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we MUST stick together

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

The Musketeers of 4chin

you're sitting by yourself staring into the black mirror. Everyone here is just using everyone else to feel validated about their media addiction.

There is no we. You're being abused.

fit has become overrun with lookism fags

Add Yea Forums as well. Yea Forums and Yea Forums have the exact same shitposting style.

I want a skelly

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/fit/ was always blue board /r9k/ much like Yea Forums has become blue board Yea Forums as OP’s pic implies.

fit was more cheerful in like 2012, as was most of Yea Forums. tfwnogf threads are not at all the same as the pessimism that has spread

I always like people shitposting my memes

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True. The incel influence has changed the tone of just about every board.

>neo-Yea Forums lumped in with the most reddit boards out there

You're a master user, what are your newest paintings?

Current Yea Forums posts the same memes and bait threads every single day. This board peaked in like 2014.

How the hell do you even have a decent discussion on Yea Forums? It honestly seems like the most toxic place on the internet at times. Albeit I've scrolled through it for a total of 45min.

I love vidya and wouldn't mind talking about it but it just seems downright impossible there. Should I go to a subreddit instead? Anybody know of some good video game forums?


More like 2009.

>go on Yea Forums: what are some games that [insert off topic subject]
>go on Yea Forums: what are some movies that [insert off topic subject]
Same shitposters on both boards.

What can we do about this janitor? Can /pol/ help us get him fired like they did theirs?

Are those losers still out there?

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My points freeze. I think its over

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/pol/ WILL be deleted

I'm not short. And thanks to /fit/, I'm no longer a fat fuck❤️

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What are you talking about, this is 4channel, there is no /pol/ here

where is Yea Forums

Yea Forums is like Yea Forums lite but in a few months it will be fantastic

You'll fit right in, actually.

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>i'm optimistic!

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