The day is almost over, and I've only managed to get 198. How did your like begging go today?

The day is almost over, and I've only managed to get 198. How did your like begging go today?

Attached: 198.png (83x60, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You don’t get likes by begging, you get them with quality posts

Nobody loves me.
I just discovered how to use perks 10 minutes ago


I barely even tried because I can't use Ublock on this shit site anymore fuck 4chins


Attached: 1529367802174.png (953x1282, 495K)



I don't beg because I'm not a weak-willed redditor.

900 odd I'm no skelly

i am beyond caring, just waiting for next year's shitty april fool's now


based and soon to be skelepilled. here's a like.

You gotta scour the catalog and get the first response on any thread you think will be popular.

Usually talk about hating niggers or trannies and maybe post a pepe. Boom, guaranteed likes.

Attached: 1547873620545.jpg (1326x954, 192K)

I browsed on mobile all day so I didn't have to see it at all. Lol, get fucked reddits.


oh no no no no no

what a fag

I did alright but wasn't really trying.
Event has been pretty shit t b h, not as fun as the teams last year.
Though I'm biased cause I was a peanutter


didn't even get the dino🐸

I did my best.

Attached: 1526139215750.jpg (934x776, 47K)

>implying most people actually give a shit about post quality and don't just randomly give likes to beggars or obvious shitposts

I never gave a fuck about score. Anyone who likes posts is a fucking faggot and a loser. And anyone who fishes for likes need to kill themselves.


I slept all day, so pretty bad I'd imagine.

Attached: tumblr_ntro83d7Lw1qm6odzo1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 203K)

Take my like and my energy⚾


Better than yours


how did you only get 200, i got 1k last night in 3 hours


Attached: 1527020055737.jpg (428x428, 90K)

I only just started

good luck

today was a good day
cant remember last time I felt this alive

Attached: literally me.jpg (1043x791, 64K)

People were handling out likes a lot early on, now this post will be lucky to get even a single like

Because you were shitposting.

I don't even know how to play this game :(

Attached: apugun.jpg (720x644, 42K)

I got mine with some sneed, some "like this post to..." and some calling people n-words

you shall ascend

maybe I can at least get the dino

Attached: 1552929098982.png (960x640, 1007K)

Attached: 1449022231036.gif (514x344, 207K)

I went outside today



I wasn't even really paying attention

you have to post sneed to make it to 1k before midnight!

Attached: 1526435023045.png (530x523, 544K)


not even

or perhaps there are so many likes going on that fewer people have an immediate like to spare as they are barred by the timer

I was working all day so I could only shitpost a few hours after midnight.
then I got home and was already bored of it. Personally the worst April Fools I remember, at least the Google plus one gave us the generated names and gave us good posts

Froglets where you at?🐸

checking in
I won't make it to 500 in 10 mins so I'm happy with my froggy



One last spooky skeletal

I was so close bro


Your fortune: Better not tell you now

I believe in you friend


Is this still on?

i have a dynamic ip so it kept randomizing
had some fun threads though

i didn't post all day because i don't want any shitty internet points


>Mista pleaze I'm beggin ya!

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 17K)

In reality you're likelet who's trying to save face right now

>Don't find out about it until 5 hours or so ago.

Still did alright all things considered.

Please like, I'll suck your cock.

Attached: 1553997806375.png (507x540, 64K)

You have to fellate me now, user.♨️

Only started posting like 3 hours ago, you tell me.

Suck it, queer.

I've not really posted much today desu

Done, now get zuckin'

how many do i need for a skelington and a dino

Attached: 1542961467671.jpg (913x1200, 132K)


This one's... for the fellas.
My mans. You don't get to spooky levels with good posts. You get here through hard work, sweat, and shit. Talkin' lots of shit. Talkin' dumptrucks.
Webm thread? Hope you mined that. Posting anything you've got ending in .webm, regardless of how good or exciting the webm is.
"Hot women"? "Kino noses"? "Favorite actresses"? You better believe you post anything with a gash you can dig up. Don't matter what it is, you post it. While you're there you're dropping likes like artillery, again, it doesn't. Fucking. Matter. You play the game.
And you win.

Attached: 1490241225440.jpg (655x758, 44K)

like my post and find out

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

It was a good day even if I couldn't get the dino.

