is she the biggest hypocrite alive?
Is she the biggest hypocrite alive?
She's a stupid little cunt who's never worked a day in her life and complains about "THE PATRIARCHY!!!" because she desperately craves attention!!!FACT!!!
>she desperately craves attention!!!FACT!!!
Oh the irony
she's not alone
do want
>Oh the irony
I'm not a multimillionaire crying that I'm being kept down, faggot!!!FACT!!!
what did halsey do?
incredibly based
Just how far gone do you have to be up your own ass to leave copies of Maya Angelou books on the subway?
Why does it look like she's being squeezed out of a toothpaste tube?
no apostrophe and "Up" looks retarded. dumb cunt
be one the biggest hypocrites
no, I AM!
She's right. The wall is here for her
times up for her career
>times ya
more like "dried up"
She's pretty