For you
For you
He's a big guy.
>death penalty removed in most states because "t-think of the criminals!"
don't know about anyone else, but pedos ain't worth taxpayer money.
So cruel and unusual punishment doesn't include dying in agony from a medical condition exacerbating lethal injection?
texas doesn't have this problem
I'd rather get the guillotine than lethal injection
The prisons should stream executions and charge for them.
lethal injection is the epitome of something that looks clean but is actually often more horrifying than the alternatives
Yeah, except that whole 8th amendment thingy about not allowing cruel and unusual punishment
Fuck me, how do I know the Constitution better than most of the SC. This should’ve been unanimous
If you've exhausted all your appeals and have been in death row for more than 10 years. It's time to give it up and just go into that injection chamber
Lethal injection is already a horrible way to go out because there's no standards
It costs more in appeals to put people on death row and execute them than to give them a life sentence
My biggest issue, aside from the fact we're still killing people in 1st world countries, is the cocktail of drugs that go in to an inmate.
One to induce sleep, one to stop the lungs and induce suffocation, one to stop the heart and I believe its in that order over the span of like half an hour.
Wanna know how long it takes to euthanize a dog? two minutes tops. You know them the fuck out with a high ass surgical grade sedative, and immediately stop the heart with a pentobarbitol solution. Thoroughly dead in just a few seconds.
Animals get a less painful death than people do.
Shit, I'd shoot them for free.
Who cares? If you're getting the death penalty in America you had to do something really awful.
>misinterprets the constitution
>brags about it
Would make millions
Or get wrongfully convicted of something awful
I agree, sex with children shouln't be a crime and pedos should remain free.
>post on something awful
>get the death penalty
checks out
Dying in agony isn't particularly unusual.
Hahahahahaha. Ha.
Three words:
Forced gladiatorial combat.
heres my constitution: Amendment 69: you are now free to officially slap bitches, PS fuck niggers
Firing squad from 7 dudes unloading 20 round .45 ACP magazines from Thompsons would be my preference. That should be about as quick as you could get.
>free to officially slap bitches,
>PS fuck niggers
There's a webm for that.
The men who wrote and voted on the 18th were all in favor of execution for capital crimes.
Your interpretation is a retcon.
>get a bunch of prisoners
>force them to fight to the death
>the winner is set free
>make a lot of dosh from the tickets
who gives a shit? the people they killed didnt get a painless death
this is the only issue which is why the death penalty should only be used when there is absolutely no doubt that somebody is guilty
where in his post did he state he was against execution?
Russell Bucklew apparently did not want to live apart from Stephanie Ray. The two had lived together in Cape Girardeau County until Ray decided to break up with Bucklew on Valentine’s Day, 1996. Bucklew left their mobile home and went to live with his parents.
On March 6, Bucklew returned to the trailer he had shared with Ray, found Michael Sanders, the victim in this case, there, concluded that Sanders and Ray were romantically involved, put a knife to Sanders’s throat and threatened to kill Sanders if Sanders ever came back to Ray’s trailer.
Bucklew called Ray at work the following day, March 7. He threatened her again and promised to kill her, Sanders, and her children if he saw her with Sanders again. Ray moved in with Sanders, fearing to return to her own home.
Sometime during the night of March 20-21, Bucklew stole his nephew’s car, two of his brother’s pistols, two sets of his brother’s handcuffs, and a roll of duct tape. He left a note asking his family not to report his theft to the police.
By the afternoon of March 21, Bucklew began surreptitiously following Ray as she left work and ran errands, ultimately discovering where she lived by following her to Sanders trailer.
Bucklew waited for some period of time before he knocked on Sander’s trailer door. One of Sander’s children opened the door. Sanders saw Bucklew through the window, escorted the children to a back bedroom and grabbed a shotgun. Bucklew entered the trailer with a pistol in each hand.
Sanders came into the hallway carrying a shotgun. Bucklew yelled "get down" and without further warning began shooting at Sanders. Sanders fell, struck by two bullets, one of which entered his chest and tore through his lung. Sanders dropped the shotgun. It went off and blew a hole in the trailer wall.
Bucklew aimed the gun at Sanders’s head but when he saw Sander’s six-year-old son. Bucklew fired at the boy instead. The shot missed.
The gold standard in painless execution is suffocation with inert gas, or hypoxia from evacuation of air from a sealed chamber.
However, I'm in favor of execution being moderately painful. If we're going to have lethal injection I want everyone to know how bad it really is.
Ray stepped between Bucklew and Sanders, who was holding his chest as he slumped against the wall. Bucklew invited Ray to drop to her knees. When she delayed, he struck her face with the pistol. He produced handcuffs, handcuffed her hands behind her back and dragged her to the car. The two drove away.
During the journey that followed, Bucklew demanded sex. When all of the acts he demanded were not performed, Bucklew raped Ray in the back seat of the car. Resuming the journey, Bucklew drove north on Interstate 55.
By this time law enforcement authorities had broadcast a description of the Bucklew car. Trooper James Hedrich saw the car, called for assistance, and began following Bucklew. They ultimately apprehended Bucklew after a gunfight in which both a trooper and Bucklew were wounded by gunshot.
Michael Sanders bled to death from his wounds.
