
Data is a non-Turing compliant advanced machine that lacks sentience and he should be considered to have no rights and replication is considered legal under Federation rights edition
last thread is here ->

Attached: bruce-maddox-data-reunion.jpg (470x352, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How many likes do you see?

Attached: Madred.jpg (1157x1080, 586K)

heads for 4
tails for 5Coin Flip: Heads

Tripfaggots are more autistic than Data.

thread confirmed for BASED🐸

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also WTF was this guy's problem?
He knew Picard wouldn't have known about the defense plans for Minos Korva, he just wanted to torture him for no reason. Being a Cardassian, he did nothing wrong, of course, but still.

Are they any number of Rubic's cube puzzles beyond the specified 3x3x3 design that Data couldn't solve? Is there canon precedence for such a theory?

Attached: shengshou-10x10-speed-cube.jpg (264x264, 27K)

Data is a computer, chomo

Data is better at making conversation than any tripfag

Attached: data small talk.gif (200x222, 1.65M)

You're an inanimate object.

Consider suicide.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

>I think in Hero Worship when Data was drinking a milkshake with the kid, he said he can't taste it
>"I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert."

Holy fuck this complete self-important FAGGOT right here has just had his asshole obliterated by above quoted user via ACTUALLY WATCHING THE FUCKING SHOW like he claimed I didn't.

Fuck you and blow your little tiny brain out of the back of your skull.


Attached: DataSlapsCrusher.gif (350x262, 3.05M)


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In the episode "Cause and Effect" Data seemed to be capable of being smarter via intuition than anyone else on the ship (or at least anyone who was involved with decoding the mixed whisper recording) and thus can be said to have a sort of preternatural ability that is never actually discussed in dialogue.

Is Data in contact or capable of reaching post-corporeal understanding about our reality?

Attached: geordiworksonatrekkie.jpg (320x240, 18K)

Yeah but there's also the scene where Data gets a drink from the nigress bartender, says he hates it and then asks for another.

Attached: garakvile.jpg (500x378, 43K)

Imagine being a reddit spacer and pretending you're in a position to talk down to ANYONE.

This. He has taste buds but the emotion chip provides the emotional attachment to understand liking/disliking flavor.

>gets angry over light-hearted banter between people who've never met.

All fucking faggots must fucking hang.

Nuts and bolts, buddy.

>can't taste dessert
>finds Guinan's drink awful
This only shows that Data can find something to be qualitatively negative to his own internal workings and can emote such a quality to things he interacts with or ingests. The Hero Worship episode seems to take higher regard over the Generations movie.

>argumentum ad reddit
These are the kinds of fallacies even a (((Ferengi))) scoffs at.

Proof that Data has tastebuds, as previously mentioned.

>i'm a brainless faggot
We know. You tell us every day.

>"I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert."

Data didn't lie to the kid and that scene doesn't prove your point. Next topic this is boring watching you do damage control when you don't even watch the fucking show.

I'll consider your inability to muster the most elementary of refutations a complete surrender on your part. Don't ever fucking enter this general again acting like some self-important ass muncher again.

He was real enough for Tasha.♨️

Attached: 1390865630243.png (640x480, 314K)

Talking like a fag with a chip on his shoulder all the time won't make up for the fact that you're gay and bad at sports, weak faggot.

1, ridges are cute.
2, Bajoran milkers give Bajoran milkies.
3, jumja sticks fit perfectly up the bajumja.
4, Kira Nerys has a big butt, pass it on.
5, I want to Visit 'er Nana.
6, Ro has a mole.
7, Leeta's orbs of prophecy and change.
8, Sydney Opera House hats
9, صدّيق الطاهر الفاضل الصدّيق عبدالرحمن محمد أحمد عبدالكريم المهدي
10, Kira!

Data had tastebuds but he didn't have access to them due to lacking his emotions chip.

But the ultimate rule of any canon is that later works supercede previous ones. Or is the Klingon empire part of the Federation?

But why are you reddit spacing?

>non-turing compliant


This is your interpretation and not canon.

To prove you have no point and keep continuing irrelevancies for the sake of your lack of watching the show you claim to be a fan of.

>ultimate rule
>my rule I made up by proclaiming it as such
Post discarded.

You sound like a projecting homosexual who lacks basic skills of debate. Off yourself, nigger. :)

Attached: data-on-acid.png (239x264, 99K)

Thread is too fast. My posts get ignored :(

Why is answering simple questions such a major task for you? Is it your undeniable autism and insecurity at work?

>gets emotion chip
>starts tasting things

Does Data understand sex enough to be able to consent and did Tasha Yar under most understood rules of sexuality "rape" Data?

Attached: TashaYarMisriff.jpg (960x720, 77K)

>no u!
Nice one, Jamal. Way to show your real color(s).

Taste is an emotion

>Why is answering simple questions such a major task for you? Is it your undeniable autism and insecurity at work?
I've answered every single question asked to me and yet every single question I've asked has yet to be answered. Funny that, innit? blabla

>Nice one, Jamal. Way to show your real color(s).
You "no u!" 'ed with a "no u!" of your own. Lame, uninspired, low IQ.

Data, as an organism, has no ability to impregnate or be impregnated so his consent is irrelevant.


Data has exact taste profile, down to the molecule, of Tasha's pussy somewhere in his memory.

