"Bucky, I know you were mind controlled by science Nazis, so you're not really responsible for my parents' deaths. I'm still upset, though, so I'm going to cool off outside. Can you and Steve handle Zemo without me?"
"Bucky, I know you were mind controlled by science Nazis, so you're not really responsible for my parents' deaths...
Other urls found in this thread:
he killed his mommy though
> tony stark
> shown through 4+ films of being impulsive, quick to react, and never fully thinking things through
> suddenly expects him to stop and think after finding out his parents weren't killed in a car crash but assassinated AND he saw it happen on tape AND the guy who did it is right in front of him
So you're saying characters in the MCU don't develop, or what?
I mean this is the same movie where he's trying to inexplicably get everybody to sign the Sarkovia Accords because of space PTSD, which is apparently all but fucking gone as of Infinity War... except for at the beginning, but conveniently dissipates when he actually goes into space and fights space squidward.
It's almost as if capeshit is nonsense for children, which itself is inexplicable because what fucking kid wants to watch Winter Soldier or Civil War? It's like bad 90s action-thillers with fucking horrible direction.
>Selfish immature asshole
>Dead parents
>Never learned to cope with loss
>His company named after his father
>His charitable foundation named after his mother Maria
>Resents captain America for always being praised by his father while he got scorn and cold, distant Pappa, making him feel like he wasn't good enough
>Turns out the paragon of man that is Steve Rogers, the shining example of all Tony's father wished he could be, is actively defending your parents killer.
>Steve betrays you, fights you, kicks off a battle that leaves your best Negro crippled
>All over the man who kills your parents
>Who is right there in the room
Yep. I can see how a man in Tony's situation would act calmly, logically and rationally here.
>So you're saying characters in the MCU don't develop, or what?
Most would argue that Tony confronting Bucky and Steve over the death of his parents IS development. It's him actually dealing with his shit. Getting a sense of closure. It just so happens he got his ass kicked. But it's still him being assertive when it comes to his crippling parental insecurities.
"Listen Ralph... it was Ralph right?"
"Yeah... we're gonna do a shitty flick for the kids and we need to do a fight"
"But aren't most of our fans in their 2-"
:Yeah i'll take anothet couple rounds... oh yeah, Rick, look let's just make some cash here"
he doesn't have ptsd from going into space, he has ptsd from almost dying in his supposed invincible suit of armor which would've been a tin can tomb around him
he has guilt from his previous actions and it's his own selfish look for absolution that he is imposing on his teammates against their will
it's capeshit and you can't even follow along brainlet
Imagine lying on the internet over some fucking cape movie
>You experience things and then they're over, and you still can't explain them. Gods, aliens, other dimensions. I'm just a man in a can. The only reason I haven't cracked up is probably because you moved in. Which is great. I love you. I'm lucky. But honey, I can't sleep. You go to bed, I come down here. I do what I know. I tinker. I... Threat is imminent. And I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without. That's you. And my suits, they're, uh... Machines. They're part of me.
Whoa, whoa lets not forget THE scene that establishes the alium PTSD
>inb4 lol nobody cares about Iron Man 3, AKA the movie that sold this shitty narrative like a small town used car salesman
You can take that goal post and preemptively shove it up your own passive-aggressive ass.
I liked Iron Man 3 desu. It was a decent Shane Black movie.
its one of the least generic mcu flicks. it actually felt like it was directed by a dude and not a comittee, of course this is why the mcu brainlets hate it.
It was begging for a better climax, which I'd argue is probably the thing that kills it for me. I didn't care about the Mandarin, and I enjoyed watching Ben Kingsley ham it up (on purpose).
But Killian or whoever was so wooden and boring, and that tangerine Pepper was atrocious, along with the CGI iron fleet or whatever. The climax ruins everything the rest of the movie did.
Fuck, I even liked the kid.
Also it's a minor nitpick but how the hell is that fat president or whatever gonna fit in a fucking suit designed for Stark's body type that was maybe modified for Cheadle's lanklet body?
I was just laughing during that scene because I had no idea what was going on during the ending and suddenly some fat fuck is in the iron patriot suit. Shoulda just put Jon Favreau's bloated ass in there and had Happy saving the day.
Why are you faggots talking about his PTSD being the drive behind the Sokovia Accords when it was his fighting with the Hulk inside a Hulkbuster suit that killed hundreds of innocents?
I don't even pay that much attention to these movies and I know that.
