What other websites had fun pranks or games for April Fool’s Day?

What other websites had fun pranks or games for April Fool’s Day?

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Wait - it costs 6 points to start a new thread!!?!

What a wacky prank! So fun!


pls upboat

>shutting down your own subreddit to protest the users of that subreddit

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upvote me so i know what it feels like to be a plebbitor

>moderate a board full of people you despise for no money
Surely nobody on 4channel does this, right?

While Reddit may not have the reputation as the most "woke" place on the Internet, it is refreshing to see the moderators of r/Games take a stand against toxic, inflammatory content.


yikes and cringepilled

For all our hemming and hawing, I do think that some of the janitors enjoy 4channel and try to make this board better.


so this is what being a cuck looks like... woah🐱

wait do red boards and blue boards have different scores?🐸

Who cares what happens in that shithole. The only time I ever go to reddit is when I'm trying to fix a technical problem, and a Google search leads me there. Otherwise the site is horrible to navigate, you have to create an account, there are no image replies, and the entire userbase constantly judges itself with up- and downvotes. People may call Yea Forums a shithole, but this site is heaven compared to reddit.

>The only time I ever go to reddit is when I'm trying to fix a technical problem, and a Google search leads me there.
the only acceptable time to visit reddit

>chromatic aberration

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ok this is woke

Gamers didn't even notice it since they were too busy playing video games.
Only retarded SJWs noticed it because they don't play video games, they instead circlejerk on plebbit.

>quads of brown nosing

>no truth or fun allowed

absolutely based and redpilled


Surprised the sponsors let them do that shit. That's 24 hours they can't shit shitty games.

Reddit is basically a consumer propaganda site.

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Nothing will happen, they’ll just complain and then use the same sub until next years closing

very brave and heroic of them

>j-j-jannies, please gib like
fucking pathetic💔

Might check it out. Trolls are going to be flooding that place now.

Newgrounds has one where everything is blocked unless you can prove you're in the EU by doing a survey

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You think Trump needs a reason to do something like that? I'm surprised he hasn't tried to shut down the internet because people are so mean to him on it.

Yea Forums had a funny prank where everyone pretend to be mentally ill for a day

No, /pol/ is up all year.

Say that when you get banned for laughing at a janitor accidentally deleting an entire thread instead of a one gif.

Back to your discord, tranny.

This is both stupid moralizing and retarded for a prank

I'm not even sure what's going on here.

They do it for free.🍬

>seething magapede

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You got dubs that’s what’s going on



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What year is this, 2016?

open wound

Thanks. At first, I was thinking user was talking about the April fools day stuff. But then I thought I could turn it around and really stick it to those /pol/ users. So I pretended to not understand the first user. Pretty clever!👌

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>Close subreddit for trannies on April Fool's Day
>Trannies are the joke


not an argument trumptard

>trannies trying to insult anyone
I got a sex how about you FAG LMFAO

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Cringe but extremely redpilled

Have you ever considered that maybe one of the reasons you're losing is because you post ancient memes from three years ago?

r/pcgaming closed comments on the thread about this

reddit mods need to be dragged out and shot.

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Gonna be interesting tomorrow when it gets bombarded with "problematic" shit.

shhhh, no one cares /pol/

>you're losing because I say so

gamers warned you

Who's your candidate for 2020?



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>this much cringe🌈

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if you post a video of a bomb going off in your neighborhood do you get to post?

Now we're in 2017. A couple more posts and you'll be back to being relevant.

They're really apples and oranges. Reddit is only really good as an archive for info which would be impossible to do here.

you will never be as pretty as slug

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>waisting quads on such a pathetic post💢

A couple more posts and you'll still be an incel


LMAO redditors are so fucking BASED: imgur.com/a/umrdBYF

Who are you voting for in 2020?


i want to fucking kill this one with my bare hands

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Imagine if these crazy assholes had power and influence beyond a shitty internet message board.

> Shutting down your own cellular service to protest people who only made 10-second phone calls.

>imgur link
>not porn

Son. I am disappoint.

do you like her?

I only like getting likes and shitposting

Perfect throat fucking position.😃

tranny suicide

What’s up boomertard

seven years of no stds or pregnancy scares... dont see the problem

haha that is a funny joke
like Trump paying prostitutes to pee on him😂

Same desu desu senpai

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Yea Forums and 4channel, my nigga

>not voting
Voting is your civil right tho🐸

>going on red boards

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I hear facebook lets you livestream your own suicide

Is this OC? I like it😃

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Voting is for literal retards, uncles, and boomers.

Hey bro, want to go party?
Nah bro, gotta stay here and read this senate finance bill.

Explaining the joke makes it much better.😂

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I can't even think of anything more cucked than voting. You're actually begging and pleading someone to rule over you for the next 4-8 years. Control your own life lmao

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Whats vitriolic even mean?🐶

Fuck off janny, clean my shit.

With malice. It's a giant cue that the OP is biased.