Attached: 1453643761930.png (700x674, 198K)

>Let me just call him autistic, gay, and a redditor
>Damn, I'm ready to take on Ben Shapiro now!

Attached: 1530488798686.png (231x218, 4K)

It's not an organism, kiddie diddler.

>post-2010 meme images
VERY reddit AND zoomer.

>Data, as an organism, has no ability to impregnate or be impregnated so his consent is irrelevant.
>consent is incumbent on the ability to procreate
>huurrrdurrr I'm a flaming chomosexual
WOW is it ball bustingly low IQ in here tonight.
BF, you need to lower the hormone dosage, too much seepage from interstitial tissue.

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>Damn, I'm ready to take on Ben Shapiro now!
It's easy to take on Ben Shapiro. Just steal his Yarmulke and call him a manlet.

>kiddie diddler
But humans can procreate.
Androids can't.
Therefore android consent is irrelevant.

>VERY reddit AND zoomer.
Ad hominem attacks are the sign of a small mind.
I've won through the Hero Worship line. He states his inability to taste in that episode. Finding something revolting does not necessitate tastebuds.

>It's easy to take on Ben Shapiro. Just steal his Yarmulke and call him a manlet.
If I was bored I'd tell you to head back to /pol/ like a good goy but I'm not bored.

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Why didn't they get a hot black chick for discovery.

Just look at this thing

Attached: MICHAL2.jpg (1200x1812, 204K)

Oh god! Of course he's a fucking grug poster. CRINGE😃

Es not a fokkin organism, is e?

>I've won
Being intellectually insecure enough to cite fallacies on Yea Forums doesn't make you less of a loser, zoomer.


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In the episode "Measure of a Man" Data makes a suggestion that the screw deserves to have their eyes removed to be brought up to the visual capacity of Geordi La Forge.

Does this suggestion show that Data is a danger to the crew and that he often considers biological lifeforms in non-biological contexts?

Attached: Data_escorts_riker_to_the_brig.jpg (1433x1080, 688K)

>WOW is it ball bustingly low IQ in here tonight.
>he says while posting images from his Yea Forums folder
Talk about zero self awareness.

>Knowledge is bad
go away

>Being intellectually insecure enough to cite fallacies on Yea Forums doesn't make you less of a loser, zoomer.
And reactively appending tired insults to each successive post only strengthens my position relative to yours in this exchange. Better luck next time, I'll save a few Tide pods for ya!

Absolute kino

>regurgitating fallacies is knowledge
>being a faggot is good
You were bullied into anonymity for a reason and I think we discovered it.

There are reasons someone would dislike a drink other than it tasting bad. For instance, the sensation of alcohol burn in one's mouth and throat are irrelevant of taste, and rather come from the compound irritating mucous membranes lining those parts of your body.

>as a Jewish Star Trek/Ben Shapiro fan

Attached: 1517872981756.png (1020x521, 324K)

>Talk about zero self awareness.
Oh wait, no Reddit kidney shots, now it's low-blows for being on Yea Forums? Why are you so lame and predictable? I wasn't bored but the more you post the more bored I get.

Attached: SenorData6.jpg (498x511, 48K)

>my position
You're truly doing important work here and not just lashing out at the world that bullied you for being weak and bad at sports. :^)

It's just to show that autists are psychopaths.

Don't you have two more Ro Laren figurines to shove up your calloused asshole before bedtime, Valley?

Attached: The_Next_Phase.jpg (292x280, 11K)

So sterile women can be raped.

Solid point


>you didn't act the way I assumed
>you're so predictable
Think before pressing submit next time, spaz.

>You're truly doing important work here and not just lashing out at the world that bullied you for being weak and bad at sports. :^)
Nigger, I was a state level track and field athlete, you have no fucking clue who you are talking to. Stop with the psychological projection, it's self-defeating.

They can be raped because they're human, androids can't be raped.

>projecting this hard
oy vey itsanuddashoah

Is chess a sport?

>why yes! i WOULD like to sit at the loser table! thank you for asking! :)

>Think before pressing submit next time, spaz.
>calling someone low IQ for being on website A is TOTALLY different from website B


>you have no fucking clue who you are talking to
Post your name and address so we're sure.

I'm going to write a mutual weight gain fic where Troi gets pregnant and Riker ends up fatter than her in the end.

Attached: D0D_gSVUwAAhFHu.jpg orig.jpg (1824x574, 148K)

Was this the most pointlessly bleak episode in Trek history?

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you never stated it had to be human

that's called moving the goal post

also so sterile vulcans can be raped then.

solid point

Bobby Fightmaster
123 Fun Street,
Happy Lane, Winner, Wisconsin 69420

Has /trek/ gotten more mean? It wasn't always like this, was it?

>making up a lie immediately after calling someone else black
Did you just learn the term projecting tonight, Tyrone? You seem overly excited to use it when someone lets you know what a fag you look like.

>reddit space
Auto lose. Stop acting like a fag, OK? Don't make everyone else pay for your dad abandoning you.

>moving goal post
No, I said androids have no ability to impregnate or be impregnated, unlike humans, so they can't be raped.

I want my tax dollars to fund this

Attached: Screenshot_20190331-174624~2.png (720x229, 46K)

Oh, it's a gay coward.