Attached: 1384930008777.gif (245x235, 1.43M)

I just started. I was out the whole day and I just have like 90 points

Attached: Simeone Jr.jpg (630x300, 121K)

I'm so close, pls help frens

Attached: mr skelly.gif (500x370, 588K)

how 2 post score and piccys

I'm OK with what I got. I wanted into the 3000 point gang, but I unlocked everything and naenae'd on some likelets so its all good.

>all the DLC costumes are basically endgame content
Fucking stupid game.

like this, wouldn't even know what to do with a dinosaur

Here's a fellow like, kstewbro.

Attached: 1525211482165.gif (160x320, 1.57M)

I sMaShEd ThAt LIEK button like thAt autist LONG AGO SMASHED THAT MUDKIPZ

Attached: muskipz.png (282x300, 41K)

I've been at work for 9 hours with literally no access here and I still got 400
You must be a massive faggot if you barely broke 200

I just liked funny comments and shitposted like usual, if you tried extra hard then you're a newfag.

I took a long break to watch my french soap opera Versailles and turned out ok or as Louis the XIV would say Muy Bueno

I hate this palce💢


I got some by posting mai waifu and shitting on the blue haired autist.

Attached: 1514944979943.png (800x600, 350K)

I said some pretty mean things about those afro-americans

Attached: image2201948x.jpg (370x278, 7K)

i'm the one who made this picture and it got a decent number of likes sometimes but i kept losing them so now i have nothing

Attached: 1554089169634.png (600x600, 165K)

Losers always have such "fresh" excuses.


I'm gonna steal all the likes ITT, try and catch me!

just started

Got over a 1000🐱

This. Based phoneposter

>couldn't even get one


Attached: 1552956596493.jpg (960x1280, 287K)

I think I did alright

Well, I didn't manage to get a skelly. Godspeed anons.

How many likes to get a dinosaur?🌈

Imagine not having a social life and only wasting your day in having likes that will soon disappear



gib liek

let's see





My perks don’t work anymore:(⚽

>Not being pure

Got extremely lucky by getting to a noticeable thread and making a fpbp

It's been downhill since then

Attached: 1357449867029.jpg (400x399, 18K)

Is it over?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck


Attached: DESUVULT.jpg (990x1056, 210K)

broke 3 hundo


I think this thread is the only one it's still working in for me

im a loser

TAILS I DON'TCoin Flip: Heads

We're all gonna make it, user

Your fortune: Outlook good



I like-whored myself to karma heaven :^)

I didn't and I've got a higher score. Try and catch up now!

I guess I don't even have enough for my score to show. I've never seen it.

I assume that everybody with a score over 500 got it through cute and funny posting.

No, I still don't have it.


Quick guys, how do I skeleton

i got this🐸

stupida fuckin game

Attached: 220px-Furio_giunta[1].jpg (220x257, 17K)


Take all your skin off.

Attached: 1542921713750.png (420x420, 9K)

Coin Flip: Heads

i did literally nothing

Attached: 1459203709785.jpg (496x446, 59K)

you have 271, go fuck yourself :)💯



I did fuck all but shitpost for less than 20 minutes altogether. Got this much.

Attached: ald.jpg (1000x555, 30K)

Keep going.

how'd you do it? I've been uploading this image since morning and still nothing

Is it past midnight in your timezone?



i slept for quite a while too

This day was

tfw no dino

I got the exact same score as OP WTF
please nobody like my post

good job outing yourselves as reddit cucks, you pathetic faggots.

>not having fun with the big autistic day of the year
wew, it's like you hate calcium

Coin Flip: Heads


Attached: eafsfgg.jpg (1222x726, 57K)

I got most of these on /pol/

This is objectively worst than last year's april fools prank

i mean i guess i did okay.

Keep going.


I made like 3 posts in a milkers thread today while at work

thanks for the like, but it's too late for me. I'm going to bed, then work in the morning and this will all be gone ;_;

I'm actually from /tg/ I'm just here 'cause of the higher traffic of likes going on here.

getting to 1000 was easy but it looks like that's it for me🙁

Reminder that this was just gookmoot's dry run for what he intends to transform this website into

dumb board💔


>Tfw scorelet
>Tfw team mini last year

Can't say i didn't have fun either year eitherway.

