Post documentaries that taught you something

post documentaries that taught you something

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Dumb gaijin like paying hundreds of dollars to eat raw fish and get treated like shit by some ancient Jap who committed war crimes.

Attached: sushi.jpg (400x600, 51K)

>How to Photoshop: the Documentary
Whoever made that image needs to watch it.

t. chink

It's not shopped, bro
Post the original then


Waltz with Bashir
Israel deserves everything bad that happens to it

It taught me to keep an eye out for bullshit.

Attached: 51T82FS9Y8L._SY445_.jpg (314x445, 30K)

Attached: PUTIN CHEERS.jpg (840x485, 168K)

That doc that vice did on incels was spot-on. As was that short film making the rounds last week.

Anyone watch this yet?

Attached: combat obscura.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Taught me about the dangers of tomacco farming.

Attached: kinogrid.jpg (1887x1440, 1.15M)

Attached: It's all so tiresome driving.png (767x394, 429K)

what's this about?
i never enjoyed a documentary about something i have no interest for so much

it's pretty funny actually. the chinese got all imperial and shit. decided to drop billions into african nations in exchange for natural resources and land.

Africans just took the money, Chinese came back and was like okay you violated the contract, we want this

Africans being africans said fuck you. Chinese said we'll sue you. Africans responded, this is africa you stupid fucks.

The chinese are so passively aggressively arrogant it's amazing

They make good tape measures though.

Attached: It's all so tiresome - Tape Measure.webm (480x320, 948K)

Hypernomalisation taught me terrorism was invented by the jews

That's a hell of a way of saying Africans are lazy cunts that can't get anything done.


Attached: ofKLdcA.jpg (600x900, 83K)

Manufacturing Consent. Big redpill for a 13 year old.

Turned me into a commie dropout for a short period but eventually I found the light.

Attached: rockwell savitri and friends.jpg (640x463, 77K)