Dude had ton of shit going on in his life, seeing his parents getting killed by the guy that was right next to him obviously sent him over the edge
Iron Man 3 being important for Tony's development as a character and Iron Man 3 being shit are two different things
Iron Man 2 was the one that sucked. I do agree with that the villain twist reveal was kind of weak but overall 3 was an improvement.
Mostly agree, but Tony Stark constantly switching suits mid fight was a fun action sequence.
Why does anyone even like MCU Iron Man? He's basically the over-arching villain of the whole series of movies, but not even in a cool anti-hero sort of way, he's just a whiny fucking faggot in every movie who causes unnecessary drama and mcguffins to keep everyone away from just accomplishing everything right away.
Bucky had cool fight scenes in this movie.
People love a confident douchebag.
>le twist!
die assholes
Tony is a nigger
Cap is based.
Honestly lmao at watching capeshit after Cap dies.
Who Secretary Ross was demanding he bring in. People always forget this. Regardless of Tony's emotional state he was being pressured by the accords and the world watching to catch the winter soldier. He fails....twice.
I actually kind of hate spider-man HC cause you see none of tony's failure from this. He's played up like the hero again.
>mfw took the only girl I ever loved to see Iron Man 3 on our first date
>every time someone mentions it I both think of her and the immense disappointment of the movie itself
>she promised to see Pacific Rim with me to make up for how shit IM3 was
>we broke up shortly after
I'm way past missing her as a oneitis or even feeling anything at all but I still wish she'd come back. Too bad I made the mistake of listening to doctors and got bullshit surgeries that have made me dependent on their medicine. Now I'll never be desirable to anyone ever again. The kicker: they don't give me enough medicine to function normally either, so I always end up running out during the last week and having to endure the withdrawals. I'm a total cuck because there's nothing I can do about the situation.
Anyway what's the best way to poison yourself and die in your sleep painlessly?
This is one of my favorite fights in the MCU.
how is it that Tony's suit can withstand a direct shot from a tank and shrug it off but he gets knocked to the ground by Caps punch.
I know Caps a superhuman but still. Tony was majorly nerfed in this scene
>cap is against the law
>iron Man sides with government
their positions in this movie show their growth from TFA and (the start of) IM2
>Tony's suit can withstand a direct shot from a tank
it wasn't a direct hit and it wasn't a tank shell round like you would commonly think
it's not like a terrorist in the middle east free fired a tank at a moving, flying target the size of a man
it was more likely a timed or proximity anti-air flack round
they'd wanna have those because they're good at taking out drones and firing at unarmored people on the ground
I'm wearing Captain America socks right now.
Your fortune: Average Luck
Yea but Tony isn’t a soldier
Autists fail to realize more than anything Tony feels betrayed that Steve would lie about that and basically chose Bucky as his best friend. Hence that line.
>Bucky, you murdered possibly hundreds of innocent people, but we were once best friends so all is forgiven :^)
Based Captain Cronyism
>Tony feels betrayed
>therefore Tony tries to murder Cap and Bucky
Yeah cause a genius like Start would be this impulsive and retarded. Can't we just admit that Marvel needed a reason for Ironman and Captain America to punch each other and couldn't think of anything better than this flimsy garbage?
He was brainwashed, dummy. Hawkeye was brainwashed by Loki and killed dozens of people. Do you want to throw Hawkeye in prison?
>you’re my best friend who always stood up for me when I was weak and small, and now that you’ve been turned into a mind controlled weapon as a result of following me into battle I’m going to abandon you despite everything because you’re making me look bad
Agreed this is more fitting for Caps character
My only aesthetic problem with the death of Bucky is his vibranium arm turned to dust, while his gun fell to the floor. Isn't Vibranium indestructible?
How is ROCKET supposed to GET THAT ARM? I never fully thought about it, but upon re-watching the movie and hearing Rocket say "Oh I'll get that arm," I thought it would be a great continuance in the next movie, like maybe captain america loses his arm and Rocket just happens to have it laying around and uses it to fight Thanos with Bucky in mind. Then I find out it just vanished. A big waste of plot imo!
I was honestly thinking they fused a new infinity gauntlet for Bucky's metal arm and captain america uses it to defeat thanos.
How the fuck did there happen to be a camera on a deserted stretch of road in the 90s that bucky just happens to kill tonys parents in front of?
Also, why do assasins always shoot cameras after theyve done shit? Shoot the cameras first ffs.
>it was more likely a timed or proximity anti-air flack round
let's be real here, it was an inaccurate portrayal of a basic tank shell
Holy this is bad and cringey.
