ITT: movies that made you cry
The ending of this got me good
ITT: movies that made you cry
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broken circle breakdown, mary and max, dear zachary and, almost, lilya 4 ever
The ending of The Sixth Sense when the kid tells his mom about what he can do almost made me cry
Watched the whole movie, enjoying it and finding it pretty comfy but not particularly emotional, but the end hit me like a ton of bricks for some reason
Seemed a big weird that he was cheering on the guy who just got done frying all his nip buddies. I remember watching this on Laserdisc was a good film.
u fuckin gay nigga
I cried watching that movie where the east german niBBa was listening to people
The lives of others, yeah that was good
that movie was my Grammys favorite. I loved watching it growing up, and my father always liked the P-51 scene. Every year we go to the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Air show. Everytime the P-51s do a flyby my dad looks at me and says "Cadillac of the sky"
Absolute kino
>cadillac of the sky
Your old man sounds pretty based user
Not gonna lie, hes an old steel worker thats done everything from building bridges to building submarines at Electric Boat in CT. He dont swear and he doesnt drink and he still gets the door for my mother. People might think hes soft but if he saw you hurting a dog hed kicked the shit out of you (I saw him do it once). Hes as based as boomers get.
>Goodbye, Mother.
still have on LD.. I think there is a "making of" video on it. Remember the P-51's were 5th scale RC planes
The Return Of The King.
>My friends, you bow to no one.
EVERY, FUCKING, TIME... I weep like a bitch and a half.
Radio Flyer
Searching for Bobby Fischer
Man on Fire
Shawshank Redemption
Stand By Me
Get rid of man on fire and replace it with war of the buttons and we can be friends.
this scene from titanic always gets me
gotta set it into your mind that everyone in that scene died on the titanic (except rose and james cameron)