>pointlessly bleak
That is a good way to put it. The only other detractor was the terrible makeup for the degrading bodies.

I feel bad for you, you'll probably auto-bump this thread in 30 minutes because you lost an argument and we have actual canon dialogue to prove it. Go watch the show before claiming the high ground, loser. Life is about winners and you're in small company. Get better and smarter and learn to take your defeats like a man next time. I doubt you even have a weekly income and bother your overweight mother for food once a day. Faggot.


>p-pprojecting!!! :(
>I feel bad for you
What makes you think anyone cares how a fucking queer feels, reddit tourist? :^)

>Don't make everyone else pay for your dad abandoning you.

My Dad's a cool customer while you're a lonely, needy poor sport who can't take his losses like a real man would. Get off the plane, next stop, real life.

How big should I go? Immobility makes me uncomfortable.

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>What makes you think anyone cares how a fucking queer feels, reddit tourist? :^)
>reddit reply card used for fifth time

You ready to talk about Star Trek or do you want to keep showing how insecure you are?

>My Dad's a cool customer
How would you know? You've never met him. He left you to be raised by a woman who wasn't equipped to raise a male. Hence all of your effeminate, catty behavior in these threads every night.

Now you are playing semantics games and moving goal post while trying to play shell games.

Are you trolling or just this stupid?

Don't be mad we're not all brain dead druggy trannies who accidentally dox ourselves by randomly spamming cosplay pics.

It's "whoa"

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

>n-no ur the insecure one!
I accept your concession if you're just going to act like a black kid.

Hi bashirfaggot

>How would you know? You've never met him. He left you to be raised by a woman who wasn't equipped to raise a male. Hence all of your effeminate, catty behavior in these threads every night.
>every night

Amazing how you open your "mouth" and just to put your own fucking foot in it. SOOOO fucking embarrassed for you right now, you fucking loser.

Why didn't you post the information requested if you're not the cowardly gay son of a single mommy? Afraid someone might actually come see you and debate you in person? Afraid of getting proven wrong, Nancy?


Attached: Sybok.jpg (625x670, 259K)

There's a reason Jews aren't allowed to post in /trek/.Coin Flip: Tails

Confirmed gay. Auto lose because you're not even a person (straight).

You conceded when you decided to omit a real response through substitution of the Reddit boogeyman. You aren't qualified to talk in the company of adults and you've made an ass out of yourself ad nauseum now. Get a fucking clue, child.

I don't like immobile either. I would say at most 60 lbs overweight for Riker.

Attached: riker weight gain.png (934x380, 54K)

Did Data try to murder that guy with the disruptor pistol or what?

You lost every argument you had in the thread, queer. Keep your wrong sexuality under your hat next time, subhuman.

>Confirmed gay. Auto lose because you're not even a person (straight).
You're obsession with homosexuals is most likely a subconscious desire to become when. You can't even form a sentence without appeals to blacks, Reddit, or gay people.

Nervous /trek/ ensigns B O W to Drummer

Attached: download.jpg (474x632, 28K)

>moving goalpost
You're just a brainlet who can't follow a conversation.🐺

>You lost every argument you had in the thread, queer. Keep your wrong sexuality under your hat next time, subhuman.

Except Data admits he doesn't have tastebuds therefore you're a nigger tier faggot with AIDS and should shoot yourself in the head in front of your loved ones. I won and there is dialogue to prove it. Go away, no one likes you.

I don't know but what we know for sure is that data has tastebuds and it infuriates gay kids who will never be good at sports.

Do you think Data's paintings can be considered real art or simply pseudorandom extractions of previously stored images in his positronic matrix?

Attached: Often_Wrong_Soongs_Son.jpg (694x530, 66K)

>You're obsession with homosexuals is most likely a subconscious desire to become when.
So you want to be a nigger then? You sure do talk about them all the time. Thirsty for their long thick penises because you used to hear them pounding single mommy after daddy abandoned you?

Data is a sentient being. Doesn't matter if he can procreate or not, he can be raped because he's a sentient being.


30 to 60 is the kino amount of weight. Just enough for it to be really noticable but not quite enough to be considered an obese slob.

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>I don't know but what we know for sure is that data has tastebuds and it infuriates gay kids who will never be good at sports.
>"I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert."

Absolutely FUMING! LOL

Attached: datapiscapo.jpg (923x718, 69K)

You = Gay = Loss
Me = Straight = Win

Do the math, Martha Poindexter.

not one of you "argument" fags but not being able to taste doesn't mean no tastebuds. He's got access to way more sensors than human tongues do so he should be able to taste without them but cannot. He can "smell"

To be raped there has to be a potential negative outcome to the sexual encounter for your kind.
Nothing bad can happen to Data and he wasn't forced so it wasn't rape.

Real art since data is an emergent entity like a person.

Unless you consider a person a series of chemical reactions without a free will

which is up to you


I agree, most weight gain sequences go too far for me, I like the slightly chubby to moderately overweight but not obese range.

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>nothing bad can happen to data from being raped

What exactly do you base this on?

/checkmate again.

>"I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert."
No mention of a lack of taste buds, infuriated gay with no future that doesn't include suicide.

C-c-can Data gain weight?