>useless shield passes
>ironbitch waiting for cap to pass the shield before shooting (and missing) him
Like wtf capefags?
>i felt guilty all these years cos i thought your death was my fault, and as a result of that you were tortured and brainwashed. But you got all the birds when we were young, so fuck you.
Typical cap.
Maybe also his original suit wasn't a collapsible one like he wears in later movies.
His hulk buster suit probably can't fit in a suitcase either.
To be fair
a.) it's stupid which Stark isn't
b.) it's impulsive which MCU Stark is consistently shown to be. He's like a mad genius.
The best parts of IM 3 were him in Tennessee nerfed running from the bad guys and trying to solve a mystery. Had 95% of the movie been just this with the Christmas motif it would have been really really really good but it was more like 5% of it which is unfortunate.
>let's be real and ignore logic so my point can stand
No, that user is right. Go look at that scene again. It isn't tank's main gun that fires
Wouldn't the shockwaves from a AA flack gun kill a man in an iron suit?
Black Panther also disappeared, vibranium suit and all
Civil War was shit compared to the actual comic. Civil War could have been the entire arc for the post Thanos MCU which would have been more loyal now that they have FOX and Spiderman. It shouldn't have been one movie but a series of movies. Also it's telling that they gave Cap's iconic speech to a woman.
Being a hero's friend is a super power
>bro can I get a job at shield?
>bro can I be an avenger
>bro can I suck your dick?
Yes, yes, and HELL YES
Literally Spiderman got a suit and got called an Avenger due to nepotism.
no, it's the shrapnel or "flak" that damages aircraft more than the concussive force
it did send him spinning tho
Are you actively forgetting Cap lying to Tony about his parent's death or...?
How fucking based was this fight?! Justice League tried ripping it off and it was just Superman bearhugging people while Flash ran around him. Weakest superhero fight in the history of cinema!
Seriously, a rogue Superman vs Batman, Cyborg, etc. shoulda been the final act. Not some CGI nobody Steppenwolf and Flash evacuating townspeople. DC sucks!
yeah, I've seen multiple threads with unbiased intelligent debates about Civil War, but when it comes to Justice League, the only discussion ever is: "well, I guess that happened" and the thread dies right away
people who end their sentences with "or" should be shot or at least imprisoned.
but that sentence ended with an ellipses
That's basically every shonen anime.
If you watch the leaked previs clips it's clear there was huge chunks cut out of that Superman fight (like the military intervention).
As for the final act, Whedon reshot nearly all of it to fit that retarded 2 hour mandate. It was originally much crazier and more epic in scope (Jay Oliva - the film's storyboard artist, said they had fight scenes that topped MOS).
Kek, I like it another.
>Weakest superhero fight in the history of cinema!
There's no fighting with Superman unless someone brought a truckload of cryptonite
the shield passes are the worst thing. I can get behind people punching the same opponent and working together or stuff like x men where they combine the portal girl powers with other people but cappy is throwing away his main weapon constantly and people know how to use it just as well as him what the fuck is the point in captain america. also the shield is so inconsistent, does it bounce things or does it not? how many times is it supposed to bounce when he throws it? why do bullets fall down during the test but when it's a machine gun he can point the bullets back at the enemy?
Yeah, shields are, like, so complex dude. The pinnacle of modern technology, not very intuitive at all
they have explained that it is made of vibranium and absorbs all vibration
people are driven by emotions, not cold logic. at least if you want to tell an interesting story.
Civil War is a brainlet's BvS.
>and people know how to use it just as well as him what the fuck is the point in captain america
bucky and cap both have similar super soldier serums, sure cap has practice but the main bit of him being able to bounce it around so well is his enhanced, peak human abilities
>does it bounce things or does it not? how many times is it supposed to bounce when he throws it?
if something hits dead on, it's fully canceled and falls down
towards the rim it gets deflected but reduced in speed
if something hits on the actual rim, then it rebounds the kinetic energy around that circle shape and retains it
this makes it bounce when thrown, but very powerful if you force it down in a stabbing/thrusting attack
it makes no sense scientifically but I'm pretty sure these rules describe how it works in the movies
>why do bullets fall down during the test but when it's a machine gun he can point the bullets back at the enemy?
he has to body slam the minigun guy in Winter Soldier and couldn't just bounce shots back straight on
its not about the twist retard, its about it being a shane black movie through and through.
