They really took Lucas for granted, didn't they?
They really took Lucas for granted, didn't they?
Other urls found in this thread:
No they didn't. Lucas literally tarnished his original films with all sorts of asinine edits and then claimed those represented his true vision of Star Wars. This is to say nothing of the prequel abominations.
Yes Disney sucks, but Lucas did literally nothing good for the franchise after the original trilogy. Hence why Star Wars is so massively overrated; most of it is shit.
Cringe. What a brainlet post. The special editions are objective improvements. Just try watching 4k77 or the other fan restorations of the originals, then compare it to the BD. Not only does the BD look better still despite being lower res, it's also a better film, and the new scenes fit really well. They are sorely missed in the 4k77 version.
And with the prequels, you unironically need to kills yourself if you didn't like them. They are a much higher tier of kino than the OT.
The special edition changes are like the LOTR extended editions, some of them are good stuff that the original versions really look naked without and some of them are just like what, why did you bother even, and some of them are fucking retarded.
The prequels are perfectly fine though. The effects in TPM are really uneven but apart from that they held up fine. I honestly believe that people just weren't prepared to accept the prequels for what they were and concede that Lucas' interpretation of his movies was more nuanced and intelligent than theirs.
I didn't watch any Star Wars movie after the phantom menace because it was such a snooze fest, I think it was the first time I was ever disappointed after leaving a movie theater. The prequels sucked and there's literally nothing you can say to prove me wrong.
You are a complete brainlet. I don't even care what your opinion on the PT is if you have only seen the first part. Literally kill yourself for thinking your opinion mattered enough to be posted in this thread.
Nope. TPM sucked and there's no point of watching the next two movies in the sequence. Stay seething.
>I honestly believe that people just weren't prepared to accept the prequels for what they were and concede that Lucas' interpretation of his movies was more nuanced and intelligent than theirs.
This is 100% true. People expected shlock and got given kino instead. And they revolted against quality. The hate against PT was a clear pushback against nuance, subtly and quality in big budget mainstream filmmaking. The reaction to the PT, told Hollywood that what audiences really want is the MCU.
>The effects in TPM are really uneven but apart from that they held up fine.
I actually think TPM looks really good for a film that came out in 1999 and used as many effects shots as it did. I think only the Gungans didn't hold up. The battle droids and everything else looks fantastic.
>you are seething because I said these two movies that I've never watched suck!
>I treat films in a trilogy like they are standalone and judge them as standalones
I'm not seething, not even close. I am fucking laughing at how a person can deny themselves greatness because they are such a narrow minded little brainlet. If anything, you are seething because I said Phantom Menace is good, which you are still upset about fucking 20 years after release.
>still mad😂
No one gives a fuck about the special editions. George could have done whatever little autistc eyelid changes he could dream up, he should have been respectful to his original theatrical cuts. if those editions were released properly there would be minimal backlash to the new garbage.
The whole Gungan battle scene looks weak as fuck, and not just the Gungans, but the droids, and the landscape. It's garbage, and it looks like garbage.
Most of the rest of the movie has held up ok to great. The podrace is as good now as ever was.
I actually like the Gungan Battle, it was actually very OT in nature, with it mirroring ROTJ in a low tech native force defeats the technologically superior army. I think the main problem is RAM limits at the time limited the amount of models they could use. So all the Gungans looked the same, and texture res at the time was too low, so on the BD they look noticably bad, but on DVD, I never thought it looked bad. I still like it though, and TPM looks great everywhere else.
>40 years ago you get perfectly seared Angus steak
>10 years ago you get a plate of shit with corn in it
>last year you get a bowl of hot typhus diarrhea floating in asparagus piss
Boy I sure do miss the shit with the corn. That was good stuff huh guys.
Oh shove it down your cornhole!
More like
>40 years ago you get a McDonalds BigMac
>10 years ago you get celebrity chef cooked oysters
>last year a feminist shit on your plate
People weren't ready to jump to acquired tastes like oysters right after the McDonalds. But now they have to eat some feminists feces, well they are willing to give the oysters a try, and some people are actually finding they like it now.
Extremely based.