>Animals get a less painful death than people do.
animals are incapable of committing crimes
1. They were fine with hanging, which can be just as miserable and prolonged as LI
2. You think he isn't?
Dolphins and seals rape
I won't mention all the "play with their food" or "kill for fun" because it could be practice
you're right we should just put a bullet in the back of their head after their last appeal is used up
people might start to notice certain things about the people being executed
dolphins and seals do not understand the concept of consent or of laws. that isnt a crime its just nature. animals do not posses the level of consiousness needed to understand the concept of a crime.
Like what?😂
What's the most painful way to execute someone?🐠
1. it's substantially less likely to be assuming proper procedure
2. yes
the guy asked for inert gas, why cant that be made available?
>animals are incapable of committing crimes
They're also incapable of being counted into censuses which makes a big difference when you're a first world country trying to work out how much you can borrow from the (((IMF)))
It's the same reason ill dogs are put to sleep and ill people are kept alive against their will.
This. Felines of all species are absolutely sadistic. Almost all predators eat their prey alive. Being a predator is no escape: most become prey when they are old or sick. If they die of "natural" causes it is drawn out with no relief from pain.
To live and die as a wild animal is suffering beyond what most people imagine. The horrors of lethal injection are a mercy compared to what the majority of animals experience at the end of their lives.
If I ever end up on death row, God forbid, I'm going to do all I can to get an execution by firing line. Imagine the kino potential lads.
I'd say having sex with another species against their will is a crime against nature
>the guy asked for inert gas, why cant that be made available?
Because pain is part of the punishment.
lol i feel like youre going off on a tangent a little bit there my friend
imagine being forced to spend your whole life imagining awful ways for the people you dislike to die knowing it will never happen. that seems like a pretty miserable way to die.
Probably wouldn’t have gotten death if he hadn’t shot that cop.
Fuck him. If you’re too stupid to get away with it you deserve to be executed. I know a guy that ran over his wife with a bulldozer and never went to jail, I wouldn’t mind if someone shot him one of these days but I gotta give him credit for knowing how to murder effectively.
ask your local Cartel
If you're getting the death penalty in america you had to do something really badass
We should bring back public executions
Feed pedophiles and murderers to ravenous lions
>family gets killed by giga-nigga
>he goes to prison gladiator battles
>wins constantly. gains freedom, fame and fortune
>thots lining up to suck his dick
>lives a life of absolute ease selling protein powder
>probably kills again and get away with it now that he's famous
>lives a life everyone strives for
>you never get to see justice done
>if you try to kill gig-nigga you go to prison and have to fight in gladiator combat
>will probably die
Sounds fucking great.
the justices that rules against him would disagree with you entirely
how's it feel to know every single person that will ever read your comment instantly knows that you're wrong from the moment you posted it?
apart from the fact that nobody mentioned anything about having sex with another speceis, it's still only humans that can comprehend what "a crime against nature" is
Won't happen.
We'll just have to settle with you feeding your tears to pedos (there's no a you subhuman faggot bong) and murderers instead.
it's a doggy dog world
If you were in the room with me right now you wouldn't call me edgy, trust me kid. You would be quite scared of me.
Aside from a few towns Texas is great. They gave 20 years to looters from hurricane Harvey. One judge said “ we warned you over and over again not to loot and what did you do?”
he didn't die so good
>the justices that rules against him would disagree with you entirely
And yet they didn't.
I don't care what others think. But many agree with me. My view is normal and has been shared by most people throughout human history.
Which side of you am in the room with?
can be """legally""" defined as something completely different from an execution, allowing for exceptionally cruel methods of death to be employed.
legality is not a method of determining proper ethics OR morality.
What, you thought they were only raping each other? I wish
As for "not comprehending,", that's the thing. dolphins and seals are some of the most intelligent animals there are.
>Thomas repeated his belief that only a manner of execution “deliberately designed to inflict pain” is unconstitutional.
How's it feel to know that every single time you open your cock holster you get put back in your place?
>that pic
Lel, nice bait
Top right and bottom left did nothing wrong.
hey I’m not the guy that ran his wife over with a bulldozer here bud
Executing muderers and rapists is neither cruel or unusual. Fuck yourselves.
They weren't disagreeing with you so why are you embarrassingly shitposting? Retardation or laziness?
Your throat will be slit on TDOTR
Thomas is lying. You know his true opinion by his decision to uphold.
You seem to be ruled by your feelings.
The death penalty is inherently racist because in practice it is disproportionately given to minorities for the same or lesser offenses when compared to what white people get it for. You can get it for a robbery gone wrong. While serial killers get life sentence.
Wrong again. Death penalty is for unrepentant monsters.
>practice it is disproportionately given to minorities for the same or lesser offenses
This is untrue. The death penalty is disproportionately awarded to minorities because they disproportionately commit capital crimes.
>says the user literally arguing against facts as stated by the authority he was attempting to appeal to just a moment ago
i wouldn't want to feel like you do right now thats for sure
We need to build a wall all the way around Texas. Keep out the Mexicans, Yankee, and Commiefornians.
Again, you seem to be ruled by your feelings. You cannot even control your projected emotions. I'm sure you can't control those you have on your own behalf.
I'll hep you build the Texas wall if you help me build the Colorado wall.
lol are you 12?
Just tell everyone that you set the winner free then give him the chair after the event's over. Don't release the inmates' names "for privacy" so that no one can look them up to see that the inmate never made it out
If I'm ever sentenced to death, I would choose the firing squad.
Colorado is lost ground, they've emigrated way too much here in the last half a decade, and tons of Mexicans now.