I'm failing to see where the issue is.

check'd and like'd

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Why do rich people get a pass for hating poor/black people? You think all those gated communities with a high buy-in aren't a form of hate?
This country is pathetic. The largest source of hate in the USA over the past decades has come from wealthy assholes. Yet the media directs their attention once again at the poors.

surely you jest, it IS april fool's day after all, user...

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Imgur has a "meh" button.

Btw here's some nasty porn of a (legal) teenage girl so you can try it out!


We joke around a lot here, but remember, japmoot is stealing your personal info as we speak - user

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based dms. mods should understand that they're larping as a tardwrangler when they sign up for the job. any bitching they do deserves no sympathy

I've been gone all day, give me a quick rundown on this half assed April Fools day

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>imagine being so much OBSESSED by trannies
/pol/tards are the sick ones

discord tranny go home

Reddit is the epicentre of internet hypocrisy.
Leftist ideals of love and peace and goodwill to all except those who disagree with even the slightest part of the doctrine.
It's scary to see the vitriol spewed on some subs towards pacifists simply giving an opinion. Makes you wonder about society

I think we have a generation now of kids brought up to fight racism and misogyny where really it doesn't exist as a general default practice and so misplace their action towards things that simply aren't offensive.

Yeah those who laugh at selfmutilated homos are really sick

can you incels please have sex and settle the fuck down? you're annoying all the normal people.

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Voting is cucked, liking posts is the new hip thing.
Like if u agree xxx

ur dad cries every night :)

>This guy hit skelly tier with this post

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Playing with girls is fucking annoying though.


I agree bros, we really need to stop all the SJW virtue signaling cucks ruining our games with their identity politics. Why do those faggot tranny nigger kikes think that we're low IQ spergs that shit up every community with our toxicity? We would never abuse and dox women for using voice chat, gamers would never do something like that.

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This but unironically

Reddit is cringe

Your fortune: Outlook good

He probably makes a better neighbor than a black person, desu

I saw that and I decided to increase my amount of racism and discriminatory commentary today on the world wide web to make up the difference.


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>Check ytmnd every year
>Nothing yet again⚾

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But a much worse schoolmate, god save us all when that incel snaps.

I'm pretty sure all data used for ads is totally worthless anywhere it's used and even more so on an image board where you couldn't even start to separate shitposts from the rest. Doubly so when there's probably not a single user here that doesn't ad block.

They still exist? Why?🏴

YOu bitch you mother fucking bitch. Don't you dare fucking insult people that are fighting to preserve the white race, civilization, and cultural purity. Fucking degenerate tranny

Was this the ONLY (only) thing they did this year?

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

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>have full control over your community because of draconian moderator privileges
>it's still full of "bigots"
really boils my noodle

I honestly can’t look at these photos and get aroused.
I just think about how much I hate her and how fucked her life is always going to be from doing this.
When she hits the wall it’s goinh to destroy the only thing that she valued.

>reddit uses the day meant for jokes to show that they can’t take or identify jokes

Ebin. I really hope it continues to prosper as a centralized location so the bottom of our gene pool continues to congregate there instead of everywhere else

I always make sure to alert any moderator to any and all rule violations.
I don’t want commies shitting it up🐸

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Why hasn't 4channel followed suit? There is a serious toxic/problematic environment here that needs to be addressed.

Your inaction is not neutrality, it is bigotry. And it harms LGBTQ+ and PoC just as if you had been one of the toxic abusers of free speech.

>cutting off the Vice header

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I sear Joker is the cringe that keeps on giving.

>doing nothing is bigotry
Aw shit nigga, I must be the David Duke of this board then.

So this is keeping in line with how comedians no longer need to be funny, as mandated by the insane left?

jump off a bridge, discord tranny. youre hated by most of the world for good reason

Quads of uncomfortable truth

>feel happy knowing trannies kill themselves
>feel sad knowing not all trannies kill themselves

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louis ck was that last great comedians out there and gained vast popularity and look what happened to him.




And that's why you don't take millions of dollars from redditors for your next special. The felt like they owned him.

kek well its getting higher the more repubs people vote for

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if i were in his place at the time and did take money from redditors id feel accomplished. they have no redeeming qualities besides having money to give to random strangers

It makes perfect sense if you want to have full control. The other part of that though is he was also now expected to do one in the first place. 40 minutes of material isn't the hardest thing to come up with but no comedian does a special every damn year and that's exactly what people expected of him.

On a side note Louis CK would be a perfect live action Genie in Aladdin.

>On a side note Louis CK would be a perfect live action Genie in Aladdin.
I can't even relate to taste this bad.

Is the prank it closed or is the prank that they did it as a protest against "bigoted, 'vitriolic'" users?

*ahem* fuck reddit🐸


Knowing how humorless and faggy reddit mods are, there is no joke.

wtf I love moderators now

I feel like in the recent years reddit became more like Yea Forums.


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