Attached: love.jpg (1401x2600, 793K)

Molten steel = TNG 5x11 + Logic
T-1000 = Nigger Cock Obsessed user

Attached: 5163913-t-1000+feat+durability+(21).png (754x808, 1.06M)

>what do you base this on
>cant get std
>cant have a child
>cant be broken

Die tranny freak.

So you're the T-1000? Is this your way of admitting to being autistic?

>No mention of a lack of taste buds, infuriated gay with no future that doesn't include suicide.
>has tastebuds but they don't work
Shift them goalposts and imply invisible thoughts user, you lost and you know it, hence the gay black penis tantrums that will never end until this thread as autobumped and I'll bring it up forever and ever because your life lacks any purpose and you deserve to be endlessly tortured for your failings. 8^]

Nebula class ships have taste buds and I will fight anyone on this.

Attached: nebula-phoenix.jpg (984x296, 54K)

>tfw no feeder gf🙁

>Data would suffer no mental issues from being raped

/checkmate again

I'm hoping you pretending to be retarded

>So you're the T-1000? Is this your way of admitting to being autistic?
>no YOU are me, not ME
Dissociative disorder is easy to acquire when you've lost all ability to reconcile your inability to debate on the level of a third grader.
Yawn-worthy and redundant. GG

Attached: 1531296555430.jpg (763x771, 60K)

>Shift them goalposts
>Does Data have tastebuds? Could he qualify flavor relative to human biological standards?
It turns out you're too retarded to even remember what the discussion was about in the first place. Probably has something to do with your dad not being there to teach you critical thinking.

>turning compliant
He is turing complete
He may not follow asimov's 3 rules
These are orthogonal concepts.

But I was the originator of the nigger cock obsession accusation, dunce. Why are you having such a horrible time trying to keep up? Is it something in the water from the ghetto you obviously grew up in without a father?

you can't say it's weird to eat ass in the future they don't even poop🏀

Attached: StarTrek-needabodyscan.jpg (2000x1330, 866K)

That ship has a dick.

>It turns out you're too retarded to even remember what the discussion was about in the first place.

This would only matter if this was what you were throwing your three year old's tantrum about but instead you keep making up invisible implications for why Data can't taste dessert but somehow has tastebuds. Be smarter and get better at life, don't know what else to tell you.

1 like = 10 lbs for Riker to gain

Attached: riker eating1.webm (943x534, 497K)

>USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. This ship was constructed by the Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards

>randomly brings up ebonistic phallices
WEW LAD pornhub rotting your brain

Just found out I'm talking to ValleyForge. Hey Valley, since it's 5AM over there in bongland, could you find out if Brexit is actually going through or is the will of the people being usurped? kthx

>it doesn't matter what we were actually talking about!!!!
That's right, faggot. Throw that tantrum when you get embarrassed by the older, smarter boy spanking you. Fucking mongoloid. :^)
Why are you talking like someone raised on faggot island? Do you think being gay is OK or something?

No, that would be “Children of Time.”

Bro, admit you got defeated instead of all this ragey, whiney patter that only leaves you looking desperate. We're all anonymous brothers under the /trek/ banner, just let it go. You've made a fool of yourself.

>No, that would be “Children of Time.”
That episode shows that Odo is a complete psychopath and shouldn't be trusted under any circumstance.

Vee Eff is on the rag and Kevin is runing low on purina slave chow
User was warned for this post

What are some spooky Trek episodes?

>i don't care if you embarrassed me! im gonna keep talking anyway even though i lost at arguing, the one thing i based my entire adult personality around being a master at! >:(((((
Holy shit, this kid is actually crying physical tears of frustration and regret. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Despite its colorful setting and zany characters, The Royale represents a horrific way to spend your life.

Wait I just showed up

what are you guys debating?


I just watched this tonight. Was an interesting concept that a clone voyager existed and tried to record thier journey and almost got discovered by the real voyager.

>Holy shit, this kid is actually crying physical tears of frustration and regret. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I find this all ironic because, and I'll bang this hammer a million times, you were the one originally acting smug and self-righteous but then when someone pointed out that you were wrong and I sourced the line from Hero Worship you when into a murderous rage calling me every name in the book which is the sign of a low IQ. It's very true, people that rely on logical fallacies usually represent the left side of the bell curve whereas right sided folks tend to gravitate towards nuanced and evidence based argumentation.
You'll most probably continue to appeal to name calling with an affinity for blacks and gays. Not telling at all about your inner mind.

>all those words
It's a good thing I won and don't have to read your crybaby shit, fake intellectual who sucks at debate.

We know Data didn’t have taste buds because he was willing to eat Tasha’s nasty dungeon

>when phonetards try to participate

Attached: YOU ruined 4chan.png (2012x836, 841K)

>It's very true, people that rely on logical fallacies usually represent the left side of the bell curve whereas right sided folks tend to gravitate towards nuanced and evidence based argumentation.
I love the irony at play here

Your fortune: Godly Luck

>It's a good thing I won
If you won you wouldn't have to name call and sidestep the main point that Data actually says himself he can't taste anything. Sorry, I didn't write the episode.

Isn't it ironic that the woman who was chased by rape gangs since her teenage years ended being the predator in the end?

He's going to start calling you the N word now.

Yeah data has taste buds. He also can smell

how is that debate?

