to being a tired relic. See this thread. But also obvs every libtard thinks Bond is problematic: straight, white male with physical acumen working on behalf the former Anglo empire. Yet they stfu about Ethan Hunt. Why? Because Cruise works harder than they do.

>Who should the next Bond be?
I know this will get shitted but desu Rami Malek would be a great Zoomer Bond. Rather than a villain as now planned. He has the intelligence for a realistic agent, he can buff up while still being young. He not a fag irl but he eskews the typical chaddery of the role for a more modern detachment, that wins over quality thots. He has a wired intensity great for night missions. Possibly even gets injected with elite performance enhancer MI6 drugs on a mission to stay awake. He can blend in all over the world from MENA to Israel to South America. Obv he looks computer savvy unlike Craig. He has a gloomy fate about him, you'd buy it if his GF or friend got kill during mission.

>plot of the next Bond
Rami Malek Bond is in Argentina to cover up a Venezuela like situation. The CIA is corrupt, but he runs into a female CIA agent down there who tells him secret intel about a terrorist cell in Argentina. He goes down there after she hands him something while dying. The leader of the cell is rumored to be the secret son of Adolf Hitler, but its never fully proven. MI:6 tells Rami to return to base...

...when advanced dirty nukes are detonated across South America, creating a migrant flood into the US, by design. Africa is next, he learns. Against better judgment, Malek Bond stows away on a ship harboring Hitler's son.

Part ship where Malek Bond is hiding becomes a submarine, and it is dispatched to... an underground mini-city headquarters in Antarctica filled with albino Nazi supersoldiers. Bond must save the entire planet from an Ice Reich. All the /x/ shit was basically true but real.

>I know this will get shitted but desu Rami Malek would be a great Zoomer Bond. Rather than a villain as now planned. He has the intelligence for a realistic agent, he can buff up while still being young. He not a fag irl but he eskews the typical chaddery of the role for a more modern detachment, that wins over quality thots. He has a wired intensity great for night missions. Possibly even gets injected with elite performance enhancer MI6 drugs on a mission to stay awake. He can blend in all over the world from MENA to Israel to South America. Obv he looks computer savvy unlike Craig. He has a gloomy fate about him, you'd buy it if his GF or friend got kill during mission.
it's such an awful idea I'm sure it's what the post-Craig era will be

They are gonna do another Bond-goes-rogue story like pretty much all the Craig movies.
Some good ideas in this thread though. I think that a totally anachronistic storyline with a basically undetermined timeline might work. Set roughly in the middle of the cold war but going forward and backward in technology as needed.
Not much unlike Archer back when it was actually good.
There's no reason that a Bond movie should cost a quarter of a billion dollars to shoot. Just scale it all down a little bit. And make it as politically incorrect as you can afford these days.

Rami is the villain in Cary Fukunaga's Bond which is now filming iirc

Yes I'm aware, but your prediction about pandering to the Zoomers will certainly come true in the next Bond

This, I wish they'd go back to the Brosnan era style with ridiculous shit like riding a boat or tank through London, hammy villains, retarded quips but still taking itself moderately seriously. It's too bad though that if they did that it would inevitably be a monkey's paw where it would be full of MCU humour.

>Set roughly in the middle of the cold war but going forward and backward
Boys and bots the Cold War setting is never coming back. Red Sparrow lost a shitload of money, and that's how Hollywood thinks. Superhero movies can go back decades bc they can inject female power and SJW revisionism justified by supernatural heroic acts. But Bond is simply a white male. Zoomers would be totally lost.

The only exception would be if Tarantino did as was rumored several years ago. But he'd more likely do the Deighton spy novels and even optioned them at one point. But not worth even discussing. It will be modern day. Cars and shit are bread and butter for Bond, that's how it makes money. Can't sell old cars, suits and planes.

I prefer Malek to washed up Craig. But very few young actors can pull it off. Maybe ReviewBrah. Andrew Garfield aged horribly tho.

Oh yeah it will never happen, a full on 1950s sexist Bond in a white male dominated society is too taboo to ever happen now, we're just discussing our own personal wishes

The CIA's ground branch is only called that because they don't fly so good


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Bond vs Bane, first 15 mins starts with CIA exactly like TDKR

I thought Craig was already supposed to be an old fuck who’s past his prime in the last one. What’s his role supposed to be this time?

Good idea.
Deep spy shit w/ action on the side.
Would be good.
For a "Spy" James Bond isn't every good.
Fucking walks around telling everyone he's "James Bond"

>He not a fag irl
Hi Faggy Malek

is that Stoya?

>pasty computer nerds sitting at a computer
Cyberpunk Bond when?

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no, it's Xenia

Recently rewatched two Pierce Brosnan era Bonds: The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day.

They are much better than I remember. Genuinely witty, with slick imaginative storytelling and a real knack for putting the audience in Bond's shoes.

Daniel Craig era Bonds basically try to be The Dark Knight with mixed degrees of success.

A reboot.

>Cold war era
>Espionage thriller
>Draws upon the noir genre
>Series will highlight bonds vulnerability, instead of making him a superhero

>4 films
>Starts off with him young and with him dying in the final one
>First one is him stuck in a dire situation, such as being stuck in East-Berlin
>Final one he's dying from a terminal illness throughout

Looks like pic related after each film.

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it could be so good if they had the right people to make it

Remake Dr No with the crabs and the squid this time

Because we’re constantly being labelled as discriminatory against nogs, trying to stop them getting mainstream roles and shit... Then when we recognise a black actor who would be welcomed as an inclusive-variation of a traditionally-white character, because the in-world would actually ALLOW for it to happen... Then he goes “nah” and the studios don’t make him an offer he can’t refuse to actually portray a character he was born to play.

It’s not fair, man. We’re trying here. But come Oscar season, dindus will be whingeing about how evil Hollywood doesn’t cast black actors outside of M. Night Peele and his Minstrel Show.

Bond needs to seduce the teen twink son of a powerful corrupt CEO.

Keep the serious tone, but still have surreal villain lairs and quasi sci fi elements without going Moonraker

Kinda weird that you just knooow they'll get a huge backlash if the next bond isn't a minority or a woman. They're basically forced to chose one one of the two

These modern times require a black albino pansexual james bond in love with a transgender aston martin fighting neonazis and preventing a madman in Washington from nuking the whole world.