Incredibly unbased.
truly based
meant for
Very Cringepilled.
oh nvm I was right the first time
the real shame is that all star wars fans didn't kill themselves after the prequels or the Disney movies
they truly are the cancer that killed movies
I wish that all the OT fags had killed themselves after TPM. That way we all could have enjoyed AOTC and ROTS in peace, and Disney's films either wouldn't exist at all, or not in the way they are. Because RedditLetterMedia cucks like Mike and Jay would have killed themselves, and their shitty plinkett review would not be JJ's bible when making TFA.
but we wouldn't have all those epic review channels like YMS and I Hate Everything, user!
Good post
faggot millennial. The prequels will never be good. Stop trying to make it happen.
you millennials are worse than fucking boomers.
shut up boomer
No, unfiltered Lucas is quite clearly a terrible phenomenon. It's not just Star Wars, look at Red Tails and that one cgi kids movie no one remembers. Lucasfilm was still stupid to completely lock him out. I wonder if they just hate him that much.
I don't have to make it happen. George already made it happen in 1999. TPM was good on release, it's still good. AOTC was good on release, it's still good, ROTS was good on release, it's still good.
Nothing you say will retroactively make the PT into bad films. You gen x cucks lost. Your schlocky little space adventure was turned into art for intellectuals. Now Disney is trying to reshlock it up for you, feminism is what you fucking deserve.
Gen X are the worst generation to ever walk this planet. Fuck off and die already. I take solace in the fact that you fags will forever be under the heel of the boomers you all hate so much.
>unfiltered Lucas is quite clearly a terrible phenomenon
Imagine hating creativity that much. Imagine being such a dull little brainlet you need the same boring story told over and over again, with the same familiar designs in order for you to like something. Imagine hating an experimenting director, going into uncharted realms of creativity. Imagine not having any passion or appreciation for his art.
OT fags need to be culled, you aren't even human.
return of the jedi took everything that was built up in the previous two films and dunks it right into a sarlacc pit.
>waah muh ewoks I am too dumb to understand symbolism
Peak brainlet.
lol millennials seethe at the thought of someone disliking their trash prequels.
And Gen X seethe, rage and shit their nappy at the thought of anyone liking the prequels.
Where did I mention the ewoks? Oh, that's right, I didn't. You did. Heh. Nice try at projection, kid but it didn't work. I'm not a screen. I'm talking about actual build up, narrative and emotional. The fact you think this has anything to do with little teddy bears already shows how stunted you are and how you'll never be ready to discuss film theory with the big boys.
lol nobody even thinks about the prequels outside of this board and its angry incels
Oh if you didn't like it for reasons other than Ewok seethe, I guess you are even bigger brainlet than I thought. Better run along to your special big boy class to talk about the MCU with your friends.
I can objectivly prove you wrong there. I holidays in France shortly after TFA came out. Saw tons of hot women walking around with Star Wars clothing. Almost all of it was old PT merchansize with Obi Wan or Yoda on it. People care about the PT, the OT is simpleton shlock for geriatrics.
>i can objectively prove you wrong with an anecdotal fantasy
>I can objectively prove no one cares about the PT with my own anecdotal fantasy
Imagine being Gen X. Imagine being such an unwanted being as a Gen X. Boomers literally preferred waging away at work to raising you little shits. You are an unwanted generation of purposefully neglected children. You are called Gen X because every other generation wants to X you fucks out of existence. The peak of Gen X achievements have been inventing the manchild.
>gets mad at star wars
>calls others manchildren
have sex
Anybody that doesn't like the prequels is a bitch.
Nice projection retard. I'm not mad at Star Wars. I fucking love Star Wars. I love all of it. It's so great. It feels like such a passionate work. I can get lost in the worlds of those films. The ones getting mad at Star Wars are you fucking manchildren losers from gen X. You hate ROTJ, TPM, AOTC, ROTS, Clone Wars and of course TLJ as well.
Seriously, the only films in this great saga you claim to like are ANH, ESB and fucking TFA which is the worst one. You literally hate the majority of your favorite series, yet you call yourselves fans and have the gall to criticize people who actually like all of the series they claim to like. I honestly don't give a fuck what non fans think. And what I do hate is non fans pretending to be fans because you liked 1-2 movies from this grand saga encompassing 30+ games, 50+books, a large swath of movies and several tv shows, oh and numerous comic books and toys too. People who are Star Wars fans like all of it, or at least most of it (90%, there are a few EU duds), people who only like ANH and ESB are just casual passing by normies. You aren't a fan and I don't give a fuck what your gay little opinion is. The PT was not made for you. George stated before release it was for children, not the fat slobs that worshipped three sci fi movie. The move to Star Wars being about Anakin, the Clone Wars, the PT and the EA and refocusing the EU on PT and Old Republic Era was the best thing that happened to Star Wars. The old films are good, but the ancient fanbase attached to them is cancer.
i didn't read any of that. the only good films are the theatrical versions of original trilogy.