>Interesting. An alcohol-based synthetic, artificially reproducing a floral scent.

Attached: Angel One.jpg (1440x1080, 323K)

>Data actually says himself he can't taste anything.
The discussion was about taste buds. The quote you provided wasn't about taste buds. You're entire position is faulty. Not to mention you're not even a man, so you don't have valid thoughts and feelings.

Do you think Data teased Tasha's clit?

Some gay black kid with no dad and no future was desperate for attention and to earn a feeling of intellectual validation he's not entitled to. Just another day in /trek/.

This guy knows.
Hell yeah, dude knows every degenerate form of sex ever invented plus some alien shit.
(first contact the movie I believe)

I think this guy is legitimately mentally ill the way he keeps going on about black people with no dads and apparently no future.

>no u!
Nice one, Tyrone.

That wasn't a "no u" on any level. I thought you were supremely logical? You're not even making sense.👌

>The discussion was about taste buds. The quote you provided wasn't about taste buds. You're entire position is faulty. Not to mention you're not even a man, so you don't have valid thoughts and feelings.

I mean if we want to go the pilpul route neither of us has a leg to stand on but my leg is strongest since classically the only thing we know of that can interpret something via the taste sense involves tastebuds. I know olfactory senses have a synergistic effect but then this argument would move into the realm of is the acquisition of a substance's taste dependent on tastebuds. Since we have no other reference in universe or out of universe then my original point about the line from Hero Worship stands.
>you could also at this point say "well Data isn't a biological lifeform therefore what we consider tastebuds is not to be considered the same for an android" but the end result is the same sense so that too falls to the logic of what constitutes that which brings about taste

Goodbye perks

>nuh uh!
Good job, Jamal.

>that lacks sentience
Maybe internally but not outwardly by example. For all intents and purposes he might as well be.


Attached: WRINKLEHEADASSBITCH.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Ohhhhh, it's probably bucsholdme from /nfl/ on (sp). this guy was really weird and kept reporting everyone for picking on him. He kept stalking a girl named allison. It got so bad everyone either reported all his post or just straight up ignored him. He migrated away. I've never seen anons gang up on a guy like that for months. they just shit all over him.

Have people been getting reported in here alot, because if so it's probably him.
lol it is bucsholdme. Howse allison?
here's a star trek question, i don't know the canon. why were the romulans and vulcans so different about logic? I never caught that anyone?

His only "arguments" are calling people black, gay, and/or phoneposters.

>does data have tastebuds
>no, he says he can't taste things
>but later on he says he can taste things and nothing changed about his tongue
You're beat, fagboy. Sit down. Be humble.

I'm posting over youuuuuu
Goodbye perquisites... I'm posting posting posting over YOOOOOUUUUUU

Attached: ted-levine.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Perks gone?

>but later on he says he can taste things and nothing changed about his tongue

No he doesn't. He calls something he drinks revolting. Why would you purposely lie unless... oh, that's right, you're intellectually dishonest (as well as intellectually disabled).

I guess not

>His only "arguments" are calling people black, gay, and/or phoneposters.

It's just VF getting ragey because he questioned someone's knowledge of the franchise but then revealed his lack thereof in the process.

VF (Jimmy) is an ENTbabby that tries to keep up using Memory Alpha

implying anything on 4chins could be intellectually honest might be a symptom of extreme autism

>No he doesn't. He calls something he drinks revolting.
The entire scene was about him tasting something. No wonder you can't make friends if this is how you act all the time ( and no wonder daddy left you to be raised by a woman with no ability to raise a boy by herself).

>Data doesn't have emotions
>Laughs because of Q
Irreconcilable and I threw my pirated floppy disk into the toilet once I saw it. Shameful.

Attached: data-laughing.gif (208x156, 1.23M)



haha bucs I know it's you. come on man put the trip lol no one else talks like this. you always have the same meltdowns

>The entire scene was about him tasting something.
I didn't see him mention he "tasted" anything at all. I saw him qualify the drink as revolting.
>but then why would he say he couldn't taste his dessert
Beats me, but know it's not explicitly stated and therefore can't stand on it's face in terms of a hard argument regarding the taste sense (which requires tastebuds).

>the faggots in the thread are trying to make up another personality to scapegoat for the general being shit instead of it being shit organically
>"he couldn't be calling us names because we act like that"

>Data says he hasn't mastered contractions
>Data uses contractions

It's just one guy incapable of dealing with his own demise in debate and thus is now scrambling through his phone to build some sort of house of cards that more than one person agrees here.
He's so far out of his element they'll need to build a new periodic table for him at this point.

Attached: Data-looks-surprised.gif (245x180, 967K)

I'm telling you guys it's bucsholdme. He's a trip we ran off from /nfl/. Let me guess. He said something stupid, refuses to admit he's wrong, starts using weird logical fallacy arguments, missuses big words, gets more and more upset, then calls you inferior or intellectually "fill in the blank" etc. He's probably been reporting people for going off topic since he's been here.

He really is mentally unstable, he stalked a girl from months and freaked her out then refused to admit he stalked her. He'll probably report this as well.

Can we get back to trek now, don't feed him, he'll just splerg worse. I'm just trying to get the conversation back on trek mods.

Data's mother was also an android but she could play an instrument no better than he.