Attached: 1516474520480.gif (500x500, 3.35M)

P-Please, please, PLEASE like my posts!
*gets on knees begging*
Please, I just want to be the top meme
*starts sobbing*
Please like
*reaches for your pants*
Like my posts
*unbuckles the belt*
Please *lick* please let me have points
*unzips your pants*
I need the points! I NEED it
*kisses bulge*
I'll do anything, please, I'll do anything
*looks up while biting lips*
I'll be a good boy, just like my posts just
*pulls out your massive erect penis*
Oh God
*starts sucking the tip*
*licks the shaft*
*deepthroat your cock*

Attached: aaa.jpg (236x237, 19K)

my fortune for today (hope it's good!)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck


not too bad considering I’ve been working all day yesterday

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Oh shit
thank youCoin Flip: Tails



Attached: frenslep.png (786x618, 35K)

idk how i got a high score, i left for class and came back and had 1k+

this shit is gay, but atleast i can spook

really fgts🏀

Attached: tthefuckareyoulookingatyoudumbfaggotnigger.jpg (500x344, 122K)

Help me reach the sceletone

Attached: 1552468948873.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

like get

Attached: 1394674548223.jpg (1280x960, 160K)

fuck picklerick🦖

I wont lower myself to beg for likes. That being said if I get 900 likes I will post something special.



I had a post with over 250 likes.


No I do not beg

almost over♨️

Attached: 1499921824399.png (658x662, 118K)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

Attached: torgo_2.jpg (550x430, 51K)

Almost over, let's check my fortune for the rest of the year

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!


Attached: kik.jpg (292x390, 59K)

Pretty lazily



didn't get any

Now u did✔️

Rolled 1 (1d6)

I'm not sure what's going on.

I got the skelly I wanted.


Didn't get any

I did alright.

I got mine by engaging in a lot more discussion with anons than usual. I replied to posts way more than I usually do and frankly it was a better experience. I’m gonna do it more often when it comes to genuine posting but I’ll probably still not reply to obvious bait or shitposting.
I know it makes people’s days to get (You)s almost a bit more than this dopamine ingested day of “likes” so I think I’ll do that more often. Like in this April fools joke, I feel a slight internal reward for acknowledging posts and engaging in discussion, and I know it helps them too.
Surprisingly wholesome day.


Attached: 6E79D5CC-A968-4659-A70B-B54C7E60E06C.jpg (4032x3024, 2.17M)


That’s not how you do it, my man. You type “showscore” in options, not in the post itself

>fuck sneed

Attached: sneedbateman.jpg (125x125, 3K)

I predicted quints and got 50 likes + this morning, basically set me on a fast track to be a skele bro

cont. As an aside I spent way more time on Yea Forums than I usually do and I definitely realized how much I want to avoid that. I’m glad this is a platform that values anonymity because I can see how easy it would be to get sucked into getting a “high score” on other social media platforms.

wait wtf this image is cringe why would they do this💢

made it over 1000 but wish I got more

Honestly I do like sneed on most days when I can just throw it into a simpsons thread and walk away but today it annoyed the shit out of me with how every post on the website was people saying “sneed” in hopes of getting points. And as a 22yr old boomer I adore Baneposting, so the rivalry colored my “FUCK SNEED” stance, at least for the day.
Anyway, hope you have a blessed day

Attached: 1550350765091.jpg (446x550, 90K)

I didn't even participate. Yea Forums isn't social media.

Based, but with a side of autismpilled😃


suck it nerds

Whats my score bros? Im on mobile and cant see it.

Attached: 1554113351843.jpg (900x740, 82K)

type showscore in the "options" field of your post, dummo

If everyone in this thread liked me, then the world would get better for everyone.

Like and subscribe, pls

Who here /spoopy/?

Attached: 1554112282451s.jpg (125x93, 2K)

dinochads ww@

have one on the house, friend♞

Whos the dummo now scorelet

I made my goal. Thanks for all the (You)s.

Attached: Blessed Image.jpg (925x835, 75K)

spoopy for L I F E

I never begged and posted a total of maybe 6 times all day. Here's my score

Dino is peak everything afterward is just filler.