>uncharted realms of creativity
Star Wars has always been a conglomeration of rip-offs and remixes. Only plebs with zero creative experience praise hack fraud Lucas in place of true creative masters like Tommy Wiesau and Niel Breen.
You are the exact type of non fan faggot I spoke about in my post that was too complex for your midget brain to read.
Cringe. The PT is unadulterated kino, and is a creative masterclass.
>b-but george was inspired by X
All people are you retard. The person who inspired george was also inspired by someone else.
you get mad at movies and type paragraphs no one is gonna read.
Jesus christ, it's like talking to a brick wall. You say something dumb, I correct you but you don't have the IQ points to understand the correction. Truly, this is the genius of the OT fag.
my problems with the prequels
>darth maul no lines and tossed aside very first movie
>so many beautiful environments like naboo only to be seen for a second then scene change away, the first movie in particular has horrible pacing
>general grievious with no backstory or any explanation, should have had darth maul kept to fill his place
>jar jar binks
The prequels werent too bad but definitely an absolute waste of potential. The second and third were simply trying to recover from the travesty that was the first one. The first one had such an awesome setting and should have been the best but it was ruined with poor pacing and lack of focus on politics. Also just get rid of the native naboo people altogether so we can focus on the gorgeous city and surrounding areas.
If any of you played that naboo fighter game where you start from the city in that green hover car then you know what the movie missed out on.
Imagine being so much of a pseud you unironically celebrate straight up theft vs actual inspiration that borders on neurodivergent, then have the gall to tell off others. The most pathetic of hypocrites.
>hurr me don't like to read
Good shit, really good example of the kind of specimens into the OT.
Holy kek I actually laughed at this post. You are the biggest fucking pseud in this thread. Don't you fucking dare try to claim the monomyth or Campbellian crap is anything by simpleton pseud wankery.
I am sorry that the PT is too complex for you to understand.
didn't read, PT is
Maul has a few lines with Sheev.
Good scenery shots are bad somehow? Pacing is a meme issue.
Grevious was introduced in Genndy Wars, maybe you should have watched it, it leads right into ROTS literally, with the space battle of Coruscant being the final shot. Genndy Wars was also aired on TV before ROTS hit theatres
Jar Jar is not bad.
>waste of potential
>second and third trying to recover from the first
>get rid of Gungans
Their underwater city was cool as fuck though. It was also the first time we saw a multi biome planet in Star Wars. Previous every planet was just, desert, snow, jungle etc. This time we get a much more fleshed out planet, with multiple species on one planet, you know, like earth with it's countries and shit.
Also what game are you talking about? I've played Starfighter, Ep 1 official game, Jedi Power Battles and Lego Star Wars. I don't remember a game that let you drive one of the Gian Speeder. Or are you talking about Star Wars Demolition on PS1?
>Don't you fucking dare try to claim the monomyth or Campbellian crap is anything by simpleton pseud wankery.
>I am sorry that the PT is too complex for you to understand.
Ah, and now we have things I never said. You have such a one-track mind that you MUST put words in my mouth to try and weasel out a point. So it's pretty clear that you're projecting pretty hard about this "brainlet" stuff. Since we're talking complexity, it seems a can of soup is well beyond your faculties.
No, you didn't read because your IQ is too low to understand big words and big posts.
Star Wars is based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck wow ESB Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck AOTC Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB Now that this copy pasting of random words is done to ward you away, if you truly aren't reading my posts, you will miss this little part and I can make fun of you. If you want to tell me you are a gay brainlet cuckold, but are too scared to straight up admit it, reply to me qith a quipy meme, say the PT is trash and tell me you didn't read my post, I will take that as an admission of you being a gay brainlet cuckold. OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB Star Wars based redpillled red TPM maul sheev clones ROTS very good OT fag fuck cuck AOTC wow ESB
Yowzer, this millennial has gone bowser.