Attached: la-concerto.jpg (243x276, 16K)

Personhood was granted to something with no more importance than a walking microwave and this is irrefutable fact.

Attached: HilariousTheseAmericanbadger.gif (391x287, 1.61M)

She had her consciousness transferred into an Android body, like what Dr. Graves did to Data unwillingly.

>I saw him qualify the drink as revolting.
...after putting it in his mouth and tasting it rather than looking at it or smelling it or listening to it or feeling it and making a comment about the texture which would give literally anyone an indication that the texture is what he found revolting rather than the taste (which is what anyone without autism would assume he's referring to since they've known him for years and have a rapport). Occam's Razor? Is that what actual intellectuals would apply here? Not fatherless black ones. Actual ones.

Yep. I'll also assume you're spot on because he hasn't jumped all over you. That would be too obvious.

Does data have ears?

>Occam's Razor?
Aaaaannnddd I'm talking to BF. Wondered why the Discord was so quiet. You want to play this game of canon technicalities, then you need to assume the fact that only real lines from dialogue matter.
>but more importantly it's probably just a lazy writer and the two don't comport but one holds precedence over the other by sheer fact that it's right there IN DIALOGUE while the other isn't and revolting can be applied to a number of sense. was he describing it's texture (which is from the sense of touch)? See what I mean?

All /pol/ posters are mentally ill.

Imagine being so crestfallen over your stupidity and lack of success in the art of debate that you have to build your own new boogeyman and respond to yourself to try and deflect from your own shortcomings as a ostensibly sentient lifeform.

Just... WOW

Attached: Often-Wrongs-Gotta-Broken-Heart.gif (500x266, 495K)

>thread at 200+ posts less than two hours in
Remind me to rope-a-dope regulars more often to stir up lively """""debate""""".
This has been fun.

Attached: Data_Holster.webm (640x480, 122K)

Yeah is pretty pathetic

I apologize, I turned on my trip. we use them in /nfl/ so people know our teams and we can't be accused of being band wagon fans. we also do predictions that kind of stuff, I'll turn it off next post.

Bucs I know you. Did you get help yet man? You really need help bro. I'm not trying to rip on you, you really need help before you hurt yourself or someone else. Sorry to go off topic, but this guy really needs some help.

Please get help bucs, you seem way worse.

>Shut up ni99er

Attached: 1515933969222.png (741x630, 27K)

>Aaaaannnddd I'm talking to BF.
No, Alex Jones listener, you're definitely not. Ideas that have been widely referenced for almost a thousand years aren't an individual identifier.
>>but more importantly it's probably just a lazy writer blah blah blah
Or maybe you're just a retard and don't understand how normal humans perceive and react to situations, since the rest of the audience wouldn't need anyone to explain that he's referring to flavor because they aren't so autistic that they don't understand social cues. Seriously, post your fucking address. I'll teach your retard ass.

Thats just all of /pol/ though.

Attached: Takei.jpg (729x767, 100K)

>the /pol/ "it's a shill!" defense
Literally mental illness at this point, kid.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

>No, Alex Jones listener, you're definitely not. Ideas that have been widely referenced for almost a thousand years aren't an individual identifier.
>brings up conspiracy theorist to deflect from the fact that he constantly talks about his pet concept in the discord whenever he gets a chance
This coming from the loser who believes Trotsky was a swell fellow.
>Or maybe you're just a retard and don't understand how normal humans perceive and react to situations, since the rest of the audience wouldn't need anyone to explain that he's referring to flavor because they aren't so autistic that they don't understand social cues. Seriously, post your fucking address. I'll teach your retard ass.
You won't teach yourself anything other than how to die in someone's driveway by a homeowner with a loaded gun who can't be bothered to step down off of his porch. Your threats are as tasteless as Data's "tongue".

Attached: Data_Small_Talk.gif (200x222, 1.62M)

K*, bro, give it a rest.

Bumping for Datta.

Attached: Datta.png (500x373, 205K)

>no you're BF and lying to me!
White people can accept each other at their word. I can see why you're having issues, Jake.

unty pls go

where's the riker fatfic?

Going to bed soon, what are the top 3 Data eppies?

Attached: DO-IT.gif (399x295, 1.36M)

Trannies ultimately lose their white card and Jake is actually a classic Jew name.

give riker fatfic now

>a homeowner with a loaded gun
You gays don't own guns. Also, lmaoing that you're too much of a weakling and a coward to fight. Typical no-sports son of single mommy.

Attached: Horseshoe.png (1200x767, 79K)

I simply don't want AIDS and can't be bothered to get near a disease vector such as yourself.

Data's Day
Thine Own Self

Attached: Data_Buys_Pot.webm (960x720, 428K)

But I'm not a tranny, Jake (siskoskin). As I tried explaining to your fatherless ass, I'm not BF. I'm the one reporting him in every thread while you sit on your stoop because you're too lazy to do what's right.

Attached: BasedVoyager.jpg (618x2816, 1.31M)

ugh you're so fucking retarded


>You will meet a dark handsome stranger🐸

Attached: Dukat.jpg (500x500, 203K)

>But I'm not a tranny, Jake (siskoskin). As I tried explaining to your fatherless ass, I'm not BF. I'm the one reporting him in every thread while you sit on your stoop because you're too lazy to do what's right.