Reminder to all spoops to upboat fellow spoops. We need to keep the scorelets subjagated

Any queer could get 100 likes

he cute


Attached: file.png (708x141, 21K)

this might be my favorite post out of this whole thing💯

Attached: anyqueeryousay..jpg (491x112, 10K)

Yea Forums

>mfw you don't even get ONE MORE

Attached: 07d272924e5574754bf47e608c384417.jpg (221x338, 22K)



can I get a like frens

System outsmarted. My problem was that my points kept getting reset.

how do you choose that?

Hope this helps

I was just glad to see skellys and dinos all day with you all

night Yea Forums

Attached: abigbed.jpg (2738x2094, 651K)


good night fren

Attached: 1424926921293.jpg (960x744, 154K)



night user

i just ruined my day tomorrow by racking up likes tonight. i thought the perks would end by EOD, and i barely skirted into skeleton perks at, like 11:99. it was actually exciting. i know that may seem funny but it was exciting for me and i worked like a dog to "get spooky".

Why does it matter how many shill points you have?

Rolled 4 (1d100)


>the DAY OF MEMES arrives
>faggot techies cut the internet cable to the neighborhood

Who the FUCK do I sue?

why does it matter what a scorelet thinks?


I don't know, I was asking a genuine question. Do the points mean anything?

the points determine what perks you get. the perks determine your status as a fool on april fool's day. the higher the status, the more kinship you feel with other fools. the lower your status, the more you are disdained by high status fools. you also get access to great gifs.

Didn't beg, didn't get much success


Oh ok, I only have 25 according to my Yea Forums addon. I honestly don't see the point in posting skellies if it isn't halloween. Surely they have implemented a hidden10000 perk of edgy weeb shit?

Fuck off scorelet.

Worked for me


I lost 1000 likes overnight. I lost Dino. I lost skelly. It’s over lads, I’ve got nothing left to live for.

if you get to 2000 you lose your virginity

It's easy to lose your virginity though user. We live in the era of casual sex. Just lie on a sexapp about how your invested in crypto and are your country for vacation. Put on a shitty accent then when you nut scream "IM ACTUALLY A NATIONAL TO THIS COUNTRY" and watch the girl freak out because you raped her with cultural appropriation.

Rather well, do you want to know how? Like this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight


now here's a guy who hasn't gotten to 2000


what do i get then


I have hundreds and literally haven't seen any of my posts get one point


how do I post my score and skellies plz help it matters so much


Choose what?
Skelly gifs are random the same way if you use the food perk is random.

This post has accrued more likes than OP has all day

Personally I’m super curious about what point the Jannies decide to cut this off. They’ve clearly got a plan. Until then I’m just going to bed. I got the last perk so I’ve got nothing else to care about with this website until it reverts back to somewhere I can talk to people on instead of this bhlkshit.

My fellow waifuists helped get me here. I will always help them back too.

Attached: IMG_4900.jpg (700x700, 102K)

fuck knows. let's see

None for me RIP

I like you

Attached: 1547422342662.jpg (640x1105, 104K)

fuck white ppl

Objectively incorrect.

>tfw likelet

it hurts bros


Literally just post and like other's content with occasional clever begging

Have some Yea Forums gold, good sir.

>tfw wagecucking all day so I will never be a skelechad

Attached: 1546431497703.jpg (640x480, 56K)

All you have to do is give likes pretty much

Attached: 1547421497242.jpg (615x923, 71K)

yeah reddit

how much longer will it last?💢

Let's get some digits

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: bryce check.jpg (476x280, 26K)

I don't understand

18 playa!!

Attached: 86713F03-35DE-4613-B921-6F1C83B2DADF.gif (245x168, 795K)

> smoker
yikes, dropped

not great user

skelly gang are forever based
likelets forever so y

I know this post is 7 hours old but if you're still here I'll be happy to help with your ublock issues

Pathetic :/

I don't think I've gotten a single like.


i understand nothing of this and like it to go away please

Attached: joefreiter.jpg (1280x955, 96K)

it's ok


ive got the most from shitposting

My IP reset again. Let's see what is says now.

why is my score 2 again.. but ive got still my perks? 🌈

no gf maybe?♨️

Didnt even get the dino.

i figured it out but still dont like it

Attached: tasteful.png (961x1041, 1.02M)

>imagine having that many points