>purposefully never elaborate
>ah but I never said that
Okay, if you don't want an indepth discussion I will just call you a dumb brainlet then, with no reasons why.
I elaborated plenty, you're just incapable of addressing any argument that doesn't go down a familiar route. You're now calling me a dumb brainlet because you're a defective robot defaulting out of its programming loop.
Some of the changes George did were really good when trying to edit the original trilogy, like changing Yabba the hut from a blue(?) guy in the first movie to a lizard guy like he was in the sequels. That was honestly a really good change, but then over time he started doing things like adding more CG animals to scenes or doing that musical number in the classic bar scene which were not great choices.
After what we've seen with the sequel trilogy it's hard to say if George was really as bad as they made him out to be. As even with the prequels you had a unique style to them where it does feel like an epic story even if it at times it can also feel like it's going off the rails or appears a little cheesy like the romance Anakin had going.
You started your post praising Tommy Wiesau. I don't care what you have to say, I am not taking you seriously. You don't deserve an effort post, shitposts is all you get, brainlet.
No, he's right. You're full of shit. 'Elaborated plenty' my ass you faggot intelectual coward.
t. lurker
I don't know why people complain about CGI animals, I've always liked them and felt they added tons of atmosphere. It makes sense for there to be alien animals walking around or being ridden like horses. Did you see the static puppet dewback in 4k77, it looks horrific, the CG version is an absolute improvement. If you don't like it because it's bad CGI, well okay, but it was best they could do in 1997 fucking VHS rerelease. The DVD and BD rereleases went back and redid a few of those CGI shots to give them better textures and animations too.
The prequels are quirky and weird but they still have a weird attractiveness and personality.
Disney not only failed to copy it, they churned out some of the worst shit ever filmed.
They should have just hired David Filoni. He got it right.
>Nothing good for the franchise
Not sure if samefagging or both just very low IQ. Rabid prequel defenders are pretty stupid and dishonest all around, so the latter is definitely possible.
What is your argument? That the PT is bad? Why? Rereading your previous posts, it's just 2 sentence posts full of pseud words and baseless accusations of creative theft. Why should anyone take you seriously when you just shitpost and add nothing to the thread.
You're being trolled, no one actually likes those garbage flicks.
>posts are literally one second apart
>hur hur are you samefagging
Imagine being this fucking legit retarded and having the balls to accuse anyone else of having a low IQ. Reddit day really brought out the fucking winners didn't it.
If you're expecting a more thoughtful response to
>grr you hate creativity because Lucas-san is my sempai also OT is of the devil
then the only solution is to start deleting chromosomes.
Imagine having an argument so bad that you can be BTFO'd by a fucking youtube essayist.
To be fair, I did say that multiple idiots were more likely. Though phoneposting also exists, and idiots do tend to be desperate for validation.
So many possibility.
Imagine unironically hiding behind a youtube essayist because you're too stupid to defend your own arguments.
>more than one person couldn't possibly think I'm retarded, it's a phoneposting conspiracy
>I want you to type in your own words what has already been said and uploaded in order to easily refute your dumb point
This isn't a thesis faggot. You aren't worth the effort. Beggers can't be choosers. Your post is worth a youtube link.
>i can't read but flailing like a retard is always an option
Your link isn't worth a watch, therefore I choose not to click it. Apparently yet one more thing you're wrong about.
This is the last (You) you will be getting, you aren't worth talking too. You are completely worthless and added nothing to this thread but more pseud wankery.
I will end this argument with this. The PT is better than the OT, and OT fags are dumb little seething shits that will be forever mad that George made a better trilogy for Millennials than he did for them.
>star wars
put me in the screenc*p Yea Forumsrethren
>wah wah bitch bitch reeeeeeeeeeee personal attacks and unsubstantiated assertions
Maybe one day you'll grow up and stop projecting your feelings of inadequacy on people who threaten the self-worth you've so foolishly welded to a trilogy of failure. I wouldn't count on it, though.
The Prequels are decent/mediocre, it's just that AOTC is such a piece of shit movie that it drags down the entire trilogy by about 2 points on its own to 'terrible'.
The nu-Wars movies are also pretty bad, but I actually liked Rogue One for what it was. I couldn't sit through TLJ because it was extremely boring and I didn't give a shit about what happened to any of the characters.
OT is awesome though. Shame Lucas had to hoard the original works.
This is even worse than the soihorror macro.