Attached: 1530528836041.jpg (400x400, 26K)

>I simply don't want AIDS
You should stop being gay then. It's far more likely that you'll get it that way than getting your ass beat for perpetually mouthing off like the youngest sibling no one wants around.

Why are /pol/ posters the biggest shitposters?

jeeeesus christ you need to get a life. no meme, you are addicted to /trek/ and it has made you into a pathetic person. seriously seek help, user.

What's the season 2 plot twist ending going to be and why is it going to be Craft becoming captain?

Attached: Come To Discovery.png (1434x908, 263K)

>But I'm not a tranny, Jake (siskoskin)
Oh wait, I'm not a guy from Yea Forums anymore I'm some other guy? Can't keep up with all these fake namefags that I'm being accused of, need a text file for posterity.

>that gay passive aggressive tendency to talk to the room when trying to insult someone rather than to them directly
Certainly a symptom of having no dad.

Attached: Morals.png (768x2720, 1.73M)

Dude, honestly, you're not helping your case and each new post just lowers the thread quality.
We need content and your posts aren't content.

Attached: 430edeb3cf0d0681c1ec77a7edcb9cee.jpg (607x470, 34K)

You write like a black kid.
>Can't keep up
Then stop breathing.

Why do I want to cum in Tilly even though I hate her?

Attached: KirkTilly.png (1152x648, 704K)

>Certainly a symptom of having no dad.
You are obSESSED with this insult that I can only believe at this point that you were in a single mother household or on bad grounds with your real father. Fuck sake, you need to take a break mate, it's just banter.

Attached: DN0Tbf3UMAAtEyz.jpg (900x1200, 145K)

I thought this thread couldn't get any worse and then Tardcharts showed up

They're both senses, but sensing isn't thinking anyway.

He honestly thinks he's le ebin troll.👌

>Dude, honestly, you're not helping your case and each new post just lowers the thread quality.
>We need content and your posts aren't content.
>t. reddit
This entire site is shitposting. Don't kid yourself. Nothing here has been worth seeing since 2010 at the latest. Sorry you missed it.

>We need content

ask and ye shall receive

Attached: NeelixJaneway.png (608x412, 415K)

Does Data have a soul?

Attached: 1489965039735.jpg (1440x1080, 114K)

yeah I'm not afraid to say it
chart tards are fucking retarded🐸

>no u!
Did you know that black kids rarely have fathers? I'm willing to bet you did because that's how you were raised. It also explains why you can't stop yourself from posting like a black kid on the playground trying to come up with comebacks.

Trips confirm that """content""" is the problem.

Say it with me


No. Of course not.

Attached: cat.png (1280x960, 1.78M)

List of things we all are according to tastebuds user:
>Ergo tourists
>Not oldfags (pre-2010)
>4channer (which is bad)

Did I miss anything?

Attached: YEAAAHBOOIII.jpg (245x221, 15K)

>look, single mommy!
>i'm talking to the room instead of the person because i'm passive aggressive and gaaaaaayyyyy! :D


Trannies are mentally ill.

Attached: Urinal.png (500x646, 252K)

Based and orthodox pilled

Yeah, you miss

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

>mfw retarded

Attached: ksncjfk.jpg (785x960, 89K)

How disappointing was this reveal?

Attached: STDP027_redangelchurch.jpg (2048x863, 237K)

Chartbro Normies has a big old dick and he's fucked at least ten women in 20109

So my thought is based on the 950 years, since burnham mom went into the future 950 years, and they've said it's like a rubber band, what happens is control is sent 950 years back into the past across the galaxy into the past. Which is exactly when the borg pop up in the delta quadrant on the exact opposite side of the galaxy.

So the borg are just control sent back which would explain why the borg refer to earth as sector 0001 and why the borg don't just transwarp there before they time loop can be created.

make any sense?

>not just the person who got proven wrong about data not having taste buds
Very jewish tactic you just tried.
And the phoneposter was stupid enough to fall for it. Good monkey! You'll get extra chocolate rations!

I'm not actually trans I just like fucking with peoples heads

Attached: images-61.jpg (230x219, 8K)

>Yeah, you miss
Sup, Pajeet.

What is the Finer Things Club of Star Trek?

Attached: Finer Things Club.png (970x546, 752K)

Let me have sex with you

Attached: crossplay.png (1060x794, 1.18M)

>not just the person who got proven wrong about data not having taste buds
>Very jewish tactic you just tried.
>“I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert.”
How many times do I have to spam canon dialogue at you before you post content?

You'll always be the best one.

STD isn't trek.
>I'm not actually trans
>was born the opposite ex
>has an anime reaction images folder

>I'm painfully aware of how unappealing I am
I will always admire someone turning into the skid.

Can Data digest his food if he can't use all aspects of it? Or can he? Do we know this for certain?

Attached: sthero.jpg (694x530, 87K)

Oh shit. Tastebud austist is actually charttard. Where's VF to freak out and delete everyone's posts but his own when you need him?

No one actually answered me on whether he has ears. First thing's first.

The only one whose head is fucked is you.

Are you Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi?

