How will Villanueve fuck it up?
How will Villanueve fuck it up?
I'm so thirsty for new Dune material, I hope he'll made a decent work. The casting (besides Zendaya) doesn't look that bad. Let's see...
should I read past God Emperor of Dune?
also 1>4>3>2
He already did by casting Zendaya
Paul is already too old.
I totally agree with your ranking. Keep reading until you have the perception that things are going to weird to cope with. Also, avoid the Brian's ones.
Do not
>it's now 5000 years after the events of Dune, and there are sex ninjas!
Nah, Timmy fits pretty well imo
ti kaneis tetoia ora xipnios?den exeis sxoleio?
If you disagree you are gay.
Sadly, it seems so
by casting Zendaya
oh wait...
Don't even read past the first one. It's a perfect gem as it is.
the entire plot of 2 is that they sent a zombie to kill paul and a midget to activate his murder, then the zombie said no and killed the midget and paul went blind and walked into the desert to die
>desert scenes only at sunrise/sunset so there's bloom lighting obscuring the characters
>the Voice causes everything to bathed in blue and pink light
>characters will always be carrying a lamp, flashlight, or smoke projectors and every room will be inexplicably poorly lit
Έλα ρε φίλε. Night shift αυτή την εβδομάδα
By not making the Baron gay or fat
I thought the ending was a bit too abrupt
God Emperor's plot is essential /ourguy/core
>be huge omniscient sandworm mutant that rules over the entire galaxy
>throw it all away and let yourself die because you want to fuck a cute girl but physically can't
Leto had it rough
He will split it in more than one movie.
sadly this
You know Jay hates incels like you, right?
>posts a pic of Putin's whore
Didn't even read your post.
I could see them dragging out the final battle for an hour