no he just runs at him because he could I don't see why he couldn't bounce them back just look at it he kills like 3 guys with them.
if he was so mad why was tony pulling his punches the whole time. in Iron Man he could punch a nameless terrorist 20 feet into the air and through concrete. Bucky should have been ping ponging off the walls.
those three we're on the sides, so the bullets bounced from the minigun to the side
and thing from the minigun that hit dead in to cap would fall, but it's a minigun and he's spraying so they hit outside the center
he could tilt the shield so outside of the center is pointing at the dude
needed more jesus imagery to be deep
It's an american movie, family and personal relations are always at the top of the moral hierarchy, if you mess with someone's family or friends you break the 1st American Law expressed by immigrant Nico Bellic in his magnum opus Grand Theft Auto IV: "Nobody fucks with my family."
Yes. And I would even if he did not kill anyone.
what about his hot wife, you wanna make her sad?
>Steve betrays you
Sorry what? From my point of view, that's Tony that betrayed Steve instead of supporting him, just because he couldn't deal with his own personal guilt.
Also, War Machine got crippled because of Vision.
Anyway, that constant "debate" just proves that Civil War's narration worked. If the fanbase is divided, it means it was well done.
That's also why Civil War II is completely crap because everybody knows that Tony is right and Carol wrong.
its a magic shield, they aint gotta explain shit
also why the first Civil War was crap. Tony was portrayed as hitler and all the fans where on captain america's side.
>Iron Man runs out of battery despite being the creator of self-generating power
and sacrifice protection
maybe it would have worked, maybe not
we do know that what he did do worked
You're right.
Funny enough I've seen people supporting Tony. But I guess it was probably blind fans of Iron Man - even if he was a complete asshole, I agree.
even in iron man his first chest shit was running out
yeah only blind tony fans could support him. i assume captain marvel had some blind fans too in II but no one cares about her so theres way less of them.
Yeah but in the first movie, the Arc reactor wasn't even fully fonctionnal. It became a thing in the first Avengers movie, no?
sure but they were never eternal energy units. they were just way better than anything else. its why the hulkbuster has like 10 of them to power the hulk fighting thing.
Yeah, I don't get it, really. Steve knows Stark will do what he did, so he didn't tell him.
I hate how the MCU always has people capitulate and never call out Tony's completely self-centered worldview.
Last MCU movie I watched in the theater. What a pile of shit.
how do people unironically defend this?
>no one cares about her
Thanks to Marvel, which is a shame imo. I mean, Carol has so much potential to be an interesting, deep and powerful character. But she's just a stupid bitch...What a waste.
>cool design
>good looking woman
>had to deal with military, alcohol and rape
>cosmic powers make her one of the most powerful female characters
>background could lead to awesome heroic stories
>personality could make her flawed and interesting
Nope! Let's make dull stories with social justice and quirkie girly stuff.
I don't hate Cpt Marvel, I just don't care. But I sure hate the missed opportunity she is.
agreed. she's way more likeable in the movie than she ever was in the comics, but i wish they had used the first female captain marvel monica rambaeu. shes way more likeable, way cooler powers, deeper history as captain marvel and fit all the social justice shit they wanted.
She exists primarily to hold on to the copyright
There is nothing cool about her
>There is nothing cool about her
Pic related is cool ;^)
best part about her addition to hickman's team was all that carol ass
Wow... Wow... imagine Martha get killed
Your fortune: Bad Luck
yeah that was my point basically
why the fuck didn't he make a second one in the suit right off the bat? running out of power would kill him? what bullshit is that.
As I recall, the one he made when he got back didn't run out. It was the proto he made in the cave he had to use because the Dude stole the one he was using that ran out.
did you transitioned or something?
Yeah, I'd like to see how cool and collecting you'd be if you saw a video of the guy next to you strangling your mother.
It was a bit dumb because it was obvious cap was in the right
>Let's make dull stories with social justice and quirkie girly stuff.
She's the Super powered Knight Templar and Blood Knight of Marvel comics. Alcoholism, recklessness, stubbornness and radical feminism serve as the foundation of her personality.
Carol Danvers is "The Female Who Fights Back"! She is Ms. Marvel, Binary, Warbird, Earth's Mightiest Hero and The Mighty Captain Marvel!
Social Justice is a good thing, maybe it means something different in your part of the world.
It's a fine-ish argument. But the thing is, he's supposed to be a hero. And that made him the villain of the story.
It kind of proves he has no business wearing a walking WMD, if he's too impulsive to control himself while wearing it.