Attached: DeepBrokenBilby-size_restricted.gif (398x249, 2.05M)

star trek

Attached: 9c6e2b0d2773bbe8d0a3f6b0446f8b56.jpg (694x518, 73K)

>Oh shit. Tastebud austist is actually charttard.
Not at all but I'll pretend to be VF to point out that you've done nothing but make this thread into a garbage pit of bad, repetitive insults and have failed to pique any curiosity or be interesting. You are in all ways a net negative to the universe right now, not just this thread.

What is /trek/'s fortune?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

I'm not the chart tard.

Attached: BermansRatingsPlaneRide.png (1418x1108, 234K)

Come on, just the tip👌

>you ruined it, not me!
Typical gayjake siskoskin skirting responsibility. No doubt your dad going missing caused this.

*filters you*🏀


sucks to be you. Pike is awesome, Lorca was a pretty good character as well until they "killed him"

>this post is extremely low quality



Attached: MoldedInSoonghSpooge.jpg (356x349, 60K)

Attached: DiscoveryCharacters.png (1500x1904, 2.88M)

Chartbro should become Skype friends with Colin

Is this post content?

Attached: 1554086322833.gif (291x395, 790K)

Attached: Star Trek Voyager fakes 1297783 Fappucino Naomi_Wildman Seven_of_Nine Star_Trek Star_Trek_Voyagerfz. (692x530, 69K)

What kind of fucking retard uses skype

That shit operates at meta levels you faggot mortals can't even comprehend.

Attached: 1551920797750.jpg (694x530, 85K)

Nice Trips, too bad you can't buy a brain for $111.
Hey, fuck off, leave us some digits.

Attached: Tardchart.png (623x371, 24K)

I'm sure some of it gets used for the processes that replicate biological functions, but most of it is probably just incinerated.

We did it, lads. 300 posts in just over 2 hours time.
/trek/ is back, bitches! Woohoo! Yay!

Attached: worse-than-hitler-clowns.jpg (1200x1500, 357K)

meg nu dred

Attached: conundrum175.jpg (694x530, 75K)

I comprehend plenty
hello again old friend

Attached: 1552420208149.jpg (1641x923, 219K)


Right after I put in my tampon. Yikes!

Attached: a simple tailor and a genetic freak.jpg (432x346, 21K)

Actually the tripcode is autisms.

Did you guys enjoy the Mudd episode?

Attached: let-me-out-of-this-thread.jpg (789x563, 179K)

I keep thinking tripcodes start with a !
I blame the old days of starcraft 2 maps


Give Mudd series
Give Pike series
Give Lorca (prime) series

Lorca is dead though so that's out of the question in the current timeline. Maybe pre-STD?

Attached: lzxnyninis8tvyd3e0bl.jpg (629x450, 89K)


I'm not an autist, I'm an oughtist.
I ought to post charts.
I ought to make content.
I ought to raise /trek/ quality.
I ought not suck dicks.
I ought call Bashirfaggot a tranny.

Attached: Best5ofTNG1.png (1942x911, 3.57M)

My wife says women who use tampons are whores.

shut up, retard

You ought to kill yourself👌

Bumping for me, (You), and season 2!!!

Attached: tonevays.jpg (299x168, 8K)

He's not dead, he's currently a prisoner in the Mirror Universe. Only Mirror Lorca is dead. Jason Isaacs already majorly hinted at coming back to play Lorca again in the future.

Spotted the rude IQist

Attached: Pakled2.jpg (320x264, 43K)

>40 random images with no regard to composition

Attached: Stealing Second.jpg (1000x1000, 161K)

>imitation is the highest form of flattery
I don't want to toot my own horn but I'm the best thing that happened to /trek/ today.

Is that Pornspock edited onto based Lorca?

Attached: TrekCast.png (1606x800, 2.46M)

You should end your own life👌

>666 sign
>calls for suicide

Out ghast knave!

Attached: Best5ofTOS0.png (1564x1299, 3.96M)

Sooner than you may think!

Attached: 1551365084680.png (787x723, 637K)

>No Chapel
>No Rand
>No Chad Elvis Kirk
Fuck this gay shit

Attached: Cawley Kirk.png (628x346, 159K)

>Best of TOS
>has TAS

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

And people who distort aspect ratios to fit their awful template

Attached: Left Behind.jpg (1200x1000, 227K)

He's a Nazi
that stands for white power

Attached: bloodlines293.jpg (694x530, 93K)


Attached: conundrum176.jpg (694x530, 77K)

Nobody wants to see your nasty assplay stories.

What would you buy from the Federation market? You have 100 credits to spend.

$50 phaser that only allows you to shoot yourself
$100 pakled sex slave
$200 food only replicator
$500 complete replicator
$1000 Vulcan sex slave
$1500 personal home holodeck

Fuck you VF

Mirror Lorca isn't actually dead. They purposely set the precedent so he could come back via the network like the doctor did.

And Jason Isaacs is coming back 3rd season, per contract. Yep.

>You have 100 credits to spend.
Two phasers to shoot myself.

Attached: Spocko.gif (474x264, 2.41M)


Source on the contract.

Though you're thinking of Mirror Paul whose body was thrown into the network. Lorca just died in cold blood in the throne room. Nothing spore related at all.


Attached: im out.gif (200x200, 649K)


>ENT reused the same nameless Nazi dude from VOY
Just when you thought they couldn't get any lazier


there's that but I'm digging for it. Someone posted it randomly on reddit but he's under contract already for season 3.