>it's a Truman stays home the entire day farming for likes on an imageboard and realizes he once again wasted his life episode
It's a Truman stays home the entire day farming for likes on an imageboard and realizes he once again wasted his life...
>it's a Truman remembers all the things he wanted to become episode
wonder if he finally shoots himself in the next one
>it's the episode where he finally gets 1000 points and he doesn't feel like it was all for nothing episode
>It's a Truman is too busy at work to farm enough likes in time to even get close to dino or spooky episode
>it's a Truman can't remember the perk options so he keeps trying random stuff in the Options field episode
Your fortune: Good Luck
>It's a Truman remembers the Perks button is clickable episode
What a redemption arc♦️
>it's an user had a horrible day and didn't even check the april fool's gimmick until now episode
We're talking about Truman here, nobody cares about your shitty spinoff
>it's a Truman wishes /pol/ wasn't right episode
Tired of reruns desu
>It's a "Truman starts thinking while driving and realizes that if a cop tried to pull him over for speeding, there's about a 70% chance that it'll end like Vanishing Point for Truman" episode
Truman really needs to cheer up, maybe find something or someone to care about
>it's a Truman stays home the entire day farming for likes on an imageboard and doesn't even get the dinosaur perk episode
>it's a Truman doesn't like other posts which is the fastest way to accrue points
cringe and selfishpilled
Coping scorelet
As soon as I hit the big 1000 I've had stacies begging for my bone.
>1 point every 2 minutes
>fastest way
Your posts must be very infrequent and very low quality
I like posts
every like is worth 10 points lmao
next time pay attention to the rules
I was being unironic
>It's a Truman remembers a funny Malcolm in the Middle episode and laughs at loud and someone asks what's so funny and Truman starts explaining the episode and accidentally says "nigger" episode
>It's a Truman gives up and will settle for dino episode
>it's a Truman avoids killing himself for one more day thanks to a April's Fools on Yea Forums episode
Christ he's pathetic
Receiving likes is 10 points
Giving likes is one point
whatever it may be I'm rolling in them
>it's a truman falls 40 likes short of the skeleton episode
Wtf I just lost a point for liking your post
Give it back
>it's a Truman episode
>It's a Truman struggles to make eye contact episode
Getting real tired of this storyline.
Rolled 5 (1d6)
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Your fortune: Godly Luck
> it’s a Truman is resetting his sleep schedule for the umpteenth time even though he has nothing to wake up for but it would make his parents happy episode
this episode is sad as fuck
>it's a truman made a couple posts that picked up traction and got the skelly pretty easy episode
feels good to know truman a true blueblood of 4channel
Rooting for Truman on this one, ngl💯
>it's a truman said this 2 days ago but still hasn't done it and will not be doing it tonight episode
the most pathetic part is that truman is trying to justify it with some stupid april fool's prank on some chinese forum
>it's a Truman is a fucking phoneposter, so he decided not even bother episode
>it's a truman finally got the skelly episode
>truman stays up till 6AM and still doesnt get dino
Sounds like someone has skelly envy?
Get that dino I'm could ring on you
>it's a Truman is starting to get so numb at work that going against his instincts and talking to people is seeming preferable episode
Nice he's branching out at least.
truman is trying the george costanza technique
>truman achieves his goals and finally decides to take a shower and go to sleep
>its a Truman wonders what the fuck the like thingee joke was today but didn't really care enuf to find out so meh episode
Oh Truman just go and fap to /beautiful women/
>it's a Truman is in early stages